chromosome 发音
英:[ˈkroʊməsoʊm] 美:[ˈkrəʊməsəʊm]
英: 美:
chromosome 中文意思翻译
chromosome 网络释义
n. [遗][细胞][染料] 染色体(形容词chromosomal,副词chromosomally)
chromosome 常用词组
y chromosome ─── n. [生]Y染色体
chromosome aberration ─── [医]染色体畸变
x chromosome ─── n. [生]X染色体(性染色体的一种)
chromosome 短语词组
1、sex chromosome n. ─── 性染色体
2、lampbrush chromosome ─── 灯刷染色体, 刷形染色体
3、bivalent chromosome ─── [医] 二价染色体
4、heterotropic chromosome ─── [医] 异向染色体, 性染色体
5、chromosome mapping ─── 染色体作图
6、m chromosome ─── [医] 小染色体
7、acrocentric chromosome ─── [医] 近端着丝点染色体
8、chromosome aberration ─── [医] 染色体畸变
9、chromosome number ─── 染色体数
10、metacentric chromosome ─── 等臂染色体,中央着丝粒染色体
11、plurivalent chromosome ─── [医] 多价染色体
12、daughter chromosome ─── [医] 子染色体
13、chromosome translocation ─── [医] 染色体易位
14、homologous chromosome ─── [医] 同原染色体
15、small chromosome ─── [医] 小染色体
16、somatic chromosome ─── [医]体细胞染色体,常染色体
17、chromosome genetics ─── [医] 染色体遗传学
18、acentric chromosome ─── 无着丝粒染色体
19、accessory chromosome ─── [医] 副染色体, 性染色体
chromosome 词性/词形变化,chromosome变形
chromosome 相似词语短语
1、chromosomes ─── n.[遗][细胞][染料]染色体(chromosome的复数形式)
2、B chromosome ─── B染色体,超数染色体
3、Y chromosome ─── n.Y染色体
4、X-chromosome ─── n.X染色体(性染色体的一种)
5、Y-chromosome ─── n.Y染色体
6、euchromosome ─── [遗]常染色体
7、X chromosome ─── n.X染色体(性染色体的一种)
8、A chromosome ─── 染色体
9、chromoscope ─── n.彩色显像管
chromosome 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In the research of secale cereale, dividual chromosome cannot be distinguished by common morphological methods. ─── 在黑麦的研究中,分开的染色体不能作为普遍形态学方法的特征。
2、A chromosome composed primarily of heterochromatin. ─── 异染色体主要由异染色质组成的染色体
3、In mammals, females are XX while males are XY so a woman should never be able to provide the necessary Y chromosome genes to produce a son. ─── 在哺乳动物中,雌性的性染色体是XX,而雄性的是XY,所以一个女人是绝不可能产生男性不可缺少的Y染色体基因而生育男孩的。
4、Philadelphia chromosome was detected in 26 of 28 patients (92.9%)by cytogenetic study. ─── 28例慢粒患者作细胞遗传学检查,26例Ph染色体阳性,2例Ph染色体阴性,阳性率为92.9%;
5、Title: Chromosome Location of a Semidwarf Gene sd-tin indica Rice (O. sativa L. ─── 关键词:水稻;半矮秆基因;标志基因;三体;染色体定位
6、Chromosome data of some Chinese magnoliaceous plants. ─── 中国木兰科植物的染色体资料.
7、With the increase of chromosome ploidy. ─── 并且。随着染色体倍性提高。
8、If we change the X chromosome to "Y" by bombarment method (or something like that). ─── 如果我们用方法,将X染色体的其中一段打断,变成"Y";染色体。
9、Chromosome numbers and karyotypes in the genus Camellia. ─── 山茶属植物的染色体数目和核型.
10、Heteromorphic chromosome pairs. ─── 异型染色体对
11、For many species, chromosome number is a useful taxonomic character. ─── 对许多物种来说,染色体数目是重要的分类学特征。
12、The condition of having three copies of a given chromosome in each somatic cell rather than the normal number of two. ─── 三体性在每个体细胞中包含有三个复制被提供的染色体后的染色体而不是正常的两个染色体的状况
13、Chromosome studies of 6 species of Clematis in China. ─── 国产6种铁线莲的染色体研究.
14、The cytological studies of chromosome of certain Camellia species. ─── 一些山茶属植物的细胞染色体研究.
15、P53 gene is localized in the short arm of human chromosome 17. ─── P53基因定位于人类第17号染色体的短臂,野生型P53基因是肿瘤抑制基因。
16、Having the same morphology and linear sequence of gene loci as another chromosome. ─── 同源的与另一个染色体在遗传座位组合和其可见结构上一致的
17、The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome. ─── 化学家无法确定该染色体的身份。
18、The break on chromosome 9 involves a gene called ABL . The break on chromosome 22 involves a gene called BCR . ─── 9号染色体的断裂发生在ABL基因处,而22号染色体的断裂发生在断裂点簇集区(BCR)。
19、Trisomy 7 and trisomy 12 are common chromosome aberrations in lymphoma. ─── +7和+12是淋巴瘤常见的染色体畸变。
20、Analysis of pericentric inversion of chromosome 7 associated with Turner syndrome in family . ─── 7号染色体臂间倒位伴Turner综合征家系分析
21、Chromosome aberrations were incuced with both arsenic compounds. ─── 两种砷酸盐均可引起染色体畸变。
22、The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome. ─── 科学家们想找到该基因在染色体上的位置。
23、Having a chromosome number that is not a whole-number multiple of the haploid chromosome number for that species. ─── 异倍体的染色体的数目不是单倍体物种的染色体的整倍数的
24、Phage chromosome is inserted into the continuity of the bacterial chromosome. ─── 噬菌体染色体被插入细菌染色体中。
25、We did not know the correct human chromosome number in 1955, let alone were we able to detect a chromosomal abnormality. ─── 我们不知道正确的人类染色体数目在1955年,更不用说了,我们能够探测到染色体异常。
26、The distances are additive along the length of the chromosome. ─── 其距离值就是沿着染色体长度方向的累加。
27、Genome A complete haploid chromosome set. ─── 基因组:即一套完整的单倍体染色体。
28、A chromosome having no homologue, especially an unpaired X - chromosome. ─── 单染色体没有同系物的饿染色体,尤指不配对X-染色体
29、Those RNAs are produced only from the allele on the maternal chromosome. ─── 同时,只有来自母系染色体上的对偶基因才会制造这些RNA。
30、and male carp in Asia and Central centromere is only a reaction with C along the chromosome, the male goldfish as well. ─── 而雄性鲫鱼在亚中部着丝点只有1个有C一带反应的染色体,雄性金鱼也是这样。
31、Chromosome numbers of Brassiceae (Cruciferae) in China. ─── 中国芸苔族植物染色体数目的观察.
32、Study on the clinical effect of Y chromosome polymorphism in 54 cases. ─── 54例Y染色体多态性的临床效应探讨
33、A piece of chromosome 9 attaches to the end of chromosome 22 and the BCR-ABL cancer gene is made. ─── 9号染色体断裂片段接到了22号染色体断裂处末端,形成了BCR-ABL融合癌基因。
34、The Chromosome is now losing important genetic information and is no longer functional. ─── 染色体现在缺少重要的遗传信息,不再具有功能。
35、A study on the chromosome numbers and isozymes of Crataegus plants in China. ─── 中国山楂属植物染色体数目和同工酶的研究.
36、The genetic behavior of an agropyron intermedium chromosome conferring BYDV resistance in wheat background. ─── 小麦背景下BYDV抗性携带染色体的遗传行为。
37、Danish Landrace NORs were located on chromosome 10. The number of Ag-NORs were difference between two breeds. ─── 丹麦长白猪Ag-NOR仅定位于第10号染色体短臂次缢痕区。 枫泾猪、丹麦长白猪Ag-NOR颗粒数是有差别的。
38、Only one marker locus CDO105 on chromosome 5 was found to be significantly associated with RRT. ─── 位于5号染色体上的标记位点CDO105与相对根粗关连;
39、A report on chromosome numbers of Chinese Zingiberaceae (5). ─── 国产姜科植物的染色体计数(5).
40、Absence of one chromosome of a pair is called monosomy for that chromosome. ─── 一对染色体中缺少了一条染色体就称为该染色体的单体。
41、Observations on the chromosome numbers of 4 species in Actinidia. ─── 四种猕猴桃属植物的染色体数目观察.
42、Genes are arranged in order along the DNA strand within the chromosome. ─── 存在于染色体内的DNA长链上的基因呈有序排列。
43、A preiously unidentified region of chromosome 11 also was implicated. ─── 以前未被鉴别出的11号染色体上的区域也与自闭症相关。
44、Another dominant resistance gene PmWE35 has been mapped on chromosome arm 2BL. ─── 在2BL, 长臂上发现了一个显性抗白粉病基因PmWE35,这些新基因的发掘和紧密连锁SSR分子标记的建立, 为小麦抗白粉病基因分子标记辅助选择和基因积聚奠定了基础。
45、The chromosome observation on 4 species in the genus Rhus. ─── 几种盐肤木属植物的染色体观察.
46、The diet after pregnancy has no possible way of changing the Y chromosome that came from the father into an X. ─── 怀孕后的饮食不可能改变胚胎中来自父亲Y染色体。
47、Reports on the chromosome numbers of Malus in China. ─── 中国苹果属植物染色体数目报告.
48、A locus is the "location" of a gene along a chromosome. ─── 位点是基因在染色体的位置。
49、It was the first time to discovered so many hemolysin genes encoded by one chromosome in microbial kingdom. ─── 如此众多的溶血素基因同时编码于同一个染色体上,这在微生物界是首次发现。
50、Chromosome studies on two species of Trifolium L. ─── 两种车轴草的染色体研究。
51、New, still unpublished work reveals that the Neandertal Y chromosome differs from the human one. ─── 尚未发表的新近研究显示,尼安德塔人的Y染色体与人类不同。
52、The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. ─── 基因座在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
53、Study on the chromosome stability in maternal and umbilical blood of PIH and its clinical significance. ─── 妊高征患者母血脐血染色体稳定性的研究及其临床意义。
54、Chromosome numbers and karyotype analysis of 9 species in Hydrocharitaceae. ─── 九种水鳖科植物染色体数目及其核型分析.
55、Chromosome analysis were studied from 747 woman patients, 98 cases of them showed chromosome abnor-malitiers. ─── 对747例女性就诊者作染色体检查,发现异常核型98例。
56、Fourty-four (10.6%) of subjects were found to have chromosome abnormality. ─── 发现44例患者有染色体异常,频率为10.6%。
57、The bcr/abl fusion genes were found in patients with negative Philadelphia chromosome. ─── 2例Ph染色体阴性的CGL患者 ,用RT PCR检测出bcr/abl融合基因。
58、It was proved that the E2 genes were integrated stably into chromosome of P.Pastoris by Dot blot and DNA sequencing. ─── Pastotis进行整合,经G418筛选得到25个高拷贝转化子,经DNA斑点试验和DNA测序证明外源基因E2稳定地整合到P. Pastoris染色体中。
59、The Y chromosome is starting to yield other intriguing tales as well. ─── Y染色体开始讲出另一些令人神往的故事。
60、Title: Chromosome studies on two species of Trifolium L. ─── 关键词:白车轴草;红车轴草;染色体数目;核型
61、The pathway of male sexual development in mammals is initiated by SRY, agene on the short arm boundary of Y chromosome. ─── 哺乳动物中位于Y染色体短臂临界区域的SRY基因启动雄性性状的发育。
62、Translocation occurs when a fragment of one chromosome becomes attached to a non-homologous chromosome. ─── 一段染色体跟非同源染色体连在一起时就发生易位。
63、Alternatively, they may rejoin a different part of the same chromosome, or another chromosome, giving a translocation. ─── 如果一个染色体臂的一段移接到另一非同源染色体的臂上的结构变异,这种现象叫做易位。
64、The most prevalent change, occurring in one percent of ASD cases, was found on chromosome 16, they reported. ─── 他们报告说,出现频率最高的一个变化位于16号染色体上,它在1%的ASD病例中发生。
65、Gene: Unit of heredity that occupies a fixed position on a chromosome. ─── 基因: 在染色体上占据固定位置的遗传单位。
66、A primary study on chromosome and its variation of Vanilla planifolia Andr. ─── 墨西哥香荚兰染色体及其变异的研究初报。
67、A report of chromosome numbers of Chinese Zingiberaceae (6). ─── 国产姜科植物的染色体计数(6).
68、It was observed to transpose from plasmid pFD13 to plsmid R144drd3, or to the E. colt chromosome. ─── Tn2981可以从质粒pFD13转座到质粒R144drd3上,也能从质粒转座到大肠杆菌的染色体上。
69、Known as the centromere, the middle space between the two arms of the Y chromosome is key to its health. ─── 熟知着丝点的都知道,两条Y染色体中间的空间对于染色体的健康至关重要。
70、A report on chromosome numbers of Chinese Zingiberaceae (2). ─── 国产姜科植物的染色体计数(2).
71、The reason why the early abortion is often lacking, the performance corpus luteum thyroid performance beneath, chromosome special, etc. ─── 初期流产的原由常为黄体性能欠缺、甲状腺性能低贱、染色体特别等。
72、A more complicated particle called the chromosome is apparently the fundamental unit of assembly. ─── 一个更复杂的微粒,称为染色质体,显然是包装的基本单位。
73、Preliminary report of chromosome number of Chinese Zingiberaceae. ─── 国产姜科植物的染色体计数初报.
74、The lower ploidy materials,the higher chromosome doubling frequency. ─── 倍性低的材料加倍率较高。
75、The genetic property and chromosome location of recessive mutant fasciated culm and umbel(fcu)in pea were studied. ─── 对豌豆隐性突变体带化茎伞状花序(Fasciatedculm and umbel) 的遗传特性进行了研究。
76、The creation of human chromosome maps for DNA markers that would allow the location of genes to be found. ─── 创建DNA标志的人类染色体图谱,方便人们发现基因的位置;
77、A report on chromosome numbers of Chinese Umbelliferae. ─── 伞形科植物染色体数目报告.
78、Toreplace a chromosome by proportional selection. ─── 基因的选择算子。
79、Chromosome numbers of some species in the family Magnoliaceae in China. ─── 中国部分木兰科染色体数目.
80、In women, a faulty gene on one X chromosome is counteracted by a healthy copy. ─── 对女性而言,那条正常X染色体上的基因完全可以替代另一条X染色体上的异常基因。
81、Normal chromosome pairing between most species and N . tabacum is rare. ─── 大多数的种与红花间的正常染色配对是少见的。
82、Analysis on chromosome set type of broadleaf vetch. ─── 山野豌豆的染色体组型分析.
83、It is apomictic and includes a range of chromosome numbers. ─── 它无融合生殖并且包括多种染色体数目。
84、A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome. ─── 常染色体非性染色体的一个常染色体
85、Microtubules cannot be both the birefringent material and the elements that cause chromosome separation. ─── 微管既不是双折射物质也不是引起染色体分开的成分。
86、Every time the Chromosome divides—every time one cell divides into two—pieces of the ends of the Chromosome, the telomere, get broken off. ─── 每次染色体分裂时——即当每次一个细胞分裂成两个时——染色体的尾部,也就是端区,就会发生断裂。
87、Detective rate, small accessory chromosome and balanced translocation are discussed. ─── 对染色体异常检出率、额外小染色体及平衡易位携带者进行了讨论。
88、When the DNA was methylated the chromosome was able to be successfully transplanted into a wild type species of M. capricolum. ─── 当DNA甲基化后,染色体能够顺利植入野生型的丝状支原体。
89、The altered portion of chromosome 16 has structural characteristics that make it more prone to errors, Scherer noted. ─── Schere指出,16号染色体被改变的部分拥有更容易出错的结构特征。
YC 是 Tourist Class(普通舱)、y-chromosome(y染色体)、young comparison(青年对照组)等多种词语的缩写,32-40 指编号顺序。没有具体语境,不好作针对性翻译。
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