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09-10 投稿



eclecticism 发音

英:[ɪˈklektɪsɪzəm]  美:[ɪˈklektɪsɪzəm]

英:  美:

eclecticism 中文意思翻译



eclecticism 相似词语短语

1、eclectics ─── adj.兼收并蓄的;不拘一格的;折中的,折中主义的;n.兼收并蓄的人;折中派的人,折中主义者

2、eclectic mix ─── 折衷混合

3、Scepticism ─── n.怀疑;怀疑论;怀疑主义

4、collectivism ─── n.集体主义

5、eclectic ─── adj.兼收并蓄的;不拘一格的;折中的,折中主义的;n.兼收并蓄的人;折中派的人,折中主义者

6、eclecticisms ─── n.折衷主义,折衷说

7、dialecticism ─── n.方言用语;方言倾向;方言

8、ecclesiasticism ─── n.教会主义;拘泥教规

9、Eleaticism ─── n.埃里亚派

eclecticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、metatheoretical eclecticism ─── 元理论折衷主义

2、From our country's practice, we should take the eclecticism which base on subjectivism and take some opinions of objectivism. ─── 关于这点,应当结合各国的实际情况来认定,从我国的实际情况出发,应采以主观说为基础,兼采客观说的折衷说。

3、“Behrami can play anywhere, as he is an eclectic figure.I see him more as a right-back in our system, but the important thing is that he is there to help us out. ─── "贝赫拉米能适应不同的位置,他是一个全能的球员.在我看来,他更适合右后卫的位置,更重要的事情是,他可以在那个位置上帮助我们.

4、Situated right in the heart of SoHo, this brand new eclectic and chi restaurant serves up New York cuisine as if we had traveled directly to the Big Apple and gotten the food ourselves. ─── 今集两位主持会带你去一间布置格调高格调,但又舒适宽敞的餐厅,品尝纽约式美食,包括海鲜井拼盘、三安士牛扒、纽约芝士饼等,负责人还会讲解纽约美食的特色。

5、220V/150W compatible with portable computer,camera,mini hifi ,fans,eclectic light etc. ─── 150W强劲功率可接用手提电脑,摄录机、小型音响系统、电风扇、日光灯等设备。

6、Mainland Not Mainstreams presents an eclectic selection of short films of all different styles and genres. ─── “大陆不是主流”是一个电影短片集合,从多种不同类型的短片挑选集合而成。

7、Eclecticism is the use of doctrines, methods, or styles from various sources. ─── 折衷主义是原理,方法或各种消息来源的使用。

8、The paper is intended for a review of the English teaching approaches and methods,and meanwhile for a study of the "Eclectic approaches"-the comprehensive application of various pedagogies-presented by Paul Davies and Eric Pearse. ─── 在回顾英语教学法发展演变的同时,探讨了保罗·戴维斯(PaulDavies)和埃里克·珀尔斯(EricPearse)提出的"选择法"教学模式,即多种教学法的综合应用。

9、If you 're in an eclectic mood, Mezza9( 730-7189) in the Grand Hyatt Hotel offers an upscale international eating experience. ─── 如果你各种菜都想尝尝,在档次颇高的君悦大酒店迈萨餐厅(电话:730-7189),可以体验一下遍尝天下风味的感受。

10、She has very eclectic tastes in literature. ─── 她在文学方面的兴趣非常广泛。

11、Diversity can be supported by techniques such as collage,radical eclecticism and superposition; ─── 多样性可以通过拼贴、激进的折衷和叠置来实现;

12、There are some Zoroastrians who are influenced by Theosophy, an eclectic esoteric movement of the nineteenth century. ─── 一些琐罗亚斯德教徒受到见神论的影响,一种十九世纪的折衷的深奥运动。

13、international production eclect paradigm ─── 国际生产折衷理论

14、The eclectic mash of individual egos, brains and wills leading to harmony and discord is an exciting force to work with, and it helps me be creative. ─── 个别的自我,智力和意志导致协调的选择碎麦芽和不调和是令人兴奋的力量工作由于, 而且它帮助我是有创造力的。

15、Koussouros has already developed an eclectic range of inventions, most of which are rather less romantic than the KissPhone.They include a new type of fertiliser packaging and a self-bolting door. ─── 克索罗斯发明过一大票的电子玩意儿,但大多数没有这个接吻电话来的浪漫。

16、Germany, as an example of Eclectic Principle, is drawing close to Universaity Principle too. ─── 以德国为例说明了折衷主义原则向普遍主义原则靠拢的趋势。

17、Unfortunately, this kind of eclecticism made him into a trap of an embarrassing position. ─── 而这种文化调和主义的立场又使得梁漱溟在理论上陷入一种自相矛盾的困境。

18、In his mind, Confucianism of the Han and Song dynasty can be eclectic which was very advanced then. ─── 其论经既宗汉儒,而又兼取宋儒之说,意在糅合二者。

19、A Sort of Eclectic Fuzzy Decision-making Model and Its Application ─── 一种折衷型模糊决策模型及其应用

20、Famed for his eclectic work, fierce cinematic independence and his often-cynical social and political eye, Altman has been responsible for a staggering variety of films. ─── 以不拘一格、强烈的电影独立性、对社会与政治常具讽刺观点著称的阿特曼,作品包罗万象。

21、Delaroche:French portrait and mural painter whose eclectic works combined elements of the classical and romantic schools. ─── "德拉·洛奇:法国肖像和壁画画家,其广泛的作品兼容了古典主义和浪漫主义因素."

22、Brief History of Algebra and Computing: An Eclectic Oxonian View - Jonathan P. Bowen; Oxford University Computing Laboratory, UK ─── 代数和计算科学简史--英国牛津大学计算实验室。

23、And the low-frequency parts of the noise are eliminated by the eclectic denoising method to estimate the probable position of the low-frequency parts of the signals. ─── 利用折中消噪法消去其低频系数噪声,从而估计出信号的低频部分在时间平移轴上的大概位置;

24、"Others prefer to take a more eclectic approach, being members of several societies and taking part in whichever of their events seem interesting." ─── 其余的人更愿意选择更灵活的方式,参加几个社团,参与凡是他们感兴趣的活动

25、He has an eclectic taste in music ─── 他爱好各种音乐.

26、In this, as in so many other realms, eclecticism is misplaced. ─── 如此一来,正像其他许多领域一样,折衷主义行不通。

27、In his early years, he accepted the ideas of Transcendentalism, an eclectic idealist philosophy that included among its advocates Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and Bronson Alcott. ─── 他早年接受了超越论的思想,一种折衷的理想主义哲学,接受这种思想的还包括该理论的提倡者拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生、玛格丽特·福勒以及布朗森·奥尔科特。

28、An eclectic collection of games to pass the time and challenge the mind. ─── 一个折衷的收集游戏通过时间和挑战精神。

29、The eclectic, omnivorous diets of people in China meant there were few unwanted, inexpensive chicken parts for the crocodiles, which meant feeding them expensive breasts. ─── 在中国,人们什么都吃的饮食习惯导致没有太多鸡身上的某些部分没人要或者很便宜来喂鳄鱼,这也就意味着不得不喂鳄鱼们昂贵的鸡胸肉。

30、But the eclectic neighborhoods and intense nightlife -- along with lounging in cafes or on the beach -- show Athens to be more than its reputation as a sad modern city with a glorious past. ─── 但是没有它没有特点的周圈地区和充满激情的夜晚-----加上在咖啡屋或是海滩上的悠闲------展示了雅典是一个比听起来要好的多城市,它在世界上名声是历史著名但现代化令人悲伤.

31、Washington's financial institutions were once notorious for their dogmatic prescriptions. Now they prefer piecemeal reforms and eclectic advice. That is a tide Mr Lin can probably swim with. ─── 华盛顿的金融机构曾经因为其教条的规定而声名狼藉,而现在他们更喜欢渐进的改革和折中的建议,林先生需要在这股潮流中激流勇进。

32、It is concluded that pre-Qin Eclectic School has characteristics including desire for systematic nature, brand of Huang-Lao School, and embodiment of certain locality and epoch. ─── 先秦杂家的产生与地域文化有关,也与战国中晚期学术融合的潮流相一致。

33、In reviewing Marshall System, most Western scholars affirm and eulogize it with the weal "synthesis", scholars from the former Soviet Union use "eclecticism", however, they do not negate it completely. ─── 大多数西方学者都采用“综合”一词予以肯定和颂扬。 始终冠以“折衷主义”提法的是原苏联学者,不过他们并未全盘否定它。

34、Furthermore, the important translated sutras of the Eclectic Esotericism are also included. ─── 全书共收译经近500种。

35、eclecticism legislative system ─── 分合折衷体制

36、Exposure to the new wave of eclecticism and free-thinking in Rome was tempered by his disciplined study of Drawing and the Antique. ─── 亚当深受罗马折衷主义浪潮和自由主义的影响,但被其所接受的关于制图和古风的系统性学习所调和。

37、eclecticism (zhongdao) ─── 中道

38、An eclectic group of guests including a countess, a WWI hero, a matinee idol and an American film producer are invited by Sir William McCordle and his wife, lady Sylvia, to Gosford Park. ─── 坐上客非富则贵,有伯爵、战争英雄、歌星和电影监制等,楼下却是疲于奔命的仆人。

39、Exposure to the new wave of eclecticism and free-thinking in Rome was tempered by his disciplined study of Drawing and the Antique. ─── 亚当深受罗马折衷主义浪潮和自由主义的影响,但被其所接受的关于制图和古风的系统性学习所调和。

40、The Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Swabians, Angevins and Aragonese made Sicily their own, leaving behind an eclectic history that you can still touch today. ─── 农业以小麦、蔬菜、葡萄、棉花为主,并多柑橘、柠檬等亚热带果品。

41、Filled with the rich and eclectic characters that remain a hallmark of Jonathan Demme's films, Rachel Getting Married paints a heartfelt, perceptive and sometimes hilarious family portrait. ─── 一个婚礼,一场风暴,令这家人坦诚地面对过去、勇敢地寻求宽恕,经历一次爱与痛的洗礼。

42、" "Naxi ancient music" Naxi are at a long history of eclectic variety of fine cultural diversity of the art integrated. ─── “纳西古乐”是纳西族在漫长的历史长河中对各种优秀文化兼收并蓄的多元化相融汇的艺术结晶。

43、Driven by this belief, the South Korean brand created an eclectic collection of trendy bags coming in all sizes, styles, and form. ─── 在这种信念的推动下,该韩国品牌创造了一个折衷的珍品时尚袋,尺寸、风格和样式齐全。

44、eclectic fuzzy decision making ─── 三角形模糊数

45、University academic degree, majoring in machinery manufacture or integrated mechanism and eclecticism . ─── 要求大专以上学历,机械制造或机电一体化专业。

46、Her taste runs also to arrangements of Chopin and Joplin, as well as to Japanese and Brazilian music, part of an eclectic approach that is winning her fans around the world. ─── 她的音乐品位包括对肖邦和乔普林作品进行改编,以及从日本,巴西音乐中取材,这是他汲取各家的风格的一部分,正是这种风格使她赢得了世界范围的粉丝。

47、The style of the building takes on an eclecticism look, which perfectly incarnates the characteristics of western architecture then. ─── 风格上呈现折衷主义的面貌,比较完整地体现了当时的西方建筑特征。

48、Compared to last year's war-laden epics, along with a very obvious frontrunner (Hobbits, anyone?), the 2004 Oscar contenders are shaping up to be varied and eclectic. ─── 下面就让我们一起来看看可能入围奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名的几部热门影片。

49、Love knot to the history--on the thought of eclecticism architectural aesthetics ─── 历史的情结--论折衷主义建筑美学思想

50、Internalization of Buckly, Carson, Rugman, the theory of product life cycle of Vermon, and international product eclecticism of Duning. ─── 但是,所有这些模型都没有区分跨国公司和对外直接投资,他们的重点放在跨国公司上。

51、But they view those who place this fact at the center of their explanations of underdevelopment as being eclectic and arbitrary ─── 但是,他们认为那些把这种情况当作解释不发达问题的中心的人是折衷主义和专横武断。

52、The eclecticism of the designs means it is difficult to define one overall look. ─── 这些设计中的兼收并蓄意味着难以界定一个总体的风格。

53、First incorporated in 1837, Wicker Park's diverse real estate has attracted an eclectic mix of residents, from steel workers to beer barons to artists. ─── 各种各样的房地产商于1837年第一次合并后,无论是钢铁工人,啤酒大亨,或是艺术家,柳条公园吸引了形形色色的人们来此安居。

54、In order to achieve the intensive effect of surface decoration,postmordern design has employed the "Art Deco"style, eclecticism and the historical style. ─── 以历史风格为借鉴,采用折衷手法达到强烈表面装饰的效果。

55、His habitual touch was that of the eclectic ─── 他的惯用手法是折衷。

56、There are eclectic Q0 values on propagating paths located in both upwelling and depression areas. ─── 传播路径位于冀中坳陷和黄骅坳陷等平原区表现为低Q0值;

57、A Critical Look at the Golden Mean by the Confucianists and Eclecticism by the Buddhists ─── 儒家中庸思想与佛教中道观

58、Most of my friends would say that I'm happy, intelligent, sincere, secure, kind, hard-working, generous, analytical, stable, and eclectic. ─── 大多我的朋友说我愉快,聪明,恳切,安全,亲切,勤勉,慷慨,分析,稳定和折衷。

59、From now till June people will be able to enjoy the eclecticism of Hudec's buildings through the events of "Year of Hudec." ─── 从现在起直至6月,人们通过“邬达克年”的系列活动,将能够领略到邬达克建筑博采众长之处。

60、The theories of international business are the Theory of International Production Eclecticism and other theories. ─── 中国石油企业跨国经营的理论依据是国际生产折衷理论等理论。

61、Curse was invented to be eclecticism between fleeing and fighting. ─── 1发明诅咒是把它作为逃跑和打架之间的一种折衷。

62、They can be classified roughly into three kinds-in a broad sense,in a narrow sense and eclectic. ─── 各种解释大体可归为广义说、狭义说和折衷说三种。

63、Branching out from solo instrumental offerings to more eclectic releases, Windham Hill signed Shadowfax in 1982. ─── 为从乐器独奏的形式中脱胎换骨发行更具有多样性的专辑,“温得海姆山”音乐公司于1982年签约了“幻影传真”乐队。

64、Inclusive, eclectic mind the Sea of style, advanced water treatment technology of Western and Oriental design language perfectly soft collusion, forming a letter can be gritty product quality. ─── 兼容并蓄、博采众长的胸怀、海纳百川之风范,将西方先进水处理技术与东方柔美之设计语言完美合璧,形成了致能坚韧不拔的产品品质。

65、More than a Bazaar where you’d pick up unique, funky and eclectic gifts in an arty atmosphere, our main objective is to promote new promising designers focusing on exclusive and high quality items. ─── 在那里有和谐典雅的氛围,还有可爱有趣的小礼物。正像大家所熟知的那样,现在上海很有特色的设计师涌现出了高潮。

66、That nicely captures the eclecticism of a column comprised of northern grit, business trivia and emotional cruelty to cabinet ministers. ─── 这很好地抓住了这个专栏的折衷主义:该专栏综合了北方的粗犷、商业上的琐事及内阁部长们的残忍性情。

67、Some "adopted" tribalists are very eclectic, gathering fragments of the cultures that interest them most. ─── 一些被“寄养”的部族成员十分的中庸,他们最感兴趣的是各种文化糅合在一起。

68、National Eclectic Medical Association ─── 全国折衷医学协会

69、There was, after all, something charming about the blithe eclecticism of this worldview. ─── 毕竟,这种漫不经心的折衷主义世界观是有其迷人之处的。

70、In order to solve the basis of bearing criminal responsibility for attempted offense, there existed doctrine of subjective attempt, doctrine of objective attempt and doctrine of eclectic attempt in the continental law system. ─── 为解开这个谜团,大陆法系出现了主观的未遂论、客观的未遂论和折中的未遂论的理论对立。

71、The special status of the middle class in the social structure determines their eclectic values. ─── 中间阶层是社会利益结构中的缓冲层。

72、Therefore, a lot of no pure revivalist style may possibly classify into the eclecticism architecture. ─── 因了这个原因,许多风格不纯正的复古主义建筑就可能会归为折衷主义建筑的范畴了。

73、Advocated the integration of old and new, inclusive eclectic position. ─── 主张新旧融合、兼容并蓄的折衷主义立场。

74、Stephanie Hoppen has a successful art gallery in London that offers an eclectic selection of prints, paintings, sculpture, glass and furniture to an international clientele. ─── 从茄子色的墙壁和银漆木工用明亮的珠宝色调刷出燕麦色的墙壁那里看出,这本书是家庭色彩工作中创意和无尽方案的不二之选。

75、A determination method for reliability index in the concept phase of materiel development, namely similar item eclectic quotiety method is presented. ─── 在论证阶段 ,主要是提出使用参数指标的成熟期目标值 ;

76、Few areas of London are more multiracial than White-chapel and the patients we treated there naturally reflected the eclectic cultural mix of the area. ─── 伦敦一些地区比白教堂更为多民族化,且伦敦地区的病人自然的反映出该地区的混合文化。

77、He was known for his soulful voice and the eclectic mix of musical styles on his albums, combining soul, jazz, rock, pop and blues. ─── 他因专辑里灵魂乐唱腔和电子混音的音乐风格而知名。包括了灵魂乐,爵士,摇滚,流行以及蓝调。

78、His habitual touch was that of the eclectic. ─── 他惯用的是折衷的语言。

79、"a popular bar patronized by an eclectic collection of artists, writers, secretaries and aging soldiers on reserve duty" (Curtis Wilkie) ─── “来光顾这热门酒馆的是艺术家、作家、秘书与后备老兵等这些人”(柯蒂斯·威尔基)

80、Based on the study of,"the comprehensive teaching mode" based on "eclectic teaching approach" is a new teaching mode,which combines the advantages of various teaching approaches. ─── 以“折中教学法”为基础的“综合教学模式”,是将各种教学法的优势结合起来的一种新的教学模式。

81、We can expect an extraordinary variety of genre and apparent eclecticism, but with an underlying conformity of sentiment and vision. ─── 可以预计,将来会出现多种多样的文学类型和表面上的不拘一格,但隐含的情趣和见识会大同小异。

82、He has an eclectic taste in music. ─── 他爱好各种音乐。

83、QvQ Band (Quality vs. Quantity) play an eclectic mix of styles including blues, rock, alternative, and bluegrass. What's cool about this band is that most of them are TAS teachers! ─── 一群美国学校的老师放下教鞭时在干啥?!答案是”玩音乐”!!而且他们真的很棒!!曲风有蓝调,摇滚,另类,怀旧小调等.星期五的晚上来凑凑热闹吧!!

84、Here you can find an eclectic mix of fashion, chocolate, cinemas, book shops, restaurants and cafes. ─── 各种时尚流行元素在这里互相交融,巧克力、电影院、书店、旅馆还有咖啡店,应有尽有。

85、Eclectic, artsy scientific bohemian seeking intelligent life force, is that possible? ─── 不同.全面.工匠。科学家。神秘。寻找聪明,生活力量,那是可能的吗?

86、Khaki tote bags and metallic suede clutch bags appeal to you, since you want your accessories to be as eclectic as you are. ─── 卡其布或金属的小山羊皮裁制手提包都很衬妳哦。

87、In a word, there is no perfect theory and Eclecticism is the trend of the times. ─── 但没有一种理论是十全十美的,将各种理论兼容并蓄、扬长避短则是必然趋势。

88、Her reading is eclectic, ranging from poetry to hip slicks. ─── 她的读物范围很广,从诗歌到通俗小说都读。

89、The Light Heart is close to Commercial Drive which is worth a visit for its eclectic choice of restaurants and cafes. ─── 亮心离这的商业街很近了,那里有很多餐馆和咖啡厅供你选择,值得参观一下。

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