Gregory 发音
英:[ˈɡreɡəri] 美:[ˈɡreɡəri]
英: 美:
Gregory 中文意思翻译
Gregory 短语词组
1、Gregory XII ─── [网络] 格雷戈里十二号
2、Gregory's mixture ─── [医] 格雷戈里氏散, 复方大黄散
3、Gregory Peck n. ─── 格里高利·派克(美国男影星)
4、Gregory's sign ─── [医] 格雷戈里氏征, 罗符辛氏征(见于阑尾炎)
5、Gregory the Great ─── [网络] 格雷戈里大帝
6、Gregory VII un. ─── 格列高里七世(Saint,1020?-1085,于1073-1085任教皇) [网络] 教皇贵 ─── 格利七世;教皇 ─── 格里高利七世; ─── 格列高利七世
7、Saint Gregory I ─── [网络] 圣格雷戈里一世
8、Gregory Pincus ─── [网络] 格雷戈里·平辛斯
9、Gregory Nazianzen ─── [网络] 纳西安岑(Gregory Nazianzen)
10、Mary Gregory ─── 玛丽格雷戈里彩色玻璃器皿(通常绘有儿童画像,流行于19世纪)
11、Gregory of Nazianzen ─── [网络] 贵格利;格利高里主教;纳西昂
12、Gregory's powder ─── [医] 格雷戈里氏散, 复方大黄散
13、Gregory XVI ─── [网络] 教皇贵格利十六;教宗国瑞十六世;格里高利十六世
14、Gregory John Norman ─── [网络] 格雷戈里约翰·诺曼
15、Gregory I ─── [网络] 贵格利一世;格列高利一世;教皇格里高利一世
16、Gregory XIII ─── [网络] 格雷戈里十三世
17、St. Gregory I ─── [网络] 圣大额我略
18、St. Gregory of Nazianzen ─── [网络] 纳赞森圣格雷戈里
19、Gregory Goodwin Pincus n. ─── 格雷戈里·平卡斯
Gregory 常用词组
gregory peck ─── n. 格里高利·派克(美国男影星)
Gregory 相似词语短语
1、Gregory IX ─── 教皇格列高利九世
2、Gregory I ─── 格里高利一世
3、allegory ─── n.寓言
4、gregos ─── 希腊人
5、beaugregory ─── 博格雷戈里
6、category ─── n.种类,分类;[数]范畴
7、greenery ─── n.绿色植物;温室
8、grego ─── 海员茄克;粗布大外衣;n.(Grego)人名;(英、西、葡、塞、意)格雷戈
9、Gregory ─── n.格雷戈里(男子名,古代罗马教皇之名)
Gregory 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He and Gregory returned to Straker's house. ─── 他和格雷戈里回到铎的家。
2、He inherited Flor on first coming to the St. Gregory. ─── 他一到圣格雷戈里饭店就留用了弗洛拉。
3、GREGORY Ay, while you live, draw your neck out o'the collar. ─── 对了,你可不要把脖子缩到领口里去。
4、The most famous apology in history was made to a much maligned, though far from innocent, cleric: Hildebrand, Pope Gregory VII. ─── 历史上最为有名的“道歉”是向一位神职人士所致:此公乃是希尔得布兰德,即教皇格列高利七世,他被人诋毁多多,然而也并非无辜。
5、GREGORY The quarrel is between our masters and us their men. ─── 吵架是咱们两家主仆男人们的事,与她们女人有什么相干?
6、It developed from the Irish Literary Theatre, founded in 1899 by William Butler Yeats and Lady Augusta Gregory to foster Irish drama. ─── 前身是爱尔兰文学剧院(Irish Literary Theatre),该剧院由叶慈(William Butler Yeats)和格列哥里夫人(Lady Augusta Gregory)于1899年创建,旨在推广爱尔兰戏剧。
7、He had arrived at the hotel St. Gregory under a cloud. ─── 他是含垢忍辱到圣格雷戈里饭店来的。
8、Gregory: Gloria, before I officially announce the reorganization, I want your final feedback. ─── 在我正式宣布重组之前,我想最后再听一下你的意见。
9、Gregory II ends his reign as Pope. 824 - Paschal I ends his reign as Pope. ─── 公元731年的今天,格里高利二世教皇的在位期结束。公元824年的今天,帕斯寇一世的在位期结束。
10、GREGORY S.SNIDER develops next-generation computing technologies at the Quantum Science Research (QSR) program at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto, Calif. ─── 史奈德在美国加州帕洛亚托惠普实验室的量子科学研究计画(QSR)里研发下一代的计算机技术。
11、Some of the great teachers of China appear to have had a similar view of the value of art to that held by Pope Gregory the Great. ─── 中国有些伟大的贤哲对于艺术的价值观似乎跟罗马教皇格里高里所坚持的看法相似。
12、Raban Maur (right) presents his work to Pope Gregory IV (middle). ─── 它在文件描述页面上的描述于下面显示。
13、Gregory is a very imaginative fellow. He can tell stories with the best of them. ─── 乔治是个很有想像力的?砘铩K?墒撬倒适碌墓w中高手呢。请而去的。
14、Why are you so chicken, Gregory? ─── 你为什么这么胆小,格雷戈里?
15、Now American scientist Gregory Orson is ready for his vacation, a trip to the international space station as a tourist. ─── 他就是美国科学家格里高利. 奥尔森,原来他是要以游客身份去国际空间站度假旅行。
16、Meanwhile, the protests continued outside the convention hall, led by Tom Hayden and black comedian Dick Gregory. ─── 与此同时,会议大厅外,抗议在继续进行,领导人是汤姆.海顿与黑人喜剧演员迪克.格利高里。
17、Gregory, 14, took off his baseball cap and twisted it hard in his hands as he glared at the tributes. ─── 14岁的葛雷格里生气的瞪著别人留下的纪念物,把他的棒球帽摘下,在手里用力扭著。
18、In 1972, Gregory opened his own private practice in Melbourne.Ten years later he expanded to become Gregory Burgess Architects, which today employs more than 10 architects. ─── 1972年,格里高里在墨尔本开始了他个人的执业生涯。10年后,格里高里建筑事务所成立,该公司如今已成为一间聘有十多名建筑师的知名建筑事务所。
19、In the works of Gregory of Tours, Clovis was no more than an ordinary barbarian king. ─── 但到了中世纪中后期,在法国王室的推动下并在御用文人的协助下,克洛维却成为一位尽善尽美的“圣徒”国王。
20、Then in1582, Pope Gregory introduced anew calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first. ─── .也是举办晚会和舞会,教皇格列高利向基督教世界介绍了一种新历法,新年改在1月1日那天。
21、Nugent needed legal advice, so he walked into the office of Gregory, Ellis and Gregory. ─── 免责声明:本站所有文章和图片全部收集自网络,如侵犯到您的权利,请来信告之,我们会立即删除的!
22、But no sooner had they left than a messenger caught up with them with the news that a new pope Gregory X, had at last been elected. ─── 但是,他们刚离开耶路撒冷,就有信使追上来告诉他们:新教皇终于选出来了,什格列高利十世。
23、According to Gregory Mack, a participant, all this makes a big difference. ─── 对于该计划的参与者格雷戈里.麦克来说,所有的这些改变的他的人生。
24、'You can put significant effort into creating a piece, ' said Dr Gregory, 'only to destroy it a few days later. ' ─── “画出这样一幅画,你会很有成就感。”格里高利博士说,“但是几天后就得把它销毁掉。”
25、The European calendar mandated by Pope Gregory in1583 is the only world calendar that did not intercalate at least two celestial cycles. ─── 欧洲历法被教宗格里高利于1583年指定为唯一的世界历法,至少没有插入两个天体循环。
26、"We may need some of the American starlings to be returned," Gregory jokes. ─── “我们可能需要从美国引回一些椋鸟。”格雷戈里打趣说。
27、On the occasion of the transfer of the cloth to Constantinople in 944, Gregory Referendarius, archdeacon of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, held a sermon about the artifact. ─── 值此之际,布料于公元944年转移到了君士坦丁堡,君士坦丁堡的圣索菲娅大教堂的执事长格里高利主持了一个有关人造物品的布道。
28、Gregory Mankiw, Richardo Reis. ─── 作者声明: N.
29、Timescape. Gregory Benford. Near-future scientists send messages back in time to 1962 to save the planet. ─── 不久的将来科学家将信息及时地送回1962年以拯救行星。
30、James Gregory gave in his "Geometriae Pars Universalis" a method of rectifying curves. ─── James Gregory在他的《几何的通用部分》中给出了计算曲线长度的方法。
31、Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him,” How much a year do you earn, Master Gregory? ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”
32、From left are Mission Specialists Mike Massimino, Michael Good, AndrewFeustel, John Grunsfeld and Megan McArthur, Pilot Gregory C. Johnsonand Commander Scott Altman. ─── 从左至右:任务专家迈克.马西米诺,迈克尔.哥德,安德鲁.菲斯特尔,约翰.格伦斯菲尔德和梅根.麦克阿瑟(女),领航员格列高利.C.詹森和指令长斯科特.奥尔特曼。
33、Durkin, Gregory E.Elliehausen. ─── 作者声明: Thomas A.
34、In 1995,Lopez appeared in Gregory Nava's critically acclaimed Mi Familia,a film that introduced the actress's talent to top filmmakers. ─── 1995年,洛佩兹出演了格雷戈里·纳瓦受到评论家嘉许的影片《吾家》,它向大牌制片人展示了这位女演员的才华。
35、Gregory was working as a tool and die maker in the wristwatch industry then, so he made a ring from a nickel and presented it to Alma. ─── 那时,格雷戈里是手表行业里一名制造工具和模具的工人,所以他用镍做了一枚戒指送给阿尔玛。
36、R.K.Hartmann and Gregory James. ─── 书名/作者 Dictionary of lexicography / R.
37、Probably 50,000 stores could close without any effect on consumer choice, Gregory Segall, a managing partner at buyout firm Versa Capital Management Inc. ─── “也许,5万家商店并不是因为消费者的选择而倒闭的。”
38、"As a 4-year-old he wrote a book about our local trash collector, Gilbert Gregory, and what he does during his daily route," she said. ─── 她还说:"迈克在四岁的时候写了一本书,专门介绍我们当地收垃圾的吉尔伯特·格雷戈里,并描述了他在每天收垃圾的固定路线上所做的工作。
39、Queens Park Rangers manager John Gregory could not contain his excitement after securing Ben Sahar's services on a three-month loan from Chelsea. ─── 女王公园巡游者队的约翰格雷戈里在确定从切尔西租到本萨哈尔3个月后再也不能抑制自己的兴奋之情。
40、The action revolves around Paul (Gregori Baquet), who, in one of many parallels to Maurice, is not quite to the manor born. ─── 保罗虽然有个好性女友,偏偏发现自己迷恋同房的校草兼水球队队长,每天就看著他换衫练水泡妞消遣,怎样是好?
41、In a further bid to improve the situation Aguirre has also signed veteran goalkeeper Gregory Coupet from Lyon. ─── 为了提高实力,阿吉雷还签下了里昂经验丰富的老门将库佩。
42、Robert Town and Gregory Vistnes(2001). Hospital competition in HMO networks. Journal of Health Economics 20 (2001) 733-753. ─── 国有医院运行的产权制度分析[J],中国卫生事业管理,2000年第11期(总第149期)。
43、When someone gets killed during a bank robbery by Deans, half-breed Billy Two Hats( Gregory Peck and Desi Arnaz, Jr. ─── 一部内容不落俗套的西部动作片,外景在以色列的沙漠地带拍摄。
44、Epstein、Gregory Kalven:Cases and Materials on torts,little Brown andCompany,Introduction,1984. ─── 国际比较法百科全书.侵权行为.概述[M].北京:39.
45、No one succeeded in making a telescope exactly to Gregory’s design until some years later. ─── 几年以后,才有人制成一架与格雷戈里设计式样一样的望远镜。
46、In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII instituted the Gregorian calendar still in use today, setting January 1 as New Year's Day. ─── 1582年,罗马教皇格利高里八世创立了罗马纪年法,并沿用至今。这一历法把1月1日定为新年的开始。
47、After graduating in 1939, he changed his name from Eldred to Gregory and moved to New York. ─── 1939年毕业后,他将名字由埃尔德雷德改为格利高里,并搬到了纽约。
48、But in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar. ─── 但是在1562年,罗马教皇格列高列推行了一种新历法。
49、St Gregory Therapeutic Spa, located at Novena Square, offers a blend of East and West treatments. ─── 位于诺维娜广场内的St Gregory Therapeutic Spa提供中西合并的疗法。
50、For proof, it is enough to read Gregory of Tours. ─── 只消读一读图尔的格雷戈里的作品,就可以相信这点了。
51、DeFries, Gregory P.Asner, Richard A.Houghton, editors. ─── 书名 :Ecosystems and land use change /Ruth S.
52、Having at length sent for the songster,he said to him,"How much a year do you earn,Master Gregory? ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位 歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”
53、Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "how much a year do you earn, master gregory? ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?
54、Hugh Laurie created Gregory House in the American medical drama House. ─── 休·劳瑞在美国医务剧《豪斯医生》中首次扮演了格雷格里·豪斯。
55、She's very impatient for this pill which she calls in one of her letters to Gregory Pincus, “a miraculous implement. ─── 她甚至一分钟也不愿多等,在她给格利戈里的一封信里她就说到“奇迹快出现吧”。
56、In 1998 Gregory Dixon and Willson Marshall, graduate Miami University-Oxford as Master's. ─── 大概是牛津的硕士成立的投资基金罢。(真的吗?)
57、Within an hour Gregory Steven's career was terminated. ─── 不出一小时,格雷戈里·史蒂文斯的前程就算完结了。
58、Willson has started conducting since school-age and founded the Gregory Choir; during which he had also conducted several church choirs and played as an organist. ─── 学生时期已开始指挥,创立了圣额我略男声合唱团。亦曾担任多个教堂合唱团指挥及管风琴师。
59、WHO spokesman (Gregory Hartl) says one of its main priorities is to furnish developing countries with vaccines to fight the virus. ─── 世界卫生组织发言人格雷戈里.哈特尔说,世卫组织的首要任务之一是向发展中国家提供疫苗对抗流感。
60、Above: Rogan Gregory (left) with his partner Scott. ─── 以上:rogan格雷戈里(左)与他的伙伴斯科特.
61、Epstein、Gregory Kalven:Cases and Materials on torts,little Brown and Company,Introduction,1984. ─── 国际比较法百科全书.侵权行为.概述[M].北京:39.
62、Gregory Beranger, Nico Pareja and Sergio Sanchez have all undergone tests with other injuries and have had various reports. ─── 周一,医生将会对卡索拉的病情进行会诊,并决定是否会采取手术治疗方案。
63、Gregory poured another glass of white wine and went back to his bedroom. ─── 格雷戈里又倒了一杯白葡萄酒,回卧室去了。
64、In 597, pope Gregory I sent st. Augustine to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity. Augustine was remarkably successfully in converting the king and the nobility. ─── 597年,教皇格里高利派遣圣奥古斯廷去英格兰,使异教徒的英国人皈依基督教。在使国王和贵族皈依基督教方面,圣奥古斯廷特别成功。
65、Quoted from Gregory A.Mark, The Personification of the Business Corporation in American Law, Op.Cit. ─── 因此,在股东责任的承担上,用“刺破公司面纱制度”显然是更为准确和更为合理的。
66、She found him at a laboratory in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. He was the colorful and brilliant reproductive physiologist, Gregory Pincus. ─── 她终于在马萨诸塞州的一座实验室里找了他,一位才华横溢的繁殖生理学家,格雷戈里·平卡斯。
67、But her best friend, the ever-practical Lady Lucinda Abernathy, wants to save Hermione from a disastrous alliance, so she offers to help Gregory win her over. ─── 书中引入了一些科学常识,从心理和生理学的角度讲述肥胖的定义、成因,肥胖带给女性精神的精神压力和心理阴影,以及容易对孕产妇这一特殊人群造成的健康危害。
68、In579, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew's Monastery in Rome, to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity. ─── 公元579年,教皇格里高利一世把罗马圣安德鲁修道院的副院长圣奥古斯丁派遣到英格兰,其使命是使异教徒的英国人皈依基督教.
69、Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "How much a year do you earn, Master Gregory? " ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”
70、Ellwood, general editor ;Gregory D.Alles, associate editor. ─── 书名/作者 The encyclopedia of world religions //Robert S.
71、Gregory, 26, graduated form high school. He now goes to college and works at a school for emotionally disturbed children. ─── 26岁的格雷戈里高中毕了业,正在念大学并同时在为精神受到刺激的儿童开设的一所学校里工作。
72、JOHN BETTON, GREGORY G.DESS.The Application of Pupulation Ecology Models to the Study of Organizations.Academy of Management Review 1983, vol.10, No.4, 750-757. ─── 何继善,戴卫明,产业集群的生态学模型及生态平衡分析[J].北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),2005(1).
73、WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl says with the outbreak just beginning, there are many things researchers still do not know. ─── 世界卫生组织发言人GregoryHartl认为这次的流感爆发才刚刚开始,研究者们对很多事情仍然不清楚。
74、Oh,and before I forget,contact Gregory Burr and arrange a meeting for tomorrow afternoon. ─── 噢,先交代你一声,你和格雷戈里·柏尔联络一下,约他明天下午见面。
75、The guests act glad to get the grits, but the guests agree that Gregory's garlic grits are gross. ─── 客人们很高兴接受了蒜末,尽管客人们都认为,格雷奇恩的蒜末太粗劣了。
76、Among the celebrated pantheon of Hollywood royalty, few are as well-respected and universally adored as Gregory Peck. ─── 在好莱坞名人中,很少有人像格利高里·派克这样广受崇敬。
77、At right is Pilot Gregory C. Johnson. They are preparing to enter space shuttle Atlantis through the open hatch in the background. ─── 右边的是领航员格列高利.C.詹森,他们正准备穿过后方的开放舱口进入亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机。
78、In competitive swimming, Gregory set four world records and won numerous Paralympic medals. ─── 他在竞技游泳赛中创下四项世界纪录,还夺得多面帕运奖牌。
79、Gregory: Gloria, before I officially announce the reorganization, I want your final feedback. ─── Gloria,在我正式宣布重组之前,我想最后再听一下你的意见。
80、"As a 4-year-old he wrote a book about our local trash collector,Gilbert Gregory,and what he does during his daily route," she said. ─── 她还说:“迈克在四岁的时候写了一本书,专门介绍我们当地收垃圾的吉尔伯特·格雷戈里,并描述了他在每天收垃圾的固定路线上所做的工作。”
81、Leavey Jr., Gregory L.Ulmer, Derrida, Jacques. ─── 作者所著图书 Glassary 作者 John P.
82、"History of the Reign of Tiridates and the Sermons of St. Gregory the Illuminator," published under the auspices of His Excellency Nubar-Pasha. ─── “提里达特斯的统治和光辉者圣格利高里的传教史”,由驽巴尔-帕莎阁下发表发行。
83、She's very impatient for this pill which she calls in one of her letters to Gregory Pincus, “a miraculous implement.” She's impatient for this pill to be developed. ─── 她甚至一分钟也不愿多等,在她给格利戈里的一封信里她就说到“奇迹快出现吧”。她真的希望研究工作能立刻结束。
84、At the base of a mountain in Tanzania's Gregory Rift, Lake Natron burns bright red, surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough to fall into the salty water. ─── 在坦桑尼亚格雷戈里裂谷的一座山脚下,纳特龙湖闪耀着鲜明的红色,在其周围是不幸落入盐水的动物尸体。
85、Muriel Deshayen, 24, a French businesswoman who works nearby, met Belgian tourist Gregory Robert, 22, just outside the event and decided to kiss him. ─── 在拉德芳斯商业区附近工作的24岁女商人穆里尔·德莎在商业区外邂逅了比利时游客格莱格里·罗伯特,并献上了香吻。
86、To get the seasons back in sync, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII removed 10 days from the calendar! ─── 为了使四季的时间再度一致,在1582年,教皇格雷戈里八世从日历中去掉了10天!
87、But Gregory Cochran, a noted scientific iconoclast, is prepared to say it anyway. ─── 不过著名的科学狂人GregoryCochran决意要做第一个吃螃蟹的人。
88、In this conversation, Gregory Cosgrove, the CEO of a large telecommunications company, discusses a large-scale reorganization with Gloria Atkinson, his Human Relations manager. ─── 参考译文: 在以下这段对话中,Gregory Cosgrove是一家大型电信公司的首席执行官,而Gloria Atkinson是其人事部的主管。他们正在谈论一次大规模的重组计划。
89、As with all hotels, the St. Gregory stirred early, coming awake like a veteran combat soldier after a short, light sleep. ─── 好象一个小睡后久战沙场的战士,圣格雷戈饭店如同所有旅馆一样,一大早就忙碌起来了。
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