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08-28 投稿


courant 发音


英:  美:

courant 中文意思翻译



courant 短语词组

1、courant number ─── 柯朗数

2、coupure courant ─── 联轴节

3、courant institute ─── 库兰特研究所

4、courant obituaries ─── 讣告

5、courant perfume ─── 可兰特香水

6、au courant ─── 熟悉, 通晓(with)

7、courant stability condition ─── 柯朗稳定性条件

courant 相似词语短语

1、courante ─── n.库兰特舞;古典组曲的第二乐章

2、colourant ─── n.颜料,染料;着色剂

3、courlan ─── n.库隆鸟(产于中南美洲)

4、courants ─── n.报纸;新闻(仅用于报纸名);adj.(纹章上动物形象)跑步状的

5、courlans ─── n.库隆鸟(产于中南美洲)

6、colorant ─── n.着色剂

7、courage ─── n.勇气;胆量;n.(Courage)人名;(英)卡里奇;(法)库拉热

8、currant ─── n.无籽葡萄干(用于糕饼);红醋栗,茶蔍子;n.(Currant)(英、美)柯伦特(人名)

9、courantes ─── n.库兰特舞;古典组曲的第二乐章

courant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you want to be au courant, you need to know all the latest information. ─── 如果你想了解时事的话,你就必须知道最新的消息。

2、To ensure stability of the scheme , Courant condition should be obeyed.The dependent variables at the upstream and downstream boundaries are obtained through the method of characteristics. ─── 边界处理方面则透过水流之连续方程式与动量方程式,利用特性法观念求解边界处之变量;

3、Extension of a Conservative Cascade Scheme on the Sphere to Large Courant Numbers. ─── 球面守恒串联方案向大。

4、And suddenly, Benjamin, at age 17, was the publisher of the New England Courant. ─── 这样一来本杰明在十七岁时就成为了新英格兰新闻报的发行人;

5、au courant ─── 熟知时事的, 最新的

6、COURANT, the dean of libraries at the University of Michigan, jokes that he also runs “an orphanage”. ─── 密歇根大学图书馆馆长保罗·库兰特打趣说他还经营着一家“孤儿院”。

7、PAUL COURANT the dean of libraries at the University of Michigan jokes that he also runs “an orphanage”. ─── 密西根大学图书馆馆长保罗o柯兰特开玩笑说,他治理的不仅是图书馆,还有一个“孤儿院”。

8、kept abreast of the latest developments; constant revision keeps the book au courant; always au fait on the latest events; up on the news. ─── 了解发展的最新情况;不断的修改使这本书保持先进;总是通晓最新发生的事件;知道最新的新闻。

9、Charles Courant ─── 库兰特

10、3.With designer T-shirts and jeans in the hefty three figures, there are men for whom staying au courant is worth the investment. ─── 对于那些穿着宽大的体恤和牛仔裤走在时尚前沿的男士来说把钱花在这上头是值得的。

11、Courant R,John F.Introduction to Calculus and Analysis.John Wiley and Sons,Inc 1980. ─── 石焕南.一个分析不等式的推广.不等式研究通讯,中国不等式研究小组主办,2000,3:6-8.

12、One witness, Bryant Hayre, told the Courant he didn't feel comfortable helping Torres, who he said was bleeding and conscious. ─── 斯帕莱蒂曾说,主场被打进第二个球后,他的球员就失去了斗志,如果不是运气好,曼联可能打三个、四个。

13、Il est venu en courant. ─── (他跑著过来的。)

14、"They achieved daily publication, with a fair coverage of news and advertisements, in the 18th century. The first daily paper in England was the Daily Courant (1702), English newspaper began to reach the masses in the 19th century." ─── 18世纪,报纸开始每日出版,并有广泛新闻报道和广告。英国最早的日报是daily Courant(1702),英国报纸面向大众则始于19世纪。

15、James began publishing a newspaper, the new England Courant. ─── 詹姆斯开始出版一份报纸——《新英格兰报》。

16、au courant with ─── 熟悉的,通晓的

17、" And suddenly, Benjamin, at age 17, was the publisher of the New England Courant. ─── 这样一来班杰明在十七岁时就成为了新英格兰新闻报的发行人;

18、To describe the olfactory properties of a wine, they use "fig and dough aromas, cherry and courant bouquet, rich on the nose" etc. ─── 在描述一种酒的气味特点的,他们说;"无花果香兼有生面团味、樱桃香兼育库兰特味、纯正醇厚"等等。

19、New York University - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences ─── 纽约大学科闰特数学研究所图书馆

20、Extension of a Conservative Cascade Scheme on the Sphere to Large Courant Numbers. ─── 球面守恒串联方案向大。

21、The Americans want to be au courant, to know what fiction has critical prestige in Europe. ─── 美国人想了解现状,想知道欧洲时下声望最高的小说是什么。

22、Some of these steps have even saved restaurants money, reports the Hartford Courant. ─── 其中的一些步骤,甚至挽救餐馆金钱,报告哈特福德新闻报。

23、The Hartford Courant -- At 16, Jonathan Jacques has gone far beyond the cute kid doing coin tricks for his uncles and aunts. ─── 哈特福报--十六岁的乔纳森杰克斯的魔术,已经远超一般可爱小孩子表演给叔叔阿姨看的钱币魔术。

24、Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences ─── 数学学院

25、By reading reviews, you can keep au courant with new developments in literature, films, television, and the theater. ─── 通过阅读评论,你就能保持在电影、电视、文学、戏剧保持新发展。

26、Constant revision keeps the book au courant. ─── 不断的修订使这本书与时俱进。

27、To describe the olfactory properties of a wine, they use fig and dough aromas, cherry and courant bouquet, rich on the nose etc. ─── 例如,品酒人在强调他们对酒色的评价时会使用诸如:稻草色的、浑浊的、琥珀色的,等等词语。

28、The solutions at staggered grids are obtained by obeying the Courant condition. ─── 本模式采用交错格网,并符合可兰稳定条件下求解。

29、My brother's discharge was accompanied with an order (and a very odd one), that "James Franklin should no longer print the newspaper called the New England Courant. ─── 我也被拘提而对簿公堂,但是,虽然我不能取悦他们,他们也只好略加训斥就放了我,因为想我以一个学徒的地位,是必然替他的主人保守秘密。

30、In 1721, the printer James Franklin, Benjamin’s older brother, started the New England Courant, and that was what we might recognize today as a real newspaper. ─── 1721年,印刷师詹姆斯.富兰克林.本杰明的哥哥开创了新英格兰报。

31、Courant number ─── Courant

32、Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'With designer T-shirts and jeans in the hefty three figures, there are men for whom staying au courant is worth the investment. ─── 那些为了保持走在流行潮头的人认为值得投资那些昂贵的名设计师设计的T恤和牛仔服。

33、au courant adj. ─── 熟知时事的;

34、Courant only intended to film 100 short portraits and edit them together for his project, but it proved so popular that he kept filming. ─── Courant本只打算摄制100断短的片段再把它们编辑起来,但由于大受欢迎。他便继续摄制。

35、Maurice Auguste Louis Marie Courant ─── 古恒(1865-1935),法国人,驻华外交官、汉学家。

36、Its newspapers include the Hartford Courant in Connecticut, a number of suburban Philadelphia newspapers and the Trentonian near Philadelphia. ─── 其运营的报纸包括位于康涅狄格的哈特福德报,及费城市郊的诸多报纸。

37、constant revision keeps the book au courant; ─── 不断的修改使这本书保持先进;

38、To describe the olfactory properties of a wine, they use "fig and dough aromas, cherry and courant bouquet, rich on the nose" etc. ─── 在描述一种酒的气味特点的,他们说;“无花果香兼有生面团味、樱桃香兼育库兰特味、纯正醇厚”等等。

39、The “multi-touch” interface devised by Jeff Han, a researcher at New York University's Courant Institute, is more elaborate. ─── 由纽约大学克朗学院研究员杰夫汉设计的多重触控界面更精细。

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