unavailing 发音
英:[ʌnə'veɪlɪŋ] 美:[,ʌnə'velɪŋ]
英: 美:
unavailing 中文意思翻译
unavailing 词性/词形变化,unavailing变形
副词: unavailingly |名词: unavailingness |
unavailing 同义词
unreachable | engaged | unobtainable | absent | unattainable | inaccessible |ineligible | busy | unapproachable
unavailing 短语词组
1、unavailing antonym ─── 无用反义词
2、unavailing synonym ─── 无效同义词
3、unavailing definition ─── 无效定义
4、unavailing mean ─── 无效均值
5、unavailing meaning ─── 无用的意思
6、unavailing defined ─── 不可用定义
unavailing 反义词
unavailing 相似词语短语
1、unfailing ─── adj.经久不衰的;可靠的;无穷尽的
2、availing ─── v.有助于;(使)对某人有利;n.效用,利益
3、unveiling ─── v.揭去面纱;为……揭幕;向公众透露(unveil的现在分词);n.揭幕仪式;(某事物的)首次公开
4、travailing ─── n.分娩的痛苦;艰苦劳动;vi.辛勤努力;经受分娩的阵痛
5、unavailingness ─── 无效
6、unprevailing ─── adj.徒劳的;无影响的;不流行的;不起作用的
7、unavailingly ─── 徒然地
8、re-availing ─── 再利用
9、unnailing ─── vt.拔掉钉子
unavailing 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、she buried her face in his bosom, she clung to him, she poured out her terrors, her unavailing regrets, and the far echoes turned them all to jeering laughter. ─── 她紧紧地挨着汤姆,脸贴在他怀里,一古脑地诉说她的恐惧,连后悔都来不及了,这声音传到远处变成了嘲笑,回荡在通道里。
2、His best efforts,however,proved unavailing and the child died. ─── 他尽了最大努力然而并没起到效果,孩子还是死了。
3、Hurstwood heard the details of the weary and unavailing search that evening. ─── 那天晚上,赫斯渥听到了这次劳而无获的寻找的详细情况。
4、whatever you are doing is unavailing,but treasuring what you are having now!!! ─── 听说被撞的交警现在还处于昏迷状态,惨啊!!
5、unavailing efforts/attempts to stop smoking ─── 戒烟而未戒成
6、Disconsolate, Soapy ceased his unavailing racket. ─── 索比怏怏不乐地停止了白费力气的闹嚷。
7、His best efforts proved unavailing and the child died. ─── 他最大的努力终究是无效的,孩子还是死了。
8、He saw before him an officer delegated to enforce the law, and perfectly well knew that it would be as unavailing to seek pity from a magistrate decked with his official scarf, as to address a petition to some cold marble effigy. ─── 一个绶带军官在外执行命令已不再是一个人,而变成了冷酷无情的法律的化身。
9、an unavailing attempt ─── 无效的尝试
10、accusing memories of unkindness to these poor lost lads were rising up, and unavailing regrets and remorse were being indulged; ─── 那些人一想到自己曾经对这几个失踪的苦孩子怎么怎么不好,良心上就会受到谴责,就会愧疚不已,可是悔之晚矣。
11、Their efforts were unavailing. ─── 他们的努力都付诸东流。
12、Silent awaiting would turn out to be unavailing. ─── 默默等待结果却徒劳无用.
13、Reluctant to say goodbye to the past sweet as we are, our efforts are unavailing. ─── 心中再有不舍,不忍心和过去的甜蜜说再见,也于事无补了。
14、His best efforts, however, proved unavailing and the child died. ─── 然而他尽了最大努力,还是无能为力,孩子去世了。
15、It will belong to you ultimately if it really does, otherwise your enforcement is unavailing. ─── 要是有些东西你早就知道不是你的,就得断然放弃,越拖到后面只会让自己越辛苦。
16、Gerhardt looked confused and tried to say something natural, but it was unavailing. ─── 葛哈德现出惶惑的神情,试想说几句由衷的话,却总说不出口来。
17、Under the lash of this disdain, her passion died, and was succeeded By remorse, Bitter, unavailing , and UnenduraBle. ─── 她尝到了被鄙弃的滋味,像是挨了一顿鞭打。于是,她的激情也就随之熄灭了。随之而来的是无可奈何的、难以忍受的悔恨和痛苦。
18、No need to waste much times and energy, and look for any unavailing affliction. ─── 很敬佩你能这么仔细地看图片里的内涵,我也看了很久......
19、It was a subject, in short, on which reflection would be long indulged, and must be unavailing. ─── 简单说来,这问题当然反复考虑过,到头来一定是没有办法。
20、an unavailing attempt. ─── 无用的尝试。
21、If, in conditions of tolerable average employment, this net yield turns out to be infinitesimal, time-honoured methods may prove unavailing. ─── 它能诱使财富所有者牺牲他的流动性偏好如果在过得去的平均就业水平条件下,这个净收益低微到不足道的程度,则久负盛名的办法也证明无效了。
22、Reluctant to say goodbye to the past sweet as we are, our efforts are unavailing. ─── 心中再有不舍,不忍心和过去的甜蜜说再见,也于事无补了。
23、Operation was performed 17 days later after invalid anticoagulant treatments and unavailing catheter fragmentation. ─── 经过检查确定是大量肺栓塞,但是经过内科用肝素治疗,却发生血小板过低过低的副作用。
24、and the sharp arrows of unavailing remorse struck home to his heart. ─── 那徒劳无益的悔恨如支支利箭深深地刺进他的心窝。
25、He turned to some other topic, while she looked out of the window, the realisation that one impulse to tell him had proved unavailing dwelling in her mind. ─── 他就把话头岔开,她仍旧望着窗外,觉得自己要把实话告诉他的一次冲动已经失败了。
26、Time may not be the reason we became bosom friends But can surely prove that your care for your friends will never be unavailing. ─── 时间未必是你我成为知己的原因但一定可以证明到你对朋友的关怀不是白费!
27、I opened the computer, on the many Chinese and Chinese on the website, many of the e-mail, but the past few days have passed, and issued a letter to all unavailing. ─── 我打开电脑,上了许多关于中国和汉语的网站,发了许多电子邮件,可是几天过去了,发出去的信都石沉大海。
28、This goes to explain why decision-procedures for ethical conduct are unavailing. ─── 简而言之,由于我们的道德责任不能累加,遵守了一条(或一套)准则就需要违反另一条。
29、A week afterwards she came in one evening from an unavailing search for some light occupation in the immediate neighbourhood. ─── 一个星期里,她都在附近的地方寻找一个轻松一点儿的工作,但是她没有找到。
30、His best efforts, however, proved unavailing and the child died. ─── 然而,他所有的努力都无济于事,女儿还是死了。
31、Efforts to reach the people proved unavailing. ─── 努力被证明是不成功的。
32、Once tears are unavailing,and being in trouble no one comes to rescue,if become vulnerable,how could you protect your family and yourself? ─── 一旦眼泪失去效力,一旦陷入孤立无援的境地,如果变得软弱了,该怎样去保护身边的亲人和自己?
33、a futile effort;the therapy was ineffectual;an otiose undertaking;an unavailing attempt. ─── 无用的努力;这个治疗方法没有效果;无用的承诺;无用的尝试。
34、unavailing to current difficulties ─── 无补时艰
35、But all my efforts appeared unavailing. ─── 但是,我的努力似乎是白费劲。
36、a futile effort; the therapy was ineffectual; an otiose undertaking; an unavailing attempt ─── 无用的努力;这个治疗方法没有效果;无用的承诺;无用的尝试
37、Their efforts were unavailing. ─── 他们的努力都付诸东流。
38、I am afraid you have been long desiring my absence, nor have I any thing to plead in excuse of my stay, but real, though unavailing, concern. ─── 我恐怕你早就希望我走开了吧,我实在没有理由待在这儿,不过我无限地同情你,虽然这种同情无济于事。
39、Silent awaiting would turn out to be unavailing. ─── 默默等待将要变成徒劳。
40、and unavailing regrets and remorse were being indulged; ─── 就会愧疚不已,可是悔之晚矣。
41、2. a futile effort; the therapy was ineffectual; an otiose undertaking; an unavailing attempt. ─── 无用的努力;这个治疗方法没有效果;无用的承诺;无用的尝试。收藏指正
42、We are kindling a fire. In this cold world full of hatred and selfishness our little blaze may seem to be unavailing, but we must keep our fire burning. ─── 我们在点燃火焰。在这充满仇恨与自私的冷酷世界里,我们的小小火焰似乎于事无补,但我们必须让火焰继续燃烧。
43、Since forms of worship were matters of private conscience and economies, pressure to change them was unavailing. ─── 因为各种形式的礼拜具有独立性,并受经济因素干扰,强制改革只能无功而返。
44、His best efforts proved unavailing and the child died. ─── 可是,他最大的努力终究是徒劳,孩子还是死了。
45、All our protests were unavailing. ─── 我们所有的反对意见都毫无作用。
46、a futile effort; the therapy was ineffectual; an otiose undertaking; an unavailing attempt. ─── 无用的努力;这个治疗方法没有效果;无用的承诺;无用的尝试。
47、and the sharp arrows of unavailing remorse struck home to his heart. ─── 徒劳的悔恨好似利箭,扎人了他的心底。
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