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royalist 发音

英:[ˈrɔɪəlɪst]  美:[ˈrɔɪəlɪst]

英:  美:

royalist 中文意思翻译




royalist 网络释义

n. 保皇主义者;保皇党人adj. 保皇主义的;保皇党人的

royalist 词性/词形变化,royalist变形


royalist 短语词组

1、royalist def ─── 保皇党的定义

2、ultra-royalist ─── 超保健主义者

3、royalist marketplace ─── 保皇派市场

4、royalist coup ─── 保皇党政变

5、Port Royalist ─── 波尔罗亚尔信徒(17世纪法国天主教詹森派教徒, 活动中心在巴黎附近的 ─── 波尔罗亚尔女隐修院)

6、royalist arms ─── 保皇党的武器

royalist 相似词语短语

1、royalism ─── n.君主主义;保皇主义;忠君思想

2、royalises ─── 皇室

3、Loyalist ─── n.忠诚的人,(统治者或政府的)忠诚支持者;n.(Loyalist)支持大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合的人;(美国独立战争时的)反对独立者

4、royalistic ─── adj.君主主义的;保皇党派的(等于royalist)

5、royalmast ─── n.最上桅

6、royalise ─── 皇室

7、royalists ─── 保皇党

8、Loyalists ─── n.拥护者;效忠派;保皇派(loyalist的复数)

9、royalised ─── 王室成员

royalist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Canada gets its constitutional monarchy cheap, paying just C.10 (45 pence) per citizen per year, or half the cost of running one of Ottawa's main museums, according to a study by a royalist group. ─── 根据一个保皇组织的研究,加拿大的君主立宪政体所费甚微,每个公民一年只需为此付费1.10加元(45便士),只相当于渥太华一家主要博物馆运营费用的一半。

2、When it wants to be on the right side, it preaches revolution, it is democratic in order to escape being beaten, and royalist so that it may not have to fight. ─── 当他们要显示自己正确的时候,他们便宣传革命。可是,为了不失败,他们又自称是民主派,为了不战斗,他们又自称是保王派。

3、English Parliamentarian who led a regiment to Parliament and expelled Presbyterian and Royalist members who opposed the condemnation of Charles I(1648). He was a signatory of Charles's death warrant. ─── 普赖德,托马斯卒于1658英国国会军军官,曾领导军队进入国会,并驱逐了反对给查理一世定罪的长老派和保皇派议员(1648年),他签署了查理一世的死刑执行令。

4、royalist party leader ─── 保皇党领导人

5、A village of central England near Northampton.Nearby on June14,1645,Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentarian forces decisively defeated Royalist troops led by Charles I and Prince Rupert. ─── 耶拿德国中部的城市,位于莱比锡西南。拿破仑一世于1806年10月14日在此大败普鲁士军队。人口106,

6、The ultranationalist, and anti-Thaksin, yellow shirts have called for an appointed royalist government to clean up politics. ─── 极端民族主义者和反他信的黄衫军要求任命一个皇家政府,以肃清政治。

7、The Hong Kong and Macao Main Bureau of the Royalist Society and the Movement to Rescue the Emperor ─── 保皇会港澳总局与勤王运动

8、I am aware he is a furious royalist ─── 我知道他是个激烈的保王党。

9、The royalist elite might not accept that. ─── 泰国皇室的精英们可能不会接受那样的结果。

10、everything that an enraged Jacobin has abjured;everything that a sincere and faithful royalist must feel as an insult. ─── 求助于他手中掌握的财富,换句话说,求助于他的军队和剑。

11、English admiral who was a Parliamentarian during the English Civil War and pursued the Royalist fleet to the Mediterranean Sea, where he defeated it ('50). ─── 布莱克,罗伯特:(599-'57)英国海军上将,英国内战期间任国会议员。他追赶保皇党舰队至地中海,并在此取胜('50年)

12、Within months, yellow-shirted royalist protesters were back on the streets in Bangkok, refusing to leave until the government did. ─── 几个月之后,保皇主义黄衫军抗议者又出现在曼谷的街头,并拒绝在政府离开前离去。

13、a German-born English leader of the Royalist forces during the English Civil War (1619-1682) ─── 德裔,在英国内战中保皇军的领导(1619-1682)

14、the royalist Funcinpec party ─── 保皇派奉辛比克党

15、What is one to do? One must not be more royalist than the king. ─── 人该怎么做呢?他决不该比国王还要保皇吧。

16、A Member from the Left: Royalist! ─── 左边的一个人:保皇主义的!

17、The protesters, wearing royal-yellow shirts and accusing Mr Thaksin of being a closet republican, got their way when royalist generals removed him in the coup of 2006. ─── 抗议者穿着代表皇室的黄色谴责他信为搞密室统治的共和党人,在2006年通过军队的政变终于将他信赶下台。

18、Splits in the partisan movement led to some Serb supporters of the old Royalist regime in Belgrade to switch allegiances to the Germans. ─── 和游击队决裂的南斯拉夫塞尔维亚保皇党们在贝尔格莱德建立了傀儡政府。

19、Within months, yellow-shirted royalist protesters were back on the streets in Bangkok, refusing to leave until the government did. ─── 几个月之后,保皇主义黄衫军抗议者又出现在曼谷的街头,并拒绝在政府离开前离去。

20、Cen Chunxuan and the Royalist Society before and after the Movement to Rescue the Emperor in ─── 庚子勤王前后的岑春煊与保皇会

21、A few hours after the incident, a statement posted on a Web site associated with the royalist group Tandor claimed responsibility. ─── 事件发生后几小时,与保皇主义组织坦多尔(Tandor)有关的网站上传了一份声明,称对此次袭击负责。

22、I don't use it to defend any party, royalist or anti-royalist. ─── 我并不是用它来为任何党派辩护,保皇党也好反保皇党也好。

23、But there seems to be tolerant scepticism rather than royalist hysteria around the wedding itself. ─── 但是就婚礼本身而言,人们有的似乎是可以容忍的怀疑而不是歇斯底里的保皇派立场。

24、The biggest losers are the royalist generals who tried and failed to stop PT in its tracks. ─── 最大的输家是那些企图阻止为泰党重回正轨而未能实现的保皇派将军们。

25、There were royalist troops at hand, but they attempted no rescue. ─── 在近处就有王党部队,但是他们没有试图营救。

26、English Parliamentarian who led a regiment to Parliament and expelled Presbyterian and Royalist members who opposed the condemnation of Charles I(1648).He was a signatory of Charles's death warrant. ─── 普赖德,托马斯卒于1658英国国会军军官,曾领导军队进入国会,并驱逐了反对给查理一世定罪的长老派和保皇派议员(1648年),他签署了查理一世的死刑执行令

27、Bangkok's royalist elite has been chastened by the red shirts' pulling power. ─── 曼谷的保皇派精英已被红衫军的力量遏制。

28、Probe into Kang Youwei's Royalist Ideas ─── 康有为保皇思想探源

29、He was an ardent Royalist and supporter of the Bonrbons ─── 他是一个热心的保皇党员,并且是Bonrbons家族的支持者。

30、a royalist party ─── 保皇党

31、There has been a small regrowth in royalist support since the nadir following Princess Diana's death. ─── 对英国王室的支持,从戴安娜王妃逝世后达到最低位起现在已经有了小幅重新增长。

32、A village of central England near Northampton. Nearby on June14,1645,Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentarian forces decisively defeated Royalist troops led by Charles I and Prince Rupert. ─── 内斯比英国中部靠近北安普敦的一个小村庄。1645年7月14日,奥利弗·克伦威尔率领的议会武装在内斯比附近决定性地击败了由查理一世和鲁伯特王子率领的皇家军队。

33、M.Gillenormand was not of this nature;his domination in the Royalist salons which he frequented cost his self-respect nothing. ─── 吉诺曼的性情却不是那样,吉诺曼先生在他平时出入的那些保王派客厅里取得了出人头地的地位,却丝毫没有损及他的自尊心。

34、Changes in the Tenets of the Royalist Society and Their Effects on Organizational Unity ─── 保皇会的宗旨歧变与组织离合

35、Tehran blamed the killing on an Iranian royalist opposition group it said operated under the direction of Israel and the U.S., according to state media. ─── 据伊朗国家新闻媒体报道称,德黑兰认为一个由以色列和美国支持的伊朗保皇主义反对派组织应当为此事负责。

36、You think that it was a good deed to kill my brother, who was a Bonapartist, because you are a royalist ─── 你以为杀死我哥哥是件好事,因为他是个拿破仑党,而你是一个保皇党!

37、A village of central England near Northampton. Nearby on June14, 1645, Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentarian forces decisively defeated Royalist troops led by Charles I and Prince Rupert. ─── 内斯比英国中部靠近北安普敦的一个小村庄。1645年7月14日,奥利弗 克伦威尔率领的议会武装在内斯比附近决定性地击败了由查理一世和鲁伯特王子率领的皇家军队

38、because he is still a very good royalist. ─── 因为他始终是一个非常忠实的保王党。

39、Every word t`at Marius had just uttered produced on the visage of the old Royalist the effect of the puffs of air from a forge upon a blazing brand. ─── 马吕斯刚才所说的每一句话,在那老保王派脸上所产生的效果,正如一阵阵从鼓风炉中吹到炽炭上的热气。

40、more royalist than the king ─── 比国王还要保皇

41、A few friends assembled twice a week about her widowed hearth, and these constituted a purely Royalist salon. ─── 少数几个朋友每星期在她只身独守的炉边聚会两次,于是组成了一种纯粹保王派的客厅。

42、The Abbe Gregoire, ex-bishop, ex-conventionary, ex-senator, had passed, in the royalist polemics, to the state of "Infamous Gregoire." ─── 格列高利神甫,前主教,前国民公会代表,前元老院元老,在保王党的宣传手册里竟成了“无耻的格列高利”。

43、(reaction to Rugby School, originator of Rugby football, having introduced Association football into their sports curriculum) What is one to do? One must not be more royalist than the king. ─── (指橄榄球的发起者-橄榄球学校-已将英式足球列入体育课程)我们该怎么办呢?我们不得不跟着老大哥走呀。

44、He was a Royalist, fanatical and severe. ─── 他成了保王派,狂热而冷峻。

45、It was a time of undisputed peace and profound royalist security ─── 无可否认,那确是国泰民安,君权巩固的时代。

46、Canada gets its constitutional monarchy cheap, paying just C$1.10 (45 pence) per citizen per year, or half the cost of runningone of Ottawa's main museums, according to a study by a royalist group. ─── 根据一个保皇组织的研究,加拿大的君主立宪政体所费甚微。

47、Blood was blood as far as Kreiger was concerned, and he took the same pleasure in it whether it poured from the flesh of a Republican or a Royalist. ─── 对克里奇自己来说,他并不在乎自己杀的人是谁,血就是血,并不因身份不同而有所区别。无论是杀共和党人还是皇亲贵族,他都能从中获得同等的乐趣。

48、Royalist or republican, moments of pure drama like this are guaranteed to get the hairs standing up on the back of your neck. ─── 保皇派还是共和党,像这样的纯戏剧的时刻得到保证的头发就站在你的脖子备份。

49、economic royalist ─── 经济上的保皇派

50、You knew that well, and you said: "No, he is a Royalist, I will not go! ─── 这你很清楚,但你说‘不,他是个保王派,我就是不回家!’

51、There are lots of reasons for America's royalist turn. ─── 对于美国皇室主义者的出现的确有很多原由。

52、In 1793, he was sent to Vendee, a coastal region in France, to help suppress a Royalist insurgency there. ─── 一七九三年,他奉命往法国沿海地区旺代,协助平定当地保王党叛乱,打了几场胜仗,但后来提出辞呈。

53、A surprise counterattack by Parliamentary forces under Oliver Cromwell caused heavy losses to Royalist troops. ─── 后克伦威尔所部国会军发动突袭,保王军损失惨重。

54、Bizhan first started in Singapore to support the royalist newspaper "Le", "Star" and "South-day Hong Kong Daily News. ─── 日知会的前身是基督教武昌美国圣公会下设的一个阅报室,日知会,注重在学生、新军和会党中灌输新知识和革命思想。

55、How long have you had agents amongst the Royalist party? ─── |你在王党里潜伏密探有多久了?

56、Although General d'Epinay served under Napoleon, did he not still retain royalist sentiments? ─── 伊皮奈将军虽曾在拿破仑手下干过,但他不是仍保存着保皇党人的思想吗?

57、Siam time for the important populations of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary thought and the royalist Kangliang ideological struggle is fierce. ─── 清光绪二十九年(1903),因惩办受招抚的巨盗陆显(又名阿发)而被革职查办,等候奉准正法。

58、"however stupid the royalist police may be, they do know one terrible thing." ─── “不管保皇党的警务部多么无能,他们却知道一件可怕的事。”

59、Such a government would, inevitably, face protests by the royalist People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), who wear yellow shirts and despise Mr Thaksin. ─── 这样的政府将会不可避免地遭遇忠于人民民主联盟(People'sAllianceforDemocracy(PAD))的人士抗议,他们身着黄衫,蔑视他信。

60、When he had heard and comprehended all to the fullest extent, he replied that he was a royalist ─── 当他知道了详情以后,他回答说,他是一个保皇党。


royal 英[ˈrɔɪəl] 美[ˈrɔɪəl] adj. 盛大的; 王国的,王室的; 高贵的,庄严的; 敕许的,敕定的; n. 王室成员; [航海] 顶桅帆; [例句]The royals have always been patrons of charities pulling in large donations.王室成员一向热心慈善事业,捐资数目巨大。[其他] 复数:royals


battle royal


royal blue

n. 品蓝

royal family


royal road

n. 捷径,坦途

royal jelly


royal purple


princess royal

n. 长公主

royal flush


royal stag


royal academy

n. 皇家艺术院

royal air force

n. 英国空军

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