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09-07 投稿


threateningly 发音


英:  美:

threateningly 中文意思翻译



threateningly 网络释义

adv. 威胁地;危险地;险恶地

threateningly 短语词组

1、threateningly antonym ─── 威胁性反义词

2、threateningly meaning ─── 恐吓的意思

3、threateningly define ─── 威胁性地定义

4、threateningly mean ─── 卑鄙的

5、threateningly syn ─── 威胁性syn

6、threateningly sentence ─── 恐吓性判决

7、threateningly sound ─── 可怕的声音

threateningly 词性/词形变化,threateningly变形

副词: threateningly |名词: threatener |动词过去式: threatened |动词过去分词: threatened |动词现在分词: threatening |动词第三人称单数: threatens |

threateningly 相似词语短语

1、deadeningly ─── 死气沉沉的

2、hearteningly ─── 振奋人心

3、raveningly ─── 贪婪地

4、deafeningly ─── adv.震耳欲聋地;非常吵闹地

5、pretendingly ─── 假装

6、threatening ─── adj.危险的;胁迫的;凶兆的;v.威胁;恐吓;迫近(threaten的ing形式)

7、greatening ─── vt.使变大;使伟大;vi.变伟大

8、chasteningly ─── 严守纪律。

9、cheatingly ─── 欺骗地

threateningly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He advanced his queen to threaten his opponent's king, ie in a game of chess. ─── 他向前走后棋, 直逼对方的王棋(於国际象棋棋局中).

2、He threaten to sue. ─── 他威胁要起诉。

3、The black clouds threaten a storm. ─── 乌云预示暴风雨的来临。

4、Fast Food Scraps Threaten Rat Plague? ─── 吃剩快餐贻鼠患?

5、Their activities threaten world peace. ─── 他们的活动对世界和平是个威胁。

6、Black clouds threaten a storm . ─── 乌云是暴风雨的先兆。

7、What is more,it may maintain its own army,provided it does not threaten the mainland. ─── 台湾还可以有自己的军队,只是不能构成对大陆的威胁。

8、She advanced on him, shouting and waving her umbrella threateningly. ─── 她吼叫着,挥着伞,气势汹汹地朝他进逼过来。

9、To threaten Kimberly, Dan smashes Janet's arm with a crowbar. ─── 为了威胁金伯利,丹用一根撬棍打碎了珍妮特的手臂。

10、The waiter threaten to chuck us out of the restaurant if we get drink. ─── 侍者警告说如果我们喝醉酒,就把我们撵出饭店。

11、The candle burned threateningly, and the officers chatted in German. ─── 军官们在用德语聊天。

12、They threaten to cancel the whole project at a stroke. ─── 他们扬言要一下子取消整个项目。

13、"I shall be sick, you know," Mr. Darling said threateningly. ─── “我要作呕的,你知道吗。”达林先生吓唬他说。

14、He glared at her threateningly. ─── 他气势汹汹地瞪着她。

15、Man-made greenhouse gases now threaten this stability. ─── 但如今,人类制造的温室气体正在威胁这种稳定。

16、Put back that pistol first," it said threateningly. ─── 先把手枪放回去。”它威胁地说。

17、An improper suctioning causes many problems,which can threaten patient's life. ─── 吸痰方法不当可造成多种不良后果,甚至危及生命。

18、Well, you'd better be careful, " he said threateningly. And, with that parting shot , he stormed out of the room. " ─── 他恐吓道,“哼,你们最好小心一点。”说完怒气冲冲大步走出房间去。

19、Harass, threaten, insult, or behave belligerently towards others. ─── 向其它交战地折磨,威胁,侮辱,或表现。

20、They can use electronic media to embarrass, harass or threaten their peers. ─── 他们能使用电子传播骚扰或威胁他们的同侪。

21、As she moved threateningly forward he shrank back from him. ─── 她步步进逼,他节节败退

22、He took Buck by the scruff of the neck, and though the dog growled threateningly, dragged him to one side and replaced Sol-leks. ─── 他抓住巴克脖子上的松皮,不顾他威胁似的咆哮,把他拽到一边,换上索勒克斯。

23、Don, t threaten me with love, baby. ─── 千万别用爱来威胁我,亲爱的。

24、Trinket stopped in surprise.He pulled his dagger from the table-leg and, using his free hand to turn her over, pointed it threateningly at her throat. ─── 从桌腿上拔出匕首,指住她颈项,左手将她身子翻了过来,喝道:“笑什么?”

25、Some aggressive nations threaten world peace. ─── 一些侵略成性的国家威胁着世界和平。

26、Aggressive nations threaten world peace. ─── 侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平.

27、It is not a day for tears, but they threaten nonetheless. ─── 今天不是哭泣的日子,可却令我发慌。

28、Demographic pressures threaten to burden the next generation with heavy costs. ─── 人口压力危及下一代的承重负担。

29、We must counter any forces that threaten stability, not yielding to them or even making any concessions. ─── 凡是妨碍稳定的就要对付,不能让步,不能迁就。

30、Weep over is the behavior which threaten to extort. ─── 哭泣是恐吓勒索的行为。

31、Eg The clouds threaten rain. ─── 云预示有雨了。

32、Runaway crime rates can threaten social stability and create a sense of insecurity among the people. ─── 否则罪案泛滥,造成社会动荡不安,人民不能安居乐业,全民因而遭殃。

33、You threaten my people with slavery and death. ─── 你用奴役和死亡威胁了我的民众。

34、Communion does not threaten otherness;it generates it. ─── 共融并不威胁到他性,反而,共融制作他性。

35、He took Buck by the scruff of the neck, and though the dog growled threateningly, dragged him to one side and replaced Sol- leks . ─── 他抓住巴克脖子上的松皮,不顾他威胁似的咆哮,把他拽到一边,换上索勒克斯。

36、You will be charged by law because of you threaten behavior. ─── 你的恐吓行为会遭到法律的制裁。

37、"Did Mike send you up here to threaten me?" she asked. ─── “迈克尔派你到这儿来是想威胁我吗?”

38、Melting glaciers will ultimately threaten food production. ─── 冰川融化最终会威胁到粮食生产。

39、Flowing threateningly toward me over the crest of a hill was a wave of black men draped in weird mustard-colored clothing. ─── 一股披着怪里怪气的深黄色衣物的黑人人流正越过土丘的丘脑,威风凛凛地向我涌来。

40、Don't try to threaten me. I won't compromise with you. ─── 不要威胁我,我不会和你妥协的。

41、Because a father can't yell at his daughter, or wave his fist at her threateningly, or call her a good-for-nothing. ─── 因为父亲不能对女儿大叫、或恐吓地对她挥拳,或叫她是个无用的人。

42、They threaten him with a law suit. ─── 他们以控告来恐吓他。

43、The opposition threaten to force a division on the motion. ─── 反对派威胁要强行将该动议分组表决。

44、You will not threaten me with flames of hell. ─── 你不能再用地狱的火焰来恐吓我。

45、"I have my pride for men--serpents always ready to threaten every one who would pass without crushing them under foot. ─── “我对人是自负的,正如赤练蛇每当看见有人经过它的旁边时总昂起头来攻击他的,即使那人并没踩着它。

46、"When we get married," Ned said to me almost threateningly,"We're going to have the reception of all time.""Oh," I said freely. "Of all time," he repeated. ─── “我们结婚的时候,”内德几乎带着恐吓的口气对我说,“我们要举行空前绝后的盛大宴会。”“哦”,我随随便便地应了一声。“空前绝后的盛大宴会,”他又说了一遍。

47、It is enough to mention the commercial crises that by their periodical return put on its trial, each time more threateningly, the existence of the entire bourgeois society. ─── 只要指出在周期性的重复中越来越危及整个资产阶级社会生存的商业危机就够了。

48、"When we get married, " Ned said to me almost threateningly, "We're going to have the reception of all time." "Oh, " I said freely. "Of all time, " he repeated. ─── "我们结婚的时候,"内德几乎带着恐吓的口气对我说,"我们要举行空前绝后的盛大宴会。""哦", 我随随便便地应了一声。"空前绝后的盛大宴会,"他又说了一遍。

49、The heavy clouds threaten rain. ─── 乌云预示要下雨。

50、You threaten to go to my wife? Answer me! ─── 你威胁我要见我妻子?回答我!

51、Threaten your ISP with an impeachment vote. ─── 以投票弹劾威胁你的网际网路供应商。

52、People are more sensitised to the dangers that threaten the enviroment. ─── 人们越来越意识到危害环境的各种因素。

53、In 1974, scientists first proposed the idea that manufactured chemicals could threaten the ozone layer. ─── 在1974年,科学家首次提出了工业化学物质可能威胁臭氧层的想法。

54、Does the utilization of traditional Chinese herbs threaten the biodiversity? ─── 中药的使用会威胁生物多样性吗?

55、Don't threaten me, I'm not afraid of you. ─── 别威胁我,我不怕你!学习进行

56、The dark clouds threaten rain. ─── 乌云预示着将要下雨。

57、They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression. ─── 他们讥笑人,凭恶意说欺压人的话;他们说话自高。

58、For years he has managed to extort cash, oil and other goodies for then quietening down, only to behave even more threateningly next time. ─── 几年来他通过勒索钱财、原油以及其他好处以换得暂时的事态平息,但是下一次却会变本加厉。

59、Flowing threateningly toward me over the crest of a hill was a wave of black men draped in weird mustard-colored clothing. ─── 一股披着怪里怪气的深黄色衣物的黑人人流正越过土丘的丘脑,威风凛凛地向我涌来。

60、What are the dangers that could threaten recovery? ─── 可能威胁经济复苏的一些危险是什么?

61、Earth elementals threaten to collapse a dwarven mine. ─── 土元素威胁要摧毁一座矮人的矿井。

62、As he moved threateningly forward she shrank(back) from him. ─── 他步步逼近,把她吓得直(向後)退缩。

63、They will kill you if you threaten one of those kids again. ─── 再威胁那些孩子他们会对你不客气。

64、"Rokoff's eyes narrowed, and the red of mortification flushed out thepallor of his face.He took a step toward the girl, threateningly. ─── 在为数千对新人服务的过程中,我们得到的评价是:“找华腾缘办婚礼,认真、诚信、周到、圆满。”

65、He brandished the hook threateningly. ─── 他威胁地挥舞着钩子。

66、As he moved threateningly forward she shrank (back) from him. ─── 他步步逼近,把她吓得直(向後)退缩。

67、It growls not to threaten, but to summon. ─── 他的咆哮并非恫吓,而是召集。

68、"I shall be sick, you know, " Mr. Darling said threateningly. ─── “我要作呕的,你知道吗。”达林先生吓唬他说。

69、"When we get married, "Ned said to me almost threateningly, "We're going to have the reception of all time. ─── "我们结婚的时候,"内德几乎带着恐吓的口气对我说,"我们要举行空前绝后的盛大宴会。""

70、"Let go, Bella!" snarled Narcissa, and she drew a wand from beneath her cloak, holding it threateningly in the other's face. Bella merely laughed. ─── "放开我,贝拉!"纳西莎咆哮着从斗篷下抽出一根魔杖,威胁般地指着另一个人的脸。可贝拉只是笑了笑。

71、"When we get married," Ned said to me almost threateningly, "We're going to have the reception of all time. ─── “我们结婚的时候,”内德几乎带着恐吓的口气对我说,“我们要举行空前绝后的盛大宴会。”

72、You needn't too serious,his word is threaten bosh. ─── 他的话只不过是吓人的空话,你不必太认真了。

73、But solar behavior has never been erratic enough to threaten all terrestrial life with extinction. ─── 但是太阳的活动还没有不稳定到威胁所有地球上的生命存在的程度。

74、The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages. ─── 叛乱分子威胁要扣押平民为人质。

75、They threaten the Italian people in the name of democracy. ─── 他们以民主为借口,来威胁意大利人民。

76、A price on carbon, he argues, would threaten it. ─── 他认为,煤炭的价格会威胁到制造业。

77、A partridge, indeed, with a brood of ten behind her, ran forward threateningly, but soon repented of her fierceness, and clucked to her young ones not to be afraid. ─── 一只身后随着十只雏鸟的雌鹧鸪,却冲上前来威吓她,但很快就后悔那么凶,还咯咯叫着她的孩子不必害怕。

78、Don't threaten me, you little shit. ─── 别威胁我, 你这个小混蛋

79、"Come to their borders, threaten their safety, put a knife to their throat. ─── “来到他们的边界、威胁他们的安全,再用刀子捅他们的喉咙。

80、He can even threaten to call the deal off. ─── 他甚至还可以威胁要取消这笔交易。

81、He did not mean to threaten you . ─── 他并没想要威胁你。

82、In fact, I have developed habits that occasionally threaten my mental health. ─── 事实上,我已经泄漏了偶尔威胁我的心理健康的习惯。

83、You may not harass or threaten other players. ─── 你不可以骚扰或恐吓其他玩家。

84、He threaten to take the tenant to court or to have the tenant evict. ─── 他威胁将租户送上法庭或逐出。

85、Their anger belongs to them and need not threaten you . ─── 他们的愤怒属于自己,你不必感到受威胁。

86、"That's their standard response to anything that might threaten their business," he said. ─── 他说:“烟草公司一切行为只是为了自己的利益。”

87、Dark clouds threaten a heavy storm. ─── 乌云预示着有一场风暴。

88、Don't threaten me with death; I'm past caring! ─── 别用死来威胁我,我不在乎!

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