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09-11 投稿



hackman 发音

英:[ˈhækˌmæn]  美:[ˈhækmæn]

英:  美:

hackman 中文意思翻译




hackman 词性/词形变化,hackman变形


hackman 相似词语短语

1、Parkman ─── n.帕克曼(姓氏)

2、jackman ─── 杰克曼(人名)

3、hacksawn ─── 钢锯

4、tacksman ─── n.包租户

5、hackmen ─── n.出租马车车夫;出租汽车司机;n.(Hackman)人名;(芬、瑞典、英)哈克曼

6、trackman ─── n.护路工人;(美)田径运动员

7、Hackman ─── n.出租马车车夫;出租汽车司机;n.(Hackman)人名;(芬、瑞典、英)哈克曼

8、packman ─── n.小贩

9、Walkman ─── n.随身听(商标名称)

hackman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Porter, Edward E.Lawler, III [and] J.Richard Hackman. ─── 题名著者 Behavior in organizations/[by] Lyman W.

2、Katzenbach, J.Richard Hackman, Genevieve Segol, Paul P. ─── 放大图片 作者: Suzy Wetlaufer, Jon R.

3、The world's oldest film festival prides itself on promoting cutting-edge and innovative movies but this stunning lagoon city also welcomes with open arms Hollywood superstars like Gene Hackman and Nicole Kidman. ─── 作为世界上历史最悠久的电影盛会,威尼斯电影节一直致力于促进前卫和创新影片的发展。不过这座美丽的水城也热情欢迎简-哈克曼和尼柯尔-基德曼等好莱坞巨星的到来。

4、That kills me that people still think Gene Hackman is a girl because of his name. ─── 因为吉恩·海克曼的名字人们还是而把他当成女人,这真让我觉得好笑。

5、Hackman Gene ─── 吉恩·哈克曼

6、So when he arrives in LA to collect a debt from down-and-out filmmaker Harry Zimm (Gene Hackman), Chili talks tough...and then pitches Harry a script idea. ─── 身为债仔的电影制作人哈利认为阿智的桥有睇头,会是一部绝世好戏,决定与他合作并打算邀请自己女友的前夫兼大明星马丁威尔来担任主角。

7、Porter, L.W. Lawler, E.E. Hackman, J.R. Behavior in Organizations. New York: McGraw-Hill 1975. ─── 李琳琳.张玲珍.黄金淑.郭宪文:中部地区某教学医院医护人员工作环境危害认知之研究。中华职业医学杂志1997;4(2):83-92。

8、Gordon: Hackman has been a Hollywood bigwig for more than 40 years. ─── 戈登:海克曼在好来坞走红已经四十多年了。

9、Emily Watson lounges and smokes in Gosford Park, Gene Hackman and Gwyneth Paltrow light up in The Royal Tenenbaums. ─── 编者按:在全世界范围内,1/10的成年人死亡原因与吸烟有关。

10、I looked over and saw Gene Hackman checking his watch. ─── 我从人们的肩头望出去,看到金.哈克曼在看手表。

11、They need to immunize teams against group think: Hackman argued that the best ones contain "deviants". ─── 他们需要让团队免受群体思维的影响:哈克曼认为,最好的团队包含“偏差”。

12、Joe Moore (Gene Hackman) is a master at the art of theft.His fence, Bergman (Danny Devito) reneges on the money he's owed. ─── 职业大盗祖摩亚(真赫曼)向来做案以智谋取胜,爆尽天下金库,从未失手。

13、They need to immunise teams against group-think: Hackman argued that the best ones contain "deviant" who are willing to do something that may be upsetting to others. ─── 他们需要让团队对群体思维产生免疫力:哈克曼认为,最好的团队包含了“离经叛道”的人,他们愿意做一些可能让别人不高兴的事情。

14、By the time the comedian describes having a bizarre dream about Gene Hackman, the professor is completely overcome. ─── 当笑星在描述他的一个有关GeneHackman的怪诞的梦时,教授完全败下阵来。

15、"The best training for preteen babysitters would be to have them complete a babysitting course, " Hackman says. ─── “对青春期前临时保姆最好的训练,就是让她们完成儿童看护课程,”哈克曼说。

16、The late Richard Hackman of Harvard University once argued, "I have no question that when you have a team, the possibility exists that it will generate magic, producing something extraordinary." ─── 哈佛大学已故的理查德·哈克曼曾经说过,“我坚信,当你拥有一个团队时,它就有可能产生魔力,从而产生一些非凡的东西。”

17、By the time the comedian describes having bizarre dream about Gene Hackman, the professor is completely overcome. ─── 等到这位喜剧演员描述一个有关吉恩·哈克曼的怪诞之梦时,该教授已经完全被折服了。

18、Pollard (as CW Moss), Gene Hackman (as Buck Barrow). ─── 演员 : Warren Beatty (as Clyde Barrow), Faye Dunaway (as Bonnie Parker), Estelle Parsons (as Blanche), Michael J.

19、With time running out, Burnett's commanding officer (Hackman) risks everything by launching a renegade rescue mission-against strict NATO directives-to bring an American hero home. ─── 时间步步紧逼,艾密奴不理政治因素与规条,为拯救一名军人,将一生事业与名誉作赌注,下令发动一场军事变节...

20、Hackman's and Mr. ─── Ebel[瑞士]Mr.

21、Gordon: Hackman has been a Hollywood bigwig for more than 40 years. ─── 戈登:海克曼在好来坞走红四十多年了。

22、"Just asking one's self those three simple questions often will surface some concrete things one can do to improve, " says Hackman. ─── “常问问自己上面的三个问题,就能在做每件具体事上都得到提升,”哈克曼说。

23、Gene Hackman ─── 吉恩·哈克曼,美国电影演员,凭借《法国贩毒网》一片荣获1971-1972年度第44届奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

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