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09-13 投稿



vixenish 发音

英:[['vɪksənɪʃ]]  美:[['vɪksənɪʃ]]

英:  美:

vixenish 中文意思翻译



vixenish 词性/词形变化,vixenish变形

名词: vixenishness |形容词: vixenish |副词: vixenishly |

vixenish 相似词语短语

1、vixens ─── n.雌狐;泼妇,刁妇;唠叨的女人;坏心眼的女人

2、diminish ─── vt.使减少;使变小;vi.减少,缩小;变小

3、Finnish ─── adj.芬兰的,芬兰语的;n.芬兰人,芬兰语

4、hoidenish ─── 霍德尼什

5、vixenishness ─── 振动性

6、vixenishly ─── 恶毒的

7、kittenish ─── adj.小猫似的,耍闹的;献媚的

8、maidenish ─── adj.处女的;似处女的

9、Rhenish ─── adj.莱茵河流域的;n.(产于莱茵河流域的)莱茵葡萄酒;n.(Rhenish)(美)尔赫尼石(人名)

vixenish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、9 see joke: Those Lincoln is stinking coming round the White House is vixenish, the person of requirement an unimportant official post. ─── 9看笑话: 林肯非常讨厌那些前来白宫唠唠叨叨,要求一官半职的人。

2、Viewer's Choice Cyber Vixen of the Year ─── 观众票选年度最佳电玩坏女孩

3、Intane 80ED+ two eyepieces;Vixen GP2+ Dural Axis Motor Drive; ─── 定下第二个,9倍定倍瞄,楼主与我联系交易事宜。。。

4、TEXT FIVE The bride and groom, a guitar- wielding rock vixen and a muscle-rippling dragon- slayer , make an odd couple-so it is hardly surprising that nobody expected their marriage. ─── 新娘是挥舞着吉他的摇滚悍妇,新郎是一身肌肉的杀龙者,这一对是在古怪,也怪不得没有人相信他们能结合在一起。

5、To the jealousy of many, Tang Qing plays the male lead in three stories, having a love affair with the vixen (Bai Bing), the ghost (Zhang Huixian) and the fairy (Chen Fang). ─── 唐菁饰演风流俊逸的书生,周旋于狐妖(白冰)、艳鬼(张慧娴)与仙女(陈方)之间,享尽温柔,羡煞旁人。

6、Avoid by all means is vixenish, turn over old Zhang in disorder. ─── 切忌唠唠叨叨,乱翻旧账。

7、Why do you have only one child, dear dame?' asked the vixen. ─── 为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?”雌狐狸问。

8、Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, now Vixen! On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, and Blitzen! ─── 一会儿喊勇士,一会儿叫舞者,一会儿道跃进,一会儿说雌狐,然后是彗星、丘比特、雷声和闪电(都是驯鹿的名字)。

9、Glogg: Serves her right, the vixen! ─── 对这个长舌妇就应该这样!

10、The story tells of a vixen spirit who gets saved by a general, and he brings her home, only to create trouble and unrest amongst the townsfolk. ─── 但她们也并不是就此便可以高枕无忧!

11、The vixen and the lioness ─── 雌狐与母狮

12、No, that is not a misprint. UPN's tiny little butt-kicking vixen has won this year's SOS Campaign with 56 percent of the vote. Blows your mind, does not it? ─── 这个好象是个非官方投票,只是给各个电视网做个参考,得票最多的不一定继续拍。

13、Sea Vixen ─── 海上雌虎,是英国制造的舰载战斗机

14、This girl is Yi-meng, but demon Vixen uses her to trap Chu Chung.Chu is able to escape, but he returns to the picture and save Yi-meng. ─── 原来画中美绮梦受魔头摆布,朱仲侥幸逃出,却要返回画中营救绮梦。

15、They take pity o the downtrodden Fanny after her husband left her for Curvy, the sexy vixen who has also brutally defeats Fanny in a mahjong duel. ─── 不久,鬼哥的野蛮女儿波波看了子雄,随后二人搭上。

16、"That' s right - better clear out, " growled the other man, who all this time had been brandishing a suck at the dogs. "I've never seen such a place - a vixen of a woman, and regular savage dogs. ─── 另一个始终拿木棍吓着狗的,也插嘴骂了起来:“你们还是搬走的好,没有看过你们这里,人凶狗也恶的

17、I think you are riding the tiger by going out with her. She's such an unpredictable and moody vixen. ─── 我觉得你和她交往简直就像在骑只老虎,她是一个那么难以预测脾气不稳的泼妇。

18、"If only that vixen could turn into a person, dad," said his daughter melancholically. "They used to say that foxes turned into beautiful girls . ─── “爸爸,你那只沙狐要是能变人就好了。”沙柳几分悒郁地望着迷蒙的沙坨深处,“传说狐狸不是能变美女的吗?

19、HELENA O, when she is angry, she is keen and shrewd; She was a vixen when she went to school; And, though she be but little, she is fierce. ─── 海丽娜:啊,她一发起怒来,真是又凶又狠。在学校里她就是出名的雌虎;很小的时候便那么凶了。

20、shrew; vixen; virago ─── 泼妇

21、He was aware that only the desert and the old vixen would stay with him all his life. ─── 本来他心里清楚,能陪伴他终生的只有沙漠这头妖魔,还有这只老沙狐。

22、"Why do you have only one child, dear dame?" asked the vixen. ─── “为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?”雌狐狸问。

23、" asked the vixen. ─── ”雌狐狸问,“看我这群健康的孩子,如果有能力,一个骄傲的妈妈应该多养一些孩子。”

24、Vixen: n. ─── 母狐狸;

25、Evenif you take 1,000,000 yearly salaries also to respect the person.Youmost are also in an individual heart's empress, did not want to turnarrogantly oneself a "fashionable vixen" ─── 即使你拿百万年薪也要尊重身边的人。你最多也就是一个人心中的女皇,不要趾高气扬的把自己变成了一个“时尚泼妇”。

26、In the Feng version, St Aunt from a vixen spirit becomes the founder of a magic sect. ─── 在冯本里,圣姑姑从一个狐仙成为一个魔法宗派的创立人。

27、Whether you've got a free hour and a hot partner in crime to share it with or just a precious few moments to yourself, it's a snap to unleash your inner vixen with these steamy to-do's. ─── 无论你有一小时多的自由时间和一个热情的伴儿去分享,或者只是对你很珍贵的短短的一会儿,用这些有点情欲的小花招去放纵你的内心的瘙痒,都是一个很好的释放。

28、Confessions of a Video Vixen ─── 一位视频女郎的忏悔

29、"If only that vixen could turn into a person, dad," said his daughter melancholically. "They used to say that foxes turned into beautiful girls. ─── “爸爸,你那只沙狐要是能变人就好了。” 沙柳几分悒郁地望着迷蒙的沙坨深处,“传说狐狸不是能变美女的吗?

30、What do not cold-shoulder mom is vixenish -- because this also is of mom, love. ─── 不要嫌弃妈妈的唠唠叨叨——因为这也是妈妈的爱。

31、Former vixenish, deserve to go up now music calls RAP; ─── 从前的唠唠叨叨,现在配上音乐叫RAP;

32、Eight. Their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. In some stories, there is a ninth, named Rudolph. ─── 八只。牠们的名字分别为冲锋、舞者、跳跃、悍妇、慧星、丘比特、甜甜圈和闪电。在某些故事中,还有第九只,名叫鲁道夫。

33、at the end of our session we took some Vixen Lanthanum (LV) eyepieces and used so-called 慹mpty magnifications? ─── 两个镜子在高倍的表现都很好,在测试的最后我们用了威信的LV目镜,用到了过剩倍率。

34、vixen file ─── 弯齿锉

35、One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub. ─── 一天清早,雌狐狸带着她的孩子走出巢穴,看见了母狮子和她的孩子。

36、" The campaign is meant to promote Tuesday night's "Videogame Vixen of the Year" contest, scheduled to air at 10:30 p.m. on the East Coast and 7:30 p.m. on the West Coast. ─── 该活动用意在于促进星期二晚上的"年度电子游戏女孩"比赛,该竞赛预定于晚间10:30在东海岸,晚间7:30在西海岸播出。


38、With an angelic face and a vixen body nobody can resist her. ─── 拥有天使般的面孔和悍妇般的身材没有可以抵抗她。

39、However, when Bryant showed up, he was surprised to find that the vixen he'd selected was actually his wife, Vanessa Bryant. ─── 然而,当他现身是,他非常惊讶地发现他约的那个女子竟然正是他的妻子:瓦妮莎.布莱恩特

40、She is a vixen. ─── 她是个母老虎。

41、The colorful cast of characters includes vixen spirits, ghosts, humans and exorcists. ─── 与陈坤,她们一个是逾越十年的同窗好友,一个是合作四次的红粉知己;

42、a real little vixen ─── 一个不折不扣的泼妇.

43、but it was a china plate, the last of the dinner service that had belonged to his grandmother, old Vixen Tod. ─── 但是那是个中国盘子,属于他祖母老托德母狐的最后一套晚餐餐具。

44、"There was everything from ladies' shoes to trainers," said a local police spokesman."We've found between 110 and 120 so far.It seems a vixen stole them for her cubs to play with. ─── 当地警方发言人称:"从女士鞋到运动鞋一应俱全,目前一共发现了110-120只。

45、All my blood is her black poison! I am the sinister mirror In which the vixen looks. ─── 她就在我的声音里面,那个泼妇!我所有的血液都是她黑色的毒药!我是母狐狸所照的不祥的镜子。

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