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emancipation 发音

英:[ɪˌmænsəˈpeɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ɪˌmænsɪˈpeɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

emancipation 中文意思翻译



emancipation 常用词组

emancipation proclamation ─── 奴隶解放宣言

emancipation 词性/词形变化,emancipation变形

形容词: emancipative |动词第三人称单数: emancipates |动词过去分词: emancipated |动词过去式: emancipated |动词现在分词: emancipating |名词: emancipator |

emancipation 短语词组

1、emancipation of children ─── [法] 子女的自立

2、emancipation definition ─── 解放定义

3、enslavement to emancipation ─── 奴役到解放

4、emancipation proclamation date ─── 解放宣言日期

5、Emancipation Proclamation ─── 解放奴隶宣言(美国南北战争时期的)

6、emancipation unique ─── 解放独特

7、Serfs Emancipation Day ─── 奴隶解放日

8、catholic emancipation act ─── [法] 天主教解禁法

9、emancipation of ego ─── 自我解放

10、emancipation hypothesis ─── 解放假说

11、emancipation memorial ─── 解放纪念馆

12、emancipation of woman ─── [法] 妇女解放

13、Foot Emancipation Society ─── 足解放社

14、emancipation nh ─── 解放新罕布什尔州

15、emancipation age ─── 解放年龄

emancipation 相似词语短语

1、emancipative ─── adj.解放的;有助于解放的

2、emancipate ─── vt.解放;释放

3、emancipator ─── n.释放者;解放者

4、emancipationist ─── n.解放主义者;解放论的人

5、emancipating ─── vt.解放;释放

6、emancipations ─── n.解放;释放

7、emaciation ─── n.消瘦,瘦弱;憔悴

8、emanation ─── n.发出,散发;散发出的稀薄物质;辐射形式;放射性射气;派出机构;(神的)显灵

9、mancipation ─── n.交付手续;奴役

emancipation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Its leadership position has been the result of the historical choice made by the Chinese people during their protracted and arduous struggle for independence and emancipation. ─── 它的领导地位,是中国人民在争取独立和解放的长期艰苦斗争中所作出的历史性选择。

2、They worked all their lives for the emancipation of mankind. ─── 他们为人类的解放事业奋斗了一辈子。

3、Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. ─── 100年前,一位伟大的美国人--今天我们就站在他象征性的身影下--签署了《解放宣言》。

4、For Popper, it is mainly an emancipation of intellectual life rather than an emancipation in terms of material life as conceived by Bacon. ─── 在波普那里,通过知识而自我解放这一观念主要是指通过知识获得精神上的解放的观念,而非在培根那里的通过知识获得物质上的自我解放的观念。

5、The emancipation of women depends on themselves. ─── 妇女的解放依靠她们自己。

6、They were always ready to go through fire and water for the sake of the Chinese people' s emancipation. ─── 他们随时准备为中国人民的解放而赴汤蹈火。

7、The emancipation of the untouchable can not be divorced from the progress and development of the society. ─── 但由于种姓歧视和隔离,非贱民的进步人士很难接近和启迪他们,贱民解放离不开社会进步和发展,仍有很长的路要走。

8、In her novels Austen synipathized with the oppressed ~vom en, probed the cause of the fallen women andproposed the emancipation of women. ─── 奥斯汀在小说中同情被压迫的女性,体察女性堕落的原因,从而提出女性解放。

9、The most unique teaching of Sankhya is the doctrine of “divine self”(Purusha). A person's spiritual emancipation and meaning of existence depends on discovering and the manifestation of Purusha. ─── “数论”与其他宗派的最大分别是认为自我神圣,主张要找到与显彰“神我“才能寻找到存在的真正意义,才能找到解脱之道。

10、Without financial or emotional support, his accidental emancipation didn't last. ─── 他没有财务与情感的支持,因此无法保有意外的自由。

11、From such a starting point, female emancipation has come a long way, although in the villages women do not look at you as you cycle past. ─── 从这样的起点出发,妇女解放运动已经走了很长的路了,尽管我骑车走过村庄时,女人们还是不会朝我看。

12、Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. ─── 在一百年以前,有位伟大的美国人签署了奴隶解放宣言,而今天我们正是立足于他所象征的影像下。

13、Mr Israel has set himself the task of rebutting these critics and re-establishing the period as the defining episode in the emancipation of man. ─── 对于批评家们的责难,伊斯雷尔主动担起了为启蒙运动反驳,为其正名的重任。他宣称启蒙运动时期即是人类解放运动的形成时期。

14、She showed her emancipation by piloting an aircraft. ─── 她用驾驶飞机来表示她的解放。

15、United action, of the leading civilised countries at least, is one of the first conditions for the emancipation of the proletariat. ─── 联合的行动,至少是领先的文明国家的联合的行动,是无产阶级解放的首要条件之一。

16、It was more than one hundred years ago that Abraham Lincoln-a great President of another party--signed the Emancipation Proclamation. ─── 100多年前,来自另一政党的一个伟大总统亚柏拉罕 - 林肯签署了《解放宣言》。

17、Its aim is to help the proletariat in its struggle for emancipation . ─── 他的目的是帮助无产阶级争取解放。

18、This is a day of celebration, emancipation and education. ─── 今天将会是充满庆贺、我释放和自我学习的一天。

19、At orientation sessions, Waddell tells parents the college years are a time for emancipation, when young adults learn to handle matters on their own. ─── 在新生说明会中,威得尔告诉家长,大学岁月是放手的时期,该让这些年轻学子学习独当一面。

20、The world identifies Mrs. Pankhurst with female emancipation. ─── 世人将帕夸斯特夫人与妇女解放运动联系起来。

21、He believed strongly in female emancipation. ─── 他强烈主张妇女解放。

22、The masses and cadres in all fields of endeavour should promote the emancipation of the mind, foster stability and unity, support the reunification of the motherland, and strive for the four modernizations. ─── 各条战线上的群众和干部,都要做解放思想的促进派,安定团结的促进派,维护祖国统一的促进派,实现四个现代化的促进派。

23、And failing to get action on compensated emancipation, he took the only other course. ─── 在这一动议失败后,他不得不走了另一步。

24、And failing to get action on compensated emancipation,he took the only other course. As a chief executive having morepowers, he issued the paper by which he declared the slaves tobe free, under military necessity. ─── 在这一动议失败后,作为一个有更大权力的行政首脑,他不得不走了另一步,签署文件,宣布奴隶是自由的,并在有必要的情况下使用武力。

25、If disentanglement from tanha is complete, it is called viraga (detachment) .This leads to release or emancipation (vimutti).Emancipation leads to nibbana. ─── 如果完全放下贪爱便称为离染(无执),这导解放或解脱,再由解脱导致涅槃。

26、But in his own time Lincoln was highly controversial, as was the emancipation of slaves. ─── 但是在他那个年代,林肯是一个非常有争议的人物,就像解放奴隶非常有争议一样。

27、the emancipation of the Chinese tradition ─── 对传统求解放

28、The significance of humanism for modern western society lies not only in its emancipation of human intellect and desire but also in its sublimation of human spirit and rationality. ─── 人文主义对现代西方社会的意义,不仅仅表现在它对人智与原欲的解放上,还表现在它对人的精神与理性的提升上。

29、Angel Clare, the prophet of emancipation, no longer exists. ─── 宣扬人类解放的安吉尔·克莱不复存在了。

30、She showed her emancipation by eating much. ─── 她用大量吃东西来表示她的解放。

31、LuXun had a clear conception of value of the Western culture, it was to realize the sound human nature and its emancipation. ─── 鲁迅对于西方文化有着明确的价值取向,即是实现人性的健全与解放。

32、As an ideal, human emancipation has to rely on proletariate. ─── 人类解放作为一种理想,它的现实基础是依靠无产阶级。

33、The emancipation of minds has not been completely achieved among our cadres, particularly our leading cadres. ─── 在我们的干部特别是领导干部中间,解放思想这个问题并没有完全解决。

34、On January 1, 1863, during the war, Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation Proclamation. ─── 日,战争期间,林肯发表了他著名的《解放奴隶宣言》。

35、In the second part, the author discusses the philosophical bases of Marxian philosophy of human emancipation are theory of alienated labor and historical concepts of communism. ─── 在第二部分中,作者论述了马克思人类解放思想的哲学基础是异化劳动学说和共产主义的历史观。

36、Philosophically speaking, the essence of justice finds expression in safeguarding the dignity, freedom, emancipation and all-round development of mankind. ─── 从哲学的视野来看,正义根本的指示把人的尊严、人的自由、人的解放以及人的全面发展视为人之根本的价值捍卫。

37、emancipation of man's individual character ─── 个性解放

38、China's own emancipation from the West is also creating an illiberal path, characterized by high levels of state control in the economic, social and political spheres. ─── 中国自身摆脱西方的解放也缔造了一条偏狭的道路,以国家高度控制经济、社会和政治领域为特色。

39、Slave owners held slaves down before the emancipation. ─── 奴隶获得解放之前受奴隶主的压迫。

40、She had the aptitude of the struggler who seeks emancipation. The glow of a more showy life was not lost upon her. ─── 她具有寻求解放的斗士的悟性,更排场的生活向她发出了诱人的光辉。

41、We should be good at seeking unity in thinking through the emancipation of our minds and guiding our new practice with the developing Marxism. ─── 善于在解放思想中统一思想,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践。

42、On January 1, 1863, Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation clearly stated that Confederate slaves were now free and they could serve in the Union army. ─── 1863年1月1日时,林肯的奴隶解放宣言清楚陈述,盟军内的奴隶现在全部恢复自由并可在联军内服役。

43、The value ideality of human emancipation is the core of Marxist philosophy, hence the ontological commitment of Marxism. ─── 人类解放的价值理想在马克思哲学中处于核心的地位,是马克思学说中的“本体论承诺”。

44、The key to human emancipation is the combination of human and nature, thus achieving the essential unification of man and nature. ─── 人的自我解放的关键是人类从孤独的自我走向自然,完成与自然界的本质统一。

45、On one foot, they’re symbols of authority, intimidation, emancipation and sexual domination. ─── 一方面,高跟鞋是权威、威胁、解放和性别支配的象征。

46、That also helped in my emancipation. ─── 这也有助于我的解放。

47、For national salvation and self emancipation, Chinese women, along with the entire nation, waged a dauntless struggle that lasted for over a century. They also launched a succession of movements for women's liberation. ─── 为挽救民族的危亡和谋求自身的解放,中国妇女与全国人民一道,进行了长达一百多年的不屈不挠的斗争,掀起了一次又一次的妇女解放运动。

48、In the course of Chinese modernization, the heavy traditional morality, which still obstructs the women's real emancipation, even takes root in the women's psychology. ─── 在中国社会走向现代化的过程中,沉重的传统伦理道德仍然阻碍着女性的真正解放,甚至根植于女性人格心理。

49、The emancipation of woman will only be possible when woman can take part in production on a large, social scale, and domestic work no longer claims anything but an insignificant amount of her time. ─── 妇女的解放,只有在妇女可以大量地、社会规模地参加生产,而家务劳动只占她们极少的工夫的时候,才有可能。

50、Furthermore, the emancipation of the mind, as a means and an object of theoretical innovation, is a continuous process. ─── 再次,解放思想永远处在过程之中,它是理论创新的手段也是目的。

51、Firstly, out of his pity for the black, Coetzee states that the black deserves the right of getting emancipation and freedom. ─── 笔者认为,库切对黑人复杂情感主要表现为:一方面他同情黑人,认为获得解放和自由是黑人应有的权利;

52、They rejoiced over their own emancipation. ─── 他们为自己的解放感到欢欣鼓舞。

53、But emancipation is a proclamation and not a fact. ─── 但黑奴解放只是一个宣言而不是现实。

54、His support for emancipation alienated many of the more traditional Anglican Tories, while his espousal of free trade split the party and ended his own political career. ─── 他支持天主教徒解放,这让许多较为守旧的信奉英国国教的保守党人对他产生了疏远感;而他对自由贸易的拥护也使得党内出现分裂,并且最终为他的政治生涯画上了句号。

55、The final goal of listening is for complete liberation or emancipation from all kinds of suffering. ─── 听闻的最终目标是为了从各种痛苦之中完全解放或解脱出来。

56、What does he mean when he calls for "the emancipation of society from Judaism"? ─── 他所说的“将社会从犹太主义中解放”是什么意思?

57、But will emancipation help them? ─── 但这解放能帮到她们吗?

58、All these account for the fact that the road toward emancipation and progress for Chinese women has not reached its end. ─── 因此,中国妇女解放和发展的道路远没有完结。

59、And only by achieving national liberation will it be possible for the proletariat and other working people to achieve their own emancipation. ─── 只有民族得到解放,才有使无产阶级和劳动人民得到解放的可能。

60、People who are tired of living, either due to bedridden senility or because of chronic suffering in illnesses, may still gain emancipation through Dharma practices. ─── 常年受病苦折磨或老弱卧床而厌世者,仍然可依佛法得解脱。

61、He argued and pleaded for compensated emancipation of the slaves. ─── 他恳请实行有补偿的奴隶解放政策。

62、"The true pioneer of the post-Romantic era, Schoenberg was committed to the "emancipation of dissonance. ─── 作为后浪漫主义时期名符其实的开拓者,勋伯格致力于"解放 不谐和音 "。

63、Their aim is to help the working people in their struggle for emancipation. ─── 他们的目的是帮助劳动人民争取解放。

64、For the religious scholars, such an understanding embodies greater emancipation of the mind, conceptual renewal, broader vision and a more vigorous academia. ─── 对宗教学者来说,讲宗教也是文化,意味着思想的解放、观念的更新、视野的开阔、学术的繁荣。

65、After a long time of oppression, the Europeans, especially the Italians, became being eager for emancipation. ─── 在长时期的压抑之后,欧洲人,尤其是意大利人,开始急切地寻求解放。

66、They're sure to attain emancipation in the end. ─── 他们最后一定能获得解放。

67、The essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now. ─── 哲学家们说:“人必须有智慧,不惧怕,去过幸福的生活。”

68、On January first, 1863, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that slaves in rebel states were free. ─── 1863年1月1日,美国总统林肯签署解放宣言,宣布反叛诸州的奴隶自由。

69、So they counteracted the weakness of refsormists and revolutionary group in democratic enlightening work,so that they propelled the ideological emancipation to the climax. ─── 因而,他们弥补了维新派、革命派民主启蒙工作的不足,把从维新派开始的思想解放运动推向了高潮。

70、He touched on the question of the emancipation of women. ─── 他也稍稍谈了一下妇女解放问题。

71、Emancipation and Reconstruction Semi monthly ─── 《解放与改造》

72、She showed her emancipation by drinking beer and piloting an aircraft. ─── 她藉喝啤酒,驾驶飞机来表示她开通。

73、Some of the known civics are Free Market, Environmentalism, Slavery, Serfdom, Free Speech, Conscription, Emancipation, and Nationhood. ─── 一些已知的市政是自由市场,环境论,奴隶,农奴 ,言论自由,征兵,释放和国家的独立。

74、The socialist road with Chinese characteristics and the gradual formation of a "what is socialism" as a prerequisite for the emancipation and the driving force. ─── 中国特色社会主义道路的逐步形成,是以“什么是社会主义”的思想解放作为前提和动力的。

75、And how did he get from his pledge not to interfere with slavery to a decision a year later to issue an emancipation proclamation? ─── 为何“不干涉奴隶制度”的保证在一年后即转变为提出奴隶解放宣言的决心?

76、The history of human social development is one of human emancipation. ─── 人类社会发展史就是一部个人解放的历史。

77、The Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery in the United States. ─── 《解放黑人奴隶宣言》废除了美国的奴隶制。

78、He dedicated his life to the emancipation of all mankind. ─── 他献身于全人类的解放。

79、On this day, September seventeenth, he has finished his second draft of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. Soon he will share it with his cabinet. ─── 九月十七日,他完成了解放宣言的第二稿,很快他会给他的内阁看。

80、He was for emancipation by stages and with compensation. ─── 他赞成逐步解放,采取补偿的办法。

81、Whatever benefits some necessarily injures the others; every fresh emancipation of one class is necessarily a new oppression for another class. ─── 对一些人是好事的,对另一些人必然是坏事,一个阶级的任何新的解放,必然是对另一个阶级的新的压迫。

82、When in the opening stages of the war Congress and the Federal generals embarked upon a precipitate emancipation, Lincoln opposed, and mitigated their enthusiasm. ─── 在内战初期,当国会和联邦的将领们着手贸然的解放运动时,林肯予以反对,并平息了他们的热情。

83、The world identifies Lincoln with emancipation. ─── 全世界把林肯与解放黑奴联系在一起。

84、The object of the mind's emancipation is a dind of harmonious social relations, achieving the bright prospects of "the wealth among the people". ─── 客体上,一种和谐的社会关系是思想解放的最终指向,以达成“藏富于民”的共富愿望。

85、Emancipation refers to the abolition of slavery, serfdom, and caste system. ─── 人身自由指完全废除奴隶制,农奴制和等级制度等等。

86、After a protracted, persistent and heroic struggle, the Chinese people won the independence for their country and the emancipation of the nation.Therefore they hold dear their hard-earned right to independence. ─── 中国人民经过长期前赴后继的英勇奋斗才取得国家独立和民族解放,因而极为珍惜来之不易的独立自主权利。

87、She spoke of the emancipation of women. ─── 她谈到了妇女的解放。

88、Confronting this aporia, contemporary western thinkers have tried many ways for "emancipation," but have all faded into pure gestures of "showing" owing to the lack of real impact of daily life. ─── 在这种新倾向面前,西方思想家已经探索过的诸多“解放”路径,尤其是美学救赎,也日趋捉襟见肘,日常生活再度成为焦点问题。

89、Emancipation from the bondage of the soil is no freedom for the tree. ─── 从泥土的束缚中释放出来,树木并没有获得自由。

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