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09-10 投稿



judicious 发音

英:[dʒuːˈdɪʃəs]  美:[dʒuːˈdɪʃəs]

英:  美:

judicious 中文意思翻译



judicious 网络释义

adj. 明智的;头脑精明的;判断正确的

judicious 短语词组

1、judicious define ─── 明智的定义

2、judicious crossword ─── 明智的填字游戏

3、judicious investment ─── 明智的投资

4、judicious fire ─── 明智的射击

5、judicious defined ─── 明智的定义

6、judicious definition ─── 明智的定义

7、judicious crossword clue ─── 明智的纵横字谜线索

8、judicious mating ─── [医]定向杂交,合理交配

9、judicious used in a sentence ─── 用于句子中的明智的

10、judicious price-cutting ─── 司法价格削减

judicious 同义词

keen | thoughtful | diplomatic | knowing | advised | heady | practical | provident | shrewd | acute | discreet | bright | rational | well-judged | smart | discerning | intellectual | aware | astute | judicial | ingenious | sharp | prudent | knowledgeable |wise | sensible | expedient | sound | just | perspicacious | sage | reasonable | sapient | sagacious | discriminating | intelligent | well-advised | politic | advisable | cautious | fussy | careful | long-headed | circumspect | mindful | wary | versed

judicious 反义词


judicious 词性/词形变化,judicious变形

副词: judiciously |名词: judiciousness |

judicious 相似词语短语

1、outdacious ─── 外指

2、injudicious ─── adj.不明智的;不慎重的;浅薄的;不聪明的

3、judicators ─── n.行事如法官的人

4、suspicious ─── adj.可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的

5、audacious ─── adj.无畏的;鲁莽的

6、judiciously ─── adv.明智而审慎地;明断地

7、lubricious ─── adj.光滑的;淫荡的;不稳定的

8、injudiciously ─── 不公正地

9、auspicious ─── adj.有助于成功的,有利的;吉祥的,吉利的;富裕的

judicious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results show that a judicious choice of the plasma frequency may well control the dispersion characteristics of the LPCA. ─── 分析结果表明,通过控制等离子体的频率可以达到控制LPCA色散特性的目的。

2、He became more judicious, more mannerly, more thoughtful and eager to please others. every night he said: “mum, dinner is wonderful.” ─── 他变得更明事理、更有礼貌,也更体贴人了。他也乐于讨人欢喜。每天晚上都要说:“妈妈,晚饭好极了。”

3、Others manage quite well by making a judicious selection of foods and by taking small helpings. ─── 另外一些人,则设法精心选择自己的饮食,限量食用,这个办法就很成功。

4、You can take the sting out of a bad night with the judicious use of modafinil (Provigil? ─── 你可以摆脱糟糕的一夜中遭受的痛苦,通过审慎的使用莫达非尼。

5、He made a judicious decision to save money for his old age. ─── 他做了个明智的决定,要为他的晚年攒钱。

6、The pandemonium of delight which turned itself loose now was of a sort to make the judicious weep ─── 一阵肆无忌惮的狂笑冲破了禁忌,轰然爆发。这种笑法让明白人简直想哭。

7、No, pa, I'm no tattletale like Suellen,’she assured him, standing off to view his rearranged attire with a judicious air. ─── “不,爸爸,我不像苏伦那样爱嚼舌头”,她让他放下心来,站开一点,带着有见识的神色端详他重新整理过的服装。

8、But I forbear descanting further, and rather leave the judicious reader to his own remarks and application. ─── 但我实在不想多谈,还是留给明智的读者自己评价与应用吧。

9、To my joy, he left us, after giving this judicious counsel ─── 他给了这个得体的劝告之后,就离开我们,这使我很开心。

10、"No, Pa, I'm no tattletale like Suellen," she assured him, standing off to view his rearranged attire with a judicious air. ─── "爸,不会的,我不是苏伦那种搬弄是非的人,"她请他放心,一面略略向后退了一下,带着嬷嬷的神气端详他的服饰。

11、AIMR members may reference their membership only in a dignified and judicious manner. ─── AIMR成员必须明智地使用其成员身份,维护其尊严。

12、Clooney gave an exceptionally judicious and high-minded speech to the press. ─── “我就像那句话说的‘那似乎对我来说根本就是困难的事’。”

13、Instead of expressing everything you feel today, be judicious about what you say. ─── 今天,比起你想表达的一切,倒不如更小心你所说的话。

14、judicious judgment; sagacity; superior insight and judgement ─── 卓识

15、They do not try to compromise the differences between the other two by a judicious choice of the best or most appealing elements from each. ─── 它们并不试图通过审慎地选择每一派中最合理的,最有吸引力的成分,以折衷两者的差异。

16、Its arguments are always judicious and sound. ─── 它的论据总是合情合理的。

17、Our leaders made a judicious decision for our company's future. ─── 我们公司的领导为我们公司作出了明智的抉择。

18、Quatro is the outcome of a judicious blend, which is aged in oak, leading to the optimum balance between ripe fruit and velvety smooth tannins. ─── 口感 Palate: 由四种不同葡萄的绝妙混合而成的歌颂珍藏红葡萄酒,经过橡木桶陈年,展示了其酒体的良好平衡与成熟水果的风味,还有像天鹅绒般柔滑的单宁。

19、Also I used a bit of judicious erasing to make the flame on the I look a little more unique. ─── 还我用有点明智的抹掉,使火焰对我期待些独特的。

20、He offers judicious and feasible advice. ─── 他提出了明智的和可行的建议。

21、. Judicious ─── 哲

22、McCarron said ConAgra's lower estimate stemmed from its more judicious use of hypertension data. ─── 麦卡伦说,ConAgra 的较低估计是由于其对高血压数据的更明智使用。

23、I will correct them striking out such clauses as could have a deleterious influence on the Other Side, and replacing them with clauses of a more judicious character ─── 我将校正它们,我要抹掉那些会在另一个世界上对我造成恶劣影响的措辞,代之以更加恰当的文句。

24、This paper analyzed the three most typical tuning methods: JAM(judicious average method),LS(Laurec and Shepherd method),Hybrid. ─── 文章研究了最具有典型性的3种VPA调谐方法,JAM(judicious average method)、LS(Laurec and Shepherd method)和Hybrid。

25、Even in France, where the existence of so many varieties of delicious wine had hitherto imposed a judicious connoisseurship and has led to the branding of mere drinking as a brutish solecism. ─── 即使在法国,由于有那么多不同种类的葡萄酒,形成了品酒的鉴赏力,把单纯的喝酒看作粗鲁行为。

26、The other approach is for the investment managers to take judicious, tactical deviations from the benchmark allocation in order to beat the benchmark return. ─── 另一种情况是投资经理要作出判断及定出策略,适当地偏离基准比重,以争取超越基准回报的投资成绩。

27、a judicious decision ─── 明智的决定

28、He was curious to see Paris by night with clearer and more judicious eyes than those of other days. ─── 他很想用比往昔更敏锐更明断的眼光观察一下巴黎之夜。

29、A more judicious approach would be to first do top-down, then goal-service modeling, and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets. ─── 一个比较明智的手段应该是首先按照自顶向下来做,接下来进行目标服务建模,最后是自底向上的现有资产的遗留分析。

30、In such an environment, judicious risk-taking can allow companies to create profits and improved shareholder value. 。 ─── 在这么一个环境中,明智的冒险可以使公司去创造利润和提升股东利益。

31、A judicious historian selects and weighs facts carefully and critically. ─── 明智的历史学家以小心翼翼、批判性的态度权衡事实。

32、judicious use of one's money; a sensible manager; a wise decision. ─── 对金钱明智的使用;明智的管理人员;明智的决定。

33、which, however, I shall not obtrude, but submit to the judicious reader. ─── 仆人们把我们的面包切成圆锥形、圆柱形、平行四边形和其他一些几何图形。

34、A judicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves. ─── 明智的家长鼓励孩子在许多事情上自己做决定。

35、As you begin to understand the facts more fully, you will agree that the judicious use of animals in research offers the greatest hope of improving the lives of both humans and animals. ─── 当你开始更全面地了解到事实,你将支持研究中明智使用动物,它将给人类和动物生活水平的提高带来最大的希望。

36、But the idea that this can be prevented by judicious regulation of investment banking activities is a chimaera. ─── 以为对投资银行业活动的明智监管能够防患于未然,不过是痴人说梦。

37、judicious division of labor ─── 明智的劳力分配

38、They do not try to compromise the differences between the other two by a judicious choice of the best or most appealing elements from each ─── 它们并不试图通过审慎地选择每一派中最合理的,最有吸引力的成分,以折衷两者的差异。

39、A judicious person won't do this. ─── 明智的人不会这样做。

40、He made a judicious decision to save money for his old age. ─── 他做了个明智的决定,要为他的晚年攒钱。

41、judicious mating ─── 定向杂交, 合理交配

42、Pundits who want to sound judicious are fond of warning against generalizing. ─── 那些想让自己听起来明智的专家喜欢警告不要一概而论。

43、"The historian discovers the past by the judicious use of such a heuristic device as the ‘ideal type’" (Karl J. Weintraub) ─── “历史学家明智地运用称为‘理想类型’的探索方法发现过去”(卡尔J.韦恩特劳伯)

44、By judicious use of binary arrangements and by using various coding techniques,the groups of bits are used to develop complete sets of instructions for performing various types of computations. ─── 在仔细的运用二进制排列和译码技术的运用情况下,比特组会被用做发展可以表示不同类型计算的指令。

45、I earned it by thirty days' judicious use of that little loan you let me have. ─── 我在三十天之内活用了阁下那笔小小的贷款,赚了这笔钱。

46、The president authorizes the judicious use of military force to protect our citizens. ─── 总统授权明智动用军队来保护我们的公民。

47、Any one piece of work, and any one person, should aim for a judicious balance, formalizing subproblemsthat seem to cry for it while keeping honest to the Big Picture. ─── 以下的叙述,不知能否引起有类似经历的人的共鸣,也但愿对正在找工作的人以及即将来加拿大的人有所启示和帮助。

48、This work will be evaluated on the basis of consistent logical argumentation, judicious use of evidence, coherent development of ideas, and rhetorical effectiveness. ─── 报告内容根据其逻辑辩证一致性、证据的审慎使用、概念的条理发展,和修辞效果的基础上评估。

49、too touchy to make judicious decisions. ─── 太急躁了,做不出明智的决定。

50、EBM refers to the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of the best current evidence in making decisions about the treatment of individual patients. ─── 循证医学就是负责、明确、明智地利用现有的最好证据来决定不同患者的诊治措施。

51、Events themselves are impersonal, though judicious people certainly can and should respond to them in beneficial ways. ─── 事件都是无关个人的,然而明智的人却能够也应该以有益的方式来响应事件。

52、an article with a judicious use of examples ─── 一篇巧妙利用例证的文章

53、I also learned how to screw our reporters through the judicious use of headlines and subtitles ─── 我又学会如何通过巧妙的大小标题,歪曲记者的意思。

54、Evidence based medicine (EBM) is the application of the most conscientious, explicit and judicious medical knowledge in caring for patients. ─── 摘要实证医学意指经理性判断后使用医学知识于照顾病人。

55、From being the mere gentleman's residence, it becomes, by judicious improvement, the residence of a man of education, taste, modern manners, good connections ─── 如果改造得当,这就不只是像一个普普通通的上等人家住宅,而是一座有学识,懂情趣,举止高雅,结交不凡的人家的住宅了。

56、There is a little immaturity stuck away in the crannies of even the most judicious of us, and we should treasure it. ─── 对于我们这些最较真的人来说,电影有一点粗糙,但我们将视之为所爱。”

57、By judicious management and improvement, it might be made to pay more. ─── 只要经营得当,并加以改进,可能还会多赚一些。

58、Ralph had listened attentively to this judicious report ─── 拉尔夫对这个有见识的报告听得津津有味。

59、By this judicious choice the computations are reduced to a manageable size ─── 依靠这种合宜的选取,计算被缩减到可处理的规模。

60、The historian discovers the past by the judicious use of such aheuristic device as the ideal type. ─── 历史学家通过对有启发性的工具的明智的运用来发现过去是一种理想的方式。

61、Judicious use of white space and legible fonts is important so that these signposts remain clearly evident and distinct. ─── 明智地使用空白的空间和易读的字体很重要,这样将使标志保持清晰独特。

62、A. Tabs, spaces, and new lines (known as whitespace) have no effect on the program, although judicious use of whitespace can make the program easier to read. ─── 制表位,空格和换行符(称作空白符)对程序没什么影响,但是明智使用空白符可以使程序更易读。

63、he became more judicious,more mannerly,more thoughtful, eager to please."Good dinner, Mom. " he would say every evening. ─── 他变得更明事理、更有礼貌,也更体贴人了。他也乐于讨人欢喜每天晚上都要说:“妈妈,晚饭好极了。”

64、The difference partly reflects the judicious use of gearing and the scrutiny of the public markets. ─── 不同之处在某方面反映出相互带动的明智之举以及对公共市场的详细审查。

65、Especially in dairy production, a judicious use of concentrates will pay dividends. ─── 尤其是在牛奶生产中,审慎使用精饲料将是有利的。

66、“Now is a ripe opportunity to be more judicious with how and when we use plastics to avoid this loading of the ocean,” he says. ─── 他说:“现在是更公正评判怎样以及何时使用塑胶制品以避免海洋负担的成熟时机。”

67、She was too sincere, too interested in her judicious companion. ─── 她对这位明智的朋友太真诚,太心悦诚服了。

68、the land now affords an increase of produce, sufficient, in a few years, if the outlay has been judicious, to replace the amount, and in time to multiply it manifold. ─── 如果使用得当,土地的产量会增加。 足以在几年内收回这笔钱,最终使其增加好几倍。

69、Palate: Quatro is the outcome of a judicious blend, which is aged in oak, leading to the optimum balance between ripe fruit and velvety smooth tannins. ─── 口感:由四种不同葡萄的绝妙混合而成的歌颂珍藏红葡萄酒,经过橡木桶陈年,展示了其酒体的良好平衡与成熟水果的风味,还有像天鹅绒般柔滑的单宁。

70、Celebrating the civil new year on January 1 would be a more judicious choice for state organisations. Not only would they avoid offending anyone, but also make some people happier. ─── 国有单位在1月1日庆祝元旦是个更为明智的选择,这不仅能避免得罪任何人,还能让某些人群更高兴。

71、He became more judicious,more mannerly,more thoughtful,eager to please. ─── 他变得更明事理、更有礼貌、也更体贴人了,且急于讨人欢喜。

72、The pandemonium of delight which turned itself loose now was of a sort to make the judicious weep. ─── 一阵肆无忌惮的狂笑冲破了禁忌,轰然爆发。 这种笑法让明白人简直想哭。

73、There might seem to be a case for judicious intervention since both sellers and buyers suffer. ─── 卖方和买方都受损看起来有必要介入行政干预。

74、At a key moment in his life,he made a judicious investment. ─── 在他一生中的关键时刻,他做出了明智的投资。

75、We should listen to the judicious opinion of that old man. ─── 我们应该听取那位老人明智的意见。

76、You should be judicious about where you turn for help, if you seek it outside of your relationship. ─── 如果你向别人寻求帮助的话,那么一定要对求助的对象慎重选择。

77、It involves close observation, and judicious selection of what will enable one to do better something which he already is trying to do. ─── 这种模仿包含仔细的观察和审慎的选择,所选择的方法使他能把已在试做的事情做得更好。

78、It is curable with judicious use of antibiotics. ─── 审慎地使用抗生素,是可以治好的。

79、I believe that he can make a judicious choice ─── 我相信他能作出明智的选择。

80、"There is still a prevailing reluctance among health care providers to prescribe lifestyle modification in pregnancy that includes judicious diet and exercise," Artal said. ─── "医疗服务提供者普遍不愿意提供在怀孕对孕妇生活方式改造其中包括明智的饮食和运动,"阿塔尔说。"

81、The best way to get over feeling stuck is to take judicious, proper action. ─── 从被动中走出来的最好办法就是采取理智而合理的行动。

82、the land now affords an increase of produce,sufficient,in a few years,if the outlay has been judicious,to replace the amount,and in time to multiply it manifold. ─── 如果使用得当,土地的产量会增加。足以在几年内收回这笔钱,最终使其增加好几倍。

83、the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best eidence in making decisions about the care of indiidual patients." (Daid Sackett, Muir Gray et al. BMJ 1996; 312:71-72.) ─── 循证医学是有意识地、明确地、审慎地利用现有最好的研究证据制定关于个体病人的诊治方案。

84、At a key moment in his life, he made a judicious investment that was the foundation. ─── 在他一生的关键时刻, 他做出了明智的投资, 这便成了他以后富裕的基础。

85、A judicious person weighs facts carefully, he would not feel dejected for bad news and exult over unpredictable auspicious. ─── 一个明智的人知道如何权衡事情,他不会为了不幸而沮丧不振,也不会为了突如其来的好运而忘乎所以。

86、Howeer, rapid return to presurgical leels of mental alertness and acuity can be achieed only if judicious amounts of sedatie drugs are administered during both performance of the block and surgery. ─── 事实上,如果麻醉和手术时给予适量的镇静药病人可以很快恢复到数前的灵敏度和精细的分辨力。

87、He became more judicious, more mannerly, more thoughtful, and eager to please ─── 他变得更明事理、更有礼貌,也更体贴人了。他也乐于讨人欢喜。

88、It would be judicious to remain silent. ─── 保持沈默是明智的。

89、A little judicious guessing should be done about trace versus determinant, and more generally, about logarithm versus exponential ─── 关于迹与行列式,以及更一般地关于对数与指数的关系,要进行一些审慎合理的猜测。

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