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09-10 投稿



rabies 发音

英:[ˈreɪbiːz]  美:[ˈreɪbiːz]

英:  美:

rabies 中文意思翻译



rabies 词性/词形变化,rabies变形

形容词: rabietic |

rabies 短语词组

1、rabies fixed virus ─── [医] 狂犬病固定毒

2、rabies glycoprotein ─── 狂犬病糖蛋白

3、furious rabies ─── [医] 狂暴性狂犬病

4、anti-rabies ─── 抗狂犬病

5、rabies felina ─── [医] 狂猫病

6、Pasteur's treatment of rabies ─── [医] 巴斯德氏狂犬病疗法

7、paralytic rabies ─── [医] 麻痹性狂犬病

8、Fermi's treatment of rabies ─── [医] 费米氏狂犬病疗法

9、purified rabies vaccine ─── 净化狂犬病疫苗

10、feline panleukopenia-rabies vaccine ─── 猫泛白细胞减少症-狂犬病疫苗

11、Trinidad rabies virus ─── [医] 蝙蝠型狂犬病病毒

12、sullen rabies ─── [医] 早瘫性狂犬病

13、rabies prophylaxis ─── [医] 狂犬病预防

14、rabies virus ─── [医] 狂犬病病毒

15、rabies canina ─── [医] 犬类狂犬病

16、duck embryo rabies vaccine ─── [医]鸭胚狂犬病疫苗

17、dumb rabies ─── [医] 早瘫性狂犬病

18、tanacetic rabies ─── [医] 艾菊性狂犬病(于兔类静脉注射艾菊油后所造成的类似狂犬病状态)

19、rabies antitoxin ─── [医] 狂犬病抗毒素

rabies 常用词组

rabies vaccine ─── 狂犬病疫苗

rabies virus ─── 狂犬病病毒

rabies 相似词语短语

1、babies ─── n.婴儿(baby的复数);n.(Babies)人名;(德)巴比斯

2、cabbies ─── n.计程车司机;出租马车的车夫(cabby的复数)

3、abies ─── n.冷杉属;v.赎(难、罪)(aby的第三人称单数形式)

4、rubies ─── n.红宝石(ruby的复数形式);n.(Rubies)人名;(西)鲁维斯

5、arabises ─── 筷子芥

6、Barbies ─── n.芭比娃娃(Barbie的复数形式)

7、arabizes ─── v.(政治和外交)移交给阿拉伯国家

8、rabis ─── 拉比

9、gabies ─── n.傻瓜;笨人;n.(Gaby)人名;(法、罗、英)加比

rabies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Only One Person Has Recovered From Rabies Without a Vaccine. ─── 世界上只有一人,没有注射疫苗,从狂犬病的死亡边缘恢复过来。

2、The high laser intensity is needed in traditional photoionization which shows intensive Rabi oscillations of population. ─── 传统的光电离需要强激发光场且粒子布居存在强烈的拉比振荡。

3、Considerable progress has been made in the production and use of rabies vaccines in the past century from nerve-tissue vaccines、embryonated egg vaccines to cell-culture vaccines. ─── 在过去的一个世纪里,狂犬病疫苗研制及使用取得了巨大进步,先后经历了神经组织培养疫苗、禽胚疫苗和细胞培养疫苗的发展阶段。

4、Wecan control the transformation of particle make use of the tunabletime-dependent Rabi frequency. ─── 利用含时可调拉比频率可以实现可控制的粒子数转移。

5、Bali administration reported it had started vaccinating 9000 dogs in an effort to control a recent outbreak of rabies in the island. ─── 印尼巴厘岛称已开始对其约9千条狗注射疫苗,以此全力防止狂犬病疫情蔓延。

6、The rule is apparently being brought in as a response to the city’s stray dog problem, as a way to prevent the spread of rabies and to regulate the pet industry. ─── 出台这个新规定显然是为了应对广州市的流浪狗问题,以此防止狂犬病蔓延,规范宠物行业的管理。广州是一座富裕的城市。

7、His research interests include rabies, cerebral palsy, and antibiotic cycling and probiotics to minimize resistant infections in hospitals. ─── 他的研究题材包括狂犬病、脑性麻痹,以及避免细菌对抗生素产生抗药性的饮食与用药法门。

8、The dependence of the gain behavior of the system on Rabi frequency of the driving field and other parameters is also illustrated and analyzed. ─── 图示并分析了系统增益对驱动场和其他参量的依赖性。

9、Listen to this:a boy in London has died of rabies. ─── 伦敦有一个男孩儿得狂犬病死了。

10、Paralysis follows, yet people infected with rabies are intermittently alert until near death and can communicate their fear and suffering to family and caregivers. ─── 可是狂犬病患者直到濒死,都间歇清醒著,能向家人或照护者表达自己的惊恐与受到的折磨。

11、PHOEBE: He doesn't have rabies, he has babies. That's what my mom said. ─── 他不是生狂犬病,它是生孩子。我妈是这么对我说的。

12、With reports of about 70 percent of rural households in China keeping dogs, however, the urgency and necessity of a modern rabies control program coordinated by human health, animal health, and municipal authorities should be self-evident. ─── 以大约农村家庭的70%报告在收留狗的中国,然而,现代狂犬病控制程序的紧急和必要由人类健康协调了,动物健康,并且市政当局应该是不言而喻的。

13、Experimental study on the detection of rabies virus in caninie brain tissues of the dog with ELISA. ─── 免疫酶标法检测犬脑组织狂犬病毒的实验研究。

14、A improved method of Alum adsorption was studied for depyogenation from rabies antiserum in manufacturing process. ─── 作者对抗狂犬病血清精制工艺中明矾吸附步骤进行了试验研究。

15、We have prepared to test for and treat biopterin deficiency in future rabies patients who receive the Milwaukee protocol. ─── 在未来,凡是接受密尔瓦基疗法的狂犬病患者,我们都要检验他们体内生物喋呤的量,并开立生物喋呤的处方。

16、In the midwestern states there is a high incidence of cow rabies from exposure to skunks. ─── 在美国的中西部,一个高的范围,母牛通过臭鼬染上病毒。

17、Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies. ─── 还有人认为把这认为是巴斯德的一种留言或者是警示,而巴斯德研究微生物衰变,并为我们研究出了抗腐败牛奶以及发现了狂犬疫苗。

18、No case of acute poliomyelitis, diphtheria, plague, rabies, relapsing fever or yellow fever was reported during the specified years. ─── 在各指定年度內並無接報急性脊髓灰質炎(小兒麻痺)、白喉、瘟疫、狂犬病、回歸熱或黃熱病個案。

19、Bruno, a German shepherd, arrived for is annual rabies shot, and we were required by state law to ask is owner if Bruno had bitten anyone in the last ten days. ─── 一条德国物质牧羊犬布鲁诺来做每年一次的狂犬疫苗注射。我们依照州法律的要求询问他的主人,在过去的十天里布鲁诺是否咬了什么人。

20、All dogs 5 months and over must show proof of vaccination against rabies when they enter the show on show day. ─── 凡年龄超过5个月以上之参展犬须于出赛日出示防疯狗症注射证明,方准进入会场。

21、Rabies elimination efforts that focus on mass vaccinations of dogs are financially justified by the future savings of discontinuing post-exposure preventive treatment for people. ─── 大规模的对狗进行接种狂苗后,因人暴露后无需再去接受预防性治疗从而节省财力。)

22、And the salutations in the market places and to be called by men, Rabbi. mereka suka menerima penghormatan di pasar dan suka dipanggil Rabi. ─── 且喜爱人在市场上问他们安,称他们为拉比。

23、A Texas teen is fighting for his life, hoping to become the second-known person to recover from rabies without a vaccine. ─── 一位美国德克萨斯的少年,正在与死神搏斗,希望能成为不注射狂犬疫苗,从狂犬病的死亡阴影中活下来的第二人。

24、Doctor: I'm sorry to tell you, but you have rabies. ─── 医生:我很遗憾地告诉你,你得了狂犬病.

25、In ancient Greek literature botn Democritus (460 B. C. ) and Aristotle (384-322 B. C) referred to rabies. ─── 在古希腊文献中,德漠克利特(公元前460-362)和亚里斯多德(公元前384-322)曾提到了狂犬

26、Listen to thisa boy in London has died of rabies. ─── 你听听这件事伦敦有一个男孩儿得狂犬病死了.

27、In addition, the evolution of dispersion with the Rabi phase of probe field shows optical bistability. ─── 另外,色散曲线随探测场拉比频率相位的演化会呈现出光学双稳态效应.

28、WHO has stated that mass destruction of dogs alone is not effective for rabies control - a sustained mass dog vaccination campaign is the most effective measure. ─── 国际卫生组织明确指出仅凭大规模的限杀是不能有效的控制狂犬病的--只有持续的大规模替犬类注射疫苗是最为合理有效的方式。

29、A national crackdown on dogs started last month after the mainland reported a30 per cent increase in rabies cases this year. There were also complaints about unruly dogs. ─── 在报告表明狂犬病例突增了百分之三十,以及接到了许多对不服管教的狗的不满后,中国大陆上个月开始了一场全国性的犬类屠杀。

30、Earlier this summer, authorities slaughtered 55,000 dogs in Yunnan province in southwestern China, citing danger of rabies. ─── 在初夏,由于狂犬病的威胁,相关部门在中国西南的云南屠杀了55000只狗。

31、His dogs were inoculated against rabies. ─── 他的狗都注射过狂犬疫苗。

32、In dumb rabies there is a very short excitation phase. ─── 在狂犬病潜伏期,有一非常短的兴奋期。

33、Charles E.Rupprecht Rabies Program, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 75%的犬患狂犬病后仅存活4天,所有的狂犬病犬在出现临床症状的10天内死亡。

34、Over29,000 unregistered dogs have been impounded by government officials since October this year, in a bid to stop rabies and crackdown on anti-social ownership. ─── 从今年10月以来,超过29000只没注册的狗被警方拘留。目的是控制狂犬病和反社会的养狗方式。

35、Listen to this: a boy in London has died of rabies. ─── 你听听这件事: 伦敦有一个男孩儿得狂犬病死了.

36、The caustic soap water can destroy the rabies virus. ─── 可以用20%肥皂水冲洗伤口,肥皂水含碱性,碱对狂犬病毒有破坏作用。

37、If human is bitten by a dog, the fatality rate of rabies is almost 100% if without vaccination within 24 hours.Currently there is no medicine to cure this disease. ─── 人一旦被病狗咬伤,如果不在24小时内注射疫苗,一旦出现狂犬病症状,死亡率几乎100%,该病目前没有任何药物可以治疗。

38、Moreover, we exploit this strain-induced field to electrically drive spin resonance with Rabi frequencies of up to 30 MHz. ─── 他们的分析显示了星系“自相残杀”现象、恒星形成的强烈爆发以及其他强烈事件的存在。

39、"If not treated in time (within a day or two) with a serum containing antibodies and then a series of vaccinations, rabies in humans is almost always fatal. ─── 人类得了狂犬病如果不及时(一两天内)用带抗体的血清以及一系列的疫苗接种处理的话,必定会致命。

40、WSPA has collaborated closely with the World Health Organisation (WHO) on humane stray control, as rabies control is an important aspect of these programmes. ─── 世界動物保護組織(WSPA)已經密切與世界衛生組織就流浪動物控制上進行合作,像是狂犬病控制計畫就是其中之一。

41、At first blush, vaccinating the wolves against rabies seems a simple solution. ─── 乍一看来,为狼群注射防狂犬病疫苗是一种简单的办法。

42、With Jeanna's death all but guaranteed, Ann and John Giese asked us to try something new so that more would be known for the next child with rabies. ─── 吉瑟夫妇见金娜恐怕活不成了,同意让我们做新的尝试,好歹获得一些知识,将来再有孩子得了狂犬病,就用得上了。

43、The injured husband, his wife, and the kitten she was breastfeeding went to the clinic for him to get a rabies shot. ─── 受伤的丈夫在妻子和正吸着母乳的小猫咪陪同下前往诊所打狂犬疫苗。

44、BEIJING( AP)-- The Humane Society on Wednesday said it will give China$100,000 to vaccinate dogs against rabies if it promises to immediately stop their mass slaughter in areas where humans have died from the disease. ─── 北京(P)--在星期三人道社会说它将给中国$000,000接种狗反对狂犬病,如果它在区域许诺立刻停止他们的许多屠杀,人死了于疾病。

45、Rabies provides many lessons in how viral adaptation contributes to emergence in new econiches. ─── 关于病毒适应现象在新的生态小生境出现疫情方面如何起作用的问题,狂犬病提供许多教训。

46、In cattle, rabies is transmitted exclusively from the bite of salivs infected rabid animals. ─── 在牛,狂犬病仅能由患狂犬病动物通过唾液的咬伤而传播。

47、He had a vaccination against rabies. ─── 他做了疫苗注射以预防狂犬病。

48、But leave yourself alone to bats because 0.5% of bats carry rabies. ─── 但是你可得离蝙蝠远点,因为有0.5%的蝙蝠带有狂犬病菌。

49、Animal rabies can be classified as furious or dumb. ─── 动物狂犬病可分为狂暴的和沉默的二类。

50、If you suspect an animal could be carrying the rabies virus and the animal is killed, the head must remain complete and undamaged so that the specimen can be analyzed for rabies. ─── 如果你怀疑一种动物都可能携带狂犬病毒与动物是被杀,头部必须保持完整无损,使试样可以分析为狂犬病。

51、Charles Rupprecht, a rabies expert at the CDC, later recommended that we administer a general antiviral drug, ribavirin. ─── CDC的狂犬病专家鲁普瑞特(CharlesRupprecht)后来向我们推荐一种广效抗病毒药三唑核苷(ribavirin)。

52、By contrast, rabies deaths in most Western countries are extremely rare. ─── 与此行成鲜明对比,西方国家极少发生狂犬病。

53、The person rabies' symptom may divide into: Prodromal stage, manic time, paralysis time three stages. ─── 人狂犬病的症状可分为:前驱期、狂躁期、麻痹期三个阶段。

54、Is also called the excitation period, displays to be agitated restlessly, simultaneously presents rabies unique hydrophobia shape, paroxysmal manic and is accompanied by salivates. ─── 又称为兴奋期,表现为烦躁不安,同时出现狂犬病独特的恐水症状、阵发性的狂躁并伴有流涎。

55、The only lingering reminders of her bout with rabies are a small area of numbness on the bitten finger, an alteration in the tone of her left arm and a wider gait when she runs. ─── 她感染过狂犬病毒的后遗症,只剩下:蝙蝠咬过的食指有一小块麻木区域、左臂肌肉的张力与过去不同、跑步时步伐比过去大。

56、Dogleg ', the group of bacteria containing rabies, simply can not stay on the blog to others. ─── 奈何那群狗腿的话含有狂犬病菌,根本就不能留到人家博客上。

57、Kuzmin Rabies Program, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 国外有研究也表明,犬在出现狂犬病临床症状前3天的唾液中可以检测到狂犬病毒;

58、There was a rabies scare in town. ─── 城里发生了狂犬病恐慌。

59、One of these, rabies, is of particular concern because it is endemic in the dog population. ─── 其中之一为狂犬病,尤为令人担忧,因为这是家犬种群的常见疾病。

60、The events in Yunnan have been quickly followed by rabies scares in other parts of China. ─── 云南事件迅速影响到中国其他地方。

61、The Humane Society International is also currently working in India, Nepal and Indonesia to provide guidance in developing humane animal control programs, which include sterilization and effective rabies vaccination. ─── 人道社会国际当前并且工作在印度、尼泊尔和印度尼西亚提供教导在开发人道动物控制程式,包括绝育和有效的狂犬病接种。

62、In India, there is preliminary data that capture, neuter, vaccinate, and release programs may be able to eliminate human rabies as a serious problem. ─── 在印度,有夺取的初步数据,中性,接种,并且发行节目也许能消灭人的狂犬病作为一个严重的问题。

63、In cattle, rabies is transmitted exclusively from the bite of salivaries infected rabid animals. ─── 在牛,狂犬病仅能由患狂犬病动物通过唾液的咬伤而传播。

64、Authorities maintained it was necessary to deal with a rise in the number of rabies cases. q! ─── 当局者认为只有这样才可以有效控制不断上升狂犬病病例。

65、HSI is currently working in India, Nepal and Indonesia to provide guidance in developing humane animal control programs, which include sterilization and effective rabies vaccination. ─── 国际人道社会(HSI)现正在印度,尼泊尔,印尼提供对于动物人道管理计划的指导.包括绝育和狂犬疫苗计划.

66、The number of rabies infections of humans in the city has decreased since the program started, he said. ─── 他说,自这项行动开始以来,汉中市感染狂犬病的人数已经减少。

67、Pseudorabies is an infectious disease that primarily affects swine, but can also cause a fatal disease in dogs with signs similar to rabies. ─── 伪狂犬病是一种最初感染猪的传染病,但也可导致犬死亡,其症状类似狂犬病。

68、Dougherty was given the first series of rabies shots as a precaution. ─── 多尔蒂还注射了初期狂犬病疫苗做为预防措施。

69、The doctor said that the boy might get rabies, so the family had to stay at home for 14 days. ─── 医生说这个孩子可能会得狂犬病,所以这家人不得不在家里待14天。

70、A disease of animals, such as rabies or psittacosis, that can be transmitted to human beings. ─── 动物传染病能传染给人类的动物疾病,例如狂犬病或鹦鹉热

71、Strengthen propaganda and health education, and let people realize the importance of injecting the rabies vaccine and immunize on one's own initiative. ─── 加强宣传和健康教育,使人们在被带狂犬病毒的犬类咬伤后及时获得狂犬病暴露后的免疫预防;

72、's not rabies," Brian said. ─── 不是狂犬病,”布赖恩说道。

73、Bali administration reported it had started vaccinating 9000 dogs in an effort to control a recent outbreak of rabies in the island. ─── 印尼巴厘岛称已开始对其约9千条狗注射疫苗,以此全力防止狂犬病疫情蔓延。

74、Officials in Hanzhong in Shanxi province began the slaughter last month in response to a rabies outbreak which has killed 12 people. ─── 之前的狂犬病爆发导致12人死亡,随后陕西省汉中市官员从上月开始了屠宰活动。

75、Officials in Mouding County in southwestern Yunnan Province had ordered the mass extermination of dogs, pets as well as strays, after three people died in a rabies outbreak. ─── 三个狂犬病患者死后,云南牟定当局已经要求集中灭绝全部的狗和流浪宠物。

76、CDC said the quality issue of rabies vaccine used is different from the past. It's the efficacy of the vaccine, not the safety. ─── (配音)市疾控中心表示,此次人用狂犬病疫苗质量事件与以往药害事件不同,属于疫苗的有效性问题,不属于安全性问题。

77、Rabies grave threat to Chinese people's safety. ─── 中国:狂犬病对人身安全构成严重威胁。

78、The using of chirped laser pulse can restrain the Rabi oscillations and realize high efficiency of photoionization. ─── 利用光脉冲的啁啾效应,可以抑制拉比振荡实现高效率的光电离。

79、A number of Asian countries, including Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore, have successfully eradicated rabies through animal control and immunization programs. ─── 一定数量的亚洲国家,包括日本,韩国,马来西亚和新加坡,通过动物控制和免役节目成功地根除了狂犬病。

80、There is no payoff to getting the warm fuzzies in the presence of rats, snakes, mosquitoes, cockroaches, herpes simplex and the rabies virus. ─── 在老鼠、蛇、蚊子、蟑螂、单纯疱疹和狂犬病毒出现的时候获得幸福感是毫无益处的。

81、Chinese Government declared recently, the death toll of domestic rabies had increased by a large margin in recent months, so begin to clear up the vagrant dog on a large scale. ─── 中国政府近期宣称,近几个月来国内狂犬病死亡人数大幅度增加,所以开始大规模清理流浪狗。

82、Human rabies is a fatal disease,so the immunization therapy and prophylaxis of rabies are especially important. ─── 人狂犬病是致死性疾病,预防免疫显得尤为重要。

83、Bruno, a German shepherd, arrived for his annual rabies shot, and we were required by state law to ask his owner if Bruno had bitten anyone in the last ten days. ─── 一条德国牧羊犬布鲁诺来做每年一次的狂犬疫苗注射。我们依照州法律的要求询问他的主人,在过去的十天里布鲁诺是否咬了什么人。

84、In ancient Greek literature both Democritus (460 B.C.) and Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) referred to rabies. ─── 在古希腊文献中,德漠克利特(公元前460-362)和亚里斯多德(公元前384-322)曾提到了狂犬病。

85、Diseases recorded to be carried by wolves include rabies, brucella, deerfly fever, listeriosis, foot and mouth disease and anthrax. ─── 有记录的由狼携带的疾病包括狂犬病,布鲁氏菌病,鹿蝇热,李斯特菌病,口蹄疫和炭疽病。

86、In fact, we realized that low levels of biopterin could explain most symptoms of rabies other than the late effects on peripheral nerves. ─── 事实上,我们觉悟到,身体里生物喋呤量不足,不只是造成金娜清醒后的周边神经症状,还可以解释狂犬病的大部份症状。

87、Police catch stray dogs in Nanjing, China. The dogs are considered dangerous because some carry rabies and may bite people. ─── 中国南京的警察捕捉流浪狗。这些狗很危险,因为有些感染狂犬病,可能会咬人。(照片:美联社

88、Rabies infections in China have soared as newly prosperous families buy dogs as pets. ─── 在星期三北京早晨岗位报告了那青岛,主要港口城市在山东省,执行竞选接种40,000条狗在现在和底9月之间。

89、To alleviate this and to make our rabies prevention efforts more effective, the city government launched this campaign. ─── 为了减轻这些问题,使我们控制狂犬病的努力更加有效,市政府展开了这次行动。

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