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08-29 投稿



greenroom 发音

英:[ˈɡrinˌrʊm]  美:[ˈɡriːnrʊm]

英:  美:

greenroom 中文意思翻译



greenroom 短语词组

1、digital greenroom ─── 数字温室

2、greenroom notebooks ─── 休息室笔记本

3、greenroom live ─── 绿屋直播

4、greenroom limelife by alcone alcone ─── 公司的greenroom limelife

5、greenroom flexible leather blank journal greenroom ─── 柔性皮革空白日记账

6、greenroom bags ─── 休息室包

7、greenroom notes ─── 休息室笔记

greenroom 相似词语短语

1、green rooms ─── 演员休息室

2、greenwoods ─── n.绿林;未枯干的树;n.(Greenwood)人名;(英、德、葡)格林伍德

3、greenwood ─── n.绿林;未枯干的树;n.(Greenwood)人名;(英、德、葡)格林伍德

4、streetroom ─── 街道

5、greenrooms ─── n.演员休息室

6、green room ─── 演员休息室

7、green roofs ─── 绿色屋顶;[矿业]新露顶板

8、great room ─── 大房间

9、green roof ─── 绿色屋顶;[矿业]新露顶板

greenroom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fans rushed into the greenroom trying to take photos with Kylie Minogue. ─── 歌迷们冲进演员休息室,抢着同凯莉。米纳合影。

2、So the damage of the mite is more serious in greenroom than in field. ─── 在一般情况下,此螨行两性生殖;

3、Because there is higher temperature, no rain and mites disposed on average in greenroom , this mite reproduce rapidly. ─── 水浸过程中未供给食料,可见其耐饥力也相当强。

4、The only ritual we have is that Tom, Bill and I meet in the greenroom a half hour before the show and are nervous together. ─── 唯一的仪式就是,我和TOM、BILL在演出前的半个小时会聚在演员休息室里一起穷紧张。

5、30. The two actress were chatting away in the greenroom. ─── 两个女演员在后台聊天。

6、Dana asked me to show you to the greenroom. ─── 达纳叫我带你去休息室。

7、Between sets, many of them would disappear into the so-called greenroom, which would quickly fill with the smell of tobacco and pot. ─── 上场间歇,很多人钻进被称为“绿房子”的演员休息室,里面很快便充满烟草和便壶的气味。

8、two actresses were chatting with in a greenroom. ─── 两个女演员在演员休息室聊天。

9、In this week's Green Room, he says it is vital to prevent climate science being misunderstood or misused. ─── 在本周的GreenRoom上他说避免气候科学被误解或误用事关紧要。

10、This is a greenroom. ─── 这是一间演员休息室。

11、greenroom n. ─── 演员休息室 ...

12、Then A new classification rule of brown leaf sheath is built for the screening of rice resistant varieties in greenroom. ─── 但如无雄螨,斯氏狭跗线螨可进行孤雌生殖,且后代都是雄螨,因此,其属产雄孤雌生殖。

13、This is a greenroom. ─── 这是一个演员休息室。

14、The two actresses were chatting away in the greenroom. ─── 两个女演员正不着边际地聊着天。

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