censorious 发音
英:[senˈsɔːriəs] 美:[senˈsɔːriəs]
英: 美:
censorious 中文意思翻译
censorious 网络释义
adj. 挑剔的;受批判的(名词censoriousness,副词censoriously)
censorious 词性/词形变化,censorious变形
副词: censoriously |名词: censoriousness |
censorious 短语词组
1、censorious people ─── 挑剔的人
2、censorious means ─── 苛刻的手段
3、censorious tone ─── 挑剔的语气
4、censorious meaning ─── 苛责的意思
5、censorious antonym ─── 挑剔反义词
6、censorious attitude ─── 挑剔的态度
7、censorial or censorious ─── 审查的
8、censorious define ─── 挑剔的定义
9、censorious definition ─── 苛刻的定义
censorious 相似词语短语
1、censoriously ─── adv.吹毛求疵地,好批评地
2、censors ─── 监察官
3、uncensorious ─── 不敏感的
4、censorian ─── 审查员
5、censorial ─── adj.监察的,审查的;检查官的
6、censoriousness ─── 挑剔
7、censoring ─── v.审查;检查;修改;删掉(censor的ing形式)
8、gressorious ─── 群居的
9、cesious ─── 铯
censorious 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、People have nothing censorious to say about his parents and brothers. ─── 他以德感化父母兄弟,使人们没有说其家人不是的。
2、censorious of petty failings; ─── 爱挑剔小缺点的;
3、be censorious of petty failings ─── 对细微的不足非常挑剔
4、And on the other hand, these images afford proper reasons that Spa-goers could utilize to contend with conventionalists censorious mouths. ─── 相反的,它透过消费者自身的各种规划、改变与实践,不但跳出了传统二元良恶论述的狭隘,也摆脱了主流常用的女性受害者悲情基调。
5、His treatment of him is sympathetic rather than readily censorious ─── 他对他的态度是同情而并非一味批评。
6、But the world is so censorious no character escapes. ─── 但世人就是这么爱搬弄是非,无人幸免。
7、A long angry or violent speech,usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature;a diatribe. ─── 长篇抨击激烈演说一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;抨击
8、Oh, dear, what can we say about this monarch that will not sound too censorious? ─── 哦,天啊,关于这个国王我们应该说什么才能听起来不是那么吹毛求疵呢?
9、And what fun to eat all you wanted without having censorious people say you weren't ladylike . ─── 想吃什么,就吃什么,也没有人指责你缺乏大家闺秀的风度,真是痛快。
10、After multiple rounds of elimination through contest, finally, censorious eyesight has to face Royal Garden where it was sentenced to death. ─── 挑剔的眼光经历了多轮的淘汰,却最终面对御花苑,获得极刑。
11、Their heart was upright before the LORD, though men gave them no credit for it, but even censured them: they were righteous, though those about them denounced them as censorious. ─── 也许世人看他们是人间的渣滓,地上的粪土,但他们心存正直,上帝必算他们为义。
12、4.A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature;a diatribe. ─── 长篇抨击激烈演说一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;
13、strong principles he was never censorious. ─── 他原则性很强,但从不爱挑剔。
14、And what fun to eat all you wanted without having censorious people say you weren't ladylike. ─── 我就给嬷嬷买块红府绸,让她做一条漂亮裙子吧。"“她不会接受你的礼物的。
15、His treatment of him is sympathetic rather than readily censorious. ─── 他对他的态度是同情而并非一味批评。
16、After multiple rounds of elimination through contest, finally, censorious eyesight has to face Royal Garden where it was sentenced to death. ─── 挑剔的眼光经历了多轮的淘汰,却最终面对御花苑,获得极刑。
17、A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature; a diatribe. ─── 长篇抨击激烈演说一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;抨击
18、a censorious or denunciatory nature ─── 挑剔或谴责性质
19、was censorious of petty failings. ─── 对细微的不足非常挑剔。
20、Be more understanding and less censorious. ─── 多体谅,少责难;
21、Animadversion: a critical or censorious remark ─── 意见,评论:评论或批评性的话语。
22、But red Toryism may be too morally censorious, and too hostile to big business, to fit the bill. ─── 遗憾的是,红色保守主义对道德过于苛求,对大型行业过于敌视,因而难有作为。
23、censorious people delight in casting blame. ─── 挑剔之人乐于责备。
24、And what fun to eat all you wanted without having censorious people say you weren't ladylike . ─── 想吃什么,就吃什么,也没有人指责你缺乏大家闺秀的风度,真是痛快。
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