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09-13 投稿



lingua 发音

英:[ˈlɪŋgwə]  美:[ˈlɪŋgwə]

英:  美:

lingua 中文意思翻译



lingua 词性/词形变化,lingua变形

名词复数: linguae |

lingua 短语词组

1、lingua geographica ─── [医] 地图样舌

2、fetor ex lingua ─── [医] 舌臭

3、Pyrrosia lingua ─── [网络] 石韦;石苇

4、lingua plicata ─── [医] 皱襞舌, 裂缝舌

5、Polypodium lingua Sw. ─── [医] 石韦, 石皮

6、lingua dissecta ─── [医] 地图样舌

7、Ranunculus lingua ─── [网络] 长叶毛茛;披针叶泽毛莨;条叶毛茛

8、lingua in latin ─── 拉丁语

9、lapsus lingua ─── [法] 失言, 口误

10、lingua villosa nigra ─── [医] 黑舌 ─── [病]

11、lingua franka ─── 通用语

12、lingua franca nyc ─── 法国纽约

13、lingua alba ─── [医] 白舌

14、lingua franca n. ─── 混合语, 任何 ─── 混合国际商业用的语言

15、dorsum lingua ─── 通用语

16、lingua nigra ─── [医] 黑舌 ─── [病]

17、Cyclophorus lingua ─── [网络] 。

18、lingua francas list ─── 自由列表语言

19、lingua fraenata ─── [医] 结舌, 舌系带短缩

lingua 相似词语短语

1、linguiça ─── 香肠

2、linga ─── n.男性生殖器像(等于lingam)

3、linguals ─── adj.语言的;舌的,舌音的;n.舌音,舌音字

4、lingula ─── n.海豆芽

5、lingulae ─── n.海豆芽(lingula的变形)

6、linguica ─── 舌

7、lingual ─── adj.语言的;舌的,舌音的;n.舌音,舌音字

8、linguae ─── 舌

9、lingular ─── adj.小舌的

lingua 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lingua spiralis ─── 旋喙

2、ma nella chiesa preferisco dir cinque parole intelligibili per istruire anche gli altri, che dirne diecimila in altra lingua. ─── 我感谢 神,我说方言比你们大家都多。

3、"On the other, we can reach out to the world, where English is the lingua franca and Common Law is widely adopted. " ─── "另一方面,我们可以与世界各地广泛采用及接受以英语为商业国际语言、以习惯法为法律依据的国家联系起来。"

4、2. Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa. ─── 东非的主要交际语是斯瓦希里语.

5、A polyglot,varied country like the United States needs a national lingua franca,something that allows the members of any minority subculture to communicate on a friendly basis with people from vastly different backgrounds. ─── 一个像美国一样语言混杂的国家需要一种世界语,使各个亚文化的成员能够与背景极其不同的人们友好地交流。

6、Selection of the formula for the buccal tablets under lingua of LMWH and observation of the pharmacodynamics ─── 低分子肝素舌下含片处方筛选及其药效观察

7、So it has now become the lingua franch in the world. ─── 因此英语已经成为世界通用语言。

8、Speech training atter surgical correction of lingua trenum in adults ─── 成人舌系带矫正术后的语言训练

9、The Aramaic language in Padan-aram remained pure, and in the course the common language (lingua franca), of all the Semitic clans. ─── 在巴旦亚兰的亚拉姆语仍然是保持纯洁的,在变成普遍语言(混合语)的过程中,融入到所有的闪米特部族里面。

10、Chinese seems very unlikely to replace English as the global lingua franca anytime soon, while any global tidal wave of all-pervasive Chinese cinema and music appears far from imminent. ─── 汉语似乎不大可能在短期内取代英语而成为全球通用语,而中国电影和音乐似乎也远未到形成世界潮流席卷全球的地步。

11、Never mind that it is the lingua franca of our time, and the sine qua non for success in business. ─── 别在意英文是我们这个时代的共同语言和纵横商场不可或缺的能力。

12、JiJie,conosci bene la lingua italiana?Sono abile destro esperto in questa lingua.Spero che possa parlare un po'.Ciao. ─── 听说鸡姐在意大利留过学啊,但就是从来没见她说过一串意大利语。

13、I sincerely wish a promising new year to Casa Lingua. ─── 也祝洋话屋蒸蒸日上!08年有新的发展,活动越来越丰富。

14、In addition, it was also found that the salivary gland of ostrich was abundant, which was distributed in the lamina propria of lingua and pharynx mucosa. ─── 另外还观察到,鸵鸟的唾液腺发达,舌、咽部黏膜的固有层内均有分布,腺泡由单层柱状粘液性上皮细胞构成。

15、He left over 60 motets (including Absalon, fili mi), some 18 complete masses (including Missa Pange lingua), and many superb secular songs in the chordal “Italian” style (including “El grillo”). ─── 他留下了六十首经文歌(包括挽歌)和大约十八首完整的弥撒曲(包括小舌弥撒),及许多义大利和音风格的非宗教歌曲。

16、Grande dizionario della lingua italiana ─── 意大利语大词典

17、The W3C describes HTML as the "lingua franca" for web publishing, a phrase used to describe a language that is widely used and very influential. ─── W3C把HTML比作网络发布的“语言弗朗加”,一个用来形容某种语言被广泛使用并具有广泛深远影响的词。

18、A Bantu language of the Kongo used as a lingua franca in southern Congo, western Zaire, and northern Angola. ─── 刚果语刚果人讲的一种班图语,在刚果南部、扎伊尔西部和安哥拉北部用作一种通用语言

19、Effect of plasma radiofrequency at low temperature on lingua ─── 低温等离子射频对舌组织的影响

20、Interpretatio_Versiculatim_Missae_Tridentinae_in_Lingua_Latina Interpretatio in lingua Anglica cum imaginibus. ─── 中华人民共和国驻冰岛大使馆含中国与冰岛的关系,领事业务等信息。

21、The CPAN Lingua modules can give you power and flexibility in any text analysis task. ─── CPAN Lingua模块可以在任何文本分析任务中为您提供功能和灵活性。

22、fetor ex lingua ─── [医] 舌臭

23、Nevertheless,i prefer seeing English develop as the lingua franca around the world rather than being suffocated for the sake of so-called purty by some ill-advised legislative process. ─── 不过,在我看来,与具为了保持英语所谓的纯洁性而让不明智的立法将其扼杀,还不如任其发展成世界各国的通用语。

24、Taste bud was sparsely localized in the mucosa epithelium of lingua, maxilla, mandible and pharynx and their structure was simple. ─── 味蕾散在分布于舌咽及上下颌的黏膜上皮,结构简单。

25、Basta inserire il testo da tradurre, scegliere la lingua di destinazione e “tappare” su TRANSLATE. ─── 只要输入文字翻译,选择目标语言和“上限”的翻译。

26、"Chinook Jargon:a pidgin language combining words from Nootka, Chinook, Salishan languages, French, and English, formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific Northwest." ─── 奇努克混合语:一种由努特卡语、奇努克语、萨利希语、法语和英语组合起来的混杂语言,旧时被用作太平洋西北岸地区的通用语.

27、In a few terse Zentraedi lingua franca phrases, she told the rest of them what she read. ─── 她以天顶星通用语讲了几个词组,告诉其余人自己读到的内容。

28、lapsus lingua ─── [法] 失言, 口误

29、His slang was the lingua franca. ─── 他惯用的俚语成为共通语言。

30、Quantitative determination of luteolin in Pyrrosia lingua by HPLC ─── HPLC法测定石韦中木犀草素的含量

31、Se questa tendenza dovesse continuare, fra 30 anni ho paura che lo Shanghainese, un tipo di lingua che un tempo era spesso usata come elemento della satira, finisca per scomparire. ─── 按照目前的这种趋势,恐怕不需要再过30年,曾一度被全国人民拿来作为讽刺小品素材的上海方言将会基本消失。

32、In the German-speaking areas, German is the lingua franca. The ordinary people do not speak French but understand it. ─── 在德语区内,通用的是德文与德语,普通人虽不讲法语却听得懂法语。

33、So it has now become the lingua franca in the world. ─── 因此它已成为世界同用语言。

34、Java vendors scrambled to build refactoring tools into their IDEs.After all, it was the lingua franca, the language everyone is using, right? ─── 对于一个有大量现有代码的团队来讲,它(重构工具)会起到立杆见影的效果!

35、But the prospects for it as a widely adopted universal time standard are about as good as the frustrated aspirations for Esperanto to become the world's lingua franca. ─── 当年许多人提倡世界语作人类通用语言,可惜壮志未酬。

36、Meanwhile, dialects influence the change of lingua franca with its own peculiar strength and manner. ─── 同时方言也以自己特有的力量和方式影响着共同语的变化。

37、and I spoke to them in as many languages as I had the least smattering of ,which were High and Low Dutch, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, and Lingua Franca, but all to no purpose. ─── 我就用种种稍稍能讲一点的语言跟他们谈话,其中包括高地荷兰语和低地荷兰语,拉丁语、法语,西班牙语,意大利语和利凡特等地通告的意、法、西、希腊混合语,但是毫无用处。

38、......so it has now become the lingua franch in the world. ─── 因此英语已经成为世界通用语言.

39、HTML is the lingua franca for publishing hypertext on the World Wide Web. ─── HTML在万维网上发布超文本信息的一种通用语言。

40、"In the German-speaking areas, German is the lingua franca." ─── 在德语区内,通用的是德文与德语。

41、Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa. ─── 东非的主要交际语是斯瓦希里语。

42、il corso insieme agli studenti di madre lingua italiana. ─── 一起跟上和以母语为意大利语的学生。

43、Tu abbandoni la tua bocca al male, e la tua lingua intesse frodi. ─── 你使你的口乱说坏话,使你的舌头编造谎言。

44、Starting with the 1990s German was upgraded into the lingua franca of Central Europe.Furthermore, the status of German in the European Union is becoming more important day by day. ─── 从1990年代开始,德语被提升为中欧地区的通用语,此外,德语在欧盟的地位也逐日加重。

45、lingua gegraphica ─── 地图舌

46、global lingua franca ─── 全球通用语

47、The condition of microcirculation in lingua shows a function of internal organs, so its such effect is significant on antishock. ─── 因为舌微循环状况表明了内脏微循环的机能,所以它的这一作用对抗休克是有意义的。

48、At the mention of Monte Cristo Dants started with joy; he rose to conceal his emotion, and took a turn around the smoky tavern, where all the languages of the known world were jumbled in a lingua franca ─── 提到基督山岛,唐太斯就兴奋得心跳加速,为了掩饰自己的情绪,他站起身来,在那烟雾腾腾,集世界上各种各样的语言为一种混合语的独桅船上兜了一个圈。

49、GVO is one of my favorite websites and I am happy to be part of its Global Voices Advocacy and Lingua Arabic projects as well. ─── GVO是我最爱的网站之一,我也很高兴能成为全球之声推广计划和阿拉伯语翻译计划的一份子。

50、lingua alba ─── [医] 白舌

51、Exhibition or Convention English as a lingua franca, has its own features.In this paper, the author makes an analysis of these features and offers some suggestions of training of such translators. ─── 作为国际交流的通用语,会展英语有其自身的语言特点,本文探讨其特点,并提出培养会展翻译人员的几点建议。

52、How does what you do for GV Lingua fit into the world of citizen media? ─── 你觉得全球之声多语言翻译计画跟全球的公民媒体相近的地方在于?

53、lingua nigra ─── [医] 黑舌[病]

54、Ranunculus lingua ─── n. 长叶毛茛

55、Outside of Hausaland, communities of Hausa merchants have stimulated the use of Hausa as a lingua franca across a broad area of the African Sahel and savanna region. ─── 在豪萨兰之外,豪萨商人族群已带动豪萨语的使用,成为非洲萨赫勒和稀树草原等广大地区的一种通用语。

56、Without the lingua franca of English, monyglot Asians would be unable to communicate with one another. ─── 没有英语这门通用语言,亚洲人就无法交流。

57、Contrary to expectations this statement appears in French, not in the lingua franca, English. ─── 出乎意料的是这件条幅是用法文写的,而不是用流行的英文。

58、They speak over 100 local languages and dialects, of which the Tagalog-based Filipino is the lingua franca, as well English, with an accent. ─── 他们使用100多种不同的语言和方言,以他加禄语为基础的菲律宾语是通用语言,并讲有浓重菲律宾口音的英语。

59、Come trova la lingua italiana? ─── 您决得意利语怎么样?

60、una lingua molto difficile. ─── 一门非常难的语言。

61、fact, a number of interlocking reasons for the popularity of English as a lingua franca. ─── 事实上,英语之所以成为通用语,有许多相互关联的原因。

62、The official language and the lingua francais Swahili (also known as Kiswahili), spoken as a mother tongue by a large number of inhabitants. ─── 斯瓦希里语是国语,既是官方语言也是不同民族间交往的混合语言。

63、As Lingua manager, I feel obligated to help volunteers be connected to the whole GV community. ─── 全球之声有我最喜欢的两项元素:翻译以及全球议题。故事便如此展开。

64、LINGUA FRANCA, PIDGIN AND CREOLE ─── 交际语、洋泾浜语和克里奥尔语

65、A polyglot, varied country like the United States needs a national lingua franca, something that allows the members of any minority subculture to communi-cate on a friendly basis with people from vastly differ-ent backgrounds. ─── 一个像美国一样语言混杂的国家需要一种世界语,使各个亚文化的成员能够与背景极其不同的人们友好 地交流。

66、The Bantu language of the Swahili that is the official language of Tanzania and is widely used as a lingua franca in eastern and east-central Africa. ─── 斯瓦希里语作为坦桑尼亚官方语言的斯瓦希里班图语,在东非或中东非被广泛地用作通用交际语言

67、The German dialect known as Alsatian remains the lingua franca, and both French and German are taught in the schools. ─── 学校里既教法语,也教德语。

68、Meanwhile,dialects influence the change of lingua franca with its own peculiar strength and manner. ─── 同时方言也以自己特有的力量和方式影响着共同语的变化。

69、Among a large variety of languages in the world, lingua franca, pidgin and Creole are hardly known to the public. ─── 在世界诸多语系和语种中,混合语、洋泾浜和克里奥尔语等“边缘”语言不为大众所了解。

70、"We cannot attack," Lron was grant-howling, "because the [here he made an ursine noise that didn't translate into the lingua franca the Sentinels used] is not correct! ─── “我们不能进攻,”勒荣大声的嚎叫,“因为[这里他使用了一个类熊人的词汇,无法被翻译成哨兵使用的通用语]不对!

71、We've developed together kind of a lingua franca, a shared vocabulary. ─── 我们发展了一种共同的混合语,一种共享的词汇。

72、Polypodium lingua Sw. ─── [医] 石韦,石皮

73、It argues that, in the era of globalization, the nature of English as a growing Lingua Franca and its teaching should be redefined. ─── 在全球化时代,英语正在成为一种国际通用语;

74、lingua dessecta ─── 地图样舌

75、hanno parlato contro di me con lingua bugiarda. ─── 他们用虚谎的舌头对我说话。

76、Finally, a Lingua: : EN: : Fathom object is created, and a wrapped block of text (see Text: : Wrap) is passed to it for analysis. ─── 最后,创建Lingua::EN::Fathom对象,并将封装的文本块(请参阅Text::Wrap)传递给它,供其分析。

77、English is rapidly becoming the lingua franca of Asia. ─── 英语正迅速成为亚洲的通用语。

78、To many of my friends who only speak Chinese, GV Lingua has become the major source of African and Latin American news, for instance. ─── 时间的规划有时是个大问题。如果我有其他的笔译或口译案件,我就翻译比较短的文章。

79、It also analyzes the possibilities and difficulties of the EU English to become the lingua franca of the EU; ─── 本章还分析了这种语言成为欧盟通用语的可能性和可能遇到的障碍;

80、Putonghua,the lingua franca of our nation must be popularized to the masses of all dialects so as to employ its function as the universally accepted communicative tool. ─── 民族共同语普通话要推广普及到各方言区的群众中去,以发挥它作为全民通用的交际工具的职能。

81、lingua antibiotica ─── 抗菌素舌

82、lingua dissecta ─── [医] 地图样舌

83、English has become a lingua franca in many parts of the world. ─── 英语在世界上许多地方都成了通用语。

84、Keywords LMWH;buccal tablets under lingua;orthogonal experiment desigh;hypolipidemic effect;hemorheology; ─── 低分子肝素;舌下含片;正交实验;降血脂作用;血液流变学;

85、Time Magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the Lingua Franca of one quarter of the world's population. ─── 当然,那时候的人们有一个心照不宣的观念;

86、Choosing your words carefully to produce the desired response in an interlocutor is, after all, the lingua franca of diplomacy. ─── 仔细选择你的话在一个对话者生产所需的反应是,毕竟,外交的通用语言。

87、Since the 20th century the lingua franca (literally Frankish tongue) has not been English, as advertised, but American-English. ─── 自从20世纪以来,混合语(通常是指法兰西语)并不是广告中的英语,却是美国英语。

88、The West Atlantic language of this people, widely used as a lingua franca in Senegal. ─── 沃洛夫语这个民族的西大西洋语言,作为混合语在塞内加尔广泛使用

89、Today, like it or not, English is the closest thing to lingua franca around the globe. ─── 今天,不管你喜欢不喜欢,英语是世界上最接近共同语言的一种语言.

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