calcic 发音
英:[['kælsɪk]] 美:[['kælsɪk]]
英: 美:
calcic 中文意思翻译
calcic 短语词组
1、hematogenic calcic pericementitis ─── [医] 血石性牙周膜炎
2、calcic horizon ─── 钙积层
3、calcic feletto ─── 毡状钙质
4、calcic soil ─── 钙质土
5、calcic silicate glass ─── 硅酸钙玻璃
6、calcic silicate ─── 硅酸钙
7、calcic gout ─── 钙质痛风
8、calcic water ─── [医] 石灰水
9、calcic-plastic composite material ─── [化] 钙塑材料
10、calcic gingivitis ─── [医] 垢性龈炎, 牙石性龈炎
11、calcic kopen ─── 购买钙质
12、calcic ulatrophy ─── [医] 涎石性龈萎缩
13、calcic cambisol ─── 石灰性始成土
14、calcic term ─── 钙项
calcic 相似词语短语
1、calcify ─── vi.钙化;变成石灰质;vt.使钙化;使思想僵化
2、calcine ─── v.锻烧,焙烧;(使)氧化;n.煅烧产物
3、calcium ─── n.[化学]钙
4、calcific ─── adj.钙化的;石灰质的
5、calcite ─── n.[矿物]方解石
6、calcitic ─── 钙质的
7、chalcid ─── 小蜂(其幼虫寄生于其他昆虫的幼虫,卵或蛹内,是害虫的天敌)
8、calci- ─── 卡尔奇(地名)(意大利;经10º31'北纬43º44')
9、caloric ─── adj.热量的;卡的;n.热量
calcic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、(2) adjustment calcic phosphor metabolizes: Disease of effectively blood of control tall phosphor is one of important step that delay kidney function aggravation. ─── (2)调节钙磷代谢:有效地控制高磷血症是延缓肾功能恶化的重要措施之一。
2、To satisfy consumer demand better, next Yi benefit will be rolled out natural expensive calcic product and contain prandial fibrous milk products reducing weight. ─── 为更好地满足消费者需求,下一步伊利将推出天然高钙产品和含膳食纤维的减肥奶品。
3、calcic ulatrophy ─── [医] 涎石性龈萎缩
4、Keywords land scope (supergene) geochemical characteristics;calcic horizon;suspended halo;Erguna metallogenic belt; ─── 景观(表生)地球化学特征;钙积层;悬浮晕;额尔古纳成矿带;
5、Divide in kelp contain iodic, calcic, sulfur besides, still contain a variety of material such as alcohol of iron, natrium, magnesian, Potassium, cobaltic, phosphor, manna and vitamin B1, B2, C. ─── 海带中除含有碘、钙、硫之外,还含有铁、钠、镁、钾、钴、磷、甘露醇和维生素B1、B2、C等多种物质。
6、E.M) X ray microanalysis system and electronic microscope(E.M.S).Results:Collagens and calcic particulates were found which were secreted by the AS fibroblasts.It was different with control cells. ─── 结果:扫描电镜观察到AS的成纤维细胞分泌大量的胶原和钙颗粒,透射电镜发现AS的成纤维细胞分泌胶原。
7、calcic water ─── [医] 石灰水
8、The effect of organic acids on the transformation of phosphorus in calcic fluvo-aquic soil was studied under(indoor) incubation and pot culture condition. ─── 摘要 采用室内培养和化学分析的方法研究了几种有机酸对石灰性潮土无机磷形态转化的影响。
9、The Therapy of Combined Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine in treating Calcic lithiasis of Idiopathic Urinary System ─── 泌尿系特发性钙结石的中西医结合治疗
10、In newest research report middle finger goes out: Adipose cell is the cell of kind of obedient calcic directive! ─── 在最新的研究报告中指出:脂肪细胞是种服从钙指示的细胞!
11、frozen calcic clay ─── 冻结钙质粘土
12、The Cambrian phosphoric ore is mainly composed of calcic phosphate, carbonate, silica and silicate minerals. ─── 寒武系磷矿主要由钙磷酸盐、碳酸盐、硅质及硅酸盐类等矿物组成。
13、Good food should raise calcic content to reduce phosphorous content. ─── 理想的饮食应提高钙含量降低磷的含量。
14、Because the bases of uric stone is calcic, and the calcium that contains in food is absorbed to use by alvine wall except one part outside, redundant calcium is all from the eduction in uric fluid. ─── 因为尿结石的主要成分是钙,而食物中含的钙除一部分被肠壁吸收利用外,多余的钙全部从尿液中排出。
16、The effect that calcium fills before everybody knows to sleep is good, a cup of milk is drunk before sleeping for instance, promote Morpheus already, filled again calcic. ─── 大家都知道睡觉前补钙的效果好,比如睡前喝杯牛奶,既促进睡眠,又补了钙。
17、Orange: Can produce vigor, inviting appetite, conduce to calcic absorption. ─── 橙色:能产生活力、诱人食欲,有助于钙的吸收。
18、In addition, still see obstacle of nutrition of the skin, fingernail, hair or tooth fall off, because of obstacle of calcic phosphor metabolization, osteoporosis, can send pathology sex fracture. ─── 此外,尚可见皮肤、指甲营养障碍,毛发或牙齿脱落,因钙磷代谢障碍,骨质疏松,可致病理性骨折。
19、Not certain! Banana is like armour content tall. If be short of calcic cramp, won't good. ─── 不爱吃水果和蔬菜的人,抽筋时吃香蕉能好吗?
20、Keywords ruby deposit;marble type;calcic marble;calcic amphibole; ─── 红宝石矿床;大理岩型;钙质大理岩;钙质闪石;
21、Because the experiment makes clear, absorb play of best of 1200 milligram calcic ability to reduce the effect with adipose body everyday. ─── 因为实验表明,天天摄入1200毫克钙才能最好地发挥降低身体脂肪的作用。
22、9. Contain protein, adipose, iron, calcic, the microelement such as copper, still have chlorophyll, vitamin B, the composition such as sulfureous element. ─── 含有蛋白质,脂肪,铁,钙,铜等微量元素,还有叶绿素,维生素b,硫磺素等成分。收藏指正
23、calcic silicate glass ─── 硅酸钙玻璃
24、Effect of organic acids on transformation of inorganic phosphorus with different phosphate sources in calcic fluvo-aquic soil ─── 有机酸对不同磷源施入石灰性潮土后无机磷形态转化的影响
25、Keywords magnesio-sadanagaite;silica-poor calcic amphibole;typomorphism;ruby deposit; ─── 关键词镁砂川闪石;贫硅钙质闪石;矿物标型;红宝石矿床;
26、Dregs of rice to produce plant calcic magnesium for raw material with rice bran cake, produce inositol then. ─── 以米糠饼粕为原料生产植物钙镁,进而生产肌醇。
27、Milk contains calcic amount not only tall, and among them lactic acid can promote calcic absorption, it is best natural calcium source. ─── 牛奶不仅含钙量高,而且其中的乳酸能促进钙的吸收,是最好的天然钙源。
28、Results: A total of 61 cases with urethritis, except for 3 cases were made incorrect diagnosis, the rest were made correct diagnosis with 7 cases of tumid type and 31 cases of calcic type. ─── 结果:41例尿道炎中除3例假阴性外,超声诊断为尿道壁肿胀增厚型7例,纤维钙化型31例,诊断符合率为92.7%。
29、B6 of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin, calcic, iron, zinc, Selenium is weighed that to human body should, especially dot? Withered, be urgent! ─── 维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素B6、钙、铁、锌、硒那个对人体重要,尤其是小孩子?谢了,急!
30、Did microelement recently, the result is calcic however, iron, zinc, what medicine to eat to fill? ─── 最近做了微量元素,结果是却钙、铁、锌,吃什么药补?
31、Among them the mainest nutrition ingredient besides carbohydrate, still C of calcic, phosphor, iron and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin, nicotinic acid waits. ─── 其中最主要的营养成分除了糖类以外,还有钙、磷、铁及维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、烟酸等。
32、It introduces the reaction principle of oxidative roasting of chromite with few calcic additives,also describs its technical essentials and process control. ─── 介绍了铬铁矿少钙氧化焙烧的反应原理、工业应用及应用过程中的技术要点和过程控制。
33、Calcic cinnamon soil ─── 石灰性褐土
34、Because solubility of calcic compound is low, desulphurization efficiency and utilization efficiency of ca are low. ─── 因为钙的化合物的溶解度较小,单纯用其做吸收剂所达到的脱硫效率和钙的利用率都比较低。
35、calcic castanozem ─── 石灰性栗钙土
36、Preliminary Investigation of the Efficacy of the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy with Low Molecular Weight Heparin Calcic ─── 低分子肝素钙对2型糖尿病肾病的疗效初探
37、Is the child short of calcic, zinc what to food and fruit should eat more? ─── 小孩缺钙、锌应多吃哪些食物和水果?
38、The expert says: Below normal circumstance, calcic agent is controlled in 30 % roughly to the absorptivity of human body. ─── 专家称:正常情况下,钙剂对于人体的吸收率大致在30%左右。
39、a usually coarse-grained igneous rock composed chiefly of calcic plagioclase and pyroxene ─── 一种主要由石灰生斜长岩和辉石构成的通常质地粗糙的火成岩
40、Vitamin D is insufficient, affect calcic absorption. ─── 维生素d不足,影响钙的吸收。
41、What vitamin can promote calcic absorption? ─── 什么维生素可以促进钙的吸收?
42、The Variation of Available Nutrients in Top Soil of Calcic Kastanozems after Applying Chemical Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Repeatedly for a Long Time ─── 氮磷肥配合持续施用对覆盖黑垆土氮磷养分动态变化的影响
43、calcic luvisol ─── 石灰性淋溶土
44、Sometimes the blood inside antrum antrum is caky and form thrombus, thrombus but stone of vein of calcic melt into. ─── 有时窦腔内血液凝固而形成血栓,血栓可钙化为静脉石。
45、Experimental research of strength of frozen calcic clay ─── 冻结钙质粘土的强度试验研究
46、hematogenic calcic pericementitis ─── [医] 血石性牙周膜炎
47、The calcium that the flour that we often feed and vegetable offer everyday occupies human body to need calcic capacity everyday only probably 30% the left and right sides. ─── 我们常食的面粉和蔬菜每天所提供的钙大概只占人体每天需要钙量的30%左右。
48、After reperfusion,the calcic content in the myocardium of PDS 40,80,160mg/L groups were lower than that of control group(P
49、calcic chernozem ─── 石灰性黑钙土
50、Abstract: It introduces the reaction principle of oxidative roasting of chromite with few calcic additives,also describs its technical essentials and process control. ─── 文摘:介绍了铬铁矿少钙氧化焙烧的反应原理、工业应用及应用过程中的技术要点和过程控制。
51、Main product output grows substantially, produce terramycin calcic salt 445 tons.. ─── 主要产品产量大幅度增长,生产土霉素钙盐445吨...
52、The Cambrian phosphoric ore is mainly composed of calcic phosphate, carbonate, silica and silicate minerals. ─── 寒武系磷矿主要由钙磷酸盐、碳酸盐、硅质及硅酸盐类等矿物组成。
53、calcic fluvo-aquic ─── 石灰性潮土
54、Kelp nutrition is rich, it is one kind contains a lot ofthe sea of a variety of microelement such as iodic, calcic, copper, stannum alga food, can protect epithelial avoid suffer oxidation. ─── 海带营养丰富,是一种富含碘、钙、铜、锡等多种微量元素的海藻类食物,可保护上皮细胞免受氧化。
55、In mineral food mineral, especially calcic, phosphor, fluorine is very important to dental mineralization. ─── 矿物质 食物中的矿物质,特别是钙、磷、氟对牙齿的矿化很重要。
56、Sometimes the blood inside antrum antrum is caky and form thrombus, thrombus but stone of vein of calcic melt into. ─── 有时窦腔内血液凝固而形成血栓,血栓可钙化为静脉石。
57、Function of chronic kidney canaliculus is not complete, nephrosis of tall blood calcic sex. ─── 慢性肾小管功能不全,高血钙性肾病等。
58、Low blood is calcic after perspiring to prevent, should eat product of calcic milk, dairy produce, fish, sea and greenery moreVegetableWait for food. ─── 为了防止出汗后低血钙,应该多吃含钙的牛奶、乳制品、鱼类、海产品及绿叶蔬菜等食物。
59、Keywords deep desilication;alumina;desilication mechanism;calcic compounds; ─── 深度脱硅;氧化铝;脱硅机理;含钙化合物;
60、Activity of coal combustion solid residues is relevant closely to calcic minerals composition and reactions. ─── 燃煤灰渣中含钙矿物的组成和多相反应与灰渣活性密切相关。
61、It is reported, all be raw material domestic and internationally with plant calcic magnesium at present, the method that uses pressurization hydrolyze produces inositol; ─── 据悉,目前国内外均以植物钙镁为原料,用加压水解的方法生产肌醇;
62、calcic gingivtis ─── 垢性龈炎
63、But, if blood is calcic content is exorbitant, can hamper zincic absorption. ─── 但是,如果血钙含量过高,则会妨碍锌的吸收。
64、If vitamin D uses larger dose, should check every months serum is calcic, lest produce tall blood calcium. ─── 如维生素d用较大剂量,则应每月复查血清钙一次,以免发生高血钙。
65、Two melon all contain a lot ofthe microelement such as vitamin C, calcic, phosphor, iron, sexual flavour pleasant is cool, clear hot detoxify, diuresis, disappear is irritated. ─── 两瓜均富含维生素c、钙、磷、铁等微量元素,性味甘凉,清热解毒、利尿、消烦。
66、Keywords Calcic lithiasis of idiopathic urinary system Combined Chinese medicine with Western medicine JLA WEISAN SHI TANG; ─── 关键词特发性钙结石;中西医结合;加味三石汤;
67、Is be short of calcic symptom how? ─── 缺钙的症状是怎么样的?
68、turtleback (board) contain a lot of ossein and protein, calcic, phosphor, fat kind, peptide kind and a variety of enzymatic. ─── 龟甲(板)富含骨胶原和蛋白质、钙、磷、脂类、肽类和多种酶。
69、brown calcic soil ─── 棕钙土
70、There are rhythmic skarn zoning, mainly magnesian skarns and calcic skarns, in contract metasomtites between Yanshanian granites and Triassic carbonate rocks in the Tangziwa deposit, Gejiu. ─── 从地质产状、矿物组合和岩石化学成分等方面探讨了个旧塘子凹接触带不同类型夕卡岩的特征。
71、Catalyzer for absorbing tail gas, which can change toxic fluoride into calcic compound for phosphorous fertilizer production, has been used. ─── 用催化剂对生产尾气进行吸收,将有毒的氟化物转化为钙盐用于磷肥生产;
72、But, if blood is calcic content is exorbitant, can hamper zincic absorption. ─── 但是,如果血钙含量过高,则会妨碍锌的吸收。
73、phospho calcic soil ─── 磷质石灰土
74、Which kinds of vitamin can promote calcic absorption? ─── 哪种维生素可以促进钙的吸收?
75、Orange: Can produce vigor, inviting appetite, conduce to calcic absorption. ─── 橙色:能产生活力、诱人食欲,有助于钙的吸收。
76、Abstract: The effect of organic acids on the transformation of phosphorus in calcic fluvo-aquic soil was studied under indoor incubation and pot culture condition. ─── 文章摘要: 采用室内培养和化学分析的方法研究了几种有机酸对石灰性潮土无机磷形态转化的影响。
77、: Calcic qualitative proposal of a day absorbs grown woman the quantity is 1200 milligram, but actually absorb a quantity to often be less than a half however! ─── 举例来说:成年女性一天的钙质建议摄取量是1200毫克,但实际上的摄取量却往往不到一半!
78、Because estrogen is easy,cause disease of tall calcic blood, bone transfers a patient constant need not estrogen cure. ─── 由于雌激素易导致高钙血症,骨转移病人常不用雌激素治疗。
79、Liu Dongdong says, eat candy to be gone against too much use up adiposely inside body, cause adipose accumulation, still can affect calcic qualitative metabolization. ─── 刘冬冬说,吃糖过多不利于体内脂肪的消耗,造成脂肪堆积,还会影响钙质代谢。
80、Have the calcic beauty that brings profit piece is with nest tall fine tall calcic milk powder met what reason is giddy keck? ─── 吃安利的钙美片和雀巢高纤高钙奶粉会头晕想吐是什么原因呢?
81、calcic gingivitis ─── [医] 垢性龈炎, 牙石性龈炎
82、Ovine grandma is contained a variety of mineral with the vitamin, wait like calcic, phosphor, Potassium, magnesian, manganese, absolutely content is higher than milk 1% . ─── 羊奶含有多种矿物质和维生素,如钙、磷、钾、镁、锰等,绝对含量比牛奶高1%。相 Ovine grandma is taking the milkings market that sells China.
83、Exhausted when: Chew the dried fruit such as some of earthnut, almond, cashew, walnutmeat, because they contain a lot ofB of protein, vitamin, calcic, iron and plant sex adipose. ─── 精疲力尽时:嚼些花生、杏仁、腰果、核桃仁等干果,因为它们富含蛋白质、维生素B、钙、铁以及植物性脂肪。
84、Contain protein, adipose, iron, calcic, the microelement such as copper, still have chlorophyll, vitamin B, the composition such as sulfureous element. ─── 含有蛋白质,脂肪,铁,钙,铜等微量元素,还有叶绿素,维生素b,硫磺素等成分。
85、Come because of zero hour before dawn, lowest of calcic content of human body blood, be helpful for the calcic absorption in food. ─── 因为零时至凌晨,人体血钙含量最低,有利于食物中钙的吸收。
86、In newest research report middle finger goes out: Adipose cell is the cell of kind of obedient calcic directive! ─── 在最新的研究报告中指出:脂肪细胞是种服从钙指示的细胞!
87、(Obstacle of metabolization of 3) water, electrolyte: Potassium, natrium, chloric, calcic, magnesian heighten or reduce all can cause a head dysfunction. ─── (3)水、电解质代谢障碍:钾、钠、氯、钙、镁的增高或降低均可引起脑机能障碍。
88、Property of calcic silicate composite solid wall panel and its construction ─── 硅酸钙复合实心墙板的性能与施工
89、calcic cambisol ─── 石灰性始成土
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