gaudily 发音
英: 美:
gaudily 中文意思翻译
gaudily 网络释义
adv. 俗丽地
gaudily 短语词组
1、gaudily synonym ─── 俗艳的同义词
2、gaudily dressed ─── 华而不实
3、gaudily adorn ─── 华而不实的装饰
4、gaudily definition ─── 华而不实的定义
5、gaudily adorned ─── 华而不实的
gaudily 词性/词形变化,gaudily变形
名词: gaudiness |形容词最高级: gaudiest |形容词比较级: gaudier |名词复数: gaudies |副词: gaudily |
gaudily 相似词语短语
1、bawdily ─── adv.淫秽地
2、gaudery ─── n.夸示;俗丽的服饰
3、gamily ─── 勇敢地;大胆地;虎虎有生气地
4、audile ─── n.听觉型的人;听象型;听力;adj.听觉的
5、audibly ─── adv.可听见地
6、bardily ─── 巴斯利
7、dandily ─── 花花公子
8、gauzily ─── 华而不实
9、gaily ─── adv.华丽地;欢乐地
gaudily 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Humanity is that the girl shows gaudily, celebrate birthday and only hope to look for an economical and practical, delicious place slowly, do not value the others very much. ─── 人文系女生徐艳则表示,过生日只希望找一个经济实惠、好吃的地方,对其他不是很看重。
2、All of Gaudi's work squirms with the flow of life. ─── 所有高迪的作品都涌动着生命的波涛。
3、A large, often gaudily ornate building used for entertainment or exhibitions. ─── 一座大的,通常是装饰华丽的建筑物,用来娱乐或展览语源。
4、Visitors to the Catalan city will be welcomed with Gaudi and the epitome of European style. ─── 这座加泰罗尼亚城市迎接游客的是高迪(西班牙著名建筑师)的作品和典型的欧罗巴建筑风格。
5、Gaudi is an architect who be loved and pride by people of Catalonia and Barcelona whenever living or death. ─── 高迪生前死后都是加泰隆尼亚和巴塞罗那人民所热爱和引以为豪的建筑师。
6、She painted her lips gaudily. ─── 她的嘴唇涂得很俗艳。
7、Randy “Duke” Cunningham, a Republican congressman, was caught trousering bribes from defence contractors to pay for his gaudily furnished yacht; ─── 共和党议员康宁汉姆(Randy“Duke”Cunningham)接受国防承包商的贿赂,为其装饰以炫丽家私的游艇买单,因此被捕;
8、Vicky was completing her master's in Catalan Identity which she had become interested in through her great affection for the architecture of Gaudi. ─── 薇琦正在完成她加泰罗尼亚语的学位,因此她对高地的建筑产生了浓厚的兴趣。
9、We went to La Sagrada Familia (or Church of the Sacred Family) designed by the great Antoni Gaudi. ─── 我们去了建筑大师安东尼.高第设计的圣家堂。
10、On a graduation trip from college, they travel to Spain where they stand in front of the respected Sagrada Familia church created by Gaudi. ─── 在一场面试中,虽然缺乏经验但充满热情的宫本给考官后藤大介留下了深刻的印象,由此获得了录用。
11、Which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi. ─── 它是由一位名叫安东尼奥·高迪的建筑师设计的。
12、no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter. ─── 也没有哗众取宠的橱窗使人驻足不前。
13、Antonio Gaudi , a Spanish architect, was the first to understand it. ─── 安东尼奥.高迪,一位西班牙著名的建筑师是第一个了解它的人。
14、old guns, and a couple of horse-pistols: and, by way of ornament, three gaudily painted canisters disposed along its ledge. ─── 并且,为了装饰起见,还有三个画得俗气的茶叶罐靠边排列着。
15、Antonio Gaudi, a Spanish architect ,was the first to understand that. ─── 一位叫安东尼奥·高迪的西班牙建筑师最先意识到这一点。
16、She painted her lips gaudily. ─── 她的嘴唇涂得很俗艳。
17、And on a visit to his home town of Barcelona, he was delighted by the work of Gaudi. ─── 而在一次访问米罗的故乡巴塞罗那时,哈比森又被著名建筑设计师高迪的作品深深吸引。
18、The architect being gifted with talents --Mr. Gaudi ─── 先天禀赋造就的建筑师--高第
19、Imagine an entire city of Gaudi buildings, a human-made forest of planted homes and organic churches. ─── 试想高迪建筑的整个城市,一座植入住宅和有机教堂的人造森林。
20、dress or decorate showily or gaudily. ─── 华丽或俗艳地装饰打扮。
21、A large, often gaudily ornate building used for entertainment or exhibitions. ─── 娱乐用大厦:一座大的,通常是装饰华丽的建筑物,用来娱乐或展览语源。
22、This is the chimney of a Gaudi's building! It looks like the Aliens, Right? ─── 这是高帝建筑的烟囱,很像外星人吧!!
23、Its white concrete houses, gaudily decorated thanks to migrant wages sent back from Dubai, lie in heaps. ─── 靠着从杜拜寄回的侨汇收入,当地建起了一排排俗丽的白色混凝土房屋。
24、Then I have understood: Fallen leaves are not wandering in spring, but the fragrance of letting the flower in bloom is struggled against gaudily. ─── 于是我明白了:落叶在春天不是飘零,而是让花开的芬芳斗艳。
25、hydraulic pneumatic: Norgren, Ph.D., SMC, Tito benefits, and with Samsung , Michael Gaudi, Austria, and other bits of imports of industrial belt of brand marketing. ─── 液压气动类:诺冠、博士、SMC、惠斯托、并具备三星、麦高迪、奥比特等进口品牌工业皮带的销售。
26、dress or decorate showily or gaudily. ─── 华丽或俗艳地装饰打扮。
27、Begun in 1884, the parts of the cathedral completed in Gaudi's time seethe with organic energy. ─── 该建筑的建造始于1884年,高迪在世时建成的部分充满了激动人心的有机力量。
28、As the designer of buildings like the Casa Calvet and the Casa Mila, Antoni Gaudi is credited with making the greatest impact on the image of Barcelona. ─── 作为卡佛之家和米拉之家等建筑的设计者,安东尼.高迪因其对巴塞罗那形象的巨大影响而信誉卓著。
29、Innovation of Architectural and Decorative Concepts-- Architectural Ideology in the New Art Movement through Gaudi's Works ─── 建筑装饰观念的革命--从高迪作品看新艺术运动的建筑思想
30、There are all equipped it with air-conditioning, satellite TV, mini bar, IDD,DDD and in-room internet port.The breakfast is located gaudily restaurant on the 1F. ─── 酒店拥有各类装潢典雅、风格各异的客房81间/套,每间客房内备有中央空调、卫星电视、迷你酒吧、IDD、DDD直拨电话、宽带互联网端口等设备。
31、Our heroes then were Le Corbusier and sometimes Niemeyer and even Gaudi, but not Mies. ─── 然后是我们的英雄勒柯布西耶尼迈耶有时甚至高迪,但不是密斯。
32、Despite using traditional materials,Gaudi was a modern architect. ─── 虽然用的是传统的材料,高蒂是一个现代建筑师。
33、Look how gaudily she is dressed; what a shameless display! ─── 你看她打扮得花里胡哨的,真臭美!
34、This time the "Donautal Duo" &"Gaudi Max" as well as the "Munich Showgirls, Das Kleeblatt" have been invited to entertain you with traditional and modern music during the Oktoberfest. ─── 来自德国慕尼黑舞蹈组乐队欢快的演奏及奥地利多瑙河三人组合的舞蹈表演,将传统和现代的音乐表演巧妙融为一体,令您犹如置身于慕尼黑美丽的夜晚!
35、To decorate or dress ostentatiously or gaudily. ─── 招摇或华丽地装饰或打扮
36、Filmed at La Sagrada Familia, Gaudi’s masterpiece. ─── 在高迪的杰作“圣家族大教堂”拍戏。
37、Wear it as gaudily as you like. ─── 穿着它俗丽您想要的。
38、Gaudi captures that peculiar living response which cuts across a square campus lawn and traces a graceful curving shortcut. ─── 高迪捕捉了这独特的活性反应,让它跨越校园方正的草坪,勾画出一条弧线优美的捷径。
39、a large,often gaudily ornate building used for entertainment or exhibitions ─── 一座大的,通常是装饰华丽的建筑物,用来娱乐或展览
40、dress well, badly, fashionably, gaudily, etc ─── 穿得好﹑ 不好﹑ 时髦﹑ 俗气等
41、A couple of horse-pistols: by way of ornament,three gaudily painted canisters disposed along its ledge. ─── 两只马枪:为了装饰起见,还有三个画得俗气的茶叶罐靠边排列着。
42、Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes. ─── 看高迪的作品就像在梦里,充满了梦幻色彩及形状。
43、It revolved around handsome young men - dressed up gaudily, highly trained in seduction, paid to lounge around in special bars. ─── 它围绕着一个英俊的年轻男子展开,这个男子穿着俗丽,具有高超的诱惑手段,付费在一些特殊酒吧附近闲逛。
44、For those snuggling between modernism and regionalism, Gaudi has given out his answer with no doubt. ─── 对于挣扎在现代主义和地域主义之间的当代建筑师们,高蒂无疑给出了他的答案。
45、It revolved around handsome young men - dressed up gaudily , highly trained in seduction, paid to lounge around in special bars. ─── 它围绕着一个英俊的年轻男子展开,这个男子穿着俗丽,具有高超的诱惑手段,付费在一些特殊酒吧附近闲逛。
46、gaudily dressed/painted ─── 穿着/涂饰得太俗艳
47、Imagine if Gaudi's city not only stood by organic design but adapted and flexed and evolved as living creatures do, forming an ecology of buildings. ─── 试想高迪的城市不但依照有机设计站立,而且像生物般有适应、灵活及进化的能力,形成一个建筑生态群。
48、Barcelona is famous for its buildings designed by Antoni Gaudi. ─── 巴塞隆纳因为安东尼高迪设计的建筑而有名。
49、Shenzhen's winter, evening or comes the comparison early, the day doesnot have at night to come, the light already exaggerated the dim lightof night grotesquely and gaudily. ─── 深圳的冬天,傍晚还是来得比较早,天还没有黑下来,灯光已经把夜色渲染得光怪陆离。
50、Time and again in east Asia and in Germany Ferguson has returned to the subject of how his midfield will make up the goals that came from Ronaldo's gaudily coloured boots. ─── 在远东和德国弗格森爵士一直在试图让自己的中场填补一部分CR的进球。
51、Nouvel's inspiration for the Torre Agbar came from the Montserrat Mountains, which bring back to many the aura of ancient Catalina and also served Gaudi with his inspiration for the Sagrada Familia. ─── 努维尔提到这座大厦彷佛是蒙瑟拉特山(Montserrat)之间吹起的风引来加泰兰古代令人著迷的远处回音。
52、no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter . ─── 也没有哗众取宠的橱窗使人驻足不前。
53、I think I walked into a deep sleep as I entered my front door. So I didn't know whether or not Gatsby went to Coney Island, or for how many hours he "glanced into rooms." while his house blazed gaudily on. ─── 大概我一走进自己的大门就倒头大睡,因此我不知道盖茨比究竟有没有去康尼岛,也不知他又花了几个小时“随便看看房间”,同时他的房子继续刺眼地大放光明。
54、Romance prevails by the seaside, giving me the joy unleashed from Picasso's canvas. Skulking around the city underground passages, I find the spirit of Gaudi calling to me. ─── 海边的浪漫风情,让我有如逃脱毕卡索画布般的雀跃,遁入城市的地下道,却遇见建筑鬼才高第的绝美创作,频频向我招手。
55、To decorate or dress ostentatiously or gaudily. ─── 招摇或华丽地装饰或打扮
56、Underneath the mysterious surrealistic cloak, Gaudi created a unique Catalan architectural context by utilizing Catalan craftsmanship with his peculiar sense of Catalan artist. ─── 揭开那层超现实主义的神秘外衣,高蒂以其独特的加泰罗尼亚艺术家的气质,以特有的加泰罗尼亚工艺建构了独一无二的属于加泰罗尼亚的建筑语境。
57、Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Gaudi was a modern architect. ─── 尽管使用了传统的建筑材料
58、Gaudi's Architecture ─── 高迪建筑
59、He followed that up a year later with a mosaic using just as many toothpicks dedicated to Antonio Gaudi, the Spanish architect famous for constructions including Barcelona's Sagrada Familia church. ─── 一年后,他以同样多的牙签完成的镶嵌作品,二度进榜,该作品是献给以包括巴塞隆纳圣家堂等建筑而闻名的西班牙建筑大师高第。
60、Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. ─── 高迪从1882年一直到他1926年死都在辛勤工作于这项工程。
61、Its white concrete houses, gaudily decorated thanks to migrant wages sent back from Dubai, lie in heaps. ─── 靠着从杜拜寄回的侨汇收入,当地建起了一排排俗丽的白色混凝土房屋。
62、Imagine if Gaudi did not have to stop with the static face of a stone veneer, but could endow his building with organic behavior over time. ─── 试想如果高迪不必止步于做静态的石板贴面,而是能够随着时间推移赋予他的建筑有机行为的能力。
63、With construction ongoing, it is hoped that the church will be completed in time for the 100th anniversary of Gaudi's death in 20026. ─── 巴塞罗那当地的名人与著名建筑师,安东尼奥高迪他领军主持建设该教堂达40年之久,直至1926年过世,目前该教堂仍在建设中,人们希望这座教堂能在2026年高迪逝世100周年竣工。
64、The electric-light bills must be very modest indeed, for there are no flashing signs to assault the eye, no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter. ─── 你路过这儿能听到有人小声说“如果您是位绅士,衣着想符合绅士的标准,敬请您在此预约,让我们看看能为您做些什么。”
65、Swathes of smoke mark out the shashlik kebab stalls beside sellers of reams of gaudily coloured polyester material. ─── 腾腾白烟说明烤腌羊肉串摊就在颜色俗丽的聚酯材料摊旁边。
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