recklessly 发音
英:[ 'rɛklɪsli] 美:[ˈrekləsli]
英: 美:
recklessly 中文意思翻译
recklessly 反义词
recklessly 同义词
adventurous | heady | uncontrolled | desperate | aimless | headlong | unmindful | wild | out of control |thoughtless | inconsiderate | irresponsible | wanton | despairing | careless | inattentive | foolhardy | impetuous | daring | hasty | heedless | rash | flighty
recklessly 词性/词形变化,recklessly变形
副词: reck-lessly |名词: recklessness |
recklessly 短语词组
1、act recklessly ─── [法] 轻率行事
2、recklessly song ─── 鲁莽的歌
3、recklessly caused loss ─── [法] 出于轻率造成的损失
4、recklessly ohio ─── 鲁莽的俄亥俄州
5、recklessly modest ─── 妄自菲薄
6、recklessly follow the sunset ─── 不顾一切地追随日落
7、recklessly modest california ─── 鲁莽谦逊的加利福尼亚
8、recklessly orc ─── 鲁莽的兽人
9、recklessly bug ─── 鲁莽的虫子
recklessly 相似词语短语
1、tracklessly ─── 无轨迹
2、reckless ─── adj.鲁莽的,不顾后果的;粗心大意的;n.(Reckless)人名;(英)雷克利斯
3、fecklessly ─── 软弱地;无用地
4、specklessly ─── 无斑点的
5、restlessly ─── adv.不安地;慌张地
6、dreadlessly ─── 无畏地
7、dreamlessly ─── 无梦的
8、lucklessly ─── 幸运的
9、flecklessly ─── 无斑点
recklessly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He turned recklessly toward the centre of the town. ─── 他不加思索地往城中心走去。
2、He scratched as if to tear his hair, and addressed me recklessly. ─── 他在头上乱抓,好象要把头发也扯下来了,不顾一切地冲着我说。
3、The major creditors of the fund included Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers, all of which went on to lend and invest recklessly and, to one degree or another, pay the consequences. ─── 包括了贝尔斯登,美林以及雷曼兄弟这样的主要放贷机构,都从事不计后果的借贷和投资,他们都或多或少的受到了惩罚。
4、Even as the US appeared to be digging its own grave by recklessly invading Iraq and grossly mismanaging its own economy, few countries tried to exploit the opportunity to further weaken America. ─── 即使是在美国自掘坟墓,玩命地入侵伊拉克并把国内经济搞得一团糟的时候,也几乎没有国家会想着如何在以后让美国一蹶不振。
5、We drink too abundance, spend too recklessly, laugh too less, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too less, watch TV too abundance, and pray too seldom. ─── 咱们喝得太多,花钱大手大脚,笑得太少,开车太快,易怒,熬夜,赖床,书读得愈来愈少,电视看得愈来愈多,却很少向上帝祈祷。
6、The wayward driver, still with no flowers, was on his way back to Sweden when police pulled him over for driving recklessly on the motorway. ─── 这位还没买到花的任性的司机,在开回瑞典的路上因胡乱在高速公路上驾驶被警察截停。
7、Many people believed that the accident had happened because the driver had been driving recklessly. ─── 大部分人相信那宗意外起因是由于司机不小心驾驶。
8、Megatron: Why throw away your life so recklessly? ─── 你为什么那么不顾一切的要抛弃你的生命?
9、his making decisions so recklessly is his Achilles'heel. ─── 他不顾及后果的卤莽决定是他的致命死穴.
10、The land silently accepts everything done by all living beings, no matter how it is trampled on or ruined recklessly. ─── 众生们再怎么践踏土地,蹧踏这块土地,土地还是默默的承受。
11、The complaint said he "knew or recklessly disregarded that AIG's accounting was not in conformity" . ─── 证交会指控他称,他“知道或不计后果地漠视AIG的会计账目不符合规定”。
12、Recklessly wasteful;wildly extravagant. ─── 恣意挥霍的毫不在意地浪费的;极其奢侈的
13、Fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold. ─── 勇敢的,无畏的,敢于冒险的无所畏惧的,常指不顾结果的大胆;鲁莽的
14、We drink too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. ─── 我们喝得太多,花钱大手大脚,笑得太少,开车太快,易怒,熬夜,赖床,书读得越来越少,电视看得越来越多,却很少向上帝祈祷。
15、act recklessly ─── [法] 轻率行事
16、We drink too much,spend too recklessly ,laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly,stay up too late ,get up too tired, read too little,watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. ─── 我们喝的太多,花钱大手大脚,笑得太少,开车太快,易怒,熬夜,赖床,书读得越来越少,电视看得越来越多,却很少向上帝祈祷。
17、Actually fundamentally the nature recklessly tramples the ecological environment to the humanity one kind of penalty. ─── 其实从根本上还是大自然对人类肆意践踏生态环境的一种惩罚。
18、Sliced tools is scattered in the space by considering building structures which is not removable recklessly to increase the effect. ─── 切片工具散落在空间的考虑建筑结构不可拆卸鲁莽,以增加效果。
19、The bus swerved about recklessly in the bus lane. ─── 巴士在车道里横冲直撞。
20、He admitted driving recklessly. ─── 他承认鲁莽驾驶。
21、Her fancy plunged recklessly into privileges and amusements. ─── 她幻想着种种权利和娱乐。
22、We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. ─── 我们喝酒多,吸烟多,花钱多,开怀大笑少,开车一路狂飙,常发无名怒火,熬夜直到很晚,起身满是疲倦,很少读书看报,看起电视没完,缺少祈祷。
23、a recklessly extravagant consumer. ─── 不顾一切过度消费的人。
24、But a failure in Latvia could also have hurt Sweden (where the banks have lent recklessly to the Baltic states) and might have capsized wobbly ex-communist economies farther afield, such as Hungary. ─── 但是,拉脱维亚的危机并没有波及到曾大笔一挥予其贷款的瑞典,却可能会导致远方那些风雨飘摇的前共产主义政权国家经济遭受重创,比如匈牙利。
25、determined to have one's own way; stubbornly and often recklessly willful ─── 决定自行其事的;顽固且通常不考虑后果地任性的
26、Descend to a reckless abuse of power( descend to abusing one's power recklessly) ─── 堕落到滥用权力的地步
27、He drove so recklessly that he collided with a tree and landed up in hospital. ─── 他开车太莽撞了,以致撞在一棵树上,终于进了医院。
28、recklessly caused loss ─── [法] 出于轻率造成的损失
29、He admitted driving recklessly. ─── 他承认鲁莽驾驶。
30、Now a second line of attack has been launched, in which for-profitmicrofinance firms are accused of lending recklessly to people too poor torepay the loans. ─── 如今又有人向小额信贷发起了第二轮抨击,指责盈利的小额信贷企业向根本无力还款的穷人滥发贷款。
31、I've never seen a car being driven so recklessly. ─── 我从没见过有人开车这么卤莽。
32、You were making improper lane changes and driving recklessly. ─── 你不当换道,而且任意驾驶。
33、Abstaining from killing refers to the fine carpet, the camel's skin, and wealth.To let the carpet get damp when it is raining means to undermine recklessly good merits. ─── 其不杀者喻于白氎,其驼皮者即喻财货,天雨湿烂喻于放逸、败坏善行。
34、When he was driving, he suddenly realised that he was driving recklessly, without considering the safety of his children. ─── 当他开车是,他突然意识到自己开得很粗心,并未考虑到孩子的安全。
35、We drink too much, speed too recklessly, lough too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pay too seldom. ─── 我们喝得太多,花钱大手大脚,笑得太少,开车太快,易怒,熬夜,懒床,书读得越来越少,电视看得越来越多,却很少向上帝祈祷。
36、local governments should refrain from recklessly pursuing GDP growth by investing in sectors that guzzle energy and spew out pollution. ─── 当地政府应避免盲目追求GDP增长而投资于一些狂烧能源,制造污染的生产部门。
37、Three men, including Melbourne man Michael John Neal, are before Australian courts on charges of recklessly or deliberately infecting others with HIV. ─── 包括墨尔本男子迈克尔·约翰·尼尔在内的三人,因被控鲁莽或故意向他人散布艾滋病病毒而接受了澳大利亚法庭的审讯。
38、Recklessly wasteful; wildly extravagant. ─── 恣意挥霍的毫不在意地浪费的; 极其奢侈的
39、In addition, we need to pay attention to: Do not recklessly issued leaflets and small hands of the Japanese spies, you may dangerous. ─── 另外要注意:不要乱发传单,发到小日本特务手里,你可就危险了。
40、Rochester continued, hardly and recklessly: Bigamy is an ugly word! ─── 命运用策略胜过了我,或者说,天命阻止了我----也许是后面一个。
41、Nobody wants you to speculate recklessly. ─── 不顾死活去冒险,谁也不愿意;
42、They may spend large sums of money, drive recklessly or pursue questionable business ventures or sexual liaisons. ─── 他们可能花费无度、开车莽撞、投资靠不住的事业,或是追求不道德的亲密关系。
43、The recollection grief I can forget no longer lets continue recklessly sadly. ─── 囘忆旳伤痛峩会忘记丆再让悲伤肆意延续.
44、For the sake of your health, don't lose weight recklessly. ─── 为了自己的健康,不要盲目减肥。
45、be carried away by one's whims and act recklessly ─── 心血来潮忘乎所以
46、We shouldn't regard our own abilities recklessly. ─── 我们不要盲目地看待自己的能力。
47、" If you don't know the truth of the matter and you speak recklessly, not only are you being unfair to those involved, you are also degrading yourself. ─── 不知真相究竟,就说东说西,岂止是对当事者不公正而已,对自己的人格更是一大伤害!
48、Meanwhile, large sums of bank notes issued recklessly by CRBC caused serious inflation. ─── 伪中储行的金融统制是对华中沦陷区的一次金融浩劫,造成了恶劣的影响。
49、Tendou Pein: You must be the Nine Tailed Fox’s woman.To charge directly in front of God so recklessly. ─── 天道佩恩:你一定就是那个九尾小子的女人了。
50、An employee who knowingly or recklessly makes statements or disclosures that are not in good faith may be subject to discipline, which may include termination. ─── 如果员工故意进行虚假举报,将会受到纪律处分,甚至包括终止雇用。
51、'Nicotine is a highly addictive drug, and to make it look like a piece of candy is recklessly playing with the health of children. ' ─── 尼古丁是一种十分容易使人上瘾的药物,把它做得像糖是完全不把孩子们的健康当回事儿。
52、It is unlikely that China will act recklessly, but even the mere suggestion of change has put the markets on edge. ─── 中国不可能贸然行事,但仅仅对这一变化的暗示已使市场陷入恐慌。
53、A person who knowingly or recklessly makes any false or incorrect statement or gives information which is materially false or misleading commits an offence under the law. ─── 任何人士如明知或罔顾后果地作出任何虚假或不正确的陈述,或提供属虚假达关键程度或具误导性达关键程度的资料,即属违法。
54、Training animals is a science. Your acting recklessly will lead you nowhere. ─── 如何驯兽也是要讲科学的,你这样蛮干可不行。
55、Even now you can see he doesn't know when to dress for warm or cool weather, and he recklessly eats sweet and salty things, just like a child.Dear, you'll have to watch out for him. ─── 到现在我看他穿衣服不知冷暖,东西甜的咸的乱吃,完全像个孩子,少奶奶,你要留心他。
56、He recklessly squandered his wealth by the most riotous living. ─── 他生活极之放荡,大肆挥霍钱财。
57、We drink too much,smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive toofast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read toolittle, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. ─── 我们喝酒太多、抽烟太多,不顾后果的花费,少有笑容,开车太快,过度生气,晚睡晚起,累得懒起,阅读太少,看电视太多,和少有祈祷。
58、ad to live the rest of their lives under the stigma that he had recklessly precipitated an action which wrecked the Summit Conference and conceivably could have launched a nuclear war. ─── 他们可能已不得不蒙着一种臭名而终其余生,这个臭名就是:他曾贸贸然采取了一项行动,这项行动破坏了最高级会谈,并且可以设想,还可能已触发一场核战争。
59、The rest were only minor, but I had to be careful in case someone tackled me recklessly. ─── 其他的伤都是小伤,但如果对方猛铲时,我得小心些。
60、He lingered on the streets , and recklessly got bumped down by an ambulance. In a daze, he seemed to see her. ─── 男孩在街上游荡,不小心被一辆救护车撞倒了,模糊中,他仿佛女看到了女孩。
61、To behave hysterically or very recklessly. ─── 十分粗心或忽视地行动
62、At such times he seemed to bear money a grudge and spent it recklessly. ─── 在这种时候,他仿佛跟钱有仇似的,拚命的乱花。
63、Why did the nation attack the United States and recklessly continue to fight when prospects for victory were fading fast? ─── 为什么这个国家攻击了美国并在胜利的希望黯淡渺茫的时候还疯狂的想继续战斗下去?
64、As a matter of fact, during this second month she had been buying for herself as recklessly as she dared, regardless of the consequences. ─── 实际上,在这第二个月里,她一直尽可能大胆地、不顾一切地为自己买东西,毫不考虑后果。
65、We spend too recklessly, laugh too less, drive too fast, get to angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too less, watch TV too frequently, and pray too seldom. ─── 咱们花钱太疯,笑容太少,开车太快,发怒太急,熬夜太晚,起身太累,文书读得太少,电视看得太勤,祷告做得太少。
66、Despite being well trained these hot blooded nobles can act recklessly in battle, eager to out do other units and each other. ─── 尽管部队训练有素,但热血如沸的贵族们经常狂呼酣战,舍命搏杀,以期战功卓越而傲视同侪。
67、But he was not too forgetful to see Wang Lung dipping the water recklessly from the cauldron into a deep wooden tub. ─── 不过,他还没有忘情到看不见王龙满不在乎地把水从铁锅里一个劲儿地往一个挺深的木桶里倒。
68、He is accused of driving recklessly. ─── 他被指控乱开车。
69、"The president took us into this war recklessly," he said, adding that Bush disregarded warnings from several current and former officials about the cost of the war in Iraq. ─── “总统卤莽地让我们卷进了战争,”他说,此外布什不理会来自一些现任和前任官员关于伊拉克战争成本的警告。
70、A quilbeast starts combat by launching a sharp quill at its enemies before charging recklessly into melee. ─── 一只豪猪在它的敌人之前通过发射锋利的刚刺开始战斗,然后肆无忌惮地进入近战.
71、Propagator of wanton recklessly caused by personal injury should be held civilly liable. ─── 传播者肆意妄为所造成的人身伤害应该追究民事法律责任。”
72、To act recklessly without superstitious fear ─── 恣行无忌
73、He was arrested for driving recklessly. ─── 他因鲁莽开车被捕。
74、He was leaning recklessly out of the open window. ─── 他鲁莽地从开着的窗户探出身子。
75、Japanese top make-up artist and hairstylist Naoki Mizushima (Masahiro Motoki) suddenly knocked over by a bashed-up taxi, recklessly driven by a female-driver Linshi (Vicki Zhao). ─── 在“迷失”夜上海时,一辆计程车以外的打断了他的思绪,这是一辆被撞倒伤痕累累的车,开车的是一位女司机林夕(赵薇饰)。
76、As a teenager, he rebelled by smoking, drinking, fighting and riding his kmotorcyle recklessly. ─── 当他还是10多岁的时候,他的反叛行为就以抽烟,喝酒,打架和鲁莽驾驶为乐。
77、But they also concluded that the photographers and their drivers were recklessly "racing" the Mercedes and drove so close to it that Mr Paul had no freedom to move. ─── 但他们也得出结论摄影师和他们的司机在鲁莽的竞赛,莫西迪斯和司机又挨的很近导致保罗先生没法自由移动。
78、However, if Taiwan leaders should move recklessly to provoke major incidents of "Taiwan Secession", the Chinese people will crush their schemes firmly and thoroughly. ─── 但是,如果台湾当权者铤而走险,胆敢制造“台独”重大事变,中国人民将不惜一切代价,坚决彻底地粉碎“台独”分裂图谋。
79、9.In Massachusetts , you cannot recklessly consummate your love with a rodeo clown while the horses are still around. ─── 9.在 马萨诸塞州 ,你不能鲁莽地在马匹在场时就和驯马师做爱。
80、Determined to have one's own way; stubbornly and often recklessly willful. ─── 刚愎自用的,固执已见的决定自行其事的;顽固且通常不考虑后果地任性的
81、If the marriage is the grave of love, longing for love means acting recklessly. ─── 如果婚姻是爱情的坟墓,那么渴望爱情就是不知死活了。
82、In fact, Bush's note was demanding though not recklessly impolite. ─── 事实上,布什的语调强硬,但不粗鲁。
83、The court would be recklessly modest if it followed California's advice. ─── 如果法院采纳了加州的建议,那么它就太过谦逊了。
84、Isabel travelled rapidly and recklessly; she was like a thirsty person draining cup after cup ─── 伊莎贝尔的旅行象旋风似的,急急忙忙,一刻也不停顿,仿佛渴了几天的人,一杯接一杯地喝水。
85、In great quantity; lavishly or recklessly ─── 大量的; 无节制的; 不顾後果的
86、If it goes his way, that beginner will be convinced he has discovered a great new way of making money, continue to trade recklessly, and bust out on the next trade. ─── 如果黄金走势对他有利,他就开始相信自己已经发现了一条赚钱的金光大道,继续进行毫不顾及后果的交易,在下次交易中以破产告终。
87、3. go off the deep end, which means to behave hysterically or very recklessly. ─── 态度变得歇斯底里,或是很鲁莽。
88、A fool acts recklessly while a wit has a foresight. ─── 愚者鲁莽从事,智者深谋远虑。
89、They all cried to her that she must join their knitting and sewing circles and their hospital committees, and no one else's, and she promised recklessly to right and left. ─── 她们全都向思嘉大声叫喊,要她一定参加她们的缝纫会或她们的看护会,而不要参加别的什么组织,她当然左顾右盼应接不暇地随口答应着。
网球王子go on歌词中文?
歌曲名:go on
go on - 白石蔵ノ介(细谷佳正)
作词:K.K / 谷藤律子 作曲:K.K 编曲:K.K
収録:テニスの王子様キャラクターCD 白石蔵ノ介(细谷佳正)「Medicine or...?」
so attack, attack, attack, so attack
so l'm back, back, back so l'm back
冲口而出叹息 被夕阳染成一片红
要到哪里 才能找到确切的胜利
即使明知那是不存在 仍然无法放弃追求
相信现在不断前进 一定
再一次握住拳头 紧紧地
未来 就从那里出发
so attack, attack, attack, so attack
so l'm back, back, back so l'm back
keep it up, up, up, keep it up
keep it tough, tough, tough, keep it tough
日落西山 静寂的黑夜来访
冷冽寒风 把我吹醒
即使残留着痛楚 决不是无意义的一天
身体上伤痕 是曾经奋斗过的证据
直到无法忍耐的程度 同样的痛楚
不断重复 转眼间又到天明
但始终未能放弃 一定
重新缚好鞋带 紧紧地
相信现在不断前进 一定
再一次握住拳头 紧紧地
未来 就从那里出发
so attack, attack, attack, so attack
so l'm back, back, back so l'm back
keep it up, up, up, keep it up
keep it tough, tough, tough, keep it tough
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