breasting 发音
英:[ˈbrestɪŋ] 美:[ˈbrestɪŋ]
英: 美:
breasting 中文意思翻译
breasting 常用词组
breast cancer ─── 乳腺癌
breast milk ─── 母乳;母奶
breast carcinoma ─── 乳腺癌
breasting 短语词组
1、breasting platform ─── 靠船平台
2、breasting bear ─── 承力轴 ─── 承
3、breasting iron ─── 承力铁
4、breasting dolphin ─── 带中央缆索的系船柱;[水运]承冲靠船架;靠船桩束;靠船墩
5、breasting structure ─── 靠船建筑物
6、breasting winch ─── 靠船绞车
7、breasting pheasant ─── 胸雉
8、breasting barge ─── 靠船
breasting 词性/词形变化,breasting变形
breasting 相似词语短语
1、breading ─── v.(非正式)在外面裹上面包屑(bread的现在分词)
2、breathing ─── n.呼吸;瞬间;微风;adj.呼吸的;逼真的;v.呼吸(breathe的现在分词)
3、breastpins ─── n.胸针;领带夹针;装饰针
4、breaching ─── n.烟道导管;烟道总管;模拟板实验性电路板功能试验
5、breaming ─── n.鲤科鱼;欧鳊属淡水鱼;用加热和刮擦的方法清扫船底;vt.打扫;n.(Bream)人名;(英)布里姆
6、reasting ─── v.(特指马)不合作;不服从(等于reest)
7、breaking ─── n.破坏;阻断;v.破坏(break的ing形式)
8、breastpin ─── n.胸针;领带夹针;装饰针
9、beasting ─── 珠饰
breasting 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Design and Construction Technology of Flexible Breasting Dolphin ─── 柔性靠船桩的设计和施工技术
2、She had a secret safely locked away in her breast. ─── 她在胸中埋藏着一个秘密。
3、He draw a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket. ─── 他从上衣口袋里抽出一札文件。
4、He made a clean breast of the whole secret. ─── 他把所有秘密全盘托出。
5、He drew a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket . ─── 他从上衣口袋里抽出一扎文件。
6、Breast calcifications: Are they breast cancer? ─── 乳房钙化:这是癌症吗?
7、You ought to make a clean breast of the whole matter. ─── 你最好把整个事件和盘托出。
8、Can lactation woman get breast cancer? ─── 哺乳期妇女会得乳腺癌吗?
9、He strode into the ocean, breasting the waves. ─── 他挺胸顶着波浪大步走进海里。
10、To take nourishment from the breast;suckle. ─── 吸奶从乳房中吸取营养;吸奶
11、Could you teach me the breast stroke? ─── 你可以教我蛙泳吗?
12、Should opioids be avoided in breast feeding women? ─── 3哺乳期间是否应避免使用阿片类药物?
13、Is tit size differ got breast cancer namely? ─── 乳头大小不一是不是就是得了乳腺癌?
14、Breast infections occur during lactation. ─── 乳房感染发生于授乳期。
15、His magnificent head sank on his breast. ─── 他那颗漂亮的脑袋低垂到胸前。
16、For the gently inclined and extremely-thin vein, the mining methods including breasting method, waste-lifting stoping, resue stoping, long walling were usually adopted. ─── 对于缓倾斜极薄矿脉的开采,通常采用全面法、削壁充填法、选别回采、长壁法等采矿方法。
17、Music has charms to soothe the savage breast. ─── “音乐有平静野蛮心理的魔力。”
18、The surgeon excised the lump from her breast. ─── 外科医生切除了她乳房的肿块。
19、There is a lump or mass in the breast. ─── 乳腺有肿物或肿块。
20、Could you teach me the breast stoke? ─── 你可教我蛙泳吗?
21、He made a clean breast of his crime to the police. ─── 他向警方如实招供。
22、Which is better: the breast or the bottle? ─── 喂人奶好,还是用奶瓶喂牛奶好?
23、He holds her helpless breast upon his breast. ─── 他的胸脯紧压她无计脱身的胸脯。
24、She found a lump in her left breast. ─── 她发现左乳有个硬肿块。
25、No, I was using the breast stroke. ─── 不,我游蛙泳。
26、He made a clean breast of all his crimes. ─── 他彻底交代了全部犯罪事实。
27、She gazed, her hands clasped to her breast. ─── 她凝视着,双手交叉在胸前。
28、A stunned waiter clutched his napkin to his breast. ─── 一位让人大跌眼镜的服务生把餐巾别在胸前。
29、Hope springs eternal in the human breast. ─── 人们心中的希望永不泯灭。
30、O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! ─── 哦,背离慈爱胸怀的顽固不化的流亡者!
31、She took her baby to her breast. ─── 她将她的婴儿抱到胸前。
32、Of or relating to a breast or mamma. ─── 乳房的,乳腺的属于或与乳房或乳腺有关的
33、She was feeding a baby at the breast. ─── 她在给婴儿喂奶。
34、He has a green wound in the left breast. ─── 他左胸上有一新伤口。
35、Breast Cancer Chemo: Lower Dose for Obese? ─── 乳癌化疗:肥胖者应该用较低的剂量?
36、Some women take aspirin to ward off breast cancer. ─── 一些妇女吃阿司匹林以防(避开)乳腺癌。
37、One feels good nestling like a baby on its breast. ─── 一个人象婴孩那样地偎依在它的怀中时感觉很舒服。
38、Inflammation of the breast or udder. ─── 乳房炎,乳腺炎
39、Breast cancer was a local lesion. ─── 乳房癌是局部病变。
40、He plunged a dagger into his breast. ─── 他把匕首刺进胸膛。
41、She cradled the child against her breast. ─── 她怀里抱着孩子。
42、He bears it as a badge on the breast. ─── 他把这佩在胸前当作徽章。
43、This breast biopsy demonstrates a carcinoma. ─── 乳腺活组织检查显示为癌。
44、It is OK that sheet eats papaya breast enhancement? ─── 单吃木瓜可以丰胸吗?
45、To take nourishment from the breast; suckle. ─── 吸奶从乳房中吸取营养;吸奶
46、Drink yoghurt can breast enhancement? ─── 喝酸奶能丰胸吗?
47、Breast Cancer Chemo Drug for Whom? ─── 哪里些人适合接受乳癌化疗药物?
48、A piece of armor for protecting the breast and back. ─── 上半身铠甲用来保护胸部和背部的那块铠甲
49、He was wearing a nameplate on his left breast. ─── 他左胸前佩带着一张名牌。
50、They had chicken breast for supper. ─── 他们晚饭吃鸡胸肉。
51、He clapped his hand to his breast pocket. ─── 他把手按在胸前口袋上。
52、Breast cancer death rates begin to decline. ─── 乳腺癌死亡率开始下降.
53、And the hopes that warble in my fluttering breast? ─── 你可听见希望在我跳动着的胸口鸣唱?
54、Milk expressed from a mother's breast. ─── 从母亲乳房里挤出的乳汁。
55、He felt the patriot rise within his breast. ─── 他感到一股爱国热情在胸中激荡。
56、This is infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast. ─── 乳腺浸润性导管癌。
57、His head sank forward on his breast. ─── 他的头垂向胸前。
58、He strode into the ocean, breasting the waves. ─── 他挺胸顶着波浪大步走进海里。
59、Doctors found a cancer on her breast. ─── 医生发现她患乳癌。
60、Here is a small fibroadenoma of the breast. ─── 图示是乳腺纤维腺瘤。
61、He made a clean breast of his predicament. ─── 他坦白地讲出他的困境。
62、It is OK really to eat papaya breast enhancement? ─── 吃木瓜真的可以丰胸嘛?
63、The Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Piled Breasting Dolphin ─── 高桩墩式桩台的三维有限元分析
64、He felt a surge of pride in his breast. ─── 他心中觉得有一份自豪感。
65、The incidence of breast cancer increases with age. ─── 乳腺癌的发病率随着年龄的增长而增高。
66、Breastfeeding vs. Breast Cancer Risk? ─── 哺乳与乳癌风险有关?
67、Breast Reconstruction: An Age Limit? ─── 乳房重建:有年龄限制?
68、His guilty conscience forced him to make a clean breast of everything. ─── 他的内疚使得他把一切和盘托出。
69、The optimization mathematical model of the pile forces for offshore piled breasting dolphin is presented in this paper. ─── 本文提出一种外海高桩墩式承台的基桩受力最优化数学模型。
70、Did the murderer make a clean breast of his crime? ─── 凶手供认/坦白了他的罪行吗?
71、Only the adult robin has an orange breast. ─── 但只有成年的鸟才有这种桔红色的胸脯。
72、A faint hope still flickered in his breast . ─── 她心中仍然闪现着一线希望。
73、What does the reason with aching breast have? ─── 乳房疼痛的原因有哪些?
74、The breast is a secondary sex organ. ─── 乳腺是属于第二性征器官。
75、He has a bullet wound in the left breast. ─── 他左胸上有一处枪伤。
76、Why is the ox papaya can breast enhancement? ─── 为什么牛乃木瓜能够丰胸?
77、He squeezed her to his breast and calmed her down. ─── 他把她紧抱在怀中,使她安静下来。
78、But you can breast them in an afternoon. ─── 你也许一个下午就冲过去了。
79、The "swooping" breast is actually pretty common. ─── 乳房其实是相当普遍。
80、What is the unfavorable site for carcinoma of the breast? ─── 乳癌最不利的部位在哪里?
81、The cross on the breast,and the devil in the heart. ─── 十字胸前挂,恶念心中藏。
82、His heart is beating violently in her breast. ─── 他的心在胸膛里激烈地跳动。
83、The presence of one or more cysts in a breast. ─── 乳房中出现一个或多个囊胞。
84、He made a clean breast of everything. ─── 他坦白交代一切。
85、A faint hope still flickered in her breast. ─── 一种微弱的希望仍在她的心中闪动着。
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