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Ciceronian 中文意思翻译
Ciceronian 短语词组
1、ciceronian essay ─── 西塞罗式随笔
2、ciceronian news ─── 西塞罗新闻
3、ciceronian age ─── 西塞罗时代
4、ciceronian prose ─── 西塞罗式散文
5、ciceronian speech ─── 西塞罗语
6、ciceronian means ─── 西塞罗的意思是 ─── 西塞罗
Ciceronian 相似词语短语
1、Macedonian ─── adj.马其顿的;马其顿人的;马其顿方言的;n.马其顿人;马其顿语
2、chelonian ─── n.任何一种龟类爬行动物;龟,海龟;adj.与龟有关的;龟类的,海龟科的
3、cicerones ─── n.导游,向导;n.(Cicerone)人名;(意、罗)奇切罗内
4、Ciceronianism ─── 西塞罗主义
5、Ciceronian ─── adj.西塞罗的;雄辩的;西塞罗风格的;n.精通西塞罗作品者;西塞罗崇拜者
6、Hibernian ─── adj.(与)爱尔兰(有关)的;爱尔兰人的;n.爱尔兰人(或居民)
7、Neronian ─── adj.尼禄似的,尼禄时期的;残暴的,腐败的
8、cicerone ─── n.导游,向导;n.(Cicerone)人名;(意、罗)奇切罗内
9、ciceroni ─── n.(意)导游(等于cicerone)
Ciceronian 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Finally, it has analysed the Ciceronian equal grade Taoist temple. ─── 最后分析了西塞罗的等级平等观。
2、Notable early pagan proponents included [[Lao Tzu]], [[Plato]], and [[Cicero]]. ─── 早期著名的异教支持者包括[[老子]],[[柏拉图]]和[[西塞罗]]。
3、His legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction.His eloquent,oratorical manner of writing,described as Ciceronian. ─── 他的法律和政治演讲文已成为拉丁文用语的典范,而其雄辩的文笔与所表现的演讲风格则被人成为“西塞罗体”。
4、In ascribing "natural force" to the law, Cicero made it clear that the mind and reason of the intelligent man was the standard by which justice and injustice were to be measured. ─── 西塞罗在把“自然效力”归于该法律时,明确地提出智者的理性是衡量正义与非正义的标准。
5、Old men are garrulous by nature(Cicero. ─── 老人的本性使他们絮絮叨叨(西塞罗)。
6、A student's weary slog through Cicero ─── 学生勉力地学习西塞罗学说
7、a student's weary slog through Cicero;a slog through miles of jungle. ─── 学生勉强地学习西塞罗学说;长时间疲惫地穿过数里远的丛林
8、But Zoilus and Cicero are two different persons.Cicero is an arbiter in thought, just as Brutus is an arbiter by the sword. ─── 可是佐伊尔和西塞罗是两回事,西塞罗用思想来裁判,布鲁图斯以利剑来裁判。
9、a Cicero in eloquence ─── 一个口才和西赛罗一样(好)的人
10、Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts.“ - Cicero” ─── 像个勇士那样活着,如果命运不测,用一颗充满勇气的心跨过它.“-西塞托”
11、As a practical Roman,Cicero advocates harmonious coexistence of friends by way of equality,mutual respect and assistance in spite of their differences in position,wisdom and wealth. ─── 但西塞罗又是一个务实的罗马人,并不排除朋友之间地位、才智、财富上的差别,而主张通过平等、尊重和互相帮助和谐共处;
12、Traditional Irony is predominantly an admixture of ideas from Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian. It mainly refers to the comparison of the surface meaning to the underlying meaning. ─── 传统反讽是自柏拉图、亚里士多德、西塞罗、昆体良以来反讽观念的混合,它主要是指表面意义与隐含意义的对比;
13、And it seemeth his favor was so great, as Antonius, in a letter which is recited verbatim in one of Cicero's Philippics, calleth him venefica, witch; as if he had enchanted Caesar. ─── 安东尼在一封信里(这封信在西塞罗的攻击演说之一中曾经一字不移地引用过)曾呼代西玛斯·布鲁塔斯为“妖人”,好像他用邪术迷惑了恺撒似的,他的得宠之深可见矣。
14、Cicero could pause over no such sublime words of hope, and look to no such future reunion. ─── 西塞罗却没有机会停下,来细细咀嚼这些庄严而充满希望的话语,因而也不会盼望将来这种团圆的时刻。
15、Comparing Confucius with Cicero on the Social Harmony Ideas ─── 孔子与西塞罗的社会和谐思想之比较
16、As Cicero counseled,"The final good and the supreme duty of the wise man is to resist appearance." ─── 正如西赛罗所忠告的:“智者最佳、最伟大的品质就是不受外表的影响。”
17、"In the midst of the confusion and uproar . . . Cicero could only shriek that he had saved his country" (J.A. Froude). ─── “夹杂在混乱与喧闹声中,西舍罗只能大声尖叫他挽救了他的国家” (弗罗特)。
18、Any of the orations of Cicero against Antony in44 b.c. ─── 《斥安尼篇》公元前44年,西塞罗反对安东尼的演说之一
19、Let the record reflect that Mr. Hill identified the defendant, Paul Cicero. ─── 法官大人,请记录下希尔先生 已指证了保罗席西罗
20、Cicero holds that friendship, with virtues as its foundation, is a noble and pure feeling shared by two or more people with common character, interest, thought and goal. ─── 摘要西塞罗认为友谊以美德为基础,是品格、兴趣、意向、目的和谐一致并为两个人或少数几个人共享的情感。
21、Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. ----Cicero ─── 任何人都可能犯错误,但只有傻瓜才坚持错误。----西塞罗
22、Economy is of itself a great revenue.-Marcus Tullius Cicero ─── 节约本身就是巨大的收益。--西塞罗
23、“Old men are garrulous by nature” (Cicero). ─── “老人的本性使他们絮絮叨叨”(西塞罗)。
24、Many great ancient writers, including Plato, Aristotle, Euripides, Cicero, Seneca and others had this false belief. ─── 古希腊罗马的许多作家,包括柏拉图、亚里士多德、欧里庇德斯、西塞罗、塞内加等都对此深入不疑。
25、Generally speaking, there are three developmental stages in Western Translation Studies: The first stage, from the Cicero period to the late 1950s, was the traditional stage. ─── 总的说来,西方翻译学的理论发展共分三个阶段:第一阶段从古代的西塞罗时期到1959年,为传统的翻译学阶段。
26、Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food for the body.--Cicero, Ancient Roman state4sman and orator ─── 学习对于头脑,如同食物对于身体一样不可缺少。古罗马政治家、演说家西塞罗
27、In the confusion and uproar, Cicero could only shriek that he had saved his country. ─── 在一片混乱与喧闹声中,锡斯罗只能尖声叫道他救了他的国家。
28、On the Laws by M. Tullius Cicero ─── 西塞罗:论法律节选
29、Roman" s Contribution to human civilization is its unique law culture, of which Cicero" s thoughts of law are one of the important component. ─── 罗马人对人类文明的杰出贡献是其无与伦比的法文化,而西塞罗的法律思想是这种法文化的重要组成部分。
30、Many of Quintilian's ideals on rhetoric and rhetorical pedagogy are parallel to those of Cicero.These parallels were so close, that Quintilian was often called an imitator of Cicero. ─── 他认为,“对于一个雄辩家来说,记忆力是头等重要的,它可以通过练习来得到加强和发展”。
31、In the midst of the confusion and uproar... Cicero could only shriek that he had saved his country (J.A. Froude). ─── 夹杂在混乱与喧闹声中,西舍罗只能大声尖叫他挽救了他的国家(弗罗特)。
32、This attitude was equated with justice by Cicero . ─── 西塞罗将这种态度看成是正义。
33、Cicero and Augustine's theory of natural theology were both based upon Platonism in one hand, in other hand reflected the limitation of natural theology through different political philosophy view. ─── 本文分析了西塞罗和奥古斯丁关于自然神学的论述,指出他们基于柏拉图主义的共同背景所具有的一致性,也指出他们基于不同的政治哲学语境以不同的视野反思自然神学的局限性。
34、No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate , who regards pleasure as the highest good. (Cicero, ancient Roman statsman ─── 把痛苦视为生活中最大的祸害的人不可能勇敢;把欢乐视为生活中最美妙的人不会自我节制。
35、Jesuit missionaries who arrived to Asia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were imbued with these Ciceronian ideals. ─── 十六及十七世纪来到亚洲的耶稣会传教士们沉浸于这些西塞罗理想。
36、Cicero was severe towards Caesar, and he was right. ─── 西塞罗对恺撒是严厉的,他做得对。
37、LUMAUIG, Cicero D. ─── 西塞罗·卢毛伊格
38、A man's own manner and character is what most becomes.--Marcus Tullius Cicero, American statesman ─── 人是由自己的风度和品格构成的。美国政治家西塞罗
39、Cicero, cum in oppido parvo natus esset, Romae tamen vivebat. ─── 即使西塞罗出生在一座小城市里,他仍一直生活在罗马城。
40、novus homo (a "new man": as Cato Sr., Marius, Cicero ─── 新人(一个“新人*:如同加图,马略,西塞罗)
41、Cicero was arguing that Pompey the Great should be given military command against Mithridates VI, king of Pontus on the Black sea coast of what is now Turkey. ─── 他坚决主张应该授予伟大的庞培军事指挥权,以抵抗黑海岸边的本都(今土耳其)国王米特拉达梯六世的入侵。
42、“What pleasure can a civilized mind find when a magnificent animal is stabbed again and again with a hunting spear? ” Cicero. ─── “一颗文明的心怎能欢欣雀跃,观赏着雄壮的野兽受猎矛一再猛刺?”----西塞罗
43、Birds of a feather flock together. -- Cicero ─── 同声相应,同气相求。-- 西塞罗
44、A friend is , as it were, a second self.--Cicero, Ancient Roman statesman ─── 可以说,朋友是另一个自我。古罗马政治家西塞罗
45、No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good. (Cicero, ancient Roman statsman) ─── 把痛苦视为生活中最大的祸害的人不可能勇敢;把欢乐视为生活中最美妙的人不会自我节制。(古罗马政治家西塞罗)
46、The notes were made by a Florentine city official Agostino Vespucci, an acquaintance of the artist, in a collection of letters by the Roman orator Cicero. ─── 留下这个记录的是佛罗伦萨市的一个高级官员Agostino Vespucci,罗马雄辩家Cicero在他收藏的信件中有证明,他和达芬奇是相识的故人。
47、Cicero played an important role in the Roman senate,was noted for his oratory and fine writing style. ─── 西塞罗在罗马元老院里担任重要的角色,他以擅长演讲和文笔优美而闻名。
48、The countenance is the portrait of the mind, the eyes are its informers. ----Cicero ─── 表情是思想的写照,眼睛是心灵的窗户。----西塞罗
49、that women are better at following Cicero's advice to "resist appearance"? ─── 女人比男人能更好地听取西赛罗的忠告“不受外表的影响”呢?
50、But outraged Oxonians unleashed volleys of Ciceronian oratory, arguing that the groves of academe should be out of bounds to commerce. ─── 但是愤怒的牛津人用西塞罗式的辩才宣称,商业应该远离学术的净土。
51、No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good. --Cicero, ancient Roman statesman ─── 把痛苦视为生活中最大的祸害的人不可能勇敢;把欢乐视为生活中最美妙的人不会自我节制。古罗马政治家西塞罗
52、Studies on humor and what makes people laugh have been traced from Plato, Aristotle and Cicero, through Hume and Kant to the recent Bergson and Freud. ─── 人类对幽默及一切能引人发笑的东西的研究远可追溯到柏拉图,亚里士多德,西塞罗和荷马,近有康德,柏格森和弗洛伊德。
53、It is true that Cicero would have used agendum to refer to a single item of business before the Roman Senate, with agenda as its plural. ─── 在罗马元老院之前西塞罗确实就已经在用agendum 来指一个议事日程,而用 agenda 作为复数。
54、a student's weary slog through Cicero; a slog through miles of jungle. ─── 学生勉强地学习西塞罗学说;长时间疲惫地穿过数里远的丛林
55、Cicero: The European 12 pt, unit of typographic measurement, similar to the Pica in British/American Point system. Equals to 4.511mm. ─── 西塞罗:欧洲用的印刷字体单位;类似英美点数制的[派卡].它亦采用12[点]为一[西塞罗];一[西塞罗]等于4.511毫米.
56、From Cicero to Augustine: Natural Theology and Its Limitation ─── 从西塞罗到奥古斯丁:自然神学及其局限
57、Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God."- Cicero ─── 自然的一切都有神明的意志留下的烙印。"-西塞罗
58、But if there's a train there, I take off down Cicero Avenue. ─── 但假如那儿有辆火车,我就可以岔开西塞罗大街了。”
59、“In the midst of the confusion and uproar . . . Cicero could only shriek that he had saved his country” (J.A. Froude). ─── “夹杂在混乱与喧闹声中,西舍罗只能大声尖叫他挽救了他的国家”(弗罗特)。
60、Writings covering a wide variety of literary genres will include the works of Caesar, Cicero, Catullus, Livy, Virgil, Horace, and Ovid, with additional readings from Cassius Dio for background. ─── 著作涵盖广泛的文学类型,包括凯撒、西塞罗、卡图拉斯、李维、维吉尔、贺拉斯和奥维德等人的作品,并外加上迪奥的历史著作,来协助了解历史背景。
61、Like to like. -- Cicero ─── 物以类聚。-- 西塞罗
62、Pruitt, Cicero Washington ─── 蒲其维
63、In the history of theory of civil society, the classical tradition of theory of civil society is created and developed by Aristotle and Cicero. ─── 摘要在市民社会理论史上,古典市民社会理论传统是由亚里士多德和西塞罗开创并加以发展的。
64、Cicero contended that law was the agreement of reason and nature, the distinction between the just and the unjust. ─── 西塞罗主张法律是理性与天性的契约,是正义与非正义的区分。
65、Cicero , when he buried his darling and only daughter, had a heart as full of honest grief as poor Tom's. ─── 当年西塞罗在埋葬他心爱的独生女儿时,也象可怜的汤姆那样,心里充满了悲痛。
66、Cicero was severe towards Caesar, and he was right.That severity is not diatribe. ─── 不久前他们刚熄灭了放置在石块凹穴处的火把。
67、Confucius and Cicero were statesmen and ideologists of ancient China and Rome. ─── 摘要孔子和西塞罗是古代中国和罗马著名的政治家和思想家。
68、Yet when in his old age Octavian caught his young grandson reading a work by Cicero, he noticed that the boy tried to hide the book, fearing his reaction. ─── 但是在屋大维的晚年,有一次他发现他的小孙子正在读一本西赛罗的书。他注意到小男孩因为害怕受到责罚,想把书给藏起来。
69、Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. ----Cicero ─── 心灵饿疾病,比肉体的疾病更危险。-----西塞多
70、We have enrolled every local Cicero. ─── 我们把各地西塞罗式的雄辩家都招来了。
71、The monetary historian is giving a lecture today in which he will reveal how Cicero, the Roman orator, gave a speech in 66BC in which he alluded to the credit crunch. ─── 今天,这位货币历史学家在做演讲,他将披露罗马演说家西塞罗,在公元前66年的一次演说中,是如何提到那场信贷紧缩的。
72、Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts."- Cicero" ─── 像个勇士那样活着,如果命运不测,用一颗充满勇气的心跨过它。"-西塞托"
73、Cicero s classical republic theory emphasizes a mixed & balanced polity,while the Federalists advance a new republic theory that centers on "free selection,decentralized restriction and balance. ─── 西塞罗古典共和思想以混合均衡政体为核心,而联邦党人则推陈出新,建构了以“自由选择、分权制衡”为核心的现代共和思想,但这两种共和思想并非毫不相干,而是有着内在的关联。
74、Take Cicero Avenue north to get to I-55 north Stevenson Expressway. ─── 从西塞罗大道北上到I-55号公路北史蒂文森高速路。
75、Differing from the negative or depreciated attitude of the traditional philosophers on rhetoric,Cicero combined rhetoric with philosophy and constructed his political philosophy on it. ─── 与传统哲学家贬低甚至否定修辞学不同,西塞罗把修辞学与哲学结合起来,并以此为基点建构其政治哲学。
76、"Old men are garrulous by nature" (Cicero). ─── “老人的本性使他们絮絮叨叨” (西塞罗)。
77、Cicero epitomized Nature Law in the ancient Republic of Rome.Firstly he inherited the law thought from Plato, Aristotle and Stoic school, which he romanized later. ─── 摘要西塞罗是罗马共和国时期自然法思想的集大成者,他继承古希腊柏拉图、亚里士多德以及斯多葛派的法律思想,并将其罗马化。
78、Contrary to both Enkidu's dream, and Ulysses encounters, Cicero's view of the afterlife is quite calm and serene compared to either of them. ─── 不同于安克朵的梦境,尤里西斯认为,西塞罗看到的来世与安克朵的比起来是安祥而平静的。
79、In the second part the background from which Cicero" s thoughts of law was brewed will be analyzed. ─── 第二部分分析西塞罗法律思想产生的背景。
80、Against such unworthy adversaries, Cicero condescended to employ the arms of reason and eloquence; ─── 对付如此没有价值的对手,西塞罗还屈尊去使用理性和雄辩的武器;
81、Sweden Institute compares with him " to have Cicero literary talent Caesar big emperor " ("Promulgation Refined language"). ─── 瑞典学院把他比作"具有西塞罗文才的凯撒大帝"(《颁奖辞》)。
82、Cicero and a bits of His Thought ─── 西塞罗及其思想片语
83、In approximately 54 B.C.The Dream of Scipio was written as the conclusion to Cicero's Treatise On the Republic. ─── 大概在公元54年前,辛西莆的梦境学论被定义为共和国的西塞罗论文。
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