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08-30 投稿



gladdening 发音

英:[ˈɡlædnɪŋ]  美:[ˈɡlædnɪŋ]

英:  美:

gladdening 中文意思翻译




gladdening 短语词组

1、gladdening crossword ─── 令人高兴的纵横填字游戏

2、gladdening light 2020 ─── 欢乐之光2020

3、gladdening light ─── 闪耀的光芒

4、gladdening the mind ─── 愉悦心灵

5、gladdening hearts ─── 欢欣的心

6、gladdening definition ─── 令人愉快的定义

gladdening 词性/词形变化,gladdening变形

动词第三人称单数: gladdens |动词现在分词: gladdening |动词过去分词: gladdened |动词过去式: gladdened |

gladdening 同义词

rejoice | inspire | brighten | joy | please | hearten | elate | animate | comfort |delight | cheer up | exhilarate | cheer | content

gladdening 反义词


gladdening 相似词语短语

1、laddering ─── n.梯法;烂针;梯式递进;纵向脱散;v.抽丝;成名(ladder的ing形式)

2、blackening ─── n.[天]变黑;黑度;致黑;黑色涂料;v.[天]变黑;使变黑;诋毁(blacken的ing形式)

3、gardening ─── n.园艺;园林工人的工作

4、saddening ─── v.(使)悲伤,难过(sadden的现在分词);n.(染色)加深,黯淡处理

5、maddening ─── adj.令人发狂的;使人恼火的;v.发狂(madden的现在分词)

6、advening ─── 到达

7、gladding ─── 高兴

8、bemaddening ─── 船员

9、deadening ─── n.隔音材料,消音材料;v.减弱(噪声,声音);缓和;迟钝;使(某人)麻木(deaden的现在分词)

gladdening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This will gladden the people in both town and country. ─── 这样,城乡人民都会感到高兴。

2、“Life is short and we never have enough time for gladdening the hearts of those who travel the way with us. ─── 生命是短暂的,而且我们从来没有充足的时间来让与我们同行的心灵快乐。

3、15 and wine to gladden our hearts, Oil to make our faces gleam, food to build our strength. ─── 美酒,人饮了舒畅心神,膏油,人用来涂面润身,面饼,人吃了增强心神。

4、At present, we should let it undertake until "era theme, youthful passion, gladden the heart and refresh the mind, the aesthetic mission sung that talent's inspiration, reality is criticized". ─── 当前,应该让它肩负起为“时代主题、青春激情、沁人心脾、天才灵感、现实批判”而唱的审美使命。

5、He is naturally happy at the thought that the work he has done will benefit and gladden his organization and other people. ─── 每当想到自己将在这一天的工作中为单位,为其他人带来效益,带来快乐,自己当然也应该跟着高兴。

6、Beautiful Writings and Pictures Gladden the Heart and Please the Eye ─── 美文美图赏心悦目

7、They freshen up our homes and gladden our hearts. ─── 鲜花让我们的房间充满生机,让我们心情舒畅。

8、You began a jujube, smell, such as honey sweet gas gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. ─── 你拈起一枚红枣,嗅一嗅,如蜂蜜的甜气沁人心脾。

9、In his dream he found himself looking through his home, but there were no little stockings in the chimney corner, no Christmas bells or wreaths of holly, and no Christ to comfort, gladden and save. ─── 他在梦中环顾自己的家室,壁炉角落里没有长袜,没有圣诞铃或冬青花圈,没有基督的安慰,喜悦和救赎。

10、There is a river whose streams gladden the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High. ─── 4有一道河,这河的支流,使神的城快乐;这城就是至高者支搭帐幕的圣处。

11、The aromatic gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, although not as people immediately feel happy, but has kissed you my world. ─── 沁人心脾的芳香,虽不至于让人顿时感觉快乐,但已轻拂了你我内心的凡尘。

12、gladden the eye and heart ─── 赏心悦目

13、sadden one's friends and gladden one's enemies ─── 使亲者痛, 仇者快

14、Rejoice - to make joyful; gladden: a song to rejoice theheart.Tofeel joyful; be delighted ─── 高兴感到高兴;充满喜悦

15、a good and clean conscience will gladden the heart of man far more than the philosophy of the learned;and contempt for riches will be of more weight than every treasure on earth. ─── 在那时候,博学穷理,不如良心无罪更叫人喜欢:富有天下者,不如轻弃财帛者更叫人尊重。

16、9. In articles nowadays people often quote the saying, "Do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies." ─── 现在许多人的文章上常常有一句话,说是“无使亲痛仇快”。收藏指正

17、There is no lovelier colour on earth than that in which they are now clad;it seems to refresh as well as gladden my eyes, and its influence sinks deep into my heart. ─── 世上再也没有哪种颜色比现在落叶松的颜色更可爱了,它们简直让我眼前一亮,备感愉悦,沁入心底。

18、Bright eyes gladden the heart; Good news puts fat on the bones. ─── 眼有光使心喜乐.好信息使骨滋润。

19、These souls experience a welcome, gladdening rest and relief from the burdens, struggles and pains of their earthly lives. ─── 这些灵魂脱离了世上的争战与痛苦,体验了欢迎与享受安息。

20、love is like a rose, withered can also enjoy the aromatic gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind; ─── 爱情如一朵鲜艳的玫瑰,凋谢时亦能品尝到沁人心脾的芳香;

21、The southern spring, the easy, rapid journey in his Vienna carriage and the solitude of the road, had a gladdening influence on Pierre. ─── 南方的春天,乘坐维也纳式四轮马车平静的飞奔、旅途的独处,在在都使皮埃尔感到心旷神怡。

22、It must gladden your old mother's heart to see you. ─── 你家老太太看见你准心里喜欢。

23、The southern spring, the easy, rapid journey in his Vienna carriage and the solitude of the road, had a gladdening influence on Pierre. ─── 南方的春天,乘坐维也纳式四轮马车平静的飞奔、旅途的独处,在在都使皮埃尔感到心旷神怡。

24、On behalf of the staff of Gladden Hotel Shilong I am delighted to give best wishes to all the old and new customers and friends from all parts of our society. ─── 在此,我谨代表石龙金凯悦大酒店全体同仁向长期以来给予我们支持的新老客户及社会各界人士致以深深的祝福与谢意!

25、The harvest of my life ripens in the sun and the shower till I reap more than you sowed, gladdening your heart, O Master of the golden granary. ─── 我生命的果实在阳光雨露中成熟,直到我的收获超过了你的播种,你才心花怒放,哦,金色谷仓的主啊。

26、What though thy way be dark, canst thou not gladden thine heart with the triumphs of his cross and the spread of his truth? ─── 虽然你前途暗澹无光,仍能因祂十字架的得胜和祂真理的广传而欢呼。

27、gladden one's heart ─── 振奋人心; 使振奋

28、To relieve of cares or worries;gladden. ─── 使轻松;使愉快

29、To relieve of cares or worries; gladden. ─── 使轻松;使愉快

30、At the time the Blessed One was instructing, inciting, and gladdening the bhikkhus with a talk, on extinction. ─── 尔时,世尊[对诸比丘]说涅槃法、教示、奖励、令欢喜。

31、Refresh and gladden my spirit.Purify my heart.Illumine my powers. ─── 请振奋和愉悦我的灵魂,净化我的心田,激发我的力量。

32、In articles nowadays people often quote the saying, "Do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies." ─── 现在许多人的文章上常常有一句话,说是“无使亲痛仇快”。

33、Through the power of Thy transcendent might lift me up unto the heaven of Thy holiness, O Source of my being, and by the breezes of Thine eternity gladden me, O Thou Who art my God! ─── 我生命的源泉啊!用祢的超凡威力提升我到祢神圣的天国。为我上帝的祢啊!用祢的永生和风使我欣喜。

34、Do not sadden your friends and gladden enemies. ─── 勿使亲者痛仇者快。

35、His replies did not gladden our hearts in that instant. ─── 那时候,他的回答让我们很沮丧。

36、Warming my heart and gladdening my sight. ─── 温暖我心,振奋我魂。

37、Look towards the present age China , excellent situation a sheet of , make peopel gladden and inspire. ─── 热闹非凡的篝火晚会,可以增进同学们之间的了解,让同学们感受到班级大家庭的那份温馨。

38、11 If you are wise, my son, you will gladden my heart, and I will be able to rebut him who taunts me. ─── 我儿,作个智慧人,使我心高兴,好叫我回答笑骂我的人。

39、Shades affordable woman, no flower is gorgeous, also won't have wine warm, is like a sporadic fragrance of pale tea. Gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, the long-lasting... ─── 浓淡相宜的女人,不会有鲜花艳丽,也不会有美酒的热烈,确似一杯散发着幽香的淡淡清茶。

40、Their action will only grieve those near and dear to the people and gladden their enemies. ─── 他们的行动只会使亲者痛,仇者快。

41、The turn of the Chinese People's War of Liberation from the defensive to the offensive cannot but gladden and inspire these oppressed nations ─── 中国人民的解放战争由防御转到进攻,不能不引起这些被压迫民族的欢欣鼓舞。

42、Utilization and Development Strategy of Gladdening Tree Species Resources in Ankang City's Greening ─── 安康城市绿化利用树种资源现状及发展对策

43、sadden those near and dear to us and gladden the enemy ─── 亲者痛,仇者快

44、Do remember that you must not do things that will sadden your friends and gladden enemies. ─── 切记你不能做出令亲者痛仇者快的事.

45、It already amounted to selling his soul when he was unable to gladden it. ─── 无法取悦自己灵魂之时便等于是出卖它。

46、of shelf display in the seat, let the ink with the coffee, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. ─── 的书架陈设于座位之间,让墨香伴随着咖啡一起沁人心脾。

47、"Truly, friend; and methinks it must gladden your heart, after your troubles and sojourn in the wilderness,"said the townsman, "to find yourself, at length," ─── "真的,朋友,我想,你在人迹罕到的地方历经劫难之后,"那个镇上人说,"终于来到我们这块敬仰上帝的新英格兰,心里一定挺高兴的;

48、Today, express your gratitude. Gladden the heart of a person. Praise the wonder of the earth. ─── 在今天,对周围的人表达感激,让一个人快乐,一同赞美这世界的奇妙。

49、“In the Second Age their king, Oropher [the father of Thranduil, father of Legolas], had withdraw northward beyond the Gladden Fields. ─── (在第二纪,他们的国王欧瑞费尔[瑟兰迪尔的父亲,莱戈拉斯的祖父] 撤退到喜悦之地以北。

50、Gladden the heart of a child. ─── 表达你的感激之情。

51、Do you find any pleasure in gladden? ─── 您喜欢园艺吗?

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