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09-12 投稿



glyphic 发音

英:[[ɡ'lɪfɪk]]  美:[[ɡ'lɪfɪk]]

英:  美:

glyphic 中文意思翻译



glyphic 相似词语短语

1、anaglyphic ─── 立体影片的,浮雕装饰的

2、-graphic ─── adj.形象的;图表的;绘画似的

3、agraphic ─── 失写的

4、glyph ─── n.字形;图象字符;纵沟纹

5、glyptics ─── adj.雕刻的

6、glyphs ─── n.字形;雕文;占星学上所用的速记符号(glyph的复数)

7、glyptic ─── adj.雕刻的

8、triglyphic ─── 三角的

9、graphic ─── adj.形象的;图表的;绘画似的

glyphic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Glyph of Holy Light - Your Holy Light grants 10% of its heal amount to up to 5 friendly targets within 5 of the initial target. ─── 圣光术雕文-你的圣光术同时会治疗目标周围5码内最多5个友方目标,效果为10%的初始治疗量。

2、Specifies the type of glyph for elements with a bitmap background. ─── 为包含位图背景的元素指定标志符号的类型。

3、In the Breakpoints window, right-click the line containing a breakpoint glyph and choose Condition from the shortcut menu. ─── 在“断点”窗口中,右击包含断点标志符号的行,并从快捷菜单中选择“条件”。

4、Place the first glyph on the baseline. ─── 基线上放置第一个字形;

5、In the current X server, the client generates the glyph bitmaps and sends them to the server where they are cached. ─── 在当前的X服务器中,客户端产生字型位图并送给服务器缓存。

6、Glyph of Crusader Strike - Your Crusader strike deals 20% more damage when your targe is incapacitated or stunned. ─── 十字军打击雕文-你的十字军打击对瘫痪或者昏迷的目标造成20%额外伤害.

7、Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration - While Frenzied Regeration is active, healing effects on you are 20% more powerful. ─── 使用狂暴回复后,在它的持续时间内,你所受到的治疗法术+20%。

8、Draws a standard selection grab handle glyph on the specified graphics surface, within the specified bounds, and in the specified state and style. ─── 在指定的边界内、指定的图形表面上,按样式绘制处于指定状态的标准的选择抓取柄标志符号。

9、Glyph of Arcane Barrage: Reduces the mana cost of Arcane Barrage by 20%. ─── 奥术弹幕雕文:减少奥术弹幕的魔法消耗20%。

10、Here comes a solution to display different Characters or Fonts using tinyline GLYPH svg. ─── 为了达到最快的下载速度,推荐使用[]下载本站资源。

11、Added* Glyph of Lava Lash - Damage on your Lava Lash is increased by an additional 10% if your weapon is enchanted with Flametongue. ─── 增加:熔岩鞭笞铭文--如果你的武器上有火舌附魔,你的熔岩鞭笞伤害增加额外的10%棒棒糖

12、Glyph of Ambush: This glyph will now interact correctly with Initiative when Ambush is used outside of combat range. ─── 伏击雕文:当伏击在战斗范围之外使用时,这个雕文会正常的与先发制人同时作用。

13、Gets a value that indicates whether custom glyph forms can be used based upon the context of the text being rendered. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

14、Glyph of Rejuvenation: The heal from this glyph is now properly considered a periodic heal. ─── 回春术雕文:由此雕文带来的治疗正常地被看做一个周期性治疗。

15、Glyph of Innervate - Your Innervate spell now grants you full mana regeneration while casting for 20 sec, in addition to the effect on the primary target. ─── 启动铭文:除了影响目标的法力恢复外,你在使用“启动”技能之后的20秒内获得完全的法力恢复效果。

16、So we glyphic the customer. ─── 所以我们要了解顾客。

17、Glyph of Icy Veins: Your Icy Veins ability also removes all movement slowing and cast time slowing effects. ─── 你的冰冷血脉同时移出所有的移动减速和施法减速效果。

18、Nothing removes Exhaustion, although the elite Elementalist skill Glyph of Energy prevents it. ─── 只有能量刁文才能避免疲劳效果。。

19、Glyph of Raise Dead - Your Ghoul receives an additional 20% of your Strength. ─── 复活死尸铭文-你的食尸鬼获得额外的力量,力量值取决于你的力量的20%.

20、In the shortcut menu that appears next to the glyph, select the Horizontal splitter orientation item. ─── 在标志符号旁显示的快捷菜单上选择“水平拆分器方向”项。

21、Glyph of Shield Wall -- Reduces the cooldown on Shield Wall by 2 min (down from 3 min), but Shield Wall now only reduces damage taken by 40%. ─── 2则铭文跟新--盾墙铭文:降低盾墙冷却时间2分钟(之前是3分钟),同时盾墙只能减免40%的伤害。

22、Why is there a major glyph of feint? ─── 为什么佯攻铭文是大雕文?

23、Glyph of Icy Touch - Your Icy Touch does 10% less damage but generate 10 additional runic power. ─── 冰触伤害降低10%,但是会额外获得10符文能量。

24、In a source, Disassembly, or Call Stack, right-click a line containing a breakpoint glyph and choose Condition from Breakpoints in the shortcut menu. ─── 在源窗口、“反汇编”窗口或“调用堆栈”窗口中,右击包含断点标志符号的行,并从快捷菜单中选择“断点”中的“条件”。

25、If you want to know more, visit the glyphic Wall of Knowledge in a Tower. ─── 如果你想知道得更多一些,去访问塔楼城的知识之墙吧。

26、Draws a container control grab handle glyph on the specified graphics surface and within the specified bounds. ─── 在指定的边界内、指定的图形表面上绘制容器控件抓取柄标志符号。

27、Glyphic Group of typefaces classified under the British Standard which are characterised by having chiselled finish on strokes. ─── 佳菲尔体依英制标准分类的一组字体。特点是有斧凿形的直笔。

28、Glyph of Blessing of Might - Your Blessing of Might also grants offensive spell power equal to 10% of the attack power it grants. ─── 力量祝福雕文-你的力量祝福同时也提供攻击性法术能量,数值相当于它提供的攻击强度的10%.

29、Glyph of Consecration - Increases the radius of Consecration by 1 yards. ─── 奉献雕文-你的奉献的影响范围从8码提高到9码。

30、Glyph of Earth Elemental Totem - Reduces the cooldown of your Earth Elemental Totem by 4 min. Up from 3 min. ─── 土元素图腾铭文:减少土元素图腾冷却时间4分钟,原为减少3分钟。

31、In all sorts of kitchens, one glyph kitchen should arrange all working areas on one side wall, in the space normally circumstance of stricture of not big, corridor falls use. ─── 在各种厨房中,一字形厨房要把所有的工作区都安排在一面墙上,通常在空间不大、走廊狭窄情况下采用。

32、City tip: The Keepers leave glyph markings outside Hammer and Pagan territory. ─── 城市提示:守卫者在圣锤教和异教徒的领地外留了象形文字记号。

33、But that will not happen. You, Glyph of Unbinding, you will sit unused, unseen, unsung. ─── 但那将不会发生的.你,解开的象形文字文字,你将坐在这里不被使用,不被看到,不被歌颂

34、Draws the specified menu glyph on a menu item control within the specified bounds and on the specified surface. ─── 在菜单项控件上指定的边界内、指定的表面上,绘制指定的菜单标志符号。

35、Glyph of Raise Dead - You generate $60201$1 runic power whenever you summon a ghoul. ─── 复活死尸铭文(怎么又有一个)-当你召唤一个食尸鬼后,你获得点符文能量.

36、Glyph objects may have Behavior objects, but they are not required. ─── Glyph对象可以有Behavior对象,但并不是非有不可。

37、Glyph of Horn of Winter - Horn of Winter costs 10 less runic power. ─── 寒冬号角旳符文能量消耗减少10。

38、Glyph of Icebound Fortitude - Your Icebound Fortitude costs no runic power. ─── 冰封之韧不再消耗符文能量。

39、Because hinting aligns the glyph's control points to the pixel grid, this process slightly modifies the dimensions of character images in ways that differ from simple scaling. ─── 因为hinting将字形的控制点对齐到象素网格,这个过程将稍稍修改字符图像的尺寸,和简单的缩放有所区别。

40、Glyph of Icy Touch - Your Icy Touch does 10% less damage but generates 10 additional runic power. ─── 冰霜触摸铭文-你的冰霜触摸伤害减少10%,但是增加10点符文能量获取.

41、It is actually used in glyph form and has been since the beginning of time. ─── 它事实上是用在象形文字形式上,自从时间开始就已经有了。

42、Glyph of Barbaric Insults - Your Mocking Blow ability also taunts the target. ─── 你的惩戒痛击同样会嘲讽目标(仇恨继承?)

43、Glyph of Overpower: Now provides 100% chance on all parries. ─── 压制铭文:当对方招架你的攻击时有100%的几率触发压制。

44、These sequences allow standardized representation of glyphic variants needed for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean text. ─── 这些序列允许日文、中文和朝鲜文标准字符所需的变体。

45、Glyph of Crusader Strike -- now reduces mana cost (instead of increased damage on stunned targets. ─── 十字军打击铭文----减少法力消耗(以前是对昏迷目标增加伤害)

46、The three rulers also commissioned lengthy glyphic texts, which researchers have used to tease apart Maya script. ─── 研究者们曾从这三位统治者留下的冗长象形文本中破解出了玛雅文字。

47、Glyph of Guardian Spirit: If your Guardian Spirit lasts its entire duration without being triggered, your Guardian Spirit cooldown is reset to 60 seconds. ─── 守护之灵雕文:如果你的守护之灵在持续时间内未被触发,则其冷却时间被重置到60秒.

48、For example, if the row header cell has its Value property set, the glyph is removed if there is not enough room for both the text and glyph. ─── 例如,如果行标题单元格设置了Value属性,将在没有足够的空间来同时显示文本和标志符号时移除标志符号。

49、The Rectangle that represents the dimensions of the grab handle glyph. ─── 代表抓取柄标志符号尺寸的Rectangle。

50、Get rid of all that annoying row but making a ligature, one glyph which represents two (or more) characters. ─── 一劳永逸的解决方案是做一个连字,用一个字符代替两个(或更多的)字符。

51、fact, across our research centers, in three of them, we also hire a lot of anthropologist and work practice specialist to really truly glyphic our customers and truly understand what they need. ─── 实际上,在我们的研究中心中,其中的三个聘用了很多人类学家,和研究人类工作的专家来描述,我们的消费者,理解他们的需要。

52、They go and glyphic the customer, observe the customer, bring some researchers with them. ─── 他们了解顾客,观察他们,再带上一些研究人员。

53、Glyph of Arcane Shot: Your Arcane Shot refunds 20% of its mana cost if the target has one of your Stings active on it. ─── 奥术射击铭文:如果目标上有你的钉刺你的奥术射击将返还20%释放消耗。

54、If the document's dir property is set to rtl, the selection glyph is on the right. ─── 如果文档的dir属性设置为rtl,则选择标志符号在右边。

55、For the simple cases like English, the character-to- glyph mapping may be straightforward. ─── 对于像英文这样的简单情况,字符到符号的映射可能非常直观。

56、While holding down the mouse button, allow the Toolbox to close, and then move the glyph that represents your control to the upper-left corner of the form. ─── 在按住鼠标按钮的同时,允许工具箱关闭,然后将表示该控件的标志符号移动至窗体的左上角。

57、Glyph of Innervate: Has been adjusted to grant the Druid 90% of his or her base mana pool over 20 seconds. ─── * 激活雕文:调整为在20秒内增加德鲁伊90%基础法力值。

58、In a source window, Disassembly window, or Call Stack window, a breakpoint appears as a red symbol or glyph. ─── 在源窗口、“反汇编”窗口或“调用堆栈”窗口中,断点显示为一个红色符号或标志符号。

59、The following example demonstrates how to override the GetHitTest to see if the point is within this glyph. ─── 下面的示例演示如何重写GetHitTest,以检查该点是否位于此标志符号内。

60、In a source window or Disassembly window, click on the breakpoint glyph. ─── 在源窗口或“反汇编”窗口中,单击断点标志符号。

61、In a source, Disassembly, or Call Stack, right-click a line containing a breakpoint glyph and choose Filter from Breakpoints in the shortcut menu. ─── 在源窗口、“反汇编”窗口或“调用堆栈”窗口中,右击包含断点标志符号的行,并从快捷菜单中选择“断点”中的“筛选器”。

62、Glyph of Crusader Strike: Now reduces mana cost by 20% instead of increase damage on stunned and incapacitated targets. ─── 字形的十字军打击:现在法力成本降低了20%,而非增加损害震惊和无行为能力的目标。

63、You utter ancient words of Supernal, conjuring a silvery glyph that repels your foes. ─── 你念诵古老的天界之语,创造一个银色的符文用来击退你的仇敌。

64、FTM provides glyph editingtools for adding and deleting outlines, transforming curves or contours, or cutting lines. ─── FTM为添加和删除概要、转换曲线和轮廓,或者剪切线条提供了字体轮廓编辑工具。

65、After the Chinese writing enters the kaishu stage, the glyph also again continues to simplify, but typeface not too sweeping change. ─── 中国文字进入楷书阶段后,字形还再继续简化,但字体没太大变化。

66、The name of the glyph image file. ─── 字形图像文件的名称。

67、The next section will give more details on the contents of a glyph slot and how to access specific glyph information (including metrics). ─── 下一部分将给出字形槽内容的更多细节,以及如何访问特定的字形信息(包括度量)。

68、A single adornment layer handles all selection UI Glyph objects. ─── 一个装饰层处理所有用于选择的UI Glyph对象。

69、Good TrueType glyph programming techniques are meant to do as much as possible using variables defined just once in the whole font (e. G., Stem widths, cap height, x-height). ─── 好的TrueType字形程序技术需要在一个字体中尽可能的使用一次参数定义(如,字符茎宽,大写字母高度,x字高)。

70、The GetHitTest method is an abstract method that forces Glyph implementations to provide hit test logic. ─── GetHitTest方法是一个abstract方法,它强制Glyph实现提供命中测试逻辑。

71、If you want to know more, visit the glyphic Wall of Knowledge in a Tower. ─── 如果你想知道得更多一些,去访问塔楼城的知识之墙吧。

72、Glyph of Lay on Hands - Your Lay on Hands also grants you as much mana as it grants your target. ─── 圣疗术雕文-你的圣疗术同时也会为你自己恢复等同于它为目标恢复的魔法值。

73、The row header will display an editing glyph that looks like a pencil when the current cell is in edit mode and the user has made changes to the cell. ─── 在当前单元格处于编辑模式且用户对该单元格进行了更改时,行标题中将显示一个类似于铅笔的编辑标志符号。

74、Glyph of Deterrence: Decreases the cooldown of Deterrence by 20 sec. ─── 威慑铭文:减少你威慑技能冷却20秒。

75、The glyph cache should also be analyzed. ─── 字型缓存也应该被分析。

76、Glyph of Ice Block: Your Frost Nova cooldown is now reset every time you use Ice Block. ─── 你每次使用寒冰屏障时重置霜之新星冷却。

77、Glyph of Avenger's Shield - Your Avenger's Shield hits -2 fewer targets but for 100% more damage. ─── 复仇者之盾雕文-伱旳复仇者之盾将头攻击一个目标,但造成额外100%伤害.

78、You can sort this column programmatically; however, it is not intended for sorting, so no space is reserved for the sorting glyph. ─── 可以以编程方式对此列排序;但此列不适合排序,因此未为排序标志符号保留空间。

79、Draws a menu glyph on a menu item control. ─── 在菜单项控件上绘制菜单标志符号。

80、If your custom control designer creates a glyph with the same bounds as the body glyph, it will obscure the underlying Behavior implementation associated with the body glyph. ─── 如果您的自定义控件设计器创建一个与主体标志符号具有相同边界的标志符号,它将掩盖与主体标志符号关联的基础Behavior实现。

81、After the Chinese writing enters the kaishu stage, the glyph also again continues to simplify. ─── 中国文字进入楷书阶段后,字形还再继续简化。

82、Glyphic: Group of typefaces classified under the British Standard which are characterised by having chiselled finish on strokes. ─── 佳菲尔体:依英制标准分类的一组字体。特点是有斧凿形的直笔。

83、Glyph of Renewed Life - All stats increased by 5% for 1 min when you Reincarnate. ─── 复生雕文-当你复生时,所有属性增加5%,持续一分钟.

84、Glyph of the Penguin - Empowers a Minor Glyph to cause your Polymorph: Sheep spell to turn the target into a baby penguin. ─── 企鹅铭文:为一个次级铭文充能,使得你的变形术可以将目标变为一只幼年企鹅。。。。

85、Values that specifies the type of glyph for elements with a bitmap background. ─── 值之一,指定带有位图背景的元素的标志符号类型。

86、Added a new Glyph of Claw for young feral druids who haven't yet obtained Mangle. Inscribers can learn this glyph from the trainer. ─── 为还不会裂伤的幼龄德鲁伊添加新的爪击雕文,铭文师可在训练师处学到该铭文。

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