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08-28 投稿


ironstone 发音

英:[ˈaɪənstəʊn]  美:[ˈaɪərnstoʊn]

英:  美:

ironstone 中文意思翻译



ironstone 短语词组

1、ironstone edmond ─── 艾德蒙铁石

2、ironstone ware ─── 硬质陶器,坚质陶器

3、ironstone china bowl ─── 铁石瓷碗

4、ironstone plates ─── 铁石板

5、needle ironstone ─── [化] 针铁矿

6、ironstone china ─── 硬[坚]质陶器

7、ironstone dishes ─── 铁石盘

8、argillaceous ironstone ─── 泥质铁石

9、ironstone pitcher white ─── 白铁石水罐

ironstone 词性/词形变化,ironstone变形


ironstone 相似词语短语

1、iron sponge ─── 海绵铁

2、grindstone ─── n.磨石

3、birthstone ─── n.诞生石

4、moonstone ─── n.[宝]月长石

5、greenstone ─── n.[岩]绿岩;n.(Greenstone)人名;(英)格林斯通

6、dropstone ─── 滴石;坠石

7、ironstones ─── n.铁矿石

8、brownstone ─── n.赤褐色砂石建筑;褐色砂石;adj.上流社会的;富有阶级的;n.(Brownstone)人名;(英)布朗斯通

9、moonstones ─── n.[宝]月长石

ironstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cost of ironstone accounts for 70 percent of the total cost of molten iron, the number is 40 when in the context of the whole manufacture cost. ─── 铁矿石作为炼铁的主原料,占铁水成本的70%,占整个产成品制造成本的40%左右。

2、The Wishaw Ironworks, opened in 1859 with 3 blast furnaces using ironstone from a pit on the other side of Wishaw main street. ─── 希金斯的铁厂,开在1859年3高炉用铁矿石从坑上的另一边希金斯大街。

3、Improvement of Determination Method of Phosphorus in Chrome ironstone ─── 铬铁矿中磷测定方法的改进

4、Deal with the Recent Rise of Ironstone Rationally ─── 如何看近期铁矿石价格的上涨

5、And before that, the relative theory and solution steps are expatiated in this paper. Concequently, the initial optimization model of ironstone resource utilization in CISC is put forward on the basis of original system. ─── 在建立优化模型之前,从理论上阐述线性规划问题的相关知识及求解步骤,为重钢利用两种铁矿石资源最优化模型奠定理论基础。

6、Keywords Ironstone resource;Optimization model;Linear programming; ─── 铁矿石资源;优化模型;线性规划;

7、The applications of microwave digestion in ironstone、ferroalloy and pig iron are discussed.A new method for dissolving sample is established. ─── 并且探讨了微波消解技术在铁矿石、铁合金、生铁等样品上的应用,建立了合适的样品处理方法。

8、ironstone china ─── 硬质陶器

9、The ironstone source-supply chain management has direct effect on profit and competition to Company. ─── 铁矿石的采购供应链管理工作将直接影响公司的利润水平和竞争能力。

10、Keywords ironstone;price game;steel industry;industry integration.; ─── 铁矿石;价格博弈;钢铁产业;产业整合;

11、How to Control the Risks of Ironstone Market? ─── 如何控制铁矿石市场风险?

12、From 1885 the local ironstone and coal supplies were largely exhausted, with coal being sourced further south, and iron ore being imported from Spain, and from 1900 from Sweden. ─── 从1885年当地铁矿石和煤炭供应基本上耗尽,煤源正在进一步南部,铁矿石进口来自西班牙,并从1900年由瑞典。

13、The outcome of international ironstone price game in which Chinese steelworks also participates in reflects the serious problem of the steel industrial organization. ─── 从我国钢铁企业参与国际铁矿石价格博弈的结果可以折射出我国钢铁产业组织存在的问题,也再次凸显钢铁产业整合的必要性和紧迫性。

14、Bring out your floral china or white ironstone, set up a collection of pitchers or glass, and include plants and picture frames as well. ─── 拿出你有鲜花图案的瓷器或白色的铁石,摆上一系列的大水罐或玻璃瓶,别忘了植物和相框。

15、ironstone wharf ─── 铁矿石码头

16、With the practical situation of ironstone resource utilization in CISC, linear programming is adopted for the optimization model. ─── 通过比较,并考虑到重钢利用两种铁矿石资源的实际情况,决定采用线性规划方法来进行建模。

17、banded ironstone ─── 带纹铁矿石

18、The development of smelt technology of Baosteel Corp. would affect the ironstone source-supply chain at the same time. ─── 作为一个资源性产品,宝钢的冶炼技术的发展以及配矿技术的进步也对铁矿石的采购供应链产生重大影响。

19、ironstone china"," ─── 硬质陶器"

20、oolite ironstone ─── 鱼卵状铁矿

21、gaudy ironstone ─── 多色彩饰硬质陶器

22、Experimental Study of New High-Pressure Grinding Roller Crushing Ironstone ─── 高压辊磨机粉碎铁矿石的试验研究

23、Bring out your floral china or white ironstone, set up a collection of pitchers or glass, and include plants and picture frames as well. ─── 拿出你有鲜花图案的瓷器或白色的铁石,摆上一系列的大水罐或玻璃瓶,别忘了植物和相框。

24、Application of Hydraulic Splitter in Ironstone Mining ─── 液压劈裂机在铁矿开采中的应用

25、The Urgency of Chinese Steel Industry Integration Based on International Ironstone Price Game ─── 从国际铁矿石价格博弈看我国钢铁产业整合的紧迫性

26、According to the game theory, this article analyzes the cost of ironstone, trying to come up with the methods to reduce its price. ─── 本文通过对铁矿石价格的博弈分析,试图提出降低铁矿石谈判价格的解决办法;

27、The results showed that the operation of ironstone harbour had some effects on ecological environment of ocean,which presented in biomass in tideland,benthos,contents of oil in deposits and so on. ─── 结果显示:铁矿石港口的运营对海洋生态环境有一定的影响,表现在潮间带生物量、底栖生物、港口前沿沉积物中油类含量的变化等。

28、The number of ironstone purchased by Baosteel Corp. is forty million ton around per year.Capital investment of source chain is RMB twelve billion yuan or so. ─── 宝钢现在每年采购的铁矿石数量高达4000万吨左右,采购链涉及资金总额近120亿元,供应商(含承运商)遍布国内外。

29、ironstone ware ─── 硬质陶器坚质陶器

30、red slag ironstone ─── 红渣铁矿石

31、Shale,rough grave,ironstone,hornblendes,were selected for the packing of constructed wetland to carry out the researches on effect of sewage purification in lab by different substances. ─── 选取页岩、粗砾石、铁矿石、麦饭石及其组合作为人工湿地填料,进行不同基质室内小试污水净化效果研究。

32、The key objective of ironstone sourcing work is to control sourcing cost and ensure a sustainable and steady supply chain, which is the study goal of this dissertation. ─── 对铁矿石采购工作绩效评价最重要的、最显著的体现就是对铁矿石采购供应链成本的控制和持续稳定的长效供应保证能力,这也是本文研究的目的。

33、With the practical situation of ironstone resource utilization in CISC, linear programming is adopted for the optimization model. ─── 通过比较,并考虑到重钢利用两种铁矿石资源的实际情况,决定采用线性规划方法来进行建模。

34、The flotation research of mixture of quartz and ironstone also indicate that rhamnolipid can effectively improve separation efficiency. ─── 对石英和磁铁矿的混合矿样进行浮选实验亦表明,鼠李糖脂可有效提高分选率。

35、clay ironstone ─── 泥铁岩

36、ball ironstone ─── 球状铁矿石

37、J. G. Meakin, Ironstone, Avondale, saucer. ─── 铁矿石,埃文代尔,飞碟。

38、Producing Speciat Type Cement Used of Low Class Ironstone Insctead of Iron Powder ─── 用低品位铁矿石替代铁粉生产特种水泥的研究

39、Oolitic Ironstone ─── n. 鲕状赤铁矿(沉积岩)

40、needle ironstone ─── 针铁石针铁矿

41、J. G. Meakin, Ironstone, Avondale, covered sugar. ─── 铁矿石,埃文代尔,覆盖糖。

42、The purchase-conveyance strategy of ironstone directly affects the profit of metallurgy enterprises. ─── 铁矿石的采购、运输战略将直接影响冶金企业的效益和利润的增加。

43、Determination of micro elements in ironstone by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry ─── 利用X-射线荧光光谱仪分析铁矿石中若干元素

44、ironstone hardpan ─── 铁石硬盘

45、Keywords ironstone;high-pressure grinding roller;crushing;saving-energy; ─── 铁矿石;高压辊磨机;粉碎;节能;

46、Keywords ironstone;high pressure grinding roller;crushing;particle size;high efficiency;saving energy; ─── 铁矿石;高压辊磨机;粉碎;粒度;高效;节能;

47、Keywords Atomic Abosorption Spectrophotometer;Dading Ironstone;Zn content; ─── 原子吸收仪;大顶铁矿石;锌;

48、At present, the main two obstacles for steel industry to improve its competitive power are the sharp increase of the cost of raw materials (e.g. ironstone) and reorganization of steel industry. ─── 现阶段我国钢铁产业提升其国际竞争力的主要两点障碍在于以铁矿石为代表的原材料成本价格激增和钢铁产业的重组问题。

49、The event, which drew 675 attendees, also offered web offset technology demonstrations (shown) hosted by Ironstone Media Corp., Pickering, ON. ─── 事件,引起了与会675 ,还提供卷筒纸轮转胶印机技术示范(如图所示)主办的铁矿石媒体公司,皮克林,就。

50、brown clay ironstone ─── 褐泥铁石

51、So, the ironstone source-supply chain management is important for Steel industry. ─── 铁矿石的采购供应链管理工作一直是钢铁行业重点控制的环节。

52、The flotation research of mixture of quartz and ironstone also indicate that rhamnolipid can effectively improve separation efficiency. ─── 对石英和磁铁矿的混合矿样进行浮选实验亦表明,鼠李糖脂可有效提高分选率。

53、So, the ironstone source-supply chain management is important for steel industry. ─── 铁矿石的采购供应链管理工作一直是钢铁行业重点控制的环节。

54、Keywords converter-shaped pretreatment of desiliconization;dephosphorization and desulphurization;high-phosphorus ironstone;quality;variety;benefit; ─── 转炉法“三脱”预处理;高磷铁矿石;质量;品种;效益;

55、Keywords Supply Chain Management;WISCO;Import ironstone;Logistics Management;Optimize advice; ─── 供应链管理;武钢;进口铁矿石;物流管理;优化建议;

56、Keywords iron-smelting;pig ironstone;heat crack; ─── 炼铁;生矿;热爆裂;

57、Ironstone is primary original material of metallurgy enterprise. ─── 铁矿石是冶金企业生产的主要原材料。

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