disrepair 发音
英:[ˌdɪsrɪˈper] 美:[ˌdɪsrɪˈpeə(r)]
英: 美:
disrepair 中文意思翻译
disrepair 短语词组
1、disrepair defined ─── 年久失修
2、disrepair rose ─── 年久失修的玫瑰
3、disrepair def ─── 失修
4、disrepair define ─── 失修定义
5、disrepair meaning ─── 失修的含义
6、disrepair means ─── 失修意味着
disrepair 相似词语短语
1、disruptor ─── n.破坏者,分裂者
2、to repair ─── 修理
3、unrepair ─── n.失修;破损,塌毁;荒废
4、disrepute ─── n.不光彩,坏名声
5、discrepant ─── adj.有差异的;相差的;矛盾的
6、disregard ─── v.忽视,无视,不尊重;n.忽视,无视,不尊重
7、disrupter ─── n.破坏者;分裂者
8、repair ─── v.修理;修复,补救;(使)重归于好;(结伴)去;n.修理;修补过的部位;具体情况,物质条件;常去;常去的场所
9、despair ─── n.绝望;令人绝望的人或事;vi.绝望,丧失信心
disrepair 习惯用语
1、fall into disrepair ─── 破损失修, 需要修理
disrepair 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、How Does Cement Concrete Road Surface of Dana Road (the Border of Guizhou Province) Fall into Disrepair? ─── 大纳公路(贵州境)水泥混凝土路面破损原因分析?
2、It is a pity to see so many owners allowing their most valuable asset to fall into disrepair. ─── 但令人惋惜的是,许多业主任由他们最宝贵的资产变得破落失修。
3、Disrepair analysis on shiplock discharge section in Wuqianxi Hydropower Station ─── 五强溪水电厂船闸泄水段破损原因分析及修复处理
4、One gram of protein per kilo of body weight will be ideal for you, but will leave my body in a state of disrepair and won't allow me to recover properly from my intense training sessions. ─── 每公斤体重一毫克的蛋白质需求量对你来说很理想,但会我的身体处于不健康状态并且不能从紧张的训练中恢复过来。
5、In the early 1800s, the cathedral was in such a state of disrepair that the city planners contemplated tearing it down. ─── 在19世纪初,这座大教堂的荒废景象使得城市的规划者考虑将它拆除。
6、Buildings are in various states of disrepair, fires of infernal origin still burn under a perpetually darkened sky, and creatures of the underworld lurk the abandoned streets. ─── 大厦不同形式毁损,黑天之下阴火燃烧,碎石大道之是潜伏着来自地底的生物。
7、Keywords Protective coating;Examination;Disrepair point;Cathodic protection; ─── 外壁防护层;检测;破损点;阴极保护;
8、The containing water of some oil well rises in the production of oil field because the place that the quality of well cementation is poor occurs channelling and the cannula arises disrepair. ─── 在油田生产中,部分油井因固井质量差发生管外窜槽以及套管出现漏点,导致水层出水,油井含水上升。
9、His lungs are in a dire state of disrepair, and he's had some heart failure. ─── 他的肺部情况很遭,已经无法修复。而且,他还有心脏疾病。
10、The building was in a general state of disrepair. ─── 整座建筑处于失修状态。
11、They're downsized into workaday sporting arenas, reborn as hotels and shopping malls, or fall into disrepair. ─── 有的改建成小型实用的体育场所,有的蜕变成旅馆和购物商城,有的则年久失修,落得颓垣断址。
12、Rough cobbly is inclined street, because of year long disrepair and messy, bumpy. ─── 坎坷不平的斜街,因年久失修而凌乱、颠簸。
13、having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration,as through neglect; broken-down and shabby ─── 处于一种年久失修或朽坏状态的;残垣断壁的
14、The city features dazzling pyramids but is also seen to be in a great state of disrepair. ─── 城市有着让人目眩的金字塔,但是却已年久失修。
15、Disrepair due to heavy vehicular traffic, it is already dangerous. ─── 因年久失修,重型车辆行驶,已有危险。
16、Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby. ─── 坍坏的,破旧了的处于一种年久失修或朽坏状态的;残垣断壁的。
17、the old tomb, grotto and temple sculptures fell into disrepair because of social changes. ─── 旧社会的那类陵墓、龛窟和寺庙雕塑,已经失去了发展的社会条件,
18、Will want to return that part is no longer growing and becoming more like memories of past events as disrepair, Petals, lack of scattered, broken mirrors, Zhong Yuan, residual night, no sleep. ─── 流连忘返,那段不再回忆的往事如同狼烟般,凋零,落花,缺散,破镜,重圆,残夜,未眠。
19、Disrepair causer and countermeasure analysis of mine roadway in Renlou Mine ─── 任楼煤矿巷道失修原因分析及支护对策
20、He eloquently detailed their many grievances.No clean water, no electricity, shacks falling into disrepair, unemployment. ─── 他滔滔不绝地细述着他们的许多冤情:没有水、没有电、陋室年久失修、失业。
21、While some portions north of Beijing and near tourist centers have been preserved and even reconstructed, in many locations the Wall is in disrepair. ─── 当北京北部的某些部分和附近的旅游中心一直得到保护甚至重建的同时,城墙的很多地方年久失修。
22、The city's three biggest mosques,long fallen into disrepair,have been renovated. ─── 城里最大的三座清真寺,过去年久失修,现在已经修复。
23、Now that people have moved away from the mountains, the temples have gradually become subject to neglect and disrepair. ─── 山居的住户散去后,土地庙乏人照料,经年累月遭风吹雨淋,已逐渐破败。
24、Our house has fallen into disrepair and needs immediate renovating.Meanwhile we have to save up enough money to repay the loan that is due by the end of next year. ─── 我们家的房子年久失修.需要马上修缮.与此同时,我们还得积起总够的钱,偿还明年底到期的贷款.
25、The east side, "Sanzo Dian" disrepair, the heavy rains this summer in the large number of tiles falling, missed a big hole. ─── 东面的“三藏殿”年久失修,今年夏天大雨中大量瓦片掉落,漏了一个大洞。
26、War production under the planet was seldom slowed down as a result of attack from space, but nowadays much of the system had fallen into disuse and disrepair. ─── 战时地下隧道里的生产并未因为来自太空的袭击而大量减缓,但如今地道系统中有许多地段已陷于空置并年久失修。
28、Problems arising from condition of disrepair ─── 由于失修状态导致的问题
29、be in (a state of) disrepair ─── (房屋等)年久失修, 破损
30、Legend has it, the old British Library Museum disrepair, in a new place built a new library, the new museum when completed, should the old museum moved to a new site to book. ─── 其实在大多数人心目中,35岁的我应该还算是一个成功人士,经营着一家连锁饭店和一家医疗器械公司,在郑州有三套房子和两辆高级轿车。
31、Discussing the formations of roads in disrepair in Harbin city and the countermeasures ─── 哈市道路破损原因及防治措施的探讨
32、Moreover, if the financial system remains in disrepair, savings will flow haltingly to companies and the cost of capital will rise. ─── 更糟糕的是,如果金融体系持续失修,储蓄将不愿流向公司,导致资本成本上升。
33、The old hotel, which is unfortunately in a state of total disrepair, must be torn down in order to renovate the site. ─── 旧的旅馆呢,很不幸的由于年久失修,将会被拆掉,为重建提供位置。
34、The house had fallen into disrepair. ─── 这栋房子已年久失修。
35、Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration,as through neglect;broken - down and shabby. ─── 坍坏的,破旧了的处于一种年久失修或朽坏状态的;残垣断壁的
36、His lungs are in a dire state of disrepair, and he's had some heart failure. Right now, he's listed as day to day. ─── 他的肺部情况很遭,已经无法修复。而且,他还有心脏疾病。现在,他只能多活一天算一天了。
37、The house was unoccupied and in a bad state of disrepair. ─── 这间房子没有人住,并且破损严重。
38、25.Grandmother Ancestral Hall: Constructed in the 10th year of Yongle, Ming Dynasty (A.D.1412), later was abandoned in disrepair, presently remains the ruins.Its side is the rubbing needle alkali. ─── 25、老姥祠:明永乐十年(1412年)建,后因年久失修被废弃,现为遗址,其旁有磨针碱。
39、Is any portion of the property to be insured in a state of disrepair or poor condition? ─── 投保财产是否有未被维修或处于破损状况的?
40、OBSERVER Hemingway Estate in Disrepair ─── 海明威故居岌岌可危
41、impact disrepair ─── 冲击破损
42、be in a state of disrepair ─── 失修, 需要修理, 破损
43、But as a result of before some year hackle denudation, wadi disrepair, natural zoology is destroyed serious.. ─── 但由于前些年的乱砍滥伐 ,河道失修 ,自然生态破坏严重 .
44、After the British gave up the concession, the complex was used by Chinese bureaucrats but it fell into disrepair after being abandoned. ─── 英国放弃租界后,中国官方曾将这里用作各种用途,但废弃之后再也没有修缮过。
45、a house in disrepair. ─── 年久失修的房子
46、Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby. ─── 坍坏的,破旧了的处于一种年久失修或朽坏状态的;残垣断壁的
47、Therefore, it is very important and instant to further the research of the suspender disrepair and replacement, which is just the content of this paper. ─── 因此,对系杆拱桥的吊杆破损、更换研究变得非常重要和迫切,这正是本文的主要研究内容。
48、The lower levels fell into disrepair and decay, and the lowliest of dregs were forced into the decrepit undercity. ─── 城市下层年久失修,社会最底层群体被迫居住在破旧不堪的贫民窟。
49、Is any portion of the property to be insured in a state of disrepair or poor condition? ─── 投保财产是否有未被维修或处于破损状况的?
50、The aqueducts which had supplied the city with water for more than 1000 years were allowed to become obstructed and fall into disrepair. ─── 城市供水之用的沟渠一千多年来,变成了一种阻塞,并且陷入失修。
51、Yunju Si tower has also severely damaged due to disrepair. ─── 云居寺塔也因年久失修损毁严重。
52、The bicycle I lent Tom had been is good condition, but he returned it in disrepair. ─── 我借给汤姆用的肢踏车是好的,但是他却还我一辆破损待修的车子。
53、building was in a general state of disrepair. ─── 座建筑处于失修状态。
54、Never open to public view, the studio fell into disrepair after China's last emperor, Puyi, was ordered from the Forbidden City in 1924. ─── 在中国最后一任皇帝溥仪于1924年从紫禁城搬出后,倦勤斋一直年久失修,从未让公众参观过。
55、The house was in a state of disrepair. ─── 房子当时正在翻修中。
56、The aqueducts which had supplied the city with water for more than 1000 years were allowed to become obstructed and fall into disrepair. ─── 城市供水之用的沟渠一千多年来,变成了一种阻塞,并且陷入失修。
57、There isn’t any disrepair on the microcosmic surface of CAF, and the sol can immerge into the holes of the alumina foil. ─── 并对其进行了微观分析和能谱表征,胶样表面微观没有破损,溶胶能够浸入到铝箔孔洞中。
58、disrepair analysis ─── 破损分析
59、These houses have been allowed to fall into disrepair. ─── 听凭这些房屋破损。
60、The once-grand sanctuary fell into disrepair, and leaks from the roof badly damaged the brass fixtures, stained glass windows, murals and woodwork. ─── 曾经一度宏伟圣殿落入年久失修,漏水,从屋顶严重损坏铜管固定装置,彩绘玻璃,壁画及木制品。
61、The cause of early disrepair of asphalt pavement ─── 浅析沥青路面早期破损原因
62、During that time she, like Jezebel, promoted Baalism in Judah and let the Temple of God fall into disrepair. ─── 期间她就像耶洗别一样,在犹大助长敬拜巴力之风,任凭上帝的殿荒凉毁坏。
63、To bring or fall into a state of partial ruin,decay,or disrepair. ─── 使损毁(使)或部分毁坏、坍塌或朽坏。
64、After the two temples are in disrepair Qingta, re-built in 1981. ─── 后两庙皆失修倾塌,1981年重新修建。
65、Most of the stadiums put up in Delhi for last autumn's Commonwealth Games have already fallen into disrepair. ─── 为去年秋季英联邦运动会(CommonwealthGames)而建造的体育场馆,如今大部分已破损失修。
66、This paper introduces the phenomena of label disrepair in encasing,and discussed the method of solution,and advances the measure of treatment. ─── 本文叙述了酒标在装箱机过程中的破损现象,探讨了解决问题的办法,提出了处理措施。
67、The name may mislead one to believe it a state-of-the-art facility, but in Bolivia -- where poverty is commonplace - the decades old institution is now in disrepair. ─── 它的名字往往会让人错以为它是间先进设备完善的医院,但是在玻利维亚这四处都贫穷的国家,这间医院的设备早已不敷使用。
68、the chateau fell into disrepair, ─── 城堡终年失修。
69、Disrepair and maintenance of asphalt pavement in early stage ─── 沥青路面早期破损及防护
70、From my undergraduate days I remember buildings in disrepair, cheerful but poorly paid professors, and limited access to good journals. ─── 在我的大学时代的记忆中,校舍失修,教授很好但工资很低,图书资料很有局限。
71、The event's Cobo Hall has become much too small to play host to the North American International Auto Show and is starting to fall into a state of disrepair. ─── 事件的科博馆已经变得太小,无法发挥东道国的北美国际汽车展,并已开始落入一国失修。
72、Last month the hotel industry issued a report showing that one in four hotels was in a state of disrepair and that 24 percent of customers complained of rude or incompetent service. ─── 旅馆业上个月公布的报告显示,有四分之一的旅馆疏于修缮,也有百分之廿四的顾客包怨服务不佳或不周。
73、2.He smiled at everyone and rushed in and out the sorry little homes with grace, making sympathetic remarks at the disrepair that was pointed out to him. ─── 他向每一个人微笑着,对匆忙的来来往往的人群们伴着对家园善意的惋惜之情,他指出了那个需要缝合的同情的评论。
74、Keywords KR stirrer;disrepair;mending material;life; ─── KR搅拌头;破损;修补料;寿命;
75、But, because inland river shipping is long-term undercapitalize, channel year long disrepair, channel deposit is serious, carry can drop the; ─── 但是,由于内河航运长期投资不足,航道年久失修,航道淤积严重,运能下降;
76、At one time he owned more than 30, in various states of disrepair. ─── 他拥有的电视游乐器一度超过30台,各自处于不同的破损状态。
77、Outside a well-preserved sub-cellar of the house, internal as a result of disrepair, leaking serious shooting the film property is sent to carry out remedial work. ─── 一座外部保存完好的窨子屋,内部由于年久失修,漏雨严重,此片拍摄时房产公司正在派人进行修补。
78、To bring or fall into a state of partial ruin, decay, or disrepair. ─── 使损毁(使)或部分毁坏、坍塌或朽坏
79、Among them, because the fourth Zhuang Lu that emancipatory Na Ludong removes to to 204 countries on the west is agelong disrepair, road surface is destroyed basically. ─── 其中,西起解放南路东至 204国道的丁庄路因长年失修,路面基本毁坏。
80、No matter what, she can't complain. She went up with her plane in disrepair. ─── 无论如何,她都无法抱怨了,她上的飞机还没修理过。
81、buildings in a sad state of disrepair ─── 严重失修的房屋
82、These sheds and warehouses were allowed to fall into disrepair. ─── 他们听凭这些货棚和仓库破损。
83、Despite its disrepair, the house remains attractive: solid and well made. ─── 但尽管失修,这所房子仍然颇有吸引力:它很坚固,造得也不错。
84、The raft arrived in terrible disrepair from the beating it had taken from huge waves and the storms at sea. ─── 木筏到达时损伤非常严重,主要是因为海中巨浪和暴风雨的击打。
85、A large part of the road and rail infrastructure inherited by newly independent African countries about 50 years ago has fallen into disrepair. ─── 50年前由当时新兴的非洲独立国家继承下来的公路铁路基础设施,现在很大一部分都已经年久失修。
86、The wooden gate was in disrepair, and “riffraff,” according to Mable, were using the alley for “Lord knows what. ─── ” 木门已破损,“下贱鬼”(按玛宝对他们的称谓)一直利用小巷干些“老天才知道”的事情。
87、Zhengguo Temple in the "Cultural Revolution" was severely damaged when, from the beginning has been no formal management monks, the temple construction disrepair, has been beyond recognition. ─── 正果寺曾在“文革”时候遭到严重破坏,自始一直没有僧人正规管理,寺内建筑年久失修,已面目全非。
88、30 years ago, the ancient city of Phoenix, because of significant disrepair and dilapidated. ─── 30年前的凤凰古城,由于年久失修而显破败。
89、At last, after years of ageing, line surge arresters located on input section can not perform correctly and insulator series are in disrepair. ─── 在此模型基础上进行了大量耐雷水平和绕击输电线路耐雷水平等的计算。
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