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08-29 投稿


castigated 发音

英:[ˈkæstɪɡeɪtɪd]  美:[ˈkæstɪɡeɪtɪd]

英:  美:

castigated 中文意思翻译



castigated 短语词组

1、castigated means ─── 惩罚手段

2、castigated synonym ─── 严厉的同义词

3、castigated defined ─── 严厉惩罚

4、castigated crossword ─── 严厉的纵横字谜

5、castigated thesaurus ─── 严苛的词库

6、castigated syn ─── 严厉的syn

7、castigated definition ─── 严厉的定义

castigated 词性/词形变化,castigated变形


castigated 相似词语短语

1、castrated ─── 阉割的

2、instigated ─── vt.唆使;煽动;教唆;怂恿

3、fustigated ─── vt.用棍棒打;抨击

4、castigates ─── vt.严惩;苛评;矫正;修订

5、fastigiated ─── 锥形的

6、fatigated ─── 疲劳的

7、masticated ─── v.咀嚼;粉碎;撕捏(masticate的过去式和过去分词)

8、castigate ─── vt.严惩;苛评;矫正;修订

9、castigator ─── n.谴责者;惩罚者

castigated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The US is often castigated for cultural imperialism, but Britain is the worse offender. ─── 美国常常因为其文化帝国主义受到谴责,但更应该受指责的是英国。

2、Both privately and publicly he castigated the US-Japanese Security Treaty. ─── 他在私下和公开场合都曾攻击日美安全条约。

3、His teacher castigated him for his inattentiveness in class. ─── 他的老师因他在课堂上不专心听讲而严厉批评了他。

4、The judge castigated the attorney for Badgering the witness ─── 法官因为辩护律师纠缠目击证人而谴责了他

5、And she had earlier castigated Israel for demolishing Palestinian houses in the city's eastern part. ─── 在早些时候她还严厉的批评了以色列拆除在该城市东部地区巴勒斯坦民居的行为。

6、Palestinians and human-rights groups have repeatedly castigated the Israeli army for failing to stop such destruction. ─── 由于没能阻止此类的破坏,巴勒斯坦人和人权组织反复斥责以色列军队。

7、Or so we thought.Was French football not also castigated amid Paul Le Guen's disastrous time at Rangers? ─── 难道勒冈在流浪者一败涂地时,法国足球没有因此受到口诛笔伐吗?

8、The opera "White Haired Girl"moved millions of Chinese to tears with this true story that castigated the old society which turned humans into ghosts and celebrated the liberated society which turned the ghosts back into humans. ─── 歌剧《白毛女》以"旧社会把人逼成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人"的真实故事,感动了中国千千万万的老百姓。

9、” In the coerced condition, the harmdoer apologized only after a confederate observer castigated the harmdoer, “That was terrible. ─── 在强迫条件下,损害者在秘密观察者的严厉批评“真是可怕,我不相信你居然接电话。

10、Switzerland's Credit Suisse was denounced by Hyundai Securities, which publicly castigated the firm after it halved its target price for the South Korean broker. ─── 在瑞士信贷将韩国股票经纪人的目标股价减半后,它受到了现代证券的公开指责。

11、She castigated the tax on gifts and bequests as a threat to small business. ─── 她把对礼物和遗赠物征税斥之为对小商号的一种威胁。

12、The electric inspector was castigated for having failed to check the wire as he was supposed to . ─── 电工因没有把他份内的电线检查好而被谴责。

13、At present,the high cost of medical bill and difficulty to get medical service are castigated by every aspect in China. ─── 在中国,老百姓"看病难,看病贵"问题已饱受各方诟病多时,政府不断出台的政策却收效甚微。

14、he has castigated ruling politicians and police chiefs for abandoning the poor. ─── 修正了官员和警察首脑忽视了穷人利益的行为。

15、He castigated himself for being so stupid. ─── 他责怪自己太笨。

16、castigate 惩罚,严惩 he was castigated for not setting a good example. ─── 他因未能树立好榜样而遭到训斥。

17、He castigated the secretaries for their sloppy job of filing . ─── 由于秘书们档案工作搞得马虎草率,他严厉地斥责了他们。

18、The judge castigated the attorney for badgering the witness. ─── 法官因为辩护律师纠缠目击证人而谴责了他。

19、Bank bosses have been castigated for fee-seeking gluttony, reckless lending and failure to heed the risks to their institutions. ─── 银行老板因唯利是图、不顾后果地放贷和不留意自身机构的风险而被狠批。

20、He castigated himself for being so stupid. ─── 他责怪自己太笨。

21、7. This happened to poor Catherine of Braganza at her wedding to Charles II of Britain in 1662, when her pink farthingale was castigated as dowdy. ─── 1662年,凯瑟琳公主下嫁英国的查理斯二世,她穿了一条用鲸骨圆环扩大的粉红色裙子行礼,结果被视为过于寒酸。收藏指正

22、One year passed, the neatening has very obvious effects, it inforced the Party's management on vox populi, closered the relations between the Party and People, lightened the burden of people, castigated corruption. ─── 一年过去了,这次整顿的效果是非常显著的,加强了党对舆论阵地的管理,增进了党群关系,减轻了人民负担,有效地治理了腐败。

23、Tom Lantos, then a congressman from California, castigated Yahoo's management, saying 'while technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pygmies. ─── 来自加州的国会议员兰特斯(TomLantos)当时严厉地批评了雅虎的管理层,称其虽然在技术和经济上是巨人,但却是精神上的侏儒。

24、After two years of being castigated by politicians for their irresponsible mortgage-ratings work, credit raters have turned the tables. ─── 在因为不负责任的次债评级而被政客们敲打了两年之后,现在评级机构将局面扭转过来了。

25、Today, Ahmadinejad on Israel and the United States several times to speak to the “mad castigated granted,” it seems like a breath. ─── 如今,内贾德在对以色列和美国多次口无遮拦地“狂批痛骂”之后,似乎想喘口气了。

26、Mr Falwell castigated the clergy's involvement in the black civil-rights movement on the ground that “preachers are not called to be politicians but to be soul-winners. ─── 福尔韦尔先生严惩过参与黑人民权运动的神职人员,因为“布道人是被召来担当灵魂的救赎者,而不是政治人物的。”

27、At the height of the Cultural Revolution, the poor man was castigated for putting on airs, pretending to be a "local" Chairman Mao. ─── 时值文化大革命的高潮,这个倒霉蛋就因为装腔作势,假装“土”毛主席而被打倒。

28、" Toward the end of his reign, when his soldiers massacred the Formosans, Chiang castigated the murdered islanders, but not his murdering troops. ─── 在蒋的统治末期,国民党军队屠杀了台湾人民,蒋不去惩办进行屠杀的军人,反而谴责受到屠杀的岛上居民。

29、Muslim leaders have called on the government to punish those castigated in the report.But neither the report itself nor the government statement that followed its publication hint at this. ─── 伊斯兰教的领导者呼吁政府对在报告者受到严厉斥责的人给予惩罚,但无论是报告本身还是相继发布的政府声明都对此只字未提。

30、The electric inspector was castigated for having failed to check the wire as he was supposed to. ─── 电工因没有把他份内的电线检查好而被谴责。

31、7.In the last chapter we noted that Uncle Vernon is being castigated for being a prejudiced, boorish, boring idiot, not simply for being a Muggle. ─── 最后一章里我们提到弗农姨父因他的偏执、粗俗、无聊的愚蠢受到了惩罚,并不仅仅因为是个麻瓜。

32、Mr.Bush, the son of a president and the grandson of a senator,castigated Mr.Kerry as a Washington insider who has been in Congress so long that has taken both sides on just about every issue. ─── 总统之子和参议员之孙的布什先生,指责长期任职联邦参议员的克里先生,身为华府知情人士,却在几乎所有问题上都摇摆不定,持双重态度。

33、Workaholics get a bad press. They just enjoy what they do. The people who should be castigated are the idlers and wasters forever throwing sickies and whingeing and whining. ─── 工作狂也是人人喊打。工作狂不就是喜欢做自己爱做的事嘛。予以严惩的应该是那些懒汉和混子。这伙人成天让人犯恶心,只是不停诉苦,不停抱怨。

34、This is absolutely impossible for China, in which case, the Chinese drivers tend to complain a lot, break castigated, and some are even driving rampage, looting and pedestrian Road. ─── 这在中国是绝不可能的,在这种情况下,中国司机们往往会牢骚满腹,破口痛骂,有的甚至驾车横冲直撞,与行人抢道。

35、The later generations make use of his prose about exalting the Pure Land to propagate Amita-Buddha, but his belief in Amita-Buddha was also castigated by some scholars. ─── 后人借其宏赞净土的文章宣扬弥陀信仰,然其信仰弥陀也为一些学者所诟病。

36、He castigated the secretaries for their sloppy job of filing ─── 由于秘书们档案工作搞得马虎草率,他严厉地斥责了他们。

37、If Gerald caught her climbing a fence instead of walking half a mile to a gate, or sitting too late on the front steps with a beau, he castigated her personally and with vehemence, but he did not mention the fact to Ellen or to Mammy. ─── 要是杰拉尔德看见女儿爬篱笆而不愿走道到大门口去,他便当面责备她,但事后并不向爱伦或嬷嬷提出。

38、Today, Ahmadinejad on Israel and the United States several times to speak to the "mad castigated granted, " it seems like a breath. ─── 如今,内贾德在对以色列和美国多次口无遮拦地“狂批痛骂”之后,似乎想喘口气了。

39、This contrast in the draw with Birmingham after the gala kicking billboard, castigated team-mate, fell to the ground pales beside sight has become a bitterly. ─── 这样对比,在战平伯明翰赛后加拉的脚踢广告牌、痛骂队友、倒地掩面痛哭就显得相形见拙了。

40、In retaliation, he castigated Mr Advani for his divisive past, and won. ─── 在反击过程中,辛格严厉斥责了阿德瓦尼过去的分裂主义行为,并最终获得大选胜利。

41、Instead, Southern slaveholders misconstrued abolitionist views of the 1830s as mainstream rather than marginal Northern public opinion, and castigated Northerners generally for opposing slavery. ─── 相反,南方的奴隶主误认为9世纪30年代的废奴主义观点是主流,而不是北方边缘的公众意见,于是他们普遍谴责北方人反对奴隶制。

42、They castigated me for no reason at all. ─── 他们无缘无故地大骂我。

43、How does this country end up being a Republic, the Third Republic, which has been castigated because it seemed to fumble along? ─── 这个国家是怎么成为一个共和国的,即第三共和国,因为它似乎是在摸索着前进而被谴责?

44、Al-Sadr castigated Bush for keeping troops in Iraq and compared the occupation to the regime of "the destructor," Saddam Hussein. ─── 一名跟萨德尔有联盟关系的伊拉克议员在星期六与激进的什叶派宣读了一封严厉的公开信.

45、7.This happened to poor Catherine of Braganza at her wedding to Charles II of Britain in 1662, when her pink farthingale was castigated as dowdy. ─── 1662年,凯瑟琳公主下嫁英国的查理斯二世,她穿了一条用鲸骨圆环扩大的粉红色裙子行礼,结果被视为过于寒酸。

46、Sartre castigated those who failed to resist oppression when they could have, while excusing those who enforced oppression given the chance. ─── 萨特则严厉批评本来应该却没有能抵抗压迫的知识分子,同时又原谅那些一旦有机会就压迫别人的人。

47、Beckham has been castigated for going to a second-rate league, yet that is a result of a salary cap designed to create a more even competition. ─── 因为选择了一支二流联赛的队伍大卫受到了严惩,而工资封顶制度将会给他带来更严酷的挑战。

48、He was castigated for his carelessness in doing homework. ─── 他由于做作业时马马虎虎而受到申斥。

49、2. The electric inspector was castigated for having failed to check the wire as he was supposed to. ─── 这个电子检验员受到了严惩,因为他没能检测出他应该检测出的不合格的金属。

50、Here we use “Pinyin” as an example to reflect the current situation of the modern art.Is it to be appreciated or castigated? ─── 同样,我们也用“拼音”这种新时代的产物来反映当代艺术或被人诟病或被人欣赏的现状。

51、This week, in an unusually bold move, 50 economists castigated the president for what they deemed to be his dismal economic policies. ─── 本周,在一场罕见的激进游行示威中,50位经济学家因为糟糕的经济政策严厉谴责了总统。

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