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08-26 投稿


chromatin 发音

英:['krəʊmətɪn]  美:['kromətɪn]

英:  美:

chromatin 中文意思翻译



chromatin 短语词组

1、chromatin positive ─── 染色质阳性

2、distributed chromatin ─── [医] 核外染色质

3、chromatin bead ─── 染色质珠

4、chromatin fiber ─── 染色质丝

5、sex chromatin ─── [医] 性染色质

6、chromatin reservoir ─── [医] 染色质核仁, 核粒

7、elimination chromatin ─── 消除染色质

8、chromatin threads ─── 染色质丝; ─── 染色质纽

9、chromatin negative ─── 染色质阴性

10、chromatin diminution ─── 染色质消减

11、chromatin mass ─── 染色质质量

12、chromatin-negative ─── 染色质阴性

13、chromatin granule ─── 核染质粒体,染色质粒

14、chromatin oucleolus ─── [医] 染色质核仁, 核粒

15、chromatin dust ─── [医] 核染质屑(在红细胞的边缘部)

16、chromatin bridge ─── 染色质桥

17、anti chromatin ─── 抗染色质

18、chromatin body ─── 染色质体

19、chromatin knot ─── [医] 染色质结

chromatin 词性/词形变化,chromatin变形

形容词: chromatinic |

chromatin 相似词语短语

1、euchromatin ─── n.[细胞]常染色质(染色体的一部分)

2、chromatic ─── adj.彩色的;色品的;易染色的

3、chromatinic ─── 染色单体

4、achromatic ─── adj.消色差的;非染色质的;非彩色的

5、chromatics ─── n.色彩学

6、chromatins ─── n.核染色质;核染质

7、achromatin ─── 非染色质

8、chromaffin ─── adj.(细胞)亲铬的,嗜铬的

9、chromatid ─── n.[遗]染色单体,染色半体;染色分体

chromatin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dehistonized chromatin antigen ─── 去组蛋白染色质抗原

2、All cells were generally smaller and occasionally spindled, the chromatin detail was attenuated, and nucleoli were more prominent. ─── 所有的细胞都稍小,偶见梭形,染色质不清,核仁突出。

3、Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and Its Preliminary Application for Gene Regulation ─── 染色质免疫沉淀技术及其在基因表达调控研究中的初步应用

4、We are particularly interested in the roles of chromatin modifications in DNA damage response. ─── 我们的一个研究重点是染色质修饰在DNA损伤反应中的作用。

5、Favor benign endocervical glandular groups with artifact. The nuclei are round, chromatin is still pale and even, and cytoplasm is abundant. ─── 支持良性宫颈腺体伴人为的假象.细胞核圆,染色质仍然淡而均匀且胞浆丰富.试译.

6、In human epithelial cells, sex chromatin appears as a small granule attached to the nuclear envelope ─── 在人的上皮细胞中,性染色质象个小颗粒,连在核膜上。

7、After synapsis, unwound chromatin fibers in the form of loops are in assoeiation with the lateral elements. ─── 在联合发生后,染色质纤维解聚成环状附着在侧带上。

8、When one section of chromatin condenses, the silence can spread along the chromosome until it hits a barrier. ─── 当染色质的一段进行浓缩,造成的消音作用会顺著染色体往下传递,直到碰上某个障碍为止。

9、Cytological and Seed Storage Protein Analysis of Dwarf Lines with Wheat-Thinopyrum Intermedium Chromatin ─── 导入矮秆基因的小偃麦材料的细胞学和储藏蛋白研究

10、The central axial area of each chromatid is a low electronic density region or chromatin free compartment , in which there are lots of RNP. ─── 在染色体横切面中,可见染色体中央有一低电子密度的无染色质区,该区内有大量RNP物质。

11、SATB1 also globally regulates histone status in the chromatin by recruiting histone-modifying enzymes to the target-gene loci. ─── 在染色体中,SATB1还在靶基因位置上通过复活组蛋白修饰酶普遍的调节组蛋白的状态。

12、Gelshift and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays identified the trans-regulatory nuclear protein. ─── 在体外试验中,骨桥蛋白功能性的参与了恶性肿瘤的转移过程。

13、Methods Mucosal cells of human oral cavity were stained with Giemsa or Thionin to show the structure of X chromatin. ─── 方法取人口腔黏膜细胞,分别采用吉姆萨与硫堇两种染色方法显示X染色质结构。

14、To adapt to various states of chromatin, corresponding histone variants are incorporated in nucleosome, and certain modifications also occur on the variants’ tails. ─── 对于不同状态的染色质,核小体中会组装入相应的组蛋白变体,并且各种组蛋白变体的尾部也能发生多种修饰。

15、As spermatid nucleus elongates, the chromatin fibers are unwound and join together to form ribbon structure. ─── 当精细胞核向长形转变时,染色质纤维解旋并结合在一起形成缎带结构。

16、The DNA of chromatin must replicate before cell division ─── 染色质DNA在细胞分裂之前必须复制。

17、Epigenetics refers to the heritable changes in gene expression without any alteration in DNA sequence, including DNA methylation, histone modification and chromatin conformation. ─── 摘要表观遗传学是指基于非基因序列改变所致基因表达水平的变化,如DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰等;

18、Coactivators are multi-subunit complexes that facilitate transcription initiation directly, by interacting with RNA polymerase and general transcription factors, or indirectly, by influencing chromatin. ─── 共激活因子是有多种亚单位的复合物,它们可以通过与RNA聚合酶及普通转录因子相互作用而直接易化转录过程的启动,或以间接的方式来影响染色质。

19、Abstract: The nucleosome, the structural unit of chromatin, is known to play a central role in regulating gene transcription from promoters. ─── 摘要:核小体作为染色质的结构单位,在基因启动子区域调节基因转录中具有重要的作用。

20、Chromosome breakpoints detected in T cell cancers frequently reside in chromatin regions associated with H3K4 methylations. ─── T细胞癌症中染色体断点往往检测到定位在H3K4甲基化相关的染色质区域。

21、Characteristic of ultrastructural features on apoptotic cells was nuclear membrane breakdown, chromatin condensation with horseshoe-like or crescent shapes. ─── 凋亡细胞增多的改变与免疫器官生长发育受阻、淋巴细胞减少的变化一致。

22、SSCC low differentiation, cancer cells small, granular nuclear chromatin, cell shape is similar with the SCLC. ─── SSCC分化较低,癌细胞较小,核染色质呈颗粒状,细胞形态上与SCLC有相似之处。

23、The Chromatin Genetic Eng-ineering For Silkworm. Bombyx mori L. Sci. Seric. ─── 家蚕染色质遗传工程

24、In this condition, they are sometimes referred to collectively as the chromatin of the nucleus ─── 在这种情况下,人们有时笼统地称它们为核染色质。

25、This chromatin is called heterohromatin.The chromatin which stains less deeply than heterochromatin is called euchromatin. ─── 异染色质呈较大的深染团块,常染色质染色较淡。

26、ATP-dependent Chromatin Remodeling Complex and Gene Transcription ─── 依赖ATP酶的染色体改构复合物与基因转录

27、Identification of Dasypyrum breviaristatum chromatin in wheat background by in situ hybridization ─── 原位杂交鉴定导入小麦的多年生簇毛麦染色质

28、To adapt to various states of chromatin, corresponding histone variants are incorporated in nucleosome, and certain modifications also occur on the variants tails. ─── 对于不同状态的染色质,核小体中会组装人相应的组蛋白变体,并且各种组蛋白变体的尾部也能发生多种修饰。

29、Das Chromosom: Wenn die Zelle Desintegration Periode ist, kann das Chromatin das klares Körprchen vorkommen. ─── 染色体:在正处于分裂时期的细胞中,染色质可出现清晰的小体。

30、the contraction of chromatin towards one side of the nucleus during the prophase of meiosis. ─── 在减数分裂初期染色质向核子一侧紧缩。

31、Although chromatin condensation is one of the hallmarks of apoptosis, its relationship with DNA fragmentation has been controversial. ─── 尽管染色质凝集是细胞凋亡的一个相当重要的标志,但是它跟DNA片断化之间的关系一直就存在着争议。

32、Indeed, a large fraction of the variance in the expression can be explained by a small number of markers associated with chromatin modifiers. ─── 事实上,表达中的许多发生变化的小片段可以用一小部分与染色体重塑有关的标记来解释。

33、the contraction of chromatin towards one side of the nucleus during the prophase of meiosis ─── 在减数分裂初期染色质向核子一侧紧缩

34、Histone proteins both protect DNA and regulate genes as they combine with DNA to form chromatin. ─── 组蛋白既保护DNA也在它们与DNA结合形成染色质时调节基因表达。

35、At the early stage, the chromatin was condensed and marginated.At the intermediate stage, the chromatin condensation was very striking, the nucleus became condensed bodies. ─── 中期,染色质凝集十分明显,核变成致密小体,随后裂解成数个团块;

36、At these pre-decision stages, apparently opposing chromatin structures may coexist on a gene locus but resolve in subsequent stages into exclusively activating or silencing structures (Fig. 1). ─── 在前决定阶段里,明显的反向的染色质结构可能共同存在基因位点,但是在后来的阶段分解成专有的具有活性或沉默的结构。

37、Effects of kangshuai yanshou compound on chromatin structure and injured function in mice ─── 抗衰延寿方对小鼠染色质结构与功能损害的影响

38、In this condition , they are sometimes referred to collectively as the chromatin of the nucleus . ─── 在这种情况下,人们有时笼统地称它们为核染色质。

39、Chromatin loop A region of uncoiled DNA, usually about 200nm long, that extends out in a loop from the chromosome. ─── 染色体环:一段解聚的DNA区域,通常长度为200nm,是从染色体上伸长的环状结构。

40、Keywords sex chromatin;dye;detection method; ─── 性染色质;染液;检测方法;

41、Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) technique is a most effective method of detecting alien chromatin at molecular level. The probe used in this technique is genomic DNA. ─── 基因组原位杂交是在分子水平上检测外源染色质的一种有效方法,其探针是总基因组DNA.

42、At each location on the sequence, we can measure all these different attributes of chromatin. ─── 在序列的每个位置上,我们都可以测量染色质的这些不同属性。

43、At this phase condensed, deeply staining chromatin masses are often seen in the nucleoplasm. ─── 在紧缩期间,核质中的物质可以分为异染色质和常染色质。

44、Methods The SCSA explores the metachromatic properties of acridine orange (AO) and flow cytometry to monitor the susceptibility of sperm chromatin DNA to acid induced denaturation in situ because of the low pH treatment. ─── 方法利用吖啶橙的异染性和流式细胞术检测精子染色质DNA对原位酸诱导变性的敏感性。


46、On the 3rd day,in the inner segments,mitochondrial swelling and vesiculation,the cell nuclear chromatin gathered toward the center with the island shape. ─── 光照后 3天 ,视网膜内节线粒体肿胀 ,空泡性变 ,外核层核染色质向中心聚集 ,呈岛状。

47、Keywords TBP;TAF1;ZGA;SRG3;chromatin remodeling factor;oogenesis;embryo; ─── 合子基因激活;SRG3;染色质重塑因子;卵子发育;胚胎;

48、The ultrastructural study showed that the cytoplasma of IL-2 gene modified cells is markedly vacuolized and the chromatin is condensed. ─── 与亲本细胞相比较,光镜下IL-2基因修饰细胞体积增大、形态趋于一致、核浆比缩小;

49、Follicular epithelia are more crowded than normal, and have enlarged nuclei, clear or granular nuclear chromatin, and often densely eosinophilic inspissated colloid. ─── 我在个别良性病例如结节性甲状腺肿内就曾看到过沙砾体。

50、To me, only the 2 cells in left lower photo are suspicious for HSIL, but the nuclei are too dark and i cannot see the chromatin pattern. ─── 我看来,只有左下图的两个细胞可疑HSIL,但是核太深我不能看清染色质结构。

51、A Simple Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assay Protocol ─── 一种简便的染色质免疫沉淀法的建立

52、degree of coiling of the chromatin varies during cell activity. ─── 染色质的卷曲程度因细胞的功能活动而不同。

53、Chromatin aggregates to the membran of nucleus like crescent th-en broken. ─── 普通制剂组曲线陡直,变化时间短,反映活细胞数目下降速度很快;

54、Abstract : Histones, as basic components of nucleosome , are essential to chromatin structure and function. ─── 摘要 : 组蛋白作为核小体的基本组分,是染色质的结构和功能必需的。

55、Lamin A/C mutation can result in disrupted cardiocyte nuclear envelope and disturbed interactions between lamin A/C proteins and other nuclear envelope proteins and chromatin. ─── 型核纤层蛋白基因突变引起心肌细胞核膜破坏,核纤层蛋白与其他核膜蛋白、染色质连接异常;

56、Covalent modifications of histone tails play a key role in the regulation of chromatin structure and control of transcriptional activity. ─── 染色体组蛋白的共价修饰在调节染色体结构,控制基因的转录等方面发挥重要的作用。

57、In eukaryotic cells, DNA is located in nucleolus in the form of chromatin by combining with histone proteins. ─── 在真核生物中,DNA分子缠绕在组蛋白上形成染色质保存在细胞的细胞核中。

58、EM observation of tumor cells showed nucleic condensation and localization, chromatin margination,transfected tumor cells showed typical apoptosis. ─── 对注射部位肿瘤组织的超微切片观察表明,瘤细胞细胞核染色质边集、浓缩,细胞核呈固缩状,被转染细胞呈现典型的凋亡状态;

59、Before synapsis, chromatin fibers condense at the chromosome axes forming the chromomeres. ─── 在联会发生前,染色质纤维聚在轴成分上呈现出染色粒。

60、Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique is a most effective method of detecting alien chromatin at molecular level. ─── 摘要荧光原位杂交是在分子水平上检测外源染色质的一种有效方法。

61、During histone exchange, chromatin remodeling complex facilitates histone variant deposition into nucleosome, and different variants have diverse deposition pathways. ─── 在组蛋白替换过程中,组蛋白变体是通过相应的染色质重构复合物组装人核小体,不同的变体有着不同的组装途径。

62、Human embryos do not provide enough time for chromatin remodeling, thus preventing the cloning of humans using adult cells. ─── 人类胚胎没有足够长的时间进行核染质的再塑造,因而妨碍了用成人细胞克隆人类。

63、chromatin immunoprecipitation ─── 染色质免疫沉淀

64、We will discuss the importance of chromatin structure in contemporary modeling, and review recent research results on the relationship between chromatin structure and transcriptional regulation. ─── 我们会讨论在当代的模型化里染色质结构的重要性,并且温习在染色质结构和转录调控之间关系上,当前的研究工作成果。

65、Heterochromatin also flanks the centromere in the central region of the chromosome, the chromatin structure that plays a crucial role in chromosome segregation during cell diision. ─── 异染色质也经常出现在染色体中间着丝点的附近。着丝点在细胞复制时的染色体分离中起着重要作用。

66、These are made of chromatin, which combines DNA with a set of proteins known as histones;four similar histones join together to form a cylindrical spool around which the DNA wraps. ─── 染色体由染色质组成,而染色质则是DNA被一组称为组蛋白的蛋白质包裹而成:四种相似的组蛋白结合形成一个圆柱形的线缆包裹着DNA。

67、Eukaryotic genomes are packaged into a nucleoprotein complex known as chromatin, which affects most processes that occur on DNA. ─── 真核基因组被包装到叫做染色质的一个核蛋白复合体中,它影响了发生在DNA上的大部分过程。

68、How transcription factors regulate gene transcription on chromatin is the central question of the study of gene expression regulation. ─── 真核细胞核中转录因子与染色质模板如何相互作用调节基因转录是基因表达调控研究的一个中心问题。

69、Then in prophase, the chromatin in FCs were decondensed. ─── 在前期核仁FC中染色质呈解集缩状态。

70、Thestudy on super-elementary units of chromatin in the nanometer (nm) scale is a base step for the higher level. ─── 在纳米水平研究染色质的超级结构,为下一级结构的研究打开了缺口;

71、VIN3 is involved in initiating the modification of FLC chromatin structure. ─── VIN3与FLC染色质结构修饰的起始有关。

72、Micrococcal nuclease treatment indicates that the remodeling of the demembranated sperm chromatin has occurred and the structure of nucleosome is formed during nuclear reconstitution. ─── 同时,利用小球菌核糖核酸酶处理的结果表明,去膜精子在此非细胞体系中发生了结构改建并且在重建过程中形成了核小体结构。

73、One of the serially aligned beadlike granules of concentrated chromatin that constitutes a chromosome during the early phases of cell division. ─── 染色粒在细胞分裂早期,一条顺序排列的珠状染色质颗粒链构成了染色体

74、chromatin immnoprecipitation assay ─── 染色质免疫沉淀技术

75、Histones, as basic components of nucleosome, are essential to chromatin structure and function. ─── 摘要组蛋白作为核小体的基本组分,是染色质的结构和功能必需的。

76、Lamin proteins are thought to determine the size and shape of cell nuclei and to be involved in nuclear stability,chromatin structure and gene expression. ─── 型核纤层蛋白决定细胞核的大小及形状,与细胞核的稳定性、染色质结构以及基因表达有关。

77、This chromatin is called heterochromatin. The chromatin which stains less deeply than heterochromatin is called euchromatin. ─── 异染色质呈较大的深染团块,常染色质染色较淡。

78、One way they do this is by acetylation of the H3 histone's fourth amino acid, also a lysine.The effect is to open the chromatin at that site, making the DNA accessible. ─── 其作用方式之一是使H3组蛋白的第4个氨基酸(也是赖氨酸)残基乙酰化,使染色质在这一部位展开,而DNA变得易于接近。


80、The dynamic association of repair proteins with chromatin following DNA damage events has been analyzed in vivo with time-lapse fluorescence imaging and photobleaching techniques (22). ─── 在DNA损坏之后在染色质上修复蛋白的动态联系用时移荧光成像和照片漂白技术进行自动分析(22)。

81、DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification of the mammalian genome that regulates gene expression and chromatin organization. ─── DNA甲基化是对哺乳动物基因组一种重要的表观遗传修饰,调控着基因表达和染色质组织结构。

82、heteroagglutination chromatin ─── 异种凝集染色质

83、DNA methylation has an important role in transcriptional regulation, togethering with histone modification and chromatin remodeling. ─── DNA甲基化在基因转录过程中扮有重要角色,并与组蛋白修饰、染色质构型重塑共同参与转录调控。

84、Application of Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assay in Deciphering DNA-Protein Interactions ─── 染色质免疫沉淀技术在研究DNA与蛋白质相互作用中的应用

85、"We may need two types of chemicals, one to loosen the chromatin structure, and one to reprogram. ─── 她说:“我们也许需要两种类型的化学物质,一种疏松染色质结构;

86、Furthermore, hypomethylation, chromatin reconstitution or transposable element activation could contribute to epigenetic phenomena. ─── 或者与甲基化不足、染色质重组或转座子激活等有关。

87、Chromatin:Flemming's term for the material of which the chromosomes are composed. The composite of DNA and proteins that comprise chromosomes. ─── 常染色质:占细胞核染色质绝大部分,呈现特有的染色反应,在间期松开螺旋,在细胞分裂期形成螺旋,具有转录活性。

88、All these results implied that HS4 might affect baculovirus gene expression by modifying the structure of neighboring chromatin in the virus minichromosome. ─── 所有的这些数据都暗示HS4很可能是通过修饰染色质的结构来影响杆状病毒基因表达的。

89、Membrane of vascular endothelia in control group was incomplete, mitochondria became swollen and pyknosis of chromatin was observed. ─── 对照侧内皮细胞胞膜结构不完整,线粒体肿胀变性,结构不清,核浓缩。

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