theine 发音
英:[ˈθiɪn] 美:[ˈθiːiːn; ˈθiːɪn]
英: 美:
theine 中文意思翻译
theine 短语词组
1、theine mac ─── 咖啡碱mac
2、theine app theine ─── 应用程序
3、theine def ─── 泰因定义
4、theine miami ─── 泰因迈阿密
5、theine free ─── 无咖啡碱
6、theine bio ─── 泰因生物
theine 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Never argue with en idiot They drag you down to thein level and beat you with enperienee. ─── 千万别和白痴争论,他们会把你拉低到和他们同等的水平,要用经验击败他。
2、DrinkTeaThe excited effect that causes, it is the effect of theine. ─── 饮茶所引起的兴奋作用,是咖啡碱的功效。
3、Abstract : Tea is an important cash crop of our country.Tea-Polyphenols, catechins, amino acid and theine are the elements of tea quality that are widely accepted in the world. ─── 摘要 : 茶叶是中国重要的经济作物,茶多酚、儿茶素、氨基酸、咖啡碱和水浸出物为国际上公认的茶叶品质成份。
4、Different teas had different theine contents and the theine content inlow-grade tea was higher thanthat in high-grade tea. ─── 不同茶叶具有不同的咖啡碱含量,低档茶中的咖啡碱的含量比高档茶的高。
5、Keywords Ilet latifolia Thunb;Theine;Ethanol; ─── 苦丁茶;咖啡碱;乙醇;
6、At the conference, Burmese Prime Minister General Thein Sein said his government welcomes more aid as long as it comes without "strings attached" and without "politicization. ─── 缅甸总理登盛将军在会上说,缅甸政府欢迎更多的捐助,但是这些捐助必须是“无条件的”、不带“政治性的”。
7、Minister of Development of Border Areas and National Races: thein Nyunt ─── 边区开发和民族事务部长:登纽
8、Bring forward two ways to compute the center line of steel tube and analyze thein respectie application. ─── 提出管塔制作中钢管中心线的两种计算方法,并分析它们的适用情况。
9、Mr Obama also met leaders from the Association of South-East Asian Nations, including Thein Sein, Myanmar's prime minister, the highest-level American contact with the Burmese junta since the 1960s. ─── 奥巴马也会见了东南亚联盟首脑,其中包括缅甸总理登盛,这也是自60年代以来美国和缅甸军政府之间最高级别的会面。
10、TheIn this thesis an ICAI system is built for this subject using automatic reasoning. ─── 本文恰是从事这方面的工作,研究一个带有自动推理功能的程序设计ICAI系统。
11、Just recently the Burmese government has arrested one of the Generation 88, a female, Nilar Thein. ─── 缅甸的政府最近拘捕了一世代88,女性,NilarThein。
12、Germany has strict laws banning the use of Nazi symbols, but Thein, sporting a Hitler-style mustache and military tunic, said he didn't understand what the fuss was about. ─── 德国制定了严格的法律禁止使用任何纳粹标记,可蓄着希特勒式的小胡子身穿军上衣的泰恩说他不理解这有什么大惊小怪的。
13、The author analyses some obstacles that exist in the development of countryside market and thein causes. ─── 分析了开拓农村市场面临的几种障碍及产生的原因。
14、Because theine can be excited central nervous, enhance the excited process with coriaceous cerebra, achieve hearten spirit thereby, eliminate the fatigue, goal that improves labor efficiency. ─── 由于咖啡碱能兴奋中枢神经、增强大脑皮质的兴奋过程,从而达到振奋精神、消除疲劳、提高劳动效率的目的。
15、" TheIn other new reseacheresearch, a study has found that sition circumcision does not decrease the risk that H.I.V. p positive men will infacted infect women. ─── 在另一个新的调查中,一项研究发现环境并没有降低艾滋病从男性传染到女性的风险。
16、Police investigated the man after members of the public complained they had seen Roland Thein giving the stiff-armed "Hitler salute" and telling his dog: "Adolf, sit! Give me the salute!" ─── 此前,警方接到了数起公众投诉,说他们看到罗兰特·泰恩抬起僵直的胳膊行那种提及希特勒名字的举手礼,而且对狗说:"阿道夫,坐下!行这种礼!"于是警方对此人进行了调查。
17、Also Thursday, security forces arrested Myint Thein, the spokesman for opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi's political party, family members said. ─── 同时周四,安全部队逮捕了myint thein ,发言人为反对党领导人昂山素季的政党,家庭成员说。
18、Alan Thein Durning ; ─── 著者: John C Ryan ;
19、Occupational Hazard of Adhesives and Thein Control Measures in China ─── 我国胶粘剂职业危害及其控制对策
20、Beach, Amanda Thein, Amanda Haertling Thein, Daryl L. ─── 放大图片 作者: Richard Beach, Richard W.
21、Canada's International Trade Minister David Emerson announced thein greement late Saturday in Toronto followilows between our two countries.” ─── 协议给投资者提供了一个稳定的环境,会进一步刺激两国间的投资。
22、President Barack Obama has made a personal appeal to the Burmese Prime Minister General Thein Sein for the release of the pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. ─── 奥巴马总统向缅甸总理登盛将军发出私人请求,要求其释放支持民主派领袖昂山素季。
23、Those that make the best use of thein time have none to spare. ─── 能充分利用时间的人,不会有多余的时间!
24、Tea contains a lot oftea much phenol, theine, amino acid, vitamin and a variety of microelement, have nutrition and sanitarian effect. ─── 茶叶富含茶多酚、咖啡碱、氨基酸、维生素以及多种微量元素,具有营养和保健作用。
25、education level represents theine. ─── 教育程度代表收入。
26、Furthermore, tea wine has lots of healthcare compositions (the content of tea polyphenols and the content of theine was about 1%). ─── 茶酒中保健成分众多,茶多酚、咖啡碱含量均为1%左右。
27、It is one of the difficult technoogies to wed the theine suhassembly of hydraulic torque converter as a key component in auto-shift on with elecbe bo welding. ─── 液力扭变器是自动变速车的关键部件,其中电子束焊接工艺难度很大。
28、Abstract: The author analyses some obstacles that exist in the development of countryside market and thein causes. ─── 文摘:分析了开拓农村市场面临的几种障碍及产生的原因。
29、Myanmar's ambassador to China, Thein Lwin, told China Daily: "I thank the government of China for taking care of the people who have fled (Myanmar) in fear." ─── 缅甸驻中国大使吴登伦告诉中国日报的记者:“我感谢中国政府照顾在恐惧中逃离缅甸的难民。”
teacher, driver,river,sister, father, mother,grandfather, grandmother
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