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08-28 投稿


conversational 发音

英:[ˌkɑːnvərˈseɪʃənl]  美:[ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃənl]

英:  美:

conversational 中文意思翻译



conversational 词性/词形变化,conversational变形

形容词: conversational |副词: conversationally |

conversational 常用词组

conversational implicature ─── 会话含义,言外之意;会话含意

conversational system ─── 对话系统;会话系统

conversational 短语词组

1、conversational input/output ─── [计] 对话式输入输出

2、conversational processing ─── [计] 会话式处理

3、conversational algebraic language ─── [计] 会话代数语言

4、conversational communication ─── [计] 对话通信

5、conversational debug routine ─── [计] 对话式调试程序

6、conversational device ─── [计] 对话设备

7、conversational guidance timesharing ─── [计] 会话工指导分时

8、conversational monitoring system ─── [计] 会话监视系统

9、conversational partner ─── [网络] 会话练习对象

10、conversational equipment ─── [计] 对话设备

11、conversational guidance ─── [计] 会话指南, 会话表

12、conversational computing ─── [计] 对话式计算

13、conversational program ─── [计] 对话式程序, 会话程序

14、conversational application program ─── [计] 对话式应用程序

15、conversational compiler ─── [计] 会话式编译程序

16、Conversational Blue Balls ─── 对话蓝球

17、conversational mode ─── [计] 对话方式; 会话方式

18、conversational operation ─── [计] 会话式操作

19、conversational language ─── [计] 会话语言

conversational 相似词语短语

1、conservational ─── 保护性;保存的

2、conversationism ─── 健谈

3、conversional ─── 转换的,改变的

4、conversationist ─── n.健谈者;交谈者

5、conversation ─── n.交谈,会话;社交;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话

6、conversationalist ─── n.健谈的人

7、condensational ─── 冷凝的(condensation的形容词形式)

8、conversations ─── n.会话(conversation的复数)

9、conversationally ─── adv.会话地

conversational 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a lovely speaker, yet his tone is more conversational than oratorical. ─── 他是一位可爱的演说家,然而他的语调更象是在对话,而不是在演说。

2、BAI Zhi-dong, SU Chun.On the complete conver gence of independent variables [J].Science in China (Ser A), 1985, 28(5) :399-412. ─── [5]白志东,苏淳.关于独立和完全收敛性[J].中国科学(A辑),1985,28(5):399-412.

3、A transformation plan of adding a switching device and a frequency conver for alternate case is offered so as to strengthen safe reliability. ─── 为加强安全可靠性,提出了增加切换装置变频器互为备用的改造方案。

4、Conversational implicature refers to meaning of language use and connotation of the language. ─── 会话含义是指语用含义或话语的言下之意,弦外之音。

5、Marry a man or women you love to talk to.As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. ─── 和一个你喜欢和他说话的人结婚,当你老了,他们的谈话技巧会比其他人都重要。

6、Additionally,users who access applications from wireless devices often have relatively long lived conversational interactions with a number of different web services. ─── 其次,从无线设备访问应用程序的用户经常要与大量不同的web 服务进行相对长期的会话交互。

7、These claims can be properly reasoned out, with a little knowledge of nonmonotonic logic, under the guidance of conversational maxims. ─── 在会话准则的指导下,运用少许非单调逻辑知识,可以正确地推理出这些信息来。

8、Starting with a person who feels safe and nonjudgmental, raise the very conversational topics you've always avoided out of embarrassment. ─── 下面有两个方法避免:首先明显的一条:不要做任何自认为的错事,或没有做你认为道德上必须的去做的事情。

9、Her tone was mild, almost conversational. ─── 她的语气很温和,几乎就像在谈话一般。

10、The tactic puts you on conversational terms with your interviewers, and also gives you a much-needed breather between the questions thrown your way, Mr.Sathe suggests. ─── “这种技巧能让你跟面试官交流活跃而顺畅,同时在回答不同问题之间获得宝贵的一丝喘息之机,”萨瑟说。

11、CHEN L, WU C, SUN F. Optimal coefficient of performance and heating load relationship of a three-heat-reservoir endoreversible heat pump[J ]. Energy Convers Mgmt, 1997,38 (8):727-733. ─── 严子浚,陈苏煌.三热源泵热循环的最佳泵热率与供热系数间的关系[J].科学通报,1987,32(16):1280.

12、By non-detachability is meant that a conversational implicature is attached to the semantic content of what is said, not to the linguistic form. ─── 不可分离性是说,会话含义是依附于话语的语义内容,而不是语言形式。

13、You: heyYou: are you hereStranger: aslYou: asl,tooStranger: m ukStranger: londonYou: chinaStranger: m/f?You: mYour conversational partner has disconnected. ─── 一听到是男的就挂断,十几次了,想想就知道在这聊天是来泡妞的。。。

14、at the end of a year, you'll be pretty good at conversational English, especially if you start out at a relatively high level. . . ─── 到了年末的时候你的英语对话会相当的好,尤其是如果你起步在一个较高水平的话。

15、No, a few 'ers' and 'uhs' is actually understandable and conversational. But make sure not to make it a habit. ─── 没什么大不了的,几个‘呃’跟‘啊’是可以被理解的,且更显对话感觉。但就是别养成习惯了。

16、LB: "All right.Well, one thing we should keep in mind about phrasal verbs is that they are used a lot more in conversational English than they are in formal English. ─── 嗯,首先我们应该拥有一个观念-动词词组在英语对话中比形式上的英语用得更多。

17、Contains 36 topics and 146 sub-topics and a total of more than 5,000 sentences, covering a wide range of daily conversational Chinese for business, school, home, travel, etc. ─── 包含36种分类及146种次分类,提供超过5,000句学习内容,涵盖每日如商业往来,学校,家庭生活等多用途的中文对话内容。

18、Communicative exchanges: two situational conversational texts are presented in pinyin, character and English. ─── 交际交流:由两组分别以拼音、汉字和英文形式组成的情景会话构成。

19、He used all his conversational weapons. ─── 他用尽了自己的劝说技巧。

20、The revised version of this set of books is expected to be a popular edition of learning aid for Chinese Culture in a conversational style. ─── “三常”系列丛书向世界各国汉语学习者的普及型、口语化的文化辅助读物,适用于海外对中华文化和汉语感兴趣的各类人员。

21、He began in a conversational tone. ─── 他以对话的语气开始了。

22、The acculturation of different cultures can be realized by the conversational negotiation. ─── 不同文化的相互适应可以通过会话协调来加以实现。

23、Three Practical Situational Conver sations. ─── 个实战经典对话)。

24、The "voice" of the WordPress Codex is one of authority, but also a friendly conversational voice. ─── 你是不是看到了一些内容,这些内容可能是不正确的,或者需要澄清?

25、The theory of conversational implicature was first proposed by Grice in the William James lecture delivered at Harvard. ─── 会话隐含理论最早是由格赖斯于1967年在哈佛大学的讲座中提出的,其基础是合作原则。

26、CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan. ─── CAI是一种教育思想,它使学生在计算机进行对话的过程中学习。

27、possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence. ─── 我们都有可能会向会话智能妥协。

28、The initiative follows intensifying competition between Reuters and Bloomberg, which last year moved into foreign exchange trading traditionally a Reuters stronghold to launch "conversational direct dealing". ─── 在推出这项计划前,路透社与彭博的竞争日趋激烈。彭博去年进军外汇交易这个路透社的传统据点,推出了“对话式直接交易”。

29、Frost's style appears simple and conversational, his poems are always carefully constructed. ─── 佛洛斯特的文风通俗朴实,朗朗上口,他的诗歌结构十分严谨。

30、Wang Fei,Zhang Dai-jun,Yang Ming-li,Xian Xue-fu.Recent study of coal's solvent principle extract and derivatives' properity[J].Coal Convers,2003,26(1):8-11 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [3]王飞,张代钧,杨明莉,鲜学福.煤的溶剂抽提规律及其产物性能的研究进展[J].煤炭转化,2003,26(1):8-11.

31、Their insurance policy convers fire only, not earthquake. ─── 他们的保单只包括火险,并不包括地震险。

32、Conversational implicature can only be worked out on the basis of the CP. ─── 会话含义只有依赖合作原则才能推导出来。

33、The text of Gadamer's Hermeneutic meaning is not the writer's unique subjective expression.It could be meaningful only in the conversational situation of interpreters (readers). ─── 伽达默尔解释学言义的文本不是作者的唯一主观表达,只有解释者(读者)与之对话的境遇中才真正存在,才有意义。

34、He tried to maintain an ordinary, conversational, descriptive tone. ─── 他竭力保持着一种平常谈话般的,平铺直叙的语气。

35、That's why on the CDs we're going to talk just like the native speakers that we are, in anormal conversational tone. ─── 为了说明这一点, 你会听到一名越南籍学生首次尝试说话时缓慢而小心,然后很快的重复相同的话并带着强烈的语调。

36、They will blurt out their rude inquiry the moment they detect the slightest sag in one's conversational guard. ─── 一旦他们发现某人语言掩饰中细微的疏漏,就会脱口而出进行一些尖锐的质问。

37、I learnt conversational Spanish at evening classes. ─── 我在夜校班学过西班牙语会话。

38、A conversational implicature may even be cancelled simply by the situational context. ─── 会话含义也可以只通过情景语境来清楚。

39、He values himself on his conversational power. ─── 他常夸耀自己的交谈能力。

40、As he paced slowly back and forth in the room, he began to interrogate me, speaking in conversational tones, never raising his voice. ─── 他慢悠悠地在屋里踱来踱去,开始用交谈的语气审问我,始终没有提高嗓门。

41、Perdue's conversational style of writing is extremely easy to follow for both technical and non-technical readers. ─── Perdue对话式的写作风格对于技术和非技术读者来说都是非常容易看懂的。

42、Conversation The student understands and speaks conversational English without apparent difficulty, but understands and speaks academic English with some hesitancy. ─── 使用英语进行日常对话没有难度,但是使用具学问的单词上有难度。

43、They form a sharp contrast against the former vogue of unity and conver gence, reflecting the intellectual longing for freedom. ─── 在这后面,显然隐寓着向往自由的时代文人之心态转向。研究明中叶后杂剧发展演变的历史文化背景,不能不注意到这一点。

44、Listen to native speakers talk in conversational English. ─── 听地道的英语会话。

45、How can you develop the natural, energetic, conversational delivery which the Elocutionist and his fellow “orators” lack? ─── 3. 不要让自己放弃 。遇到一个新情况,一旦控制住局面,你就会信心倍增;

46、This system can startup the little pump at the vale of using water to saving power .System can still operates automati cally with failure of frequency conver... ─── 变频器故障时仍能自动运行,保证不间断供水,同时故障消除后能自启动,实现无人值守全自动运行。

47、TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, t heir conversational skills will be as important as any other. ─── 和你喜欢与之交谈的人结婚,因为当你们慢慢变老的时候,沟通的技巧将会同其它的东西一样的重要。

48、I.Ascriptions of knowledge to subjects in conversational contexts in which skeptical error-possibilities have been raised seems improper. ─── 在一个会话语境中把知识归给某人,提出怀疑论错误可能性,似乎是不恰当的。

49、The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with ,never say a word,and then walk away feeling like it is the best conver sation you"ve ever had. ─── 3最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝面坐,彼此不说只字片语,分别时却感到这是你曾有过的最好的一次交流!

50、Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, the conversational skills will be as important as any other. ─── 和一个你愿意与之交谈的人结婚。因为年老以后,交谈的技巧会和其他任何东西一样重要。

51、His jocular, conversational tone will keep you interested as he describes mutual funds, bonds, and treasury bills. ─── 在描述共有财产、债券、以及国债的同时,他诙谐会话式的文风会一直吸引着你。

52、As he paced slowly back and forth in the room, he began to interrogate me, speaking in conversational tones, never raising his voice. ─── 他慢悠悠地在屋里踱来踱去,开始用交谈的语气审问我,始终没有提高嗓门。

53、Another ritual difference is the kind of small talk14 used as conversational filler. ─── 另一礼节上的不同是用来填补交谈内容的闲谈。

54、The proposed approach was evaluated on the Mandarin Conversational Dialogue Corpus (MCDC), which was collected and annotated by Sinica. ─── 在实验部份,论文方法使用中研院所录制的现代汉语口语对话语料库做为评估语料。

55、At the aspect of the conversational structuer, two utterances without correlation at all can form a perfect adjacency pair. ─── 在会话结构方面,那些“答非所问”,即“风牛马不相及”的两句话可以构成完美的相邻对。

56、Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. ─── 与有共同语言的人结为夫妻,那样在妳年老时,就会发觉有共同的话题比其他任何事情都更为重要。

57、Movielearn teaches you English through movies by exposing you to everyday conversational English not necessarily offered with traditional teaching methods. ─── Movielearn通过电影向您展示传统教学方式中学习不到的日常英语会话。

58、Do you speak English?(I know some conversational English. ─── 你说英语吗?我会一些日常会话的英语.

59、She values herself on her conversational powers. ─── 她常夸耀自己的能言善辩。

60、All your brothers are conversational. ─── 你几个兄弟都很健谈。

61、His conversational skills are poor and his grades are not good. ─── 他的交流能力是如此糟糕,他的成绩也不好。

62、All I said was that, I think, given the experience of veterans, the conversational lead to conflicts would have been a lot more realistic. ─── 重点则是,考虑到军人们有丰富的相关经验,他们在处理可能导致,争端的谈话时会更加的倾向于现实。

63、The phenomenon of overinformativeness in conversation will exert influence upon conversational development.It will propel, defer or prevent a conversation. ─── 会话应对中经常出现的信息过量现象对会话发展的影响主要表现在对会话进程的推进、延缓和阻碍上。

64、A programming system that provides users with conversational online access to a computing system with one or more processing units and simultaneously processes batched jobs. ─── 一种程序设计系统,它为多个用户提供与具有一个或多个处理机的计算机系统进行的联机会话,而且也可以同时处理批量作业。

65、Sounding conversational rather than scripted. ─── 听起来象交谈而非照读脚本。

66、Do not speak word by word. If you speak word by word, you'll end up sounding mechanical and foreign. Just like Chinese, conversational English has a very smooth, fluid sound. ─── 不要一字一字的说。如果你一字一字的说,你听起来的结果会类似机械化和一个外国人。象汉语,会话英语有非常光滑,变化的声音。

67、She is a conversational and kindly person. ─── 她是个非常健谈、和善的人。

68、Pertaining to a conversational type system in which a continuous dialog can take place between a user and the computer. ─── 修饰一种对话式系统,通过该系统,用户和计算机之间能够进行连续的对话。

69、Responsibility:1. Design, develop and maintain data process &compiling tool for global market including convers...... ... ─── 公司名称:泰为信息科技(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-30

70、Cardio Cocktail? delivers in each ounce 5grams of pure grade l-arginine that the body convers into nitric oxide. ─── 健康鸡尾酒每盎司都有5克的纯左旋精氨酸,这能转换成一氧化氮。

71、In an actual dialogue, there is not an ideal conversational setting and then an ideal speaker and/or an ideal set of speeches designed by theorists. ─── 在实际的对话中,不存在如理论家所设计的那种理想的对话环境、理想的发言者以及理想的发言。

72、You'll be able to hear your "ums" and "uhs" and "okays" and you can practice reducing them from your conversational speech. ─── 你会听到自己的“嗯”、“呃”、和“好”等各种语气词,你可以通过练习减少在谈话中使用这些词。

73、Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in four months. ─── 玛丽雄心很大, 竟立志在四个月里学会用汉语流利地会话。

74、Be prepared to conver cover early plantings during the night if there is still a risk of freeze. ─── 假如仍然存在霜冻的风险,在夜晚就要给初期植物准备覆盖物。

75、TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. ─── 二、和一个你爱和他/她交谈的人结婚。当你们逐渐变老了,那些沟通技巧将会和其他一切的东西一样重要。

76、Proficient both in English and Mandarin(conversational and writing). Able to communicate in Cantonese would be an advantage. ─── 优秀的中英文书写、沟通能力。能操广东话之求职者优先考虑。

77、This thesis analyzes the relation between pragmatic rules and humour from five aspects:conversational maxims,conversational implicature,deixis,presupposition and speech acts. ─── 分别从五个方面分析了语用原则与幽默的密切联系:会话交际、会话含义、指示、前提、言语行为。

78、A method of transact handling in which a user interrogates the computer via a conversational type terminal keyboard and obtains a response almost immediately. ─── 一种交易[事务]处理方法,按这种方法,用户通过会话式终端键盘向计算机提问题,并几乎可以立即得到响应。

79、People adopt a cooperative principle when they communicate with each other: they try to get along with each other by following certain conversational “maxims”. ─── 人们在交际过程中,经常会采用一种准则。为了很好的交流,人们回遵守“会话准则”。

80、At the same time, the relationship between historical Context and fiction arouse the reader's continuing interest, so form an open conversational space. ─── 同时,还力图说明是哪些话语因素形成了与历史语境的对话关系,从而使作品受到持续的关注,成为一个敞开的话语场。

81、Some schools in China have instituted the policy of no smoking on campus, which convers students, teachers,general staff, parents and even guests. ─── 117。中国有些学校制订校园不得抽烟的政策,覆盖面包括学生、教师、职工、家长、甚至客人。

82、You can preview all Situational Conversational Sentences in Pinyin, Chinese Character, Translation and pronunciation. ─── 你可以预览所有情景对话句子的拼音,中文,译文,以及发音。

83、Asian culture tends to focus on English reading and grammar and not so much on conversational speaking. ─── 亚洲文化更倾向于英语阅读和英语语法,而不怎么关注英语会话。

84、Relax.Enjoy yourself.People are interesting! If you combine these tips for making small talk with sincere interest, you'll embark on a fascinating conversational ride. ─── 其实,和别人聊天不一定是件痛苦的事,即便对方是你期待能对你留下好印象的老板,抑或是你希望能多见面的相亲对象。

85、However, deliberate floutings or non-observances of the principle and its maxims will lead to particularized conversational implicatures. ─── 但是对合作原则和子准则的故意违背却会便产生特殊会话含义。

86、He began in a conversational tone; he spoke in a nervous tone of voice. ─── 他说话的语气十分紧张。

87、Her tone was conversational although her eyes were smoldering. ─── 她的语气好像是在谈话,尽管她的眼睛是愤恨的。

88、What suprised me was that he's conversational English was so good. ─── 使我感到惊奇的是,他的英语说得如此的好。

89、Has the theory of the solar system been advanced by graceful manners and conversational tact? ─── 太阳系的理论,是用优美文雅的态度和娓娓动听的语言提出的吗?












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