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chariness 发音

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英:  美:

chariness 中文意思翻译



chariness 短语词组

1、chariness definition ─── 慈善定义

2、chariness meaning ─── 慈善意义

3、chariness pronunciation ─── 细致的发音

chariness 相似词语短语

1、chartless ─── adj.图籍未载的;尚未绘入地图或海图的

2、chariest ─── adj.谨慎的;仔细的;吝啬的;怕羞的(chary的变形)

3、charnels ─── n.藏尸所;凶杀之地(等于charnelhouse);adj.与死亡关联的;阴森恐怖的;n.(Charnel)(美)沙内尔(人名)

4、chanciness ─── n.偶然性;危险性

5、charmless ─── adj.没有吸引力的;没有魅力的;不好看的

6、chaffiness ─── 粗糙度

7、chalkiness ─── n.白色;白垩质;白垩

8、chattiness ─── n.爽直;爱讲闲话

9、charidees ─── 慈善机构

chariness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shari Stamford Krause,Ph.D.(2001),Aircraft Safety,New York :McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. ─── 朱永章(1995),飞机在低空风切下之飞行轨迹分析,私立淡江大学机械工程研究所硕士论文。

2、cane chari ─── 藤椅

3、With good coordination skills and chariness. ─── 较好的协调能力,工作认真仔细。

4、Shari even makes Greg take her picture at a party.Only Shari's not in the photograph when it develops.Is Shari about to be taken permanently out of the picture? ─── 读者将能够更好地了解亚洲公司所面临的棘手难题,并能够应用书中切实可行的理念工具 ,制定卓有成效的经营战略来化解这些难题。

5、Shari S. C. Shang, Se-Hwa Wu, and Chen-Yen Yao, 2008, " The Management of Resource Complementarity for Continuous Innovation in SMEs," Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ─── 陈意文;吴思华;樊学良,2008,"创新产品的资源拼凑与价值创造机制:资源基础观点",国际创新管理专业协会研讨会.

6、The capital and largest city of Chad,in the southwest part of the country on the Shari River. Founded by the French in 1900,it was renamed in 1973. Population,303,000. ─── 恩贾梅纳,拉米堡乍德的首府和最大城市,位于国家的东南部沙里河畔。1990年被法国建立,1973年重新命名,人口,303,000。

7、Chariness is the key to success, carelessness is the companion of fail. ─── 认真是成功的秘诀,粗心是失败的伴侣。

8、Assessment of intraoperative blood transfusion practice during elective non-cardiac surgery in an Indian tertiary care hospital G. Niraj, G. D. Puri, D. Arun, V. Chakravarty, J. Aveek, and P. Chari ─── 印度第三监护医院中择期非心脏手术时术中输血实践的评估

9、working with chariness and responsibility. ─── 工作认真负责,

10、Theremore,a small present from the further friend's, I found her chariness. ─── 只可惜现在的我离你们好远,有许多美好的时光不能与你们一起分享。

11、This is shari from shanghai, i am a very optimistic and easy-going girl with a strong sense of humor. ─── 本小姐性格外向,天生乐观,很易相处,幽默之极。啊哈,我是一个快乐的女孩。

12、Africa: Nile River, Lake Turkana and Omo River (Ref. 2835); Lake Chad, Chari River and Logone River (Ref. 2835). ─── 非洲:尼罗河,特坎那湖与奥莫河;(参考文献2835)查德湖,沙立河与洛贡河.(参考文献2835

13、I will cherish your chariness and consideration in my mind forever! ─── 你的细心,你的体贴,我会永远珍藏在心中。

14、LANSDALE, Pennsylvania - Shari Bernstiel walks across the street with her guide horse Tonto. ─── 宾夕法尼亚州兰斯达尔镇:莎丽-彭斯蒂尔女士正和她的“马导”唐托走过马路。

15、"I wish they used the same passion to actually solve poverty," Chari said as he watched the news on a hot afternoon. ─── “我希望他们用同样的热情去认真解决贫困问题,”查里在炎热的午后一边看电视新闻一边说道。

16、Associate degree and above,good spoken English,initiative and chariness with working. ─── 要求大专及以上学历,有流畅的英语口语能力,工作细心主动。

17、lower mean coefficient of friction, higher mean deviation of MIU, so that the fabrics exhibit smooth and shari. ─── 平均摩擦因数小,摩擦因数的平均差不匀率大,织物滑爽;

18、Taking advantage of this, he started his own musical project, CHARI CHARI. ─── 趁这个时候,他开始自己的音乐计划, chari chari 。

19、the capital and largest city of Chad; located in the southwestern on the Shari river ─── 乍德的首府和最大城市;位于乍得的东南部沙里河畔

20、Nursing and observation chariness,feeding and adding milk correctly were important to prevent and diagnosis early of NEC. ─── 结论细心的护理观察,合理喂养,避免加奶过快对nec早期诊断、预防、转归有重要影响。

21、Easy-going, Outgoing Active, Optimism, positive, with chariness and responsibility. ─── 富有亲和力,性格开朗,乐观,积极主动,认真负责。

22、Achar Thirumala Chari, 46, a manager of a hotel, had had enough. ─── 46岁的宾馆经理阿查.提鲁马拉.查里早就受够了。

23、Strong communication (both oral and written), chariness, reliable and hardworking with an attitude to learn. ─── 有良好的沟通能力,细心负责,勤学肯干。

24、a lake in north central Africa; fed by the Shari river. ─── 非洲中部的背面的一个湖;莎丽河供水。

25、Lawyer Fan has won thumb-up from masscustomers from inside China and abroad thanks to her full play of solidfoundation in English and law, chariness and devotion. ─── 范律师在执业中充分发挥了深厚的英语和法律专业功底,以细心和敬业的精神赢得了国内外广大客户的赞誉。

26、Pray for Bahrain to abolish Shari’a law. ─── 祷告巴林废除伊斯兰律法。

27、Manage the cleaner effective and chariness work. ─── 管理清洁工有效认真的完成本职工作。

28、After dinner. Richard packages. Father and son are all alike, daunts before some kind of triple things that could be handle easily with bit chariness. ─── 饭后,查理德在房间收拾衣物,准备和儿女们去参赛。这位父亲和他错了毫无知觉的宝贝儿子一样,被一件本来用细心就可以解决的事儿难倒了。

29、Have you discover which I became more and more femininity and chariness. ─── 你有没有发现我变得越来越温柔,越来越细心体贴了。

30、Shari Hearn is a writer, hypnotist and creator of Expecting Baby website, where you can learn about such things as home pregnancy test accuracy. ─── 不论你自然生育计划与否,催眠可以帮助你放松对整个生产过程.可以帮助你变得更加轻松达到控制你怀孕,而不是你有你的怀孕增益控制.

31、The chief tributary of the Chari River of the Lake Chad basin in equatorial Africa, it drains northeastern Cameroon and Chad. ─── 赤道非洲查德湖盆地沙里河的主要支流。流经喀麦隆东北部和查德。

32、I will cherish your chariness and consideration in my mind forever! ─── 你的细心,你的体贴,我会永远珍藏在心中。

33、2.Good shape and character,chariness and sureless working;3. ─── 2.五官端正,人品良好,工作认真负责;

34、Chariness, a strong sense of responsibility and adaptability is necessary; ─── 工作细心、责任心强、适应能力强;

35、I can finish the work by myself and can treat the patients with chariness, love, patience and responsibility. ─── 并以细心、爱心、耐心、责任心对待患者。

36、”Shari Fink runs part of her practice out of chiropractor David Liberman’s office in Oak Creek. ─── 除此之外,由于竞争者的冲击,网络营销的价格策略应该适时调整,中小企业营销的目的不同,可根据时间不同制定价格。

37、Modern Macroeconomics in Practice: How Theory Is Shaping Policy by V. V. Chari by Patrick J. Kehoe ─── 现代宏观经济学的理论与政策实践瓦拉德拉·查里帕特里克·基欧

38、Protein kinase A as a therapeutic target for memory disorders: rationale and challenges Amy F.T.Amsten, Brian P.Ramos, Shari G.Birnbaum and Jane R.Taylor ─── 蛋白激酶A作为记忆障碍的药物治疗靶点:依据和挑战

39、-Good command of computer operation -Good problem solving ability, chariness and responsible. ─── 良好的计算机操作水平;较强的沟通协调能力,工作细心,责任心强;

40、Good shape and character,chariness and sureless working;3. ─── 五官端正,人品良好,工作认真负责;

41、Shari Saw Wing ─── n. 莎丽锯翅燕

42、Have strong sense of responsibility, graveness and chariness ─── 有强烈工作责任心,做事认真、负责、细心

43、Chariness brings refinement life, MEIOU Sanitary will go to try its best to create more glorious and resplendent future. ─── 精心带动精致生活,在新的世纪里,美鸥洁具将继续为更加灿烂辉煌的明天而努力!

44、Honesty, earnest, chariness and high consecution. ─── 诚信,工作细致认真,谨慎细心,条理性强;

45、Shari Tang Powder ─── 沙日-汤

46、According stride borough mechanical harvest practice,the author summarizes basic experiences as invariance,core,sincerity,chariness and take pains. ─── 本文作者通过多年的跨区机收实践,总结出“恒心、核心、诚心、细心、耐心”基本经验。

47、Oppose Sharia system (buy Cihaibu) and advocated the Shari"a school not blindly follow a particular camp, For Shariah to the problem by training for the difference. ─── 反对教法体系(买兹海布),主张在四大教法学派中不盲目遵循某一派,对于教法问题要以经训为绳墨。

48、Chariness brings refinement life, CAIBA Sanitary will go to try its best to create more glorious and resplendent future. ─── 精心带动精致生活,在新的世纪里,彩霸洁具将继续为更加灿烂光辉的明天而努力!

49、Shari Gonzalez said she was thinking about getting a dog when a dog trainer suggested part-time ownership. At first, she had reservations. ─── 莎莉:冈萨雷斯说她想过要养一只狗,但有一位驯狗师建议她可以考虑弹性养狗。刚开始,冈萨雷斯对此持保留态度。

50、With good coordination skills and chariness. ─── 较好的协调能力,工作认真仔细。

51、The capital and largest city of Chad, in the southwest part of the country on the Shari River. Founded by the French in 900, it was renamed in 973. Population, 303,000. ─── 恩贾梅纳,拉米堡:位于乍得西南部的该国首府和最大城市,临夏里河。990年被法国建立,973年重新命名,人口303,000

52、My biggest characteristic is chariness and preciseness when working, I like thinking. ─── 我最大的特点就是做事细心严谨,喜欢思考问题。

53、Because we think that we treat the customers is like to treat our friends with full of enthusiasm and thoughtful, we will not grudge providing more patience and chariness. ─── 因为我们觉得招待客人,就像是要招待朋友般热情和周到,所以我们不会吝啬向客人多提供一点耐心和细心。

54、The capital and largest city of Chad, in the southwest part of the country on the Shari River.Founded by the French in1900, it was renamed in1973.Population, 303, 000. ─── 恩贾梅纳,拉米堡乍德的首府和最大城市,位于国家的东南部沙里河畔。1990年被法国建立,1973年重新命名,人口,303,

55、It flows 240 mi (390 km) northwest to join the Chari at N'Djamena, Chad. ─── 流向西北,在查德的恩贾梅纳汇入沙里河。全长390公里。

56、"Most honourable mother,please come!Tikki tikki tembo no sa rembo chari bari ruchi pip peri pembo has fallen into the well!""Speak up little one,the water is rushing, and I cannot hear you. ─── 泥黄色的粉, 标名是“驴打滚”. 我跟姐姐一看就大笑, 说: “这名子起得太形象了, 好象一头驴在泥地里打过滚, 身上就粘了黄色的泥.

57、“My biggest characteristic are chariness and preciseness when working,dare to explore new paths and put forward new ideas,like to study and be good at learning new Knowleges.” ─── 原意:做事严谨,勇于创新,爱好广泛,乐于学习,善于接受新知识我是最大的特点。

58、The capital and largest city of Chad, in the southwest part of the country on the Shari River. Founded by the French in1900, it was renamed in1973. Population,303, 000. ─── 恩贾梅纳,拉米堡乍德的首府和最大城市,位于国家的东南部沙里河畔。1990年被法国建立,1973年重新命名,人口,303,000

59、Self-controlled temperature, multi-leveled water provision, and innovative individualized fitment enable every owner to feel Taihua's chariness and consideration. ─── 温度自控、分质供水、创新的精装修方式户户不同等等将使每一位业主体会到泰华人的细心体贴。

60、the capital and largest city of Chad; located in the southwestern on the Shari river. ─── 乍德的首府和最大城市;位于乍得的东南部沙里河畔。

61、"The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply".Work with chariness and responsibility,aggressive was my advantages. ─── "一份耕耘,一份收获"。工作认真负责,力求上进是我的优点。

62、Honesty, earnest, chariness and high consecution. ─── 诚信,工作细致认真,谨慎细心,条理性强;

63、Chariness、choiceness、intentness , to make qualiaty gratifying. ─── 细心、精心、用心,品质永保称心。

64、Adharvana Chari, K. ─── r作者:M.

65、'Look at why big companies die,' says Shari Ballard, Best Buy's executive vice president, retail channel. ─── 这些作者的观点是:公司应该寻求充满热情的员工,让他们了解各种信息,并给他们空间去实施有益的项目。

66、shari has a great photograph of one of the june cards here as well. ─── 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。

67、Cormier JN,Thomas KT,Chari RS,et al.Management of hepatocellular carcinoma[J].J Gastrointest Surg,2006,10(5):761780. ─── 杜燕夫,韩进,谢德红,等.腹腔镜辅助下原发性肝癌和肝转移癌的射频消融术治疗[J].腹腔镜外科杂志,2004,9(2):6567.

68、He works with chariness and responsibility, Lead by Example for everything. ─── 有一定的工作能力。工作认真负责,处处能以身作则。

69、Graveness and chariness are my best excellence. ─── 认真和细心是我最大的长处。

70、Chariness and accurate; ─── 工作仔细、准确;

71、Shari 'a ─── 沙里亚

72、Chariness brings refinement life, MEIOU Sanitary will go to try its best to create more glorious and resplendent future. ─── 精心带动精致生活,在新的世纪里,美鸥洁具将继续为更加灿烂辉煌的明天而努力!

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