languidly 发音
英:[ˈlæŋɡwɪdli] 美:[ˈlæŋɡwɪdli]
英: 美:
languidly 中文意思翻译
languidly 词性/词形变化,languidly变形
名词: languidness |副词: languidly |
languidly 相似词语短语
1、candidly ─── adv.坦白地;率直地;直率而诚恳地
2、languish ─── vi.憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;苦思
3、laidly ─── 俗气地说,
4、langued ─── 萎靡不振
5、langridge ─── n.(Langridge)人名;(英)兰格里奇
6、lankily ─── adv.瘦长地
7、langiel ─── 调色板
8、languid ─── adj.倦怠的;呆滞的;无精打采的;(人举止、姿势)无力的;(因疾病、劳累)虚弱的;(场合、时段)闲适安逸的;不活跃的;懒洋洋的;慢悠悠的,慵懒的
9、sanguinely ─── 乐观地;充满希望地
languidly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Slenderly, languidly, their hands set lightly on their hips, the two young women preceded us out onto a rosy-colored porch, open toward the sunset, where four candles flickered on the table in the diminished wind. ─── 两位女郎袅袅婷婷地、懒洋洋地,手轻轻搭在腰上,在我们前面往外走上玫瑰色的阳台。 阳台迎着落日,餐桌上有四支蜡烛在减弱了的风中闪烁不定。
2、But I languidly lingered awhile lost in the midst of vague musings. ─── 但我仍缱绻留连,沉浸在恍惚的冥想中。
3、The flowers in their hair are pale and faded; the notes are languid in their flutes. ─── 他们发上的花朵已经褪色枯萎了,他们横笛里的音调也显得乏倦。
4、in a weak or pale or languid manner. ─── 以虚弱、苍白或者疲倦的方式。
5、Twisting languidly through the sky towards the horizon, this is one of Nature's most stunning - and rarest - displays. ─── 这是自然界最震撼人心也是最罕见的一幕:像躺倒电线杆状的‘卷云’懒洋洋地扫过天空移向地平线。
6、6.As we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions. ─── 6.我们早就约定了,要以最慵懒的姿势,恍惚地面对这个世界。
7、"My feet are languid with the burden of my heart,and I stand still in the shadow." ─── “我心头的重负让我的双脚疲惫不堪,所以我站在树阴下一动不动。”
8、One evening I look out the window of my secluded cabin, and there are soft languid flakes falling in the golden lamplight. ─── 一天晚上,从我那僻静的小木屋朝窗外望去,金黄的灯光中只见柔软的雪花正纷纷扬扬地飘洒。
9、languid learning ─── 学习倦怠
10、Too, gradually turns into a languid canal ─── 也渐渐地变成了懒洋洋的水沟
11、Languid though the east wind, Faded flowers are blown apart.The silkworms silk is exhausted Only when its life is spent; ─── 古诗的英文翻译,大家猜猜是哪一首 So hard for us to meet, Harder still to part.
12、"And the McLure girls have been called to Virginia," said Mrs. Elsing in her die-away voice, fanning herself languidly as if neither this nor anything else mattered very much. "Dallas McLure is wounded." ─── "而且麦克卢尔家的姑娘又被叫到费吉尼亚去了,仿佛诸如此类的事情都没有什么要紧似的。 "埃尔辛太太用慢条理的口气补充说,一面懒懒地摇着扇子,"达拉斯 - 麦危尔也受伤了。
13、God honoured me with his fight when I was rebellious. He ignored me when I was languid. ─── 当我反叛的时候,神用他的武力嘉奖我。当我倦怠的时候,他对我置之不理。
14、September is a changeling, busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. ─── 九月真是变幻莫测,忙来如山核桃树上的松鼠,闲来却又象懒散缓流的小溪。
15、It plays tag with the wind.September is a changeling busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. ─── 九月是善变的,它时而像一只松鼠在胡桃树上忙碌,时而像慵懒的妇人般虚度光阴。
16、The incredible summer heat and humidity made us all feel languid. ─── 夏天超乎想像的热气与湿度让大家都觉得无精打采。
17、indifferent; uninterested; disinterested; languid; unconcerned ─── 不感兴趣
18、His wife was shrill, languid, handsome and horrible. ─── 他老婆长得倒挺标致,不过样子懒洋洋的,没有精神,说起话来尖声尖气,让人觉得讨厌。
19、And, in betwixt the languid ringlets, blown /A life-breath, till the forehead hopefully ─── 又在我披垂的鬓发间吹入了一股/生气,好让我的前额又亮光光地
20、On the whole, however, they seemed languid and exhausted. ─── 他们还在笑,却不时地显出疲倦和出神的样子。
21、There's not a lot that happens in "2046." The languid, carefully composed shots that Wong constructs for his actors are anathema to the frenzied rhythms of contemporary Hollywood. ─── 并没有太多故事情节,王家卫在他的演员身上拍出来的那些懒散倦怠、耐心经营的镜头被节奏强烈的当代好莱坞视为异类。
22、Miss Keelder's eyes were lively and Miss Helstone's languid. ─── 基达尔小姐的眼睛炯炯有神,赫尔斯通小姐的眼睛则呆滞无神。
23、Most of the pupils glanced up languidly, but there were two among them that watched his movements with intent eyes.Mr. ─── 大多数学生都漫不经心地抬起头看了一眼,但其中有两个人特别关注老师的一举一动。
24、3.As we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions. ─── 3.我们早就约定了,要以最慵懒的姿势,恍惚地面对这个世界。
25、It is also worth noting that the languid, lazy, affected speech of some of the natives of Mayfair is just as much the product of a way of living as the harsh flat vowels of the Northern town dweller. ─── 另外值得一提的是,某些梅菲尔本地人的懒洋无力,矫揉造作的说话方式既是北方市民尖厉单调的母元音造成,同样这也是他们生活方式的产物。
26、Mary offered no opposition when she indicated by languid gesture and action that she wished to rise. ─── 她有气无力地做着要想起床的姿势和动作,玛丽并没有阻挡她。
27、in Feburary: The earth the severe cold of sleep deeply of icebound, everythings on earth is about to leave, how should you arouse the languid lazy spirit with long already dormancy? ─── 2月:大地冰封、万物沉睡的严寒即将离别,你该如何唤醒蛰伏已久的慵懒心灵?
28、I'm afraid it is the trouble you mind, though," replied the Toad languidly. ─── 不过,恐怕你还是嫌麻烦。”癞蛤蟆有气无力地说。
29、Involuntarily his languid eyes closed, and still through his eyelashes a well-known form seemed to move amid the obscurity with which he thought himself enveloped. ─── 可是,从他的垂下的眼睑里望出去,他依稀看见一个人影移动,尽管他觉得周围一片昏暗,他还是认出了这个人影是伯爵,他刚去打开了一扇门。
30、A beautiful journey realised through languid,ambient grooves, haunting piano melodies and a voice that seeps through your skin and permeates your mind. ─── 友情提示:以上资料(文字和图片)均来自网上转载,仅供试听浏览,不得进行商业用途,在此向原发作者感谢!
31、They sat in Germaine Rocher's salon watching the languid mannequins preen and simper. ─── 她们正坐在吉米·罗切的美术展览馆里,看着那些疲乏的服装模特炫耀服装和假笑。
32、September is a challenging busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. ─── 九月,她如此繁忙,仿佛山桃树上忙着采摘食物的松鼠;九月,又如此悠闲,仿佛缓缓而行的淙淙小溪。
33、In this bright blossomy room, live Ming Yan's life, part is powerful, part forthright and sincere, part languid is lazy. ─── 在这鲜花盛开的房间里,过着明艳的生活,有几分浓烈,有几分率真,有几分慵懒。
34、he did it languidly , and , when he had finished , sat on the edge of the bed staring blankly before him. ─── 他懒洋洋地做着,做完又坐在床边茫然地望着前面。
35、speak with a languid drawl ─── 慢吞吞拉着长调说话.
36、But a few of them still stir, rise up, fly languidly and settle on the hand of the foe, without the spirit to die stinging him;the rest are dead and as easily brushed aside as fishes' scales. ─── 它们当中,只有一些尚能动弹,直挺挺地立着,无力地飞翔,落在敌人手上,而无力一螫敌人而后死去,其余死亡了的,则像鱼鳞一样,轻轻飘落于窝底。
37、In the kitchen he found Jim, the other boarder, eating mush very languidly, with a sick, far-away look in his eyes ─── 他在厨房见到了另一个房客吉姆,那人正在懒洋洋地吃着玉米粥,眼里泛出厌烦的、心不在焉的神气。
38、And, in betwixt the languid ringlets, blown ─── 又在我披垂的鬓发间吹入了一股
39、They sat in Germaine Rocher's salon watching the languid mannequins preen and simper ─── 她们正坐在吉米?罗切的美术展览馆里,看着那些疲乏的服装模特炫耀服装和假笑。
40、September is a challenging busyas a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.It issummer's ripeness and richness fulfilled. ─── 九月,不匆不忙,踏着自己的节拍,翩然而至,为又一个夏季送行。
41、The bedroom is one of spaces with bedroom concealed close very expensive sex, always can let person couplet think of tall bed warm pillow, languid is lazy hazy. ─── 卧室是居室隐密性很高的空间之一,总能让人联想到高床暖枕、慵懒朦胧。
42、He listened to the man expounding the slave-morality, and as he listened, he thought languidly of his own Nietzsche philosophy. ─── 他听那人向他解释起奴隶道德,便懒懒地想起了自己的尼采哲学。
43、De Craye was languid over the question. ─── 德·克雷对这个问题感到不快。
44、languid movement ─── 慢吞吞的动作
45、He did not move.Kutuzov rode mutely about on his grey horse, making languid replies to the suggestions for an attack. ─── 库图佐夫骑着他那匹小灰马,默默地走着,他懒懒地回答向他提出的发动进攻的建议。
46、Warm weather was blamed for the languid winter sales.But retail sales have been sluggish all year. ─── 和暖的冬季不能成为全年零售数据不佳的理由。
47、In another corner two other old bees are languidly fighting or cleaning themselves or feeding one another, themselves unaware whether with friendly or hostile intent. ─── 在另一个角落,另外两只老蜂动作迟缓地厮打着,或者清洗着身子,或者互相喂食,并不知道这样做是仇恨还是友爱。
48、And, in betwixt the languid ringlets, blown ;A life-breath, till the forehead hopefully ─── 又在我披垂的鬓发间吹入了一股;生气,好让我的前额又亮光光地
49、We sat about languidly after dinner. ─── 我们饭后无精打采地坐着。
50、In a languid manner he designed to infuriate . ─── 他显出无精打采的样子,故意想激怒她。
51、He speaks with a languid drawl. ─── 他慢吞吞拉着长调说话。
52、Will Benteen sat on the front steps at Scarlett's feet in the pleasant sunshine of the early autumn afternoon and his flat voice went on and on languidly about the exorbitant costs of ginning the cotton at the new gin near Fayetteville. ─── 在初秋午后的愉快阳光下,威尔 - 本廷坐在前面台阶上思嘉的脚边,用平淡而孱弱的声音不断地谈起轧棉花的事,说费耶特维尔附近那家新的轧棉厂收费太高了。
53、In fuggy summer, isolation gives a peaceful, cool and refreshing a haven of peace, experience languid is lazy dinkum ego is loosened. ─── 在闷热的夏季,隔绝出一个清幽、清凉的世外桃源,体验慵懒纯粹的自我放松。
54、They called me and shouted, `Come with us, the morning is wearing on to noon.' But I languidly lingered awhile lost in the midst of vague musings. ─── 她们叫我说:“和我们一块来罢,都快到了中午了。”但我仍在慵倦地留连,沈入恍惚的默想之中。
55、Want in those days, wang Fei one fire, if Wang Fei is same,dress up, the same tune, new mankind that is lazy appearance of a pair of languid together the fire between immediateness half street. ─── 想当年,王菲一火,一如王菲同样装扮、同样腔调、同是一副慵懒样子的新人类即刻间火了半条街。
56、To the English the proper way to bahave in almost all situations is to display a languid indifference to almost everything,though one may be fuming underneath. ─── 对英国人来说,不管在哪儿,几乎对一切都表现出一种懒洋洋的无所谓的态度才算是举止得当,尽管有的人内心可能很愤怒。
57、He only smiled affably and answered with a languid little stammer ─── 他只是和颜悦色地微笑,带点儿口吃有气无力地回答。
58、Arthur was so languid, indifferent and careless about the favours bestowed upon him. ─── 亚瑟对别人的奉承如此厌烦,淡漠,如此不以为意。
59、In her stocking feet, she walked steadily, almost languidly, toward the phone. ─── 她慢条斯理、厌倦不堪地走去接电话,脚上穿着袜子。
60、In the sunny haze of the languid hours,what vast vision of thine takes shape in the blue of the sky! ─── 在疲倦时光的日霭中,在天空的蔚蓝中,呈现出的你的幻影是多么广阔!
61、On those long, languid weekends, we came to terms with each other, and he accepted the fact that I loved and forgave him. ─── 在那些漫长缺乏生气的周末中,我们消除了以前的隔阂,我让他明白了,我是爱他的,也原谅了他。
62、with a languid gesture ─── 以倦怠的样子
63、a languid mood. ─── 倦怠的状态
64、In a languid manner he designed to infuriate her. ─── 他显出无精打采的样子,故意想激怒她。
65、The main effect will be to ditch the continental style of first degree, which typically takes five or six years: expensive (for the taxpayer) and wastefully languid (for the student). ─── 其主要影响将是取消大陆形式的第一级学位,该学位通常需要五到六年,既耗钱(对纳税者而言),又费力(对学生而言)。
66、She could hardly remain in bed and look languid and make croaking noises until Aunt Pitty, Mammy and Uncle Peter were out of the house and on their way to Mrs. Bonnell's. ─── 她在床上几乎躺不住了,也没法再装出困倦的样子和发出抱怨的叫声,一心等待皮蒂姑妈,嬷嬷和彼得大叔出门到邦内太太家去。
67、Melancholy waltz and languid vertigo! ─── 忧郁的华尔兹、疲倦的晕旋!
68、"There seems to be nothing there but languid and monotonous smoke. ─── “那儿似乎什么都没有,只有那死气沉沉的单调的煤烟。
69、Others have provided skills and drills to help improve players’ games, but for now Pirlo was my focus.As he sauntered over to me in that typical languid manner of his, my legs started to tremble. ─── 但是现在对我来说,皮尔洛就是焦点,当他以标志性的无精打采的姿态走向我时,我的双腿在颤抖,我什么时候能和他同场竞技啊?
70、We'd been cruising languidly down the Nile for days, watching the sun sink behind the date palms each evening in a rose-and-lemon sky. ─── 游船已经在尼罗河上不紧不慢地航行了数天,每天傍晚我们看着在玫瑰红和柠檬黄色的天空中,太阳渐渐沉入到椰枣树林的后面。
71、She stretched out a languid arm to brush the cigar ash off the couch. ─── 她伸出一只懒洋洋的手臂擦长沙发椅上的雪茄烟灰。
72、"I am, more or less, if you know what I mean," said a languid and rather dandified young person without any j armour at all. ─── “我就是,大致上是。如果你懂我的意思的话,”一个无精打采的花花公子似的年青人回应着。他身上没有穿任何盔甲。
73、He moved languidly across the room. ─── 他慢悠悠地穿过房间。
74、In the kitchen he found Jim, the other boarder, eating mush very languidly, with a sick, far-away look in his eyes. ─── 他在厨房见到了另一个房客吉姆,那人正在懒洋洋地吃着玉米粥,眼里泛出厌烦的、心不在焉的神气。
75、Pleasure boats cruise languidly around the sandbanks that dot the narrow channel leading to the Southern Ocean. ─── 游船没精打采地绕着沙洲航行,它们点缀着通往南大洋的狭窄河道。
76、languidly sitting on the ground and then asked them for help. ─── 在一次军事演习中,一位指挥官的吉普车陷进了泥里。
77、Under the upswelling tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hising up their petticoats, in whispering water swaying and upturning coy silver fronds. ─── 在惊涛骇浪的海潮底下,他看到扭滚着的海藻正懒洋洋地伸直开来,勉强地摇摆着胳膊,裙裾撩得高又高,在窃窃私语的水里摇曳并翻转着羞怯的银叶。
78、Analysis on the Languid Problem of Police Profession in China ─── 中国警察职业倦怠问题解析
79、On Causes and Countermeasures Against Occupational Languid of Teachers of Rural Vocational Middle School ─── 农村职中教师的职业倦怠及其应对对策
80、The March wind is fretful,fretting the languid wave into murmurs. ─── 三月的风躁动不安,惹得倦怠的波浪哗哗作响。
81、"My feet are languid with the burden of my heart, and I stand still in the shadow." ─── "我的脚被我沉重的心压得疲倦了,我就在树影下凝立着。"
82、The profession, grade is all an influence study to change the deal languidly with the sex. ─── 专业、年级和性别都是影响学习倦怠的变量。
83、In the sunny haze of the languid hours, what vast vision of thine takes shape in the blue of the sky! ─── 在疲倦时光的日霭中,你广大的幻象在天空的蔚蓝中显现!
84、Languid discussion and analysis in occupation in teacher in music in college in local high teacher ─── 地方高师院校音乐教师职业倦怠探析
85、Lepidus shrugged his shoulders, but was too languid to reply. ─── 勒庇多斯耸耸肩膀,但是懒得回答。
86、The flowers in their hair are pale and faded; the notes are languid in their flutes. ─── 他们发上的花朵已经褪色枯萎了,他们横笛里的音调也显得乏倦。
87、The exquisite gentlemen of the finest breeding wore little pendent trinkets that chinked as they languidly moved; these golden fetters rang like precious little bells; ─── 受过最优秀教养的精雅的先生们挂着小小的饰物,在他们懒洋洋地行动时叮当作响,一-这类黄金的镣烤真像些宝贵的小铃铛。
88、The languid largeness of her eyes showed that her sleep had been little more than his own ─── 她那没精打采的大眼睛表明,她也并不比他多睡了多少。
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