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08-22 投稿


caudices 发音


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caudices 中文意思翻译



caudices 反义词


caudices 短语词组

1、caudices definition ─── 尾状核定义

caudices 同义词

urodele |caudate nucleus | caudated

caudices 词性/词形变化,caudices变形

名词复数: caudices |

caudices 相似词语短语

1、culices ─── n.库蚊属蚊子,库蚊(culex的变形)

2、caudicle ─── 花粉块柄

3、caudicles ─── 花粉块柄

4、jaundices ─── n.黄疸;偏见;乖僻;vt.使怀偏见;使患黄疸

5、caprices ─── n.反复无常(caprice的复数)

6、carices ─── 漫画

7、caudexes ─── n.草本植物主轴;木本植物的茎基

8、calices ─── n.盏(calix的复数);杯状窝;凹洼

9、codices ─── n.法律(codex的复数)

caudices 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Caudex carrot-shaped, 5--8 cm, 0.7--1.3 cm in diam. ─── 块根胡萝卜形,5-8厘米,0.7-1.3厘米直径。

2、any of numerous usually tropical ferns having a woody trunklike stem or caudex and crown of large fronds; ─── 茎或大复叶的花冠如树干的一种热带蕨类;

3、Caudex simple.Stem solitary, branched from middle, terete. ─── 茎基单一茎单生,来自中间的分枝,圆柱状。

4、or the grass caudex of the undershrub, like ephedra. ─── 或为小灌木的草质茎,如麻黄等。

5、Caudex obovate or carrot-shaped, 6--10 cm, 1.2--2 cm in diam. ─── 块根倒卵形或胡萝卜状,6-10厘米,1.2-2厘米直径。

6、caudex drosalis ─── 延髓

7、Stems striate or reduced to a caudex. ─── 茎具条纹或者缩短成茎基。

8、The result shows: of the total precipitation,the penetrable rain take 80.96% ,the interception by canopy take 16.98%,the bole caudex flux take 2.07%; ─── 结果表明:观测期内穿透雨占总降水量的80.96%,林冠截留量占总降水量的16.98%,树干茎流量占总降水量的2.07%;

9、The content of GA of Leaflet was more than that of the other parts such as overground caudex and seed. ─── 总体上看地上部分甘草酸含量是微量的,其中叶的甘草酸含量相对较多,地上茎、种子等器官甘草酸含量较低。

10、Caudex narrowly obconical or carrot-shaped, 4--7 cm. ─── 块根狭倒锥状或胡萝卜状,4-7厘米。

11、Caudex carrot-shaped, ca. 5.5 cm, ca. 9 mm in diam. ─── 块根胡萝卜形,大约5.5厘米,大约9毫米直径。

12、Herbs biennial or perennial, with rhizomes or woody caudex, rarely annuals. ─── 二年生或多年生草本,具根状茎或者木质,很少年刊。

13、Caudex subterete, ca. 5 cm, ca. 6 mm in diam. ─── 块根近圆柱状,大约5厘米,直径约6毫米。

14、Caudex branched, erect, to 2 cm in diam.Caudex leaves scalelike, triangular to subtriangular. ─── 块根分枝,直立,在2厘米直径块根离开鳞片状,到近三角形三角形。

15、Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, caulescent, with a taproot or woody branching caudex, occasionally with rhizomes. ─── 一年生草本,二年生或多年生草本,具茎,具直根或木质枝,偶有具根状茎。

16、Keywords The caudex of Undaria pinnatifida;CPE;MTT test;Plaque reduction ratio; ─── 裙带菜茎;细胞病变效应法(CPE);MTT法;空斑抑制率;

17、Herbs perennial with a woody caudex or herbaceous base. ─── 多年生草本的具一个木质的块根或草质基础。

18、Caudex obconical or carrot-shaped, 3.5--4 cm, 0.9--1.4 cm in diam.Stem ca. 1 m, apically spreading pubescent. ─── 块根倒锥状或胡萝卜状,3.5-4厘米,大约1米,顶部开展的短柔毛的0.9-1.4根厘米直径干。

19、Caudex carrot-shaped, to 6 cm, ca. 1.4 cm in diam. ─── 块根胡萝卜形,给6厘米,大约1.4厘米直径。

20、Caudex simple.Stems several, suberect, branched from base, branches slender, spreading. ─── 茎基单一茎数个,近直立,分枝自基部,分枝纤细,平展。

21、Herbs perennial, with thick caudex covered with petiolar remains of previous years, sometimes with slender rhizomes. ─── 多年生草本,具厚为所覆盖第二年残余,有时纤细的具根状茎。

22、Caudex terete, ca. 6 cm, ca. 1.5 cm in diam.Stem erect, 0.5--1.5 m, apically and inflorescence densely curved and appressed yellow pubescent. ─── 块根圆柱状,大约6厘米,大约1.5厘米直径.茎直立,0.5-1.5米,顶部和开花浓密弯曲和贴伏的黄色短柔毛。

23、caudex encephali pontilis ─── [医] 脑桥

24、Herbs perennial, 3-4 cm tall, pilose, with a slender, rhizomelike caudex. ─── 多年生草本,3-4厘米高,具柔毛,具一纤细,块根。

25、Caudex obconical or narrowly obterete, 1.3--2 cm, 4--6 mm in diam. ─── 块根倒锥状或者狭倒圆柱状,1.3-2厘米,4-6毫米直径。

26、Caudex carrot-shaped or fusiform, ca. 7 cm, to 1.5 cm in diam. ─── 块根胡萝卜形或者纺锤形,大约7厘米,令1.5厘米直径。

27、caudex cerebri ─── [医] 大脑脚

28、Preliminary Study on Growth of Root and Caudex of Sesuvium Portulacastrum ─── 根、茎生长特性的初步研究

29、Caudex elliptic or obconical, ca. 1--5 cm, 4--10 mm in diam. ─── 块根椭圆形或者倒锥状,大约1-5厘米,4-10毫米直径。

30、Herbs ascending to decumbent, perennial, rhizomatous and sometimes suffrutescent from woody caudex, rarely with basal rosette. ─── 上升的草本兑一外倾,多年生草本,和有时半灌木状从木质茎基,很少具基生莲座丛。

31、caudex encephalic pontilis ─── 脑桥

32、Taproot gray-brown, stout, digitate-branched, capitate, woody when old forming a thickened caudex. ─── 直根灰棕色,粗壮,分枝,头状,木质老时形成一加厚的茎基。

33、Narrow leaves mum: Its caudex has the function to activate the energy of immunity. It helps to resist bacterium and virus. ─── 狭叶球菊:根状茎具有显著的免疫激活能力,抗菌、抗病毒。

34、Subshrubs, or woody stems specialized into tuberous caudex, or absent; anthers without appendage; leaves obtuse or acute at apex, sometimes with blunt spines. ─── 亚灌木,或者木的干专业化进块茎状的块根,或无;花药没有附属物;叶钝的或锐尖在先端,有时具钝尖刺。

35、Used to weight the flax fiber or flax caudex sample. ─── 用于定量称重亚麻的纤维或麻茎试样。

36、any of numerous usually tropical ferns having a woody trunklike stem or caudex and crown of large fronds; especially Australia and New Zealand; chiefly of the families Cyatheaceae and Marattiaceae but some from Polypodiaceae. ─── 茎或大复叶的花冠如树干的一种热带蕨类;尤其常见于澳洲和新西兰;主要属于桫椤科和观音座莲舅科,也有部分属于水龙骨科。

37、Caudex carrot-shaped, ca. 7 cm, ca. 7 mm in diam. ─── 块根胡萝卜形,大约7厘米,直径约7毫米。

38、The vegetable of Chongqing,including foliar kind, leguminous kind,melon&fruit kind,and root&caudex kind,have been polluted by heavy metal and pesticide. ─── 重庆蔬菜,包括叶类菜、豆类、瓜果类和根茎类已经受到重金属和农药污染。重金属污染以镉和铅为主,根茎类和瓜果类较为突出;

39、Caudex carrot-shaped, ca. 8 cm.Stem ca. 80 cm, apically shortly branched, basally spreading and apically appressed pubescent, with leaves equally arranged along stem. ─── 块根胡萝卜形,大约80厘米,顶部短分枝大约8厘米干,基部开展和顶部贴伏短柔毛,叶在茎上均匀排列。

40、Herbs perennial, robust, erect, sprouting from caudex or with leafy basal rosettes. ─── 多年生草本,粗壮,直立,从茎基或具使多叶的基生莲座丛生长。

41、The traditional classification of Cavendish subgroup based on caudex height is not strict corresponded with gene type similarity. ─── 认为传统的将Cavendish亚群分为五个类别的分类依据与基因型之间并无严格的对应关系。

42、Caudex obconical, ca. 7 cm, ca. 1 cm in diam.Stem 90--110 cm, sparsely appressed and retrorse pubescent. ─── 块根倒锥状,大约7厘米,直径约1厘米干90-110厘米,疏生贴伏和反折短柔毛。

43、Perennials with slender, branched caudices; fruit oblong or elliptic. ─── 多年生植物具纤细,分枝;果长圆形或椭圆形。

44、Herbs perennial, rhizomatous or with a caudex. ─── 多年生草本,根状茎或具一块根。

45、any of numerous usually tropical ferns having a woody trunklike stem or caudex and crown of large fronds; especially Australia and New Zealand; chiefly of the families Cyatheaceae and Marattiaceae but some from Polypodiaceae ─── 茎或大复叶的花冠如树干的一种热带蕨类,尤其常见于澳洲和新西兰,主要属于桫椤科和观音座莲舅科,也有部分属于水龙骨科

46、Herbs perennial, often pulvinate, with well-developed caudex covered with petioles of previous years. ─── 多年生草本,通常,具发育良好块根为叶柄所覆盖具有第二年。

47、Caudex ellipsoid-globose or oblong, ca. 3.5 cm, 1--2 cm in diam. ─── 块根椭圆形球状或长圆形,大约3.5厘米,1-2根厘米直径。

48、It has a lot of bio-active substance.Its root and young plant could be edible;root, caudex,leaf and fruit ,seen also could be used in medicine. ─── 经现代科学分析牛蒡含有丰富的矿物质、牛蒡甙、单宁酸、伊琳、菊糖、维生素、生物碱、粗纤维及人体必需的十七种氨基酸成份等,营养蕴含极高。

49、Elongated caudex branches; a shoot arising from the base of a stem or from the rhizome. ─── 发自茎基的长枝条;从茎的基部或根状茎上长出的枝条。

50、Caudices usually 2, rarely several. ─── 茎基通常的2,很少数个。

51、caudex encephali ─── [医] 脑干, 大脑脚

52、Effects of methanol extracts from caudex of Ammo pitanthus mongolicus L. on the growth of the larvae of diamondback moth, Plutella xylosiella L. were investigated in laboratory. ─── 摘要室内测定了沙冬青茎杆甲醇提取物对小菜蛾幼虫生长发育的影响。

53、Petals abaxially glabrous or sparsely pubescent; caudex short; stem strongly angled and fluted; leaves papery, matt. ─── 花瓣背面无毛或疏生短柔毛;块根短;茎强烈倾斜,具沟;叶纸质,表面粗糙。(4

54、Herbs perennial, annual, or biennial, acaulescent, rarely caulescent with ascending or decumbent shoots from a caudex. ─── 多年生草本,一年生草本,二年生草本,无茎的或,具茎具上升或外倾嫩枝从一块根那里的很少。

55、Petals abaxially pubescent or villous; caudex stout, elongate and exposed; stem terete; leaves thick or coriaceous, shiny. ─── 花瓣背面具短柔毛或具长柔毛;坚固的块根,拉长并且暴露;茎圆柱状叶厚或革质,发亮。(8

56、The prominent characteristic of the siliceous rock is the residual bioclastic structure, with plenty of silicified calcareous organisms, such as brachiopoda, encrinite caudex and coral, which are several millimeters in size. ─── 其显著特征是,岩石具残余生物碎屑结构,见大量腕足类、海百合茎、珊瑚等钙质生物假象,主要为mm级完整个体,密集堆积。

57、Isolation and Distribution of Endophytic Fungi in Dendrobium caudex ─── 石斛茎部内生真菌的分离与分布

58、The caudex of Undaria pinnatifida ─── 裙带菜茎

59、Extraction of polysaccharide sulfate from the caudex of Undariza Pinnatifida Suringer ─── 裙带菜茎中硫酸多糖的提取工艺

60、Herbs perennial with simple or many-branched caudices, sometimes forming cushions. ─── 多年生草本的具单的或多分枝茎基,有时形成垫。

61、With many heads, as in a highly branched caudex. ─── 具有多个头,高度分枝的茎基。

62、Purification and Analysis of Polysaccharides from the Caudex of Undaria pinnatifida ─── 裙带菜茎中硫酸多糖的分离纯化及分析鉴定

63、caudex dorsalis ─── [医] 延髓, 脊髓

64、Perennials; stems usually over 20 cm, from a stout caudex; larger stem leaf blades usually over 3.5 cm; flowers clustered. ─── 多年生植物茎通常越过20厘米,从一粗壮;通常的更大的茎生叶叶片超过3.5厘米;花簇生。(16

65、annual branches numerous, borne on caudex, erect, simple, yellow-green, usually with 5-8 internodes; ─── 一年生枝多数,生于茎基,直立,单,黄绿色,通常具5-8节间;

66、Caudex carrot-shaped, 6--9 cm, 7--10 mm in diam. ─── 块根胡萝卜形,6-9厘米,7-10毫米直径。

67、Caudex carrot-shaped, ca. 4.5 cm, ca. 6 mm in diam. ─── 块根胡萝卜形,大约4.5厘米,直径约6毫米。

68、caudex stout, densely clothed with fibrous remnant sheaths. ─── 茎基坚固,浓密具纤维制的残余鞘覆盖。

69、Caudex carrot-shaped.Stem ca. 80 cm, shortly branched, basally glabrous, apically sparsely retrorse and appressed pubescent, or spreading pubescent. ─── 块根胡萝卜形茎约80厘米,短分枝,基部无毛,反折的疏生和贴伏短柔毛,或开展短柔毛的顶部。

70、Perennials, with stolons, without well-developed caudices, stout rhizomes, or persistent taproots. ─── 多年生植物,具匍匐茎,没有发育良好茎基,粗壮根状茎,或宿存的直根。

71、Study on Composition and Bioactivity of Fucoidan from the Caudex of Undaria pinnatifida ─── 裙带菜茎中褐藻糖胶的组成及生物活性研究

72、Caudex carrot-shaped, ca. 6.5 cm, ca. 1 cm in diam. ─── 块根胡萝卜形,大约6.5厘米,直径约1厘米。

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