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09-10 投稿



gulping 发音

英:[ˈɡʌlpɪŋ]  美:[ˈɡʌlpɪŋ]

英:  美:

gulping 中文意思翻译



gulping 词性/词形变化,gulping变形

动词过去式: gulped |动词过去分词: gulped |副词: gulpingly |名词: gulper |动词第三人称单数: gulps |动词现在分词: gulping |

gulping 相似词语短语

1、gulling ─── n.[鸟]鸥;笨人;易受骗之人;vt.骗;欺诈;n.(Gull)人名;(意、罗、瑞典)古尔;(英)格尔

2、sculping ─── vi.雕塑;雕刻

3、gulpingly ─── 狼吞虎咽地

4、grumping ─── n.一阵坏脾气;发火;闹情绪;vi.发牢骚;闹情绪

5、gumping ─── 跳

6、pulping ─── n.[纸]制浆;v.[纸]制浆(pulp的ing形式)

7、-upping ─── 站起身,提高(价格等)(up的现在分词)

8、gullying ─── v.在……冲出沟;受到沟状侵蚀(gully的现在分词)

9、gulfing ─── n.海湾;深渊;分歧;漩涡;vt.吞没

gulping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In general, very few people would gulp down a fine cognac as such. ─── 像古龙那样豪爽地喝下,恐怕也只有少数。

2、With a smile of utter content he took a long, deep gulp of moorland air and Woodbine smoke and closed his eyes. ─── 他洋洋得意地吸进一大口高地空气,眯起眼睛抽着烟。

3、After a few seconds of frantic gulping, he threw himself face forward onto the carpet (Aunt Petunia whimpered) and beat the floor with his hands and feet, giving himself over to a violent, but entirely silent, tantrum. ─── 他大口喘息了几秒钟后,脸朝下扑到在地毯上(佩妮姨妈心痛得抽泣了起来),用手和脚使劲儿敲着地板,气势汹汹却毫无声息地大发脾气。

4、Likewise, at your local 7-Eleven you cannot buy a small, Your choices are Big Gulp, Super Gulp and Extremely Big Gulp. ─── 同样地,你在当地的7-Eleven便民店里也买不到小杯咖啡:供选择的只有大杯、超大杯和特大杯。

5、Moments later the Wolf snatches up Duck, tosses her high into the air and swallows her in a single gulp. ─── 不一会,那狼抓起了小鸭子,把它抛上半空,然后囫囵地把它吞到肚子里去了。

6、It is now impossible to tell an espresso19-sipping artist from a cappuccino20-gulping banker, but it isn't just a matter of style. ─── 现在人们很难区分一位浅啜蒸馏咖啡的艺术家和一位吞饮卡普契诺的银行家——但这不仅仅是风格问题。

7、It is bad manners to take a mouthful of food and then wash it down with a gulp of water. ─── 在嘴里还有食物时,吞一口水,将食物冲下,是不礼貌的。

8、He also offered money for the man who could drink most beer in one gulp. ─── 同时,他还鼓励男人们举行喝酒比赛,谁一口气喝得最多也会获得奖金。

9、He took the glass of milk and took a large gulp. ─── 他喝了一杯牛奶,又吃了一大堆东西。

10、The act of gulping. ─── 吞咽吞咽的行为

11、The ground erupted beneath the paladin, and the chiti-nous maw of a bulette-liche broke the surface, seeking to swallow him in one gulp. ─── 圣骑士脚下的土地突然沸腾开来,一只不死鲨蜥兽角质的大嘴从他站立的猛冲出来,试着一口将他吞下。

12、In the upper left, an early lungfish called Scaumenacia rises to the surface in order to gulp air. ─── 在图片的左上方,一条早期肺鱼正浮向水面以获得新鲜的空气,它们的后代现在依然在非洲自由生活。

13、He downed the vodka in one gulp. ─── 他将伏特加酒一饮而尽。

14、The faster you gulp, the drunker you'll get. ─── 喝得越快,醉得越厉害。

15、He took a big gulp and almost chocked ─── 他喝得太猛,呛着了。

16、With a great gulp, the Center decided not to do a mailing, risking the challenge grant rather than blowing off its principles. ─── 他们勉为其难地决定不再寄发大量邮件,冒著失去补助款的风险,也不愿失去他们的宗旨。

17、The man gulp down a full stein of beer in the blink of an eye. ─── 一眨眼的工夫这人就把一满杯啤酒一饮而尽。

18、But when it comes to the actual eating, it must be done mouthful by mouthful, you cannot swallow an entire banquet at one gulp. ─── 但是具体地吃,却是一口口地吃的,你不可能把一桌酒席一口吞下去。

19、You would be very impressed that when you watch World Hot Dog Eating Champion Takeru Kobayashi gulping down 100 barbecued-pork buns in twelve minutes in a recent contest in Hong Kong. ─── 前阵子,全球热狗竞吃大赛优胜者小林尊到香港参加叉烧包竞吃大赛,其十二分钟吃下一百个叉烧包的纪录,一定令你看得目瞪口呆了。

20、Mm.The first gulp is really good. ─── 嗯,开头一杯真过瘾。

21、Don't gulp down those drinks. ─── 切勿一饮而

22、Don't gulp your food, chew it before you swallow it. ─── 吃东西不要狼吞虎咽,要嚼碎了再咽下去。

23、I was met with a burning sensation in my nose and throat. Kicking fiercely, I broke out of the water, gulping for precious air. ─── 一口水呛得我鼻子、喉咙火辣辣的,我拼命蹬腿,挣出水面,奋力地吸了口气。

24、To gulp down; swallow greedily. ─── 吞下;贪婪地吞咽

25、Mary was still crying when unexpected visitors arrived; gulping back her tears, she made an effort to greet them cheerfully. ─── 不速之客来访问题时玛丽还在哭泣;她强忍住眼泪,装出笑脸迎接客人。

26、their four mouths gulping like fish. ─── 四张嘴像鱼一样吞吐。

27、In one gulp, he drained the glass. ─── 他一口喝干了杯中的水。

28、And you'll even feel excited after gulping down a glass. ─── 你甚至可以感觉到激动下一杯。

29、Mmm. the first gulp is really good . ─── 唔,开头一杯真过瘾。

30、He'd grab the water first and take his gulp. ─── 他会抢过水壶,痛饮起来。

31、He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air. ─── 他倚着汽车大口大口地呼吸冷空气。

32、He tried to say something, but gulp, and no word come. ─── 他想说什麽,但哽住了,什麽话都说不出来。

33、There are numerous ways to drink tea, some people drinks from big glasses in one big gulp, and there are people who drink gracefully from small cup sip by sip. ─── 喝茶方法很多,有人随意拿个大玻璃杯张口就灌,有人则优雅地用小杯子一口一口喝。

34、Slinging his hookbag over his shoulder, he picked up the teacup on the table and drained it at one gulp. ─── 他把书包背上,然后端起桌上的杯子一饮而

35、"Colonel Musgrave," he went on, gulping somewhat,"is a hard man." ─── “马斯格雷夫上校,”他吞着气接着说,“是个不讲交情的人。”

36、It's not a good way to gulp down knowledge ─── 囫囵吞枣地接受知识不是个好方法。

37、Don’t just gulp it down, but let it linger in your mouth for a while and enjoy the bitters and sweets.Then swallow the wine slowly and enjoy the aftertastes. ─── 不要大口地喝,要让红酒在你口腔内徘徊,品尝它的苦涩和甜,然后慢慢喝下,再享受它在口腔中遗下的味道。

38、Enjoy life sip by sip, not gulp by gulp. ─── 享受生活一点一滴,不是狼吞虎咽。

39、Emptying his glass at one gulp, he flung it on the floor. ─── 他一口气喝干一杯酒,把杯子掷在地板上。

40、Gulping down food might have helped plant-eating dinosaurs grow into giants. ─── 大口吞咽食物的习性可能是帮助食草恐龙长成长颈巨兽的原因。

41、You raised your head and still to see a long, long way to go, muddy and windy.Cleaning up the tears and gulping back your pain, you never paused, even a minute. ─── 你抬起头,看到的却依然是一条泥泞曲折的道路_你还有很长的路要走.擦拭掉泪水,把苦痛生生咽下,而你却没有一分半秒的停留.

42、He finished off his drink with one large gulp. ─── 他一大口喝完了饮料。

43、You sneak into mommy's bathroom and gulp some of her mouthwash? ─── |你溜到妈妈的盥洗室里 灌了杯她的漱口水?

44、He took a gulp of coffee. ─── 他喝了一大口咖啡。

45、But the ball disintegrated at once, little fish gulping the floating specks. ─── 可是小肉球遇水马上就碎裂开来,小鱼儿追逐着散开的肉末。

46、In the 2006 Boston Marathon, for example, a 28-old woman found herself exhausted after running for five hours and gulping sports drinks along the way. ─── 例如,一名28岁的女运动员在参加2006年波士顿马拉松赛时,前个小时一直边跑边喝饮料,之后感觉全身乏力。

47、He swallowed a glass of beer at one gulp. ─── 他一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。

48、You must gulp back your vindictiveness ─── 你必须抑制住你的复仇心理。

49、engine is gulping two tons of fuel an hour in order to make New Orleans by nightfall. ─── 引擎每小时消耗两吨燃料以便在天黑之前赶到新奥尔良。

50、He rose to his feet in terror, feeling sticky and fat, and rushed to the open window to gulp in fresh air. ─── 他极为惊骇地站起身,感到浑身麻木和不自在,于是赶紧冲到开着的窗子旁边,呼吸了几大口新鲜空气。

51、So far this year, the market all the way down, and few appear to gulp down the Line Line trend, but this particular situation is up in a process of yin-yang package, its significance is not a general. ─── 今年以来,大盘一路下跌,也很少出现阳线吞掉阴线的走势,而且这次的情况比较特别,是在一次上升过程中出现的阳包阴,其意义就不一般了。

52、"No,the damned Customs took it."John said,and as he had a gulp of the whisky he added,"Devil take them! ─── “不,是该死的海关人员把它拿走的。”约翰说,他呷下一大口威士忌酒后又加上一句:“见他们的鬼去吧!”

53、The last time I saw them, at the funeral, I had broken down and cried big gulping sobs. ─── 上一次见他们,还是在我母亲的葬礼上。那次我悲恸欲绝,哭得死去活来。

54、She came up gulping for air. ─── 她气喘吁吁地走上前来。

55、gobble up in one go; devour in one gulp ─── 一口吞掉

56、drank it up in a gulp; fastened up the coat ─── 一饮而尽;把外衣扣得严严实实

57、"Drinking up a cup of water in one breath" means "gulp down a cup of water (approx 200 to 250 ml) "other than drinking interruptedly, only by which can it be absorbed by human body. ─── 一口气喝完一杯水。指一口气将一整杯水(约200至250毫升)喝完,而不是随便喝两口,这样才可令身体真正吸收使用。

58、Baby, stretching his neck to reach up for Dad's gifts, kept chirping and gulping seeds as fast as they were served. ─── 小鸟则伸长脖子去接爸爸的礼物,并一直不停地吱吱叫着,并飞快地将给它的食物吞咽下去。

59、"Huh?" she said, gulping and finding her voice. ─── “嗯?”凯伦咽了一口口水,想着该说些什么。

60、If meet such thing after,you must insist gulping,never say the last word. ─── 以后碰上这事一定坚决忍住,不说最后一句话。

61、To gulp(an alcoholic drink). ─── 喝下(酒精饮料)

62、Usually just their big nostrils appeared for a gulp of air as they foraged on sea grasses or swam slowly to greener underwater pastures. ─── 一般,它们一边用大鼻孔大口吸气,一边觅食海草,或者慢慢地游向海底更嫩绿的草场。

63、Caderousse raised his glass to his mouth with unsteady hand, and swallowed the contents at a gulp. ─── 卡德鲁斯哆嗦着的手把杯子送到嘴边,咕咚一声一饮而进。

64、When I arrived, I was going to gulp down the most delicious, the richest food.Ohad started lomging for that excellent raki. ─── 刚来时,我恨不得把美食一口吞下,各式各样的美食,敖赫德已开始品尝那美味的葡萄酒了。

65、Gulp! I swallowed the ring! ─── 咽!本人吞下戒指!

66、He tried to say something,but gulp,and no word come. ─── 他想说什么,但哽住了,什么话都说不出来。

67、He gave a sort of cough and gulp, and at first I could not hear quite clearly. ─── 他发出一种咳嗽和吞咽的声音,所以我最初听不大清楚。

68、-Could you finish a bottle of beer in one gulp? ─── 你能一口气喝完一瓶啤酒吗?

69、He picked up his glass and drained it at a gulp. ─── 他拿起酒杯一饮而

70、How do you (gulp! ─── 你怎样(晕!)

71、To eat(food) hurriedly and with little chewing; gulp. ─── 匆匆咽下,囫囵吞吃快速的且很少嚼的吃(食物);吞食

72、He smiled affably and drank the second glass at a single gulp. ─── 他憨厚地笑了,于是又把第二杯一饮而

73、They gulp down knowledge with unmatched enthusiasm ─── 他们如饥似渴地吸收知识。

74、Swallow a glass of beer at one gulp. ─── 一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。

75、A gulp, a swallow, or an inhalation. ─── 吞、饮或吸入

76、He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air. ─── 他倚着汽车大口大口地呼吸冷空气。

77、This arrangement would not have permitted a walking gait, but it would have enabled just the kind of push-up that a tetrapod needing a gulp of air might employ. ─── 牠的形式没办法行走,但或许可以用力一推、抬头往上吸一口空气;

78、He took a big gulp and almost chocked. ─── 他喝得太猛, 呛着了。

79、Give a gulp; give a yelp. ─── 做出吞咽声;发出叫喊。

80、With a cup of thick wine to gulp down my remaining joy I await a cold farewell dream tonight. ─── 一杯浊酒尽余欢,今霄别梦寒。

81、On the fish they rushed to gulp the barb as if they hoped to be hooked away. ─── 多想手执一张瑶琴弹奏起悠扬的旋律,送给那一对幸福的鸿雁,歌颂它们不管经历多少的风雨,总是相依相伴,永不分离。

82、I was met with a burning sensation in my nose and throat.Kicking fiercely, I broke out of the water, gulping for precious air. ─── 一口水呛得我鼻子、喉咙火辣辣的,我拼命蹬腿,挣出水面,奋力地吸了口气。

83、To eat (food) hurriedly and with little chewing; gulp. ─── 匆匆咽下,囫囵吞吃:快速的且很少嚼的吃(食物);吞食。

84、He took a big gulp and almost choked. ─── 他喝得太猛,呛着了。

85、With his last gulp of coffee, just before he was going to stand up and kiss his wife goodbye, John found something floating in his mouth. ─── 喝完最后一口咖啡,就在准备起身跟妻子吻别时,约翰发现嘴里飘着什么东西。

86、I just feel like I'm a fish you've taken out of water. Gulping for air. Trying to get oxygen. ─── 我虽然一点也不觉得累,但却觉得像只被人从水里抓出来的鱼,渴望著空气、试著吸进氧气。

87、He drank the glass of whisky in one gulp. ─── 他将整杯威士忌一饮而尽。

88、Don't gulp your food down, It's both rude and bad for your stomach. ─── 不要狼吞虎咽地吃东西,这既粗鲁又对胃不好。

89、Don't gulp your food. ─── 吃东西不要狼吞虎咽。

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