coelacanth 发音
英:[ˈsiːləkænθ] 美:[ˈsiːləkænθ]
英: 美:
coelacanth 中文意思翻译
coelacanth 词性/词形变化,coelacanth变形
形容词: coelacanthine |
coelacanth 短语词组
1、coelacanth ffxiv ─── 腔棘鱼
2、coelacanth specimen ─── 腔棘鱼标本
3、coelacanth acnh ─── 腔棘鱼
4、coelacanth pronounce ─── 腔棘音
5、coelacanth skeleton ─── 腔棘鱼骨架
6、coelacanth fish ─── 腔棘鱼
7、coelacanth animal crossing ─── 腔棘动物杂交
8、coelacanth history ─── 腔棘鱼史
coelacanth 相似词语短语
1、coenact ─── 科纳克特
2、coelacanthic ─── 腔棘鱼
3、acanth ─── 刺
4、coelacanths ─── n.腔棘鱼;adj.腔棘鱼类的
5、Alacant ─── 阿拉卡特。
6、coelacanthine ─── 腔棘球蚴
7、coenacts ─── 科纳茨
8、coelomata ─── 体腔动物
9、coelomate ─── adj.有体腔的;n.体腔动物
coelacanth 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He instantly identified it as a coelacanth, a species believed extinct for 60 million years. ─── Smith先生马上鉴别出它是腔棘鱼,一种被认为6000万年前已灭绝的物种。
2、The Coelacanth is a fish that was thought to be extinct with the dinosaurs. ─── 腔棘鱼是一种被认为和恐龙一起灭绝了的鱼类。
3、He instantly identified it as a coelacanth, a species believed extinct for 60 million years. ─── Smith先生立刻鉴别出它是腔棘鱼,一种被认为6000万年前已灭绝的物种。
4、Mitsubishi Heavy Industries created a gigantic robot coelacanth, a rare and ancient fish once thought to be extinct, in 1999 as a part of their ongoing robotic aquarium project. ─── 1999年,三菱重工业创造了一个巨大的腔棘鱼机器人,并将其作为正在进行中的机器人水族馆工程的一部分。腔棘鱼是一种曾经被认为灭绝的、稀有的、古老的鱼类。
5、However, the invasion of the so-called elpistostegalians—distant relatives of the coelacanth—"got wiped out by these extinction events, " McGhee explained. ─── 但是,腔棘鱼的远亲elpistostegalians(译注:大概是一种爬上陆地的古鱼,没找到对应的中文)向陆地进发的努力“被这次大灭绝毁于一旦,”McGhee 解释说。
6、9.Fishermen in Zanzibar have caught a coelacanth, an ancient fish once thought to have become extinct when it disappeared from fossil records 80 million years ago, an official said. ─── 一名官员指出,桑吉巴的渔夫捕获一只腔棘鱼,这种远古时代的鱼,在留下8000万年前的化石后,便消失无踪,因而一度被认定已灭绝。
7、It is considered dull work to catalogue fish.One of the great taxonomists is J.L.B.Smith of South Africa, the discoverer of the fabulous coelacanth. ─── 南非的J、L、B、Smith是世界上最好的分类学家之一,他是令人难以置信的腔棘鱼的发现者。
8、Scientists have captured the world's first images of a baby coelacanth recently . It is an extremely rare type of fish known as a 'living fossil'. ─── 近日,科学家成功拍摄到迄今世界上第一个活腔棘鱼视频图像。腔棘鱼素有“活化石”之称。
9、16 The fossil of a coelacanth were displayed recently at the Grand Kawanua Convention Center in Manado, Indonesia. ─── 2009年05月16日最近,一条腔棘鱼标本在印度尼西亚马那多的大卡瓦努阿会议中心对外展出。
10、The Coelacanth was thought to be extinct; ─── 过去人们都认为腔棘鱼早就灭绝了。
11、Yet some questions remain unanswered.Why was it that some species died out, and others survived, some to this day (famous example: the coelacanth). ─── 直到现在有些问题还是无解,为什么有一些物种会死绝而其他的能够生存,有一些能活到今天(一个著名的例子是:腔棘鱼)。
12、We knew that tetrapods had evolved from fish with fleshy fins akin to today's lungfish and coelacanth, a relation first proposed by American paleontologist Edward D. ─── 我们已知四足动物是从有肉质鱼鳍、类似今日肺鱼及腔棘鱼的鱼类演化来的,这是19世纪末时美国古生物学家科普(EdwardD.
13、Any of various mostly extinct bony fishes of the subclass Crossopterygii, of which the coelacanth is a living representative. ─── 总鳍鱼内鼻孔亚纲的各种大多已灭绝了的硬骨鱼,腔棘鱼为其现存种类代表
14、type genus of the Latimeridae: coelacanth. ─── 矛尾鱼科的一个模式属;腔棘鱼。
15、There are also sub species found of the Coelacanth but the real Coelacanth is found today in South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and even the South Pacific. ─── 还发现了腔棘鱼的一些亚种存在,不过真正的腔棘鱼现在只在南非、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚和南太平洋。
16、Visitors can also look back in time.There is an example of a coelacanth. ─── 参观者还可以使时光倒流,腔棘鱼就是一个例子。
17、Cryptozoologists are especially proud of the catch in 1938 of a coelacanth, an archaic-looking species of fish that had been thought to have gone extinct in the Cretaceous. ─── 令未知生物学家尤其骄傲的是1938年捕捉到的腔棘鱼,??且恢盅?补爬系挠憷啵??热衔?诎综鸭捅阋衙鹁?
18、The coelacanth swam the ocean sixty-five million years ago. ─── 腔棘鱼是六千五百万年前的海洋生物。
19、Like Psarolepis and other sarcopterygian fishes (including Latimeria, the living coelacanth), the braincase of Guiyu is divided into separate front and rear units. ─── 和斑鳞鱼及许多其它的肉鳍鱼类(包括拉蒂迈鱼,现生空棘鱼)一样,鬼鱼的脑颅也分为前后两个部分。
20、A crystal layer behind the coelacanth's retina reflects light like a mirror, a boon in the ocean's dim waters. ─── 腔棘鱼的视网膜后有一晶体层,看上去像一面镜子,对在昏暗的水中活动大有裨益。
21、The coelacanth's slow, graceful stroke is like no other fish's. ─── 与其他鱼类不同,腔棘鱼划水动作缓慢而优雅。
22、Hagi is the coelacanth of Japan, the ancient survivor that people assume to be extinct. ─── 萩城是日本的腔棘鱼——人们以为已经灭绝了的古老的幸存者。
23、Latimeria chalumnae (Coelacanth) of the genus Latimeria is already listed in Appendix I. ─── 其他地区的种群早已被列入附录I。
24、The Coelacanth was thought to be extinct for many years. ─── 这种鱼类出现在恐龙之前的数百万年前。
25、Sarcopterygians are a group of prehistoric fish which are traditionally classed as lobe-finned fishes, which in the real world include the modern day lungfish and the coelacanth, Latimeria. ─── 肉鳍四脚鱼是历前鱼类的一种,传统上把它归入圆鳍鱼纲。真实世界里的圆鳍鱼有肺鱼,腔棘鱼和矛尾鱼。
26、extinct except for the coelacanth. ─── 除腔棘鱼以外都已灭绝。
27、The Coelacanth has very large eyes and distinct silver blue scales with white markings. ─── 它们有很大的眼睛和独特的蓝色带白斑的鳞片。
28、Scientists have captured the world's first images of a baby coelacanth recently - an extremely rare type of fish known as a 'living fossil'. ─── 近日,科学家成功拍摄到迄今世界上第一个活腔棘鱼视频。腔棘鱼素有“活化石”之称。
29、He instantly identified it as a coelacanth, a species believed extinct for 60 million years. ─── Smith先生马上鉴别出它是腔棘鱼,一种被认为6000万年前已灭绝的物种。
30、The coelacanth inhabits the deep sea. ─── 腔棘鱼栖息于深海。
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