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buttermilk 发音

英:['bʌtəmɪlk]  美:['bʌtɚmɪlk]

英:  美:

buttermilk 中文意思翻译



buttermilk 网络释义

n. 酪乳;白脱牛奶;脱脂乳

buttermilk 短语词组

1、buttermilk biscuit ─── [网络] 牛奶比司吉;酸奶脆饼;白脱奶饼乾

2、buttermilk biscuits ─── 酸奶脆饼干

3、buttermilk calories ─── 酪乳热量

4、buttermilk pie ─── 奶油派

5、cultured buttermilk ─── 发酵过的酪乳,酸性酪乳

6、powdered buttermilk ─── 乳粉

7、buttermilk waffles ─── 奶油华夫饼

8、buttermilk vat ─── 酪乳槽

9、buttermilk chicken ─── 酪乳鸡

10、buttermilk biscuit recipe ─── 酪乳饼干配方

11、buttermilk recipes ─── 酪乳配方

12、condensed buttermilk ─── 浓缩酪乳

13、buttermilk pancake ─── [网络] 酪乳煎饼

14、buttermilk pancakes ─── 酪乳煎饼

15、buttermilk substitute ─── 酪乳替代品

16、buttermilk cheese ─── 酪乳干 ─── 酪

buttermilk 相似词语短语

1、buttermilk sky ─── 酪乳天空

2、butterdock ─── 牛蒡

3、butterball ─── n.小鸭的一种;胖子(口语)

4、butterfly ─── n.蝴蝶;蝶泳;举止轻浮的人;追求享乐的人

5、butteries ─── adj.谄媚的,奉承的;涂用黄油的;像黄油样的;n.食品室;配膳室;酒贮藏室

6、butterine ─── n.人造奶油

7、butter clam ─── 奶油蛤蜊

8、buttering ─── n.奉承;涂灰浆;隔离层;预堆边焊;v.用黄油涂抹;巴结(butter的ing形式)

9、butterfish ─── n.鲳;溜滑的鱼;牛油鱼

buttermilk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、round loaf made with soda and buttermilk; often containing caraway seeds and raisins ─── 掺苏打和酪乳制成的圆面包;通常包有香菜籽和葡萄干

2、Waters and a large team of colleagues describe the collection of artifacts, dubbed the Buttermilk Creek Complex, in the March 25 Science. ─── 沃特斯和同事们组成的一支大团队在3月25日的《科学》上描述了这些人工制品,他们给它们起了个绰号,叫做白脱牛奶小溪的复合品。

3、milk, buttermilk, and cottage cheese are excellent sources. ─── 牛奶、酪乳, 和酸奶干酪就是不错的选择。

4、In another bowl beat together eggs and melted butter, and then add the buttermilk. ─── 另取一盆,打匀鸡蛋和牛油。然后拌入白脱奶。

5、Unopened containers of buttermilk can be refrigerated for about 2 weeks. ─── 白脱牛奶放在密封容器中,并放入冰箱,可保存两星期。

6、Contents: 100% Pure Organic Papaya Extract Powder, Papaya Extracts, Natural Papaya Ferment, Papaya Prolease, Renieratene, Buttermilk Extracts. ─── 成份:100%高纯度有机木瓜精粉、木瓜萃取液、天然木瓜酵素、木瓜蛋白酶、胡萝卜素、优酪乳萃取物。

7、Cream the butter and 100 grams of sugar, add in egg, buttermilk and vanilla sugar, combine till well mixed. ─── 牛油放到搅拌盆里,加入100克砂糖,鸡蛋,白脱牛奶和香草糖,搅拌完全混合。

8、Stir together sugar, flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt in large bowl.Add eggs, buttermilk, coffee, oil and vanilla;beat on medium speed of mixer 2 minutes (batter will be thin). ─── 将糖、面粉、可可粉、小苏打、盐等混合在大碗内,加入蛋、酸奶、咖啡、油、香草精、用打蛋器中速打2分钟(面糊将呈略稀)。

9、In a large shallow bowl, toss onions with buttermilk. ─── 取一只大的浅碗,放入洋葱和酪乳,搅拌。

10、Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion contains only Mother Nature's safe and gentle ingredients. We use no parabens, chemical additives or synthetic fillers or preservatives. ─── 小蜜蜂婴儿牛奶润肤乳完全吸取大自然的安全温和成分,不含防腐剂、增稠剂、化学填加剂。

11、You can combine starters and blend the apple-freshness of yogurt with the butteriness of buttermilk. ─── 你可以将各种酵母混合,将酸奶中的酸奶中的苹果般的清醒和脱脂乳中的黄油特征相结合。

12、"Buttermilk is made from the same substance as butter. ─── “酪乳是由同样的物质黄油而来。

13、If mixing by hand, use a fork to mix in the buttermilk. ─── 如用手搅拌,可用叉来拌匀白脱牛奶。

14、Whisk together cornmeal, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Whisk buttermilk into eggs, then add to cornmeal mixture and whisk vigorously until smooth. Whisk in butter. ─── 同时将燕麦粉,发酵粉和盐放在碗中搅拌。将乳酪倒入鸡蛋中搅拌,再倒入燕麦粉混合物中用力搅匀。最后再倒入黄油搅拌。

15、The use of buttermilk instead of milk is to enable a lighter and more bread-like scone. ─── 以白脱牛奶取代鲜奶可令饼质松软而带有面包的质感。

16、Add eggs, butter, yogurt, buttermilk and vanilla and mix until smooth. ─── 加入鸡蛋液,黄油,酸奶,脱脂奶及香草搅匀。

17、buttermilk skin ─── 小牛皮

18、Buttermilk is a by-product of making butter. ─── 酪乳是制作黄油时产生的副产品。

19、In a small bowl, whisk together the egg whites and buttermilk. ─── 在一小碗中,混合酸牛奶及蛋白,搅拌均匀。

20、Buttermilk is liquid remaining after butter "has come." When taken fresh, it makes a wholesome beverage. ─── 酪乳黄油“提走”后所留液体。鲜食时它就成了健康饮料。

21、Fruit preparations for dairy products such as yoghurt, buttermilk and quark ─── 乳制品用水果

22、Then I discovered I could make my own Ricotta cheese.It ended up being my way of using up leftover buttermilk. ─── 把纺锤裁剪成你想要的长度,你会发现它们处于不同的宽度。

23、When the Buttermilk Wise Man received the letter he believed every word. ─── 酪乳智者收到信后相信了里面所写的每一句话。

24、Just a fruit salad and buttermilk. ─── 只要一份水果沙拉和酸牛奶。

25、buttermilk cheese ─── 酪乳干酪

26、Alternately stir the flour mixture and the buttermilk into egg mixture until the dry ingredients are just moistened. ─── 把混合粉和白脱牛奶加入鸡蛋黄油混合物里,一边加一边搅拌直到干面粉全部融合进去。

27、That I warm to 90 degrees and stir in a little commercial buttermilk (which contains live lactobacillus). ─── 然后我把它加热到90度,再倒入市面上买的奶油牛奶(含有活性乳酸菌)。

28、Puree bananas, then combine with egg, buttermilk, oil and vanilla in a large bowl. Mix well. ─── 把香蕉捣成泥然后和鸡蛋,白脱奶,沙拉油,和香草精充分混合均匀。

29、The piglets had the buttermilk and loved it. ─── 小猪喝脱脂乳而且很爱喝。

30、Add the sugar and salt, stir well, and then add the buttermilk to form a loose, scone-type mixture. ─── 加糖和盐,搅拌均匀,再加入牛奶形成松松的烤饼状。

31、Cut in the butter until it is pea-sized. Stir in the raisins and buttermilk or yogurt. Turn the dough onto a floured surface, knead 1 minute, and shape into a disk. ─── 将奶油切成豌豆大小,并混入葡萄乾、奶油或优格。将面团放入,捏1分钟,并放在圆盘中塑形。

32、In another shallow bowl, whisk the eggs, buttermilk and hot pepper sauce. ─── 在一浅碗中,混合面粉与盐和胡椒。

33、During a holi, a pot of buttermilk is hung high up in the street. ─── 在好利节,一个黄油与牛奶罐会被高高悬挂在大街上。

34、Combine cornmeal, flour, soda, baking powder and sugar in a medium bowl. Combine oil, egg and buttermilk in another bowl. Add to cornmeal mixture and stir just until moistened. ─── 玉米面,中粉,小苏打,烤粉和砂糖混合到中盆里。玉米油,鸡蛋和白脱奶混合在另一个盆里。将干性材料加入湿性材料拌匀即可。

35、sweet buttermilk ─── 甜性酪乳

36、During a holi, a pot of buttermilk is hung high up in the street. ─── 在好利节,一个黄油与牛奶罐会被高高悬挂在大街上。

37、"Fortunately, most bacteria do not cause disease, and many are useful. For example, bacteria cause milk to ferment so that dairies can use it to make buttermilk and cheese." ─── 值得庆幸的是,大部分细菌不致病,许多种是有用的。例如,细菌使牛奶发酵,牛奶场可以用来生产脱脂牛奶和奶酪。

38、Separate it from the remaining liquid (buttermilk) and spread on the freshly baked bread. ─── 把它与剩下的液体(酪乳)分开然后涂在刚刚烤好的面包上。

39、agitates cream to separate butterfat from buttermilk. ─── 搅动奶油以便从酪乳中提炼脂肪。

40、Other buttermilk, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa. ─── 其它酪乳,不论是否加糖或含有其它甜味料或香料,或添加水果、坚果或可可者。

41、What did you eat? 18 eggs and a gallon of buttermilk. But all this running is making me hungry again. ─── 你吃了什么?18个鸡蛋和一加仑乳酪。但是一直跑害我又饿了。

42、Dairy products such as skim milk, buttermilk, whey and casein are added to flour in combination with the ingredients or additives mentioned so far. ─── 我们可向面粉中添加一些乳制品,如脱脂乳提去奶油的酸乳、乳清和酪蛋白并结合添加一些我们上提到的原料或添加剂。

43、Sour cream can be made at home by adding 2 tablespoons of buttermilk to 2 cups of fresh creamand allowing the mixture to sour at room temperature , ─── 酸奶油可以在家制作,藉著添加2大汤匙白脱牛奶到2杯新鲜奶油中,在室温下混合发酵。

44、Phil: What was it, buttermilk? ─── 菲尔:是什麽饮料?奶油牛奶吗?

45、and if there is a thing called butter, then buttermilk also exists. ─── 如果有一种东西叫做黄油,那么酪乳也存在。

46、culture buttermilk ─── 酸性乳酪,发酵过的乳酪

47、round loaf made with soda and buttermilk; ─── 掺苏打和酪乳制成的圆面包;

48、Thus creating the sour taste associated with traditional buttermilk. ─── 所以传统牛奶经此设计后,尝起来酸酸的。

49、condensed buttermilk ─── 浓缩酪乳

50、An' you'll git freckled sho as you born, an' Ah ain' figgerin' on you gittin' freckled affer all de buttermilk Ah been puttin' on you all dis winter, bleachin' dem freckles you got at Savannah settin' on de beach. ─── 你要是穿上,皮肤上就会出斑点,好像生来就这样似的。 去年你在萨凡纳海滩上出了那些斑点,俺整个冬天都在用奶油擦呢。 如今俺可不想再让你出了。

51、cultured buttermilk ─── 发酵过的酪乳酸性酪乳

52、We do have buttermilk ─── 我们确有酪乳。

53、buttermilk vat ─── 酪乳槽

54、Wong P Y Y.D D Kitts A comparison of the buttermilk solids functional properties to nonfat driedmilk,soy protein isolate,dried egg white,and egg yolk powders 2003 ─── 车志敏.李彩红.赵国宝.张建国血红蛋白脱色过程中蛋白收率的研究[期刊论文]-食品研究与开发2004(8

55、dry buttermilk ─── 脱脂奶粉

56、Those homely recipes are often the best: strawberries for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say steeped in buttermilk ─── 这种家用偏方往往最灵不过:草莓对牙齿好,荨麻加雨水;据说还有在脱脂乳里浸泡过的燕麦片。皮肤的滋润剂

57、Avoid combining acids such as citrus, vinegar and buttermilk with any high starch at one meal. ─── 避免把酸类食物,比如柑橘,食醋和白脱牛奶与高淀粉类食物搭配在一餐中。

58、Bulgarian buttermilk ─── 保家利亚酪乳

59、Buttermilk is added to soups and certain cheeses ; ─── 白脱牛奶备添加在汤或乾酪里面,

60、I believe in sunshine, fresh air, spinach, applesauce, laughter, buttermilk, babies, bombazine and chiffon, always remembering that the greatest word in the English language is “Sufficiency.” ─── 我相信阳光、新鲜空气、菠菜、苹果酱、笑声、酪乳、婴儿、丝绸和雪纺绸,始终记得:英语中最伟大的单词就是“满足”。

61、Those homely recipes are often the best: strawberries for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say steeped in buttermilk. ─── 这种家用偏方往往最灵不过:草莓对牙齿好,荨麻加雨水;据说还有在脱脂乳里浸泡过的燕麦片。皮肤的滋润剂.

62、Skimmed milk, whey and buttermilk - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method ) ─── 脱脂乳、乳清和乳酪脂肪含量的测定重量分析法(参照法)

63、buttermilk biscuits ─── 酸奶脆饼干

64、# Eat buttermilk, cheese and other dairy: Having two glasses of organic milk or two and half ounces of cheese per day. ─── # 每天喝两杯有机牛奶和半盎司的奶露。

65、after the buttermilk I done put on you all this winter, ─── 我给你抹了一冬天的奶油,

66、Estonia's kama (a mixture of ground and roasted grains, including pea flour) added to chilled buttermilk or kefir is healthier and a taste well worth acquiring. ─── 爱沙尼亚的Kama(一种磨碎和烘烤过的谷物的混合食品,包括豌豆粉)加入酪乳或者酸乳酒更健康,值得品尝。

67、Beat in half of flour.Add buttermilk and 2 tablespoons lemon juice;beat to blend. ─── 加入一半面粉,加入白脱牛奶和2荡勺柠檬汁,搅拌至均匀。

68、The use of these microorganisms with skim milk produces cultured buttermilk, and when cream is used, sour cream is the result. ─── 这些微生物与脱脂乳一起发酵可以得到酪乳,而若与奶油一起发酵,会制得酸奶油。

69、Lunch and dinner typically include piping hot rice, two vegetables and a spicy lentil dish called sambar, and buttermilk. ─── 典型的午晚餐包括热腾腾的米饭、两种蔬菜,及一种称为「sambar」的辣扁豆菜肴与白脱牛奶。

70、Using a pastry brush, brush the scones lightly with buttermilk. ─── 用扫在司康烤饼面层轻扫上白脱牛奶。

71、made with soda and buttermilk; often containing caraway seeds and raisins. ─── 掺苏打和酪乳制成的圆面包;通常包有香菜籽和葡萄干。

72、In a food processor fitted with the dough blade, combine the yeast, sugar, flour, salt and baking soda. Combine the hot buttermilk and shortening. ─── 把酵母,砂糖,面粉和盐放到搅拌盆里。把热白脱奶和白油混合。

73、buttermilk powder ─── 酪乳粉

74、Check the expiration date on the package to ensure that the buttermilk is fresh. ─── 检查外包装的截止日期,以保证白脱牛奶是新鲜的。

75、Did you know? Traditionally buttermilk was the sour liquid left after churning butter. Today it's made by adding bacteria to regular milk. ─── 你知道吗?传统的酪乳是搅拌黄油后剩余的酸味液体。现代的酪乳是向普通牛奶中加入细菌制成的。

76、Contents: 100% Pure Organic Cactus Extract Powder, Cactus Extract, Complex, Amino Acid, Natural Vegetable Protein, Buttermilk Extract. ─── 成份:100%高纯度有机仙人掌精粉、仙人掌萃取液、复合氨基酸、天然植物蛋白、优酪乳萃取物。

77、Add dry ingredients and sour cream or buttermilk alternately, beating afater each addition. Stir in nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto a greased cookie sheet. ─── 把粉类和酸奶油或是白脱奶交替加入打发的油脂中。每次都打匀后再继续添加。加入山核桃拌匀。用小汤勺勺在抹了油烤纸上。

78、a pancake made with buttermilk. ─── 用酪乳做成的薄烤饼。

79、He untied the Buttermilk Wise Man and comforted him, saying, "Don't worry, I'll look after you. ─── 他给酪乳智者松了绑,安慰他说:“别担心。

80、Whisk buttermilk into eggs, then add to cornmeal mixture and whisk vigorously until smooth. ─── 白脱牛奶以及鸡蛋搅拌均匀,再加入玉米粉直至搅拌均匀平滑。

81、For example, bacteria cause milk to ferment so that dairies can use it to make buttermilk and cheese. ─── 例如,细菌使牛奶发酵,牛奶场可以用来生产脱脂牛奶和奶酪。

82、Video: IM: I have to tell you, I make buttermilk pancakes or buttermilk waffles all the time. ─── 视频:IM:给你说,我常常做白脱牛奶薄饼或者白脱牛奶瓦夫。

83、A great grease-spot, redolent of manures and buttermilk! ─── 一个大油渍,粪和奶酪的气味混在一起!

84、They're also found naturally in foods like yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut and tofu. ─── 它们也天然地存在于酸奶、脱脂牛奶、泡菜和豆腐中。

85、Cold corn-pone, cold corn-beef, butter and buttermilk -- that is what they had for me down there, and there ain't nothing better that ever I've come across yet. ─── “那你猜一猜,”他说。“我怎么猜得着?”我说,“既然过去从没有听说过。”

86、In a large saucepan, stir together sugar, buttermilk, butter, corn syrup and baking soda. ─── 向一只较大的长柄深锅中放入糖、酪乳、黄油、玉米糖浆和小苏打混合搅拌。

87、When they returned to the village, the Buttermilk Wise Man asked what happened to his wife. ─── 他们返回村子时,酪乳智者就问起他的妻子发生了什么事。

88、But the Buttermilk Wise Man remained in his hut, convinced that his wife would return. ─── 但是酪乳智者抱着他妻子一定会回来的想法留在了小屋里。

89、Always use buttermilk, milk or sour cream at room temperature to prevent curdling and separation of the mixture. ─── 白脱奶、牛奶或酸奶油均应在室温下使用,以防止里面出现结块或离析。

milk and water是什么意思?

牛奶是混合了水、乳脂、蛋白质、糖类和微量元素等物质的混合物。正常情况下,刚挤出的牛奶的乳脂含量大概在 3.5% 左右。这些乳脂是以颗粒状态悬浮在牛奶中的。当然,这种悬浮并不是很稳定,只要静置一段时间,乳脂就会上浮到牛奶表面。把这样的表面一层收集起来,我们便得到了淡奶油(cream)。利用离心技术,可以迅速实现这一过程。

淡奶油可不全是“油”哦,它的脂肪含量其实也只有 12% 到 38%,本质上还是一个大量水和少量悬浮脂肪颗粒的体系,只是脂肪颗粒稍微密集了些。



做过烘焙的都知道,打发呗!通过打蛋器对这样的奶油高速搅打,一段时间后,空气小泡会进入淡奶油内部,包裹在脂肪内部,形成了一个“油包空气”的体系,而且神奇的是,脂肪在这种状态下它的物态会发生变化,有一部分脂肪会发生融合和结晶!造成的结果就是,这一团油包空气的东西就形成了一种相对稳定的固体,这就是我们平常吃到的那种固体的奶油(Whipped Cream)啦。

而打发这种变化,在脂肪含量过低的情况下就不能发生。一般来说,奶油中的乳脂成分一定要大于 30%,奶油才可能被打发。所以,以后如果想要买到可以被打发的奶油,直接看营养成分表就可以啦!这也是为什么乳脂含量只有 20% 的 light cream不管打多久都发不起来的原因。

上面的打发是让奶油跟空气混在一起,如果我用的不是打蛋器,而是搅拌机,结果会怎样?搅拌机高速转动的叶片会把脂肪球结构破坏,失去了球状形态的脂肪便聚合在一起形成了固体,我们把这些固体收集起来,挤压掉多余的水分,便得到了了黄油(Butter)。黄油是一种脂肪含量非常高(80% - 81%),只有一点点水存在的体系。

得到黄油以后剩下来的那些东西,我们把它叫酪浆(Buttermilk),它在美国可是做 Pancake 必须的原料之一呢~






黄油、奶酪、干酪、芝士、奶油、乳酪如何区分? - 理夜的回答

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Just add water, milk and butter


For breakfast, they had dry bread and tea.

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