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09-09 投稿


cochlear 发音

英:  美:

cochlear 中文意思翻译



cochlear 词性/词形变化,cochlear变形

形容词: cochlear |名词复数: cochleae |

cochlear 短语词组

1、cochlear nerve function ─── [医]耳蜗神经功能

2、cochlear joint ─── [医] 蜗状关节

3、central cochlear canal ─── [医] 蜗轴螺旋管

4、cochlear nucleus ─── [医] 蜗神经核

5、cochlear branch ( ─── 耳)蜗支

6、cochlear area ─── 蜗区

7、cochlear axis ─── [医] 耳蜗轴

8、cochlear artery ─── [医]耳蜗动脉,迷路动脉蜗支,(耳)蜗动脉

9、cochlear reflex ─── [医] 耳蜗反射, 听反射

10、cochlear duct ─── 耳蜗管,蜗管,中道

11、cochlear labyrinth ─── 耳蜗迷路

12、cochlear americas ─── 美洲耳蜗

13、cochlear canal ─── [医] 耳蜗管

14、cochlear nerve ─── [电] 耳蜗神经

15、cochlear ear implant ─── 耳蜗植入物

16、cochlear implant ─── [医]耳蜗植入物-假耳, 耳蜗埋植(电极)

17、cochlear recess ─── 耳蜗隐窝,蜗隐窝

18、cochlear window ─── [医]蜗窗

19、cochlear ganglion ( ─── 耳)蜗神经节

cochlear 相似词语短语

1、cochleas ─── n.[解剖]耳蜗

2、cochleae ─── 耳蜗(cochlea的名词复数)

3、cochineal ─── n.[昆]胭脂虫;[染料]胭脂虫红

4、trochlears ─── adj.滑车的;轮状的;软骨轮的;n.滑车神经(等于trochlearnerve)

5、trochlear ─── adj.滑车的;轮状的;软骨轮的;n.滑车神经(等于trochlearnerve)

6、cochlea ─── n.[解剖]耳蜗

7、cockler ─── 科克勒

8、cochleate ─── adj.螺旋形的;状如蜗牛壳的(等于cochleated)

9、cochleated ─── 耳蜗

cochlear 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Australia's earlier "bionic ear" , or Cochlear implant, has restored hearing to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. ─── 澳大利亚早期的“仿生耳”或人工耳蜗植入,已经使世界各地数十万人恢复了听力。

2、Methods The cochlea of the syrian hamster was histologically analyzed at the 1st and 5th postnatal day. ─── 方法将出生后第一天和第五天的金仓鼠处死后,制作其耳蜗组织切片,进行观察分析。

3、Multichannel cochlear implantation is a useful method to restore the hearing of the patients with profound hearing loss. ─── 多道人工耳蜗植入能使极重度耳聋患者恢复听觉功能。

4、The damage rate that conjectural berpes zoster influences to inner ear and cochlea has difference, to inner ear, cochlear damage is heavier. ─── 推测带状疱疹对迷路和耳蜗感染的受损程度有差异,对内耳来说,耳蜗受损较重。

5、If you have concerns about this or to verify that your surgery can take place as scheduled, we encourage you to contact your cochlear implant surgeon or audiologist. ─── 如果你对此有顾虑,或者想核实你的手术日期能否如期进行,我们敦促你与你的植入外科医生或者你的听力学家联系。)

6、VRT provided an intuitionistic view of the relationship between electrode array and cochlea. ─── VRT图像显示,电极在耳蜗内呈螺旋状走行,与耳蜗走行一致。

7、MABP was stable throught the experiment. Cochlear blood flow increased 12.49%(P< 0.05 ) in 1 mmol/L group, and decreased 3.02%(P< 0.05 ). In control group cochlear microcirculation had no significant changes. ─── 对照组耳蜗微循环及平均动脉血压无显著性变化 ,1mmol/L组可见耳蜗血流量增加 12 .4 9% (P

8、They are thought to be produced by the motion of hair cells within the outer part of the cochlea. ─── 一般认为,这种声音来自位于耳蜗外面部分的听毛细胞的运动。

9、Method: The nitric oxide in the outer hair cells of guinea pig cochlea was examined by 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2DA). ─── 方法:应用新的荧光染料4,5二氨基乙酰乙酸荧光素(4.5-diaminofluorescein diacetate,DAF-2DA)测定豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞内一氧化氮的含量。

10、From fundus of IAM to base ring of cochlea, there was, a distance of 1.43 ? 0.50 (-0.11-1.92)mm. ─── IAM底到耳蜗底周的距离为1.43±0.50(-0.11-1.92)mm。

11、Methods Twenty-five prelingually deafened children and youths with cochlear implant participated in this study. ─── 方法25例行人工耳蜗植入的语前聋儿童及青少年患者参与本组测试。

12、His lab is also busy studying the ability of birds to regenerate the tiny hair cells in the cochlea. ─── 他的实验室也忙着研究鸟类耳蜗微绒毛细胞的再生能力。

13、Increasingly, children who lost their hearing before learning to speak are able to benefit from cochlear implants. ─── 慢慢地,语前聋的孩子就能够由耳蜗移植获益。

14、As the most important organs of speech and hearing production, the vocal fold and cochlea are the main objects in the study of speech and hearing system. ─── 作为语音产生的发声器官声带和做为听觉系统最重要组成部分的耳蜗,都是语音听觉系统研究的主要对象。

15、Cryostat for the preparation of cochlear fluids. ─── 参考文献的写法:Schindler K.

16、It seems more economic and practicable to recommend hearing aid or cochlear plant to those diagnosed with hearing disorder after a secondary ABR test at about 6 months old. ─── 对新生儿听力筛查异常儿在6个月时进行ABR复诊,再对其中的听力障碍儿推荐戴助听器或植入人工耳蜗等干预措施更为经济可行。

17、The results suggest that exposure to BUP can lead to visible pathlological changes of the cochlear out hair cell nuclei that may be one of main causes of hearing loss. ─── BUP暴露可导致耳蜗外毛细胞核明显的病理性改变,这种改变可能是造成听力损失的主要原因之一。

18、Description: This Neurophone incorporates an electronic circuit duplicating the encoding of the Cochlea and 8th cranial nerve themselves. ─── 描述:这个脑听器包含了一个电子电路复制他们自己的耳蜗的编码,第8脑神经。

19、Cell respiration inhibitor(amytal)was used to reduce the backgroundcolor in the cochlea in order to remove false positive to a minimum. ─── 在孵育液中加入细胞呼吸抑制剂(阿密妥),可使耳蜗背景色变淡,从而减少假阳性现象。

20、Abstract: Airr: To explore elementary character of micro-vasomotion in cochlea and the effect of endothelium-derived relax-ing factor(EDRF/NO) on micro-vasomotion. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探讨豚鼠耳蜗微血管运动的基本特征及内皮依赖性舒张因子对豚鼠耳蜗微血管自律运动的影响。

21、They thought that a low hum might straighten out those bent cochlear hairs. ─── 她们认为,一种低音或许可以使那些呈弯曲状态的纤毛恢复直立状态。

22、Signing of sales and distribution agreement with Cochlear Ltd., Australia, for FM-Communication-Systems. ─── 与澳大利亚人工耳蜗公司科利耳关于fm的销售协议。

23、Objective To provide an in vitro cell model by culturing neonatal mouse cochlear stria vascularis with spiral ligaments. ─── 摘要目的培养小鼠耳蜗螺旋韧带/血管纹来源的细胞,为体外研究提供细胞模型。

24、Conclusion the research suggested that degeneration of neural elements in cochlear should be one of the major reasons for presbycusis. ─── 结果提示蜗内神经结构的退变可能是老年性聋的主要病理基础。

25、Red blood cells in CSF can reach perilymphatic space through the cochlear canal, and widely distributed in scalae tympani. ─── 中的红细胞可以通过耳蜗管到达淋巴管间隙,并广泛分布在鼓膜中。

26、Methods The results of PTT audiometry were analysed in 48 patients with auditory neuropathy and compared with that of cochlear deafness. ─── 方法对48例听神经病患者的PTT检查结果进行分析,并与耳蜗性聋进行对照比较。

27、Twenty cadaver heads (40 sides) fixed with formalin were dissected under the microscope,and cochlear aqueduct was observed and measured. ─── 方法 :选用 2 0具甲醛固定的成人尸头 (共 4 0侧 )进行耳蜗导水管的显微解剖 ,并进行测量和观察。

28、In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen.This organ is called the cochlea. ─── 对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,斑疹已经进化成为一种很轻易看见的器官,这种器官称作耳蜗。

29、There were 3 specimens(3/40, 7.5%) whose base ring of cochlea extensed into internal acoustic meatus(IAM). ─── 40侧标本中有3侧(7.5%)耳蜗底周突入到内听道(internal acoustic meatus,IAM)内。

30、Conclusions The important guarantee methods of successful cochlear implantation are nurse's good communication with p... ─── 器械护士对手术器械特性及手术程序的充分了解和密切配合是手术安全、顺利的有利保证。

31、Devices such as hearing aids, which amplify sounds, and cochlear implants, which stimulate the auditory nerve directly, help people hear, but neither restores hearing to normal. ─── 像助听器和人工耳蜗等设备都有助听效果,但都无法让人们的听力恢复到正常水平。助听器能够增加声音的强度,而人工耳蜗则会直接刺激听觉神经。

32、Abstract : Objective To set up a reliable method for isolating and culturing cochlea microvascular endothelial cells. ─── 提 要: 目的 建立稳定可靠的耳蜗微血管内皮细胞分离培养方法。

33、Will my upcoming cochlear implant surgery be affected by this recall? ─── 我将要进行的耳蜗手术会受这次召回影响吗?

34、Cochlear by the ear and ear, composed of two parts, part of the ear through the cochlear implant surgery and head between the muscle and skull. ─── 人工耳蜗由耳内和耳外两部分组成,耳内部分需要通过手术植入到耳蜗及头部的肌肉和颅骨之间。

35、But the earliest cochlear implants could do none of this; instead they merely provided some basic sounds to assist with lip-reading. ─── 不过,最早的耳蜗植入设备可做不到这些,仅仅只能提供一些基本的声音去辅助理解唇语。

36、How to design artificial cochlea with anti-noise performance is an important subject in auditory study and clinical field. ─── 如何设计出具有抗噪性能的人工耳蜗产品,是当前听觉研究和临床领域所面临的一个重要问题。

37、Artificial cochlear implant is an effective treatment for severe or extremely severe perceptive deafness. ─── 摘要人工耳蜗植入是重度或极重度感音性聋的有效康复方法。

38、According to Susan B.Waltzman, co-director of the New York University Cochlear Implant Center, 99 percent of hearing loss is a result of damaged hair cells in the inner ear. ─── 据苏姗B.沃尔泽曼所言,纽约大学人工耳蜗植入中心的主管,99%的失聪都是由于内耳毛细胞受损所致。

39、Most hearing loss results from the incapacity of the cochlear sensory epithelium to replace lost hear cells, deafness due to hair cells loss is normally irreversible. ─── 在绝大部分感音性耳聋的患者中,内耳毛细胞的损伤或丢失是引起该疾病的主要原因。

40、Methods After shock wave exposure,different groups of guinea pigs were studied by cochlea basilar membrane stretched preparation technique and auditory brainstem response(ABR). ─── 方法对冲击波暴露后不同组采用耳蜗基底膜铺片技术和听性脑干反应测试技术进行观测。

41、Technique of mice Cochlea Corti’s organ external cultivation is a better way to study ototoxicitic drugs. ─── 小鼠耳蜗螺旋器离体培养技术是一种较好的研究耳毒性药物的方法。

42、Also known as the artificial cochlea, electronic cochlea. ─── 又称人造耳蜗、电子耳蜗。

43、We hear when the cochlea, in the inner ear, stimulates the auditory nerve. ─── 当内耳中的耳蜗刺激听神经时,我们便可以听见声音。

44、Further, transplanted cells that migrated to the damaged area of the inner ear displayed shape similar to that of cochlear fibrocytes. ─── 进一步,迁移至内耳受损区域的移植干细胞表现出与耳蜗纤维细胞相似的形状。

45、The inner ear (cochlea) analyzes the sound wave and provides the brain with detailed information on the different sounds. ─── 内耳(耳蜗)分析声波并将不同声音的详细信息提供给大脑。

46、The influence of NT-3 transfection in vitro on the growth of mice cochlear spiral ganglion cells[J].Chin J Neurosurg Dis Res,2004,3(3):249-251. ─── NT-3基因转染对小鼠耳蜗螺旋神经节细胞生长的影响[J].中华神经外科疾病研究杂志,2004,3(3):249-251.

47、Hearing aid and language training are very important to the outcome of speech perception and speech production after cochlear implantation. ─── 人工耳蜗植入术后听力康复效果好 ,但言语识别能力和发声的准确性与耳聋时间长短和佩戴助听器语训时间有关

48、Hearing-impaired children account for more than 85% of cochlear implant recipients in China.Most of them receive rehabilitation training in rehabilitation centers. ─── 小儿人工耳蜗植入数量占我国人工耳蜗植入总数的85%以上,人工耳蜗植入术后多数家庭选择将小儿送入机构进行康复。

49、Second half emphasizes molecular approaches to function and dysfunction of the cochlea, and is based on readings and discussion of research literature. ─── 后半段则著重于以分子层面来研究耳蜗的正常运作与功能异常,并以研究文献的阅读与讨论为主。

50、Our successful portfolio includes: Ayers Rock Resort Company,Cochlear (Bionic Ear),Primary Health Care,Sydney Aquarium,Link Communications,Tower Technology,etc. ─── 投资案例包括:艾尔斯山岩石求助公司、扣茨利尔、基本医疗、悉尼水族馆、连环通讯、塔技术公司等。

51、Methods Pure tone threshold, hearing loss, SNR of DPOAE were performed in 20 (40 ears) adults withnormal hearing and 100 (179 ears) patients with cochlea hearing loss. ─── 方法选正常听力人20例(40耳),蜗性聋病人100例(179耳)进行纯音听阈和DPOAE测试。

52、We advise against the use of volatile anesthetics for measurement of the stapedius reflex threshold during cochlear implant surgery. ─── 我们建议耳蜗植入手术期间拒绝使用挥发性麻醉药用于测定镫骨肌反射阈值。

53、In the present study, gradients of gentamicin along the cochlea were measured. ─── 在目前的研究之中,可以测量庆大霉素沿着耳蜗的浓度梯度分布。

54、Methods The expression of ANP and NPR-A in the rat cochlea of different age groups were examined by RT-PCR(Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction). ─── 方法分离不同年龄段大鼠耳蜗组织,采用RT-PCR方法检测ANP及其受体NPR-A的表达。

55、Humans are born with 30, 000 cochlear and vestibular hair cells per ear. ─── 人类每只耳朵有3万耳蜗毛细胞和前庭毛细胞。

56、OBJECTIVE Explore the ways of cochlear implantation (CI) surgery technique for bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss patients with otitis media and mastoiditis. ─── 摘要目的探索双侧重度感音神经性聋合并中耳乳突炎性病变人工耳蜗植入手术方法。

57、SPR positive products were located predominately in the cell membrane. The density of positive endings in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) was higher than that in the ventral cochlear nucleus. ─── 在耳蜗核,SPR阳性神经元数量较多,主要分布在耳蜗腹侧核(NCN),SPR阳性产物主要位于胞膜上,而耳蜗背侧核(DCN)阳性终末密度明显大于腹侧核.

58、This spiral shaped organ contains the macula itself and it is called organ of Corti after its discoverer.If you have ever seen a snail shell, you know how a cochlea looks. ─── 举个例子,有一种蝌蚪能感知它所游泳之处水的深度,它是通过某种自己肺部产生的声音的音调来判定的。

59、Most cases of hearing loss are caused by the death or dysfunction of one of the many cochlear cell types. ─── 大多数情况下,听力损失是因死亡或功能障碍之一,许多耳蜗细胞类型。

60、To examine the change of HSP70 with techniques of Immunohistochemistry in order to study the heat shock response on the cochlea of guinea pig with gentamicin ototoxicity. 3. ─── 2. 以免疫组化的方法检测热休克蛋白70(HSP70)的变化,探讨热休克反应在庆大霉素耳中毒中的意义。

61、Located in the fluid-filled part of the inner ear called the cochlea, these outer hair cells sport tufts of hair-like cilia that project into the fluid. ─── 位于内耳内充满液体被称作耳蜗的部分内,外毛细胞运动其投射入液体内的毛状纤毛丛。

62、Methods We reviewed the diagnosis and treatment of 3 prelinguistic deaf patients with encephalic disease, all the patients had been received a cochlear implant. ─── 方法总结在我院发现的3例伴有颅内疾病的语前聋病人,3例都已经实施了人工耳蜗植入术。

63、When sound waves enter the cochlea, which is really a coiled around.They set a membrane into a back forth motion and cause a new wave. ─── 当声波进入耳蜗这条盘旋的管道,它令薄膜前后移动并且产生新的波动。

64、Abstract :A passive long wave cochlea model is applied to extract audial feature of naval vessel radiation noise. ─── 摘 要 :为提取舰船噪声听觉特征,应用被动长波模型对舰船噪声进行了分析,得到噪声信号的二维时空分布。

65、In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen. This organ is called the cochlea. ─── 对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,MACULAE已经进化成为一种很容易看见的器官,这种器官称作“耳蜗”。

66、Methods The speech discrimination scores of Cantonese lexical tones were compared between two patients with unilateral and bilateral cochlear implants at different signal to noise (S/N) ratios. ─── 方法 用 2例双侧人工耳蜗植入者比较双侧与单侧人工耳蜗在不同信噪比下对广东话声调的辨别能力。

67、Application of EABR for cochlear implantation in deaf children. ─── 听性脑干诱发电位值在聋幼儿人工耳蜗植入中的应用。

68、The loss of these minute hairs in the cochlea, or the nerves that control them, is the most common cause of deafness, and mammals are unable to regenerate them. ─── 失去长在耳蜗中的绒毛或控制这些绒毛的神经是耳聋最常见的原因,哺乳动物都不能重新长出这种绒毛。

69、Abstract: Aim: To investigate the protective action of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(EDRF/NO) on cochlear micro-circulation. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探讨内皮依赖性舒张因子(EDRF/NO)对听功能的保护作用及作用机制。

70、Quantitative morphological analysis of cochlear hair cells showed that the total OHC loss rates in all the experimental groups of guinea pigs exposed to BUP were significantly higher than that of control group animals(P

71、Objective To investigate the characteristics and changes of comfortable levels after cochlear implants(CI) in adolescents in order to obtain the basic mapping data for adolescent patients. ─── 摘要目的通过探讨人工耳蜗植入术后青少年患者舒适阈的特点及变化,为此类患者调试人工耳蜗提供基本资料。

72、Cochlear implants turn sound into electronic pulses that are transmitted to the brain, allowing the wearer to "hear" . ─── 耳蜗植入装置将声音转化成电脉冲信号传入大脑,让使用者能够“听到”。

73、Since 53% of retrocochlear disorders also had an abnormal ECochG, diagnosis of cochlear disorders must depend on normal BSR and abnormal ECochG. ─── ECochG异常而BSR正常才能诊断为蜗内病变; 蜗后病变的诊断主要根据BSR,但也有赖于EcochG。

74、Methods Cochlea stria was separated by micrergy from guinea pigs and the stria tissue nubbles were cultured in vitro. ─── 方法 采用显微解剖法分离出耳蜗血管纹,组织块培养法进行体外培养。

75、Mothods Scanning Electronic Microscope was used to examined ultrastructural changes of the cochlear hair cell and Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) thresho lds were assessed. ─── 方法 应用扫描电镜 (SEM)观察BALB/c小鼠耳蜗Corti器毛细胞的超微结构改变 ,测定动物ABR反应阈值。

76、Methods The Preoperative and postoperative general duty nursing,postoperative rehabilitation training and health education were performed on the 55 patients with artificial cochlear implantation. ─── 方法对55例人工耳蜗植入手术患者,进行术前护理、术后一般护理、术后康复训练和教育等。

77、Methods 16 pediatric cochlear implant recipients have been recorded electrical evoked compound action potential (ECAP) of auditory nerve via the neural response telemetry (NRT) technique. ─── 方法对16例小儿耳蜗植入者,多次应用神经反应遥测技术测试耳蜗植入后的听神经电诱发复合动作电位(ECAP),将其阈值与映射调图中行为测试所得的T值作线性回归分析。

78、"Volute flow" is the generator, turbine, cochlear room match the three major components of a complete product. ─── “蜗壳轴流机”是把发电机、水轮机、蜗室三大部件配成一个完整的产品。

79、Cochlear aqueduct could be regarded as one of the landmarks in translabyrithine approach for cerebellopontile angle operation. ─── 在迷路进路手术中,耳蜗导水管可作为一避免伤及其他重要结构的标志。

80、However, there are still great differences in hearing reflection between cochlear implant people and normal people under interfering environment. ─── 但另一方面,人工耳蜗植入者在有干扰环境中的听觉表现同正常人群的差距仍很大。

81、Peter Artinian: Heather said to me, "I'm not ready to have a cochlear implant yet. I'm too afraid." I said "That's fine." So give her time. ─── 孩子父亲:希瑟(聋女孩)对我说,“我还没准备好作耳蜗。我太害怕。”我说“没关系。”那就多给她些时间。

82、Howeer, the study authors said the benefits of cochlear implants far exceed the risk of meningitis, but added that the risk could be managed by education and accination efforts. ─── 不过,研究者认为,耳蜗植入的好处远远超过患脑膜炎的风险。不过他们补充说这种风险可以用教育和疫苗接种来处理。

83、Abstract: Objective The macula lagena in birds is located at the apical end of the cochlea and contains many tiny otoliths. ─── 摘要:目的 鸟类瓶状囊器官位于耳蜗的顶端,含有耳石并有神经支配,但其功能尚不清楚。

84、Differentiation of the epithelia begins in the basal turn and extends apically as cochlear duct coils. ─── 小鼠耳蜗管上皮的分化是从底周经蜗管中部逐渐向顶周进行。

85、If you have ever seen a snail shell, you know how a cochlea looks. ─── 如果你看到过蜗牛的壳,你就知道耳蜗的形象了。

86、The difference between cochlear implant and hearing aid? ─── 人工耳蜗与助听器有何不同?

87、It was found that CNTF was capable of reducing ototoxicity of gentamicin in guinea pigs, thus protecting hair cells of cochlea and auditory nerves. ─── 实验结果表明,睫状神经营养因子能减轻庆大霉素对耳蜗及听神经的损害,具有保护听觉功能的作用。

88、The L-arginine may decrease ABR threshold and alleviate outer hair cells injury, which has preventive effect to the cochlea of guinea pigs. ─── L-精氨酸治疗能降低ABR阈值,减少外毛细胞损害,对耳蜗有保护作用。

89、Animal experiments with guinea pigs were conducted to clarify the effect of superior cervical sympathetic ganglionectomy on the cochlear blood flow (CBF). ─── 摘要为究明抑制上颈交感神经节能否改善耳蜗的血液循环,以建立突发性耳聋使用星状神经节阻断术来治疗的理论基础,我们从事动物实验。

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