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08-22 投稿


soldiery 发音

英:[ˈsoʊldʒəri]  美:[ˈsəʊldʒəri]

英:  美:

soldiery 中文意思翻译



soldiery 网络释义

n. 军人,军队;军事训练

soldiery 词性/词形变化,soldiery变形


soldiery 同义词

active | commando | worker | man | dogface | trooper | corporal | fodder | serve | lion | gallant | loafer | doughboy | layabout | GI | bear arms | warrior | war | grunt | courage | brave | duty | paratrooper | go to war | service | combat | brave man | foot soldier | service person | man-at-arms | Green | storm trooper | fighting |fighter | scrimshank | arms | crusader | workhorse | to | sapper | sergeant | gunner | sailor | paladin | enlisted | knight | private | skulk | enlisted man | regular | guerrilla | cannon | soldier | malinger | idler | leatherneck | infantryman | marine | go | bear | combatant | storm | see | draftee | cavalier | bombardier | mercenary | supporter | legionnaire | hero | cannon fodder | slack | goldbrick | slack off | of | person | campaigner | cadet | champion | foot | airman | Green Beret | off

soldiery 反义词

sailor | officer

soldiery 短语词组

1、soldiery columbus ─── 哥伦布士兵

2、soldiery games and cards ─── 士兵游戏和卡片

3、soldiery columbus ohio ─── 俄亥 ─── 俄州哥伦布军营

4、soldiery hours ─── 当兵时间

5、soldiery clintonville ─── 克林顿维尔军人

6、soldiery definition ─── 军人定义

soldiery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The improvement of civil society organizations are the core of the construction of Socialist harmonious society and the foundations of a harmonious and soldiery society. ─── 健全的公民社会组织是构建和谐社会的重心所在,它不仅是民主政治的基础,也是社会和谐与团结的基础。

2、If so, maybe you could tell your drillmaster that you wouldn't like to do the soldiery boxing. ─── 如果这样的话,你可以告诉你的教官你不想参加军拳表演。

3、This body of soldiery -- which still sustains a corporate existence, and marches down from past ages with an ancient and honorable fame -- was composed of no mercenary materials. ─── 这个士兵组成的方阵,里面没有一个是雇佣兵,因此仍然保持着一个整体而存在,他们从拥有古老而荣誉的声名的过去的岁月中齐步走来。

4、But it also made possible a politically and morally aware citizen- soldiery capable of discrimination and restraint as well as destruction. ─── 但是,这也使得政治上和道义上的觉醒成为可能,意识到公民士兵有能力在破坏的同时进行甄别和克制。

5、and in the morning the soldiery go every one to their centurions, and these centurions to their tribunes, to salute them; ─── 在每天早晨,士兵们都到他们的百夫长那里去,而百夫长们前往护民官那里,向他们致敬;

6、Our welfare system is including the welfares to armyman sib, martyr relation, retirer from army and disabled soldiery, to national employee, to those social members of orphan, old, disabled and cheeper and so on. ─── 我国的福利体系包括对军属、烈属、转业、残废军人的福利,对国家职工的福利,对孤、老、残、幼等社会成员的特殊福利,以全体社会成员为对象的公共福利。

7、Diagnosis and treating strategy of knee meniscus injuries resulting from soldiery ─── 训练引起膝关节半月板损伤的诊断和治疗

8、I’m a pace soldiery。 ─── 我是排头兵。

9、He was the man who knew what underemployed peasants, underpaid workers, and sullen soldiery did about sex and drink and drugs. ─── 他十分熟悉那些时常没有活计的农民、那些收入低微的工人和潦倒的士兵,了解他们嫖女人、酗酒和吸毒的情况。

10、The Research on the Planning of the Soldiery's State-Trait Anxiety Scale ─── 军人状态-特质焦虑量表的初步编制

11、Effect of occupation and environment on soldiery reproductive health and protective methods ─── 特殊作业环境及职业对生殖健康的影响和应对措施

12、"Why, yes," answered the King, "thanks to our secret supplies of money, De la Marck hath together a handsome handful of as unscrupulous soldiery as ever were outlawed; ─── “那不用说,”国王讲道,“由于我们暗中提供金钱,德拉马克已经有了一支为数可观的、为所欲为的军队。

13、I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the hun soldiery plodding on like swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我看见大批迟钝蠢笨,受过训练,惟命是从,粗野凶残的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫在沉重缓慢地前进。

14、Monsieur Defarge alighted; knowing one or two of the soldiery there, and one of the police. ─── 德伐日认得那儿的两个士兵和一个警察。

15、2.I see also the dull,drilled,docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我看见大批迟钝蠢笨,受过训练,惟命是从,粗野凶残的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫在沉重缓慢地前进。

16、15 So Ahab called up the retainers of the governors of the provinces, two hundred thirty-two of them. Behind them he mustered all the Israelite soldiery, who numbered seven thousand. ─── 于是阿哈布检阅了众省长的少年人,计有二百三十二人;然后又检阅了所有军人,即全体以色列子民,共七千人。

17、Between each two ranks of soldiery there was as it were a street. ─── 队列之间保留有街道一般的间隔。

18、Call it a test of soldiery, then. ─── 那就称为军人的考验

19、I see also the dull,drilled, docile,brutish masses of the Hun soldiery,plod-ding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我看见大批愚笨迟钝,受过训练,唯命是从,凶残暴戾的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫正在沉重缓慢地前进。

20、generally all soldiers are better equipped and more soldiery and therefore more dangerous. ─── 一般来说,所有的士兵都有更好的装备和更多的士兵,因此更危险。

21、I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── (丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。

22、villagers and townspeople less fortunate than the mender of roads and his fellows, upon whom the functionaries and soldiery turned with success, and whom they strung up in their turn. ─── 但是这座村子和许多类似的村子的变化并不在此。

23、And the conquered Europeans would add to the Mongols' stocks of serfs and soldiery. ─── 另外,征服欧洲可补充蒙古的奴隶和士兵。

24、They can be dangerous and rightly fearful in their element, but are no match for the sheer numbers that law-abiding soldiery can throw at them. ─── 她们可能认为危险和恐惧是某种乐趣,但是这显然更多地从执法的军人身上体现出来。

25、I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts ─── 我也看到大批头脑愚钝,受过训练,唯命是从而凶暴残忍的德国士兵,象一群爬行的蝗虫在蹒跚行进。

26、Results and Analysis: A Pilot Study on Quality of Life for Soldiery Army ─── 某部队生命质量研究预调查结果分析

27、Thus, in modern war, we must study the relationship of soldiery's psychology and information warfare. ─── 因此,在现代化的战争中,不能不研究军人心理与信息化战争的关系。

28、From the military perspective, it points out that the soldiery is both warrior and laborer. ─── 在军事上,强调人民军队既是战斗队,又是生产队;

29、Enhancing the routine training to improve the soldiery"s psychological makings.strengthening the mind of modern war to prepare for dealing with the war psychologically. ─── 搞好平时教育训练,不断提高官兵的心理素质;强化现代战争意识,做好应付战争的心理准备;

30、3. I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我看见大批迟钝蠢笨,受过训练,惟命是从,粗野凶残的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫在沉重缓慢地前进。收藏指正

31、Monsieur Defarge alighted; knowing one or two of the soldiery there, and one of the police. ─── 伐日认得那儿的两个士兵和一个警察。

32、10.I see also the dull,drilled,docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我还看到那些呆头呆脑、训练有素、既驯服听话又凶残野蛮的德国士兵像一群蝗虫般地向前蠕动着。

33、I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── 我也看到大批头脑愚钝,受过训练,唯命是从而凶暴残忍的德国士兵,象一群爬行的蝗虫在蹒跚行进。

34、Generally all soldiers are better equipped and more soldiery and therefore more dangerous. ─── 一般来说,所有的士兵都有更好的装备和更多的士兵,因此更危险。

35、12 Judah was defeated by Israel, and all the Judean soldiery fled homeward. ─── 犹大为以色列击败,各自逃回帐幕去了。

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