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flotilla 发音

英:[flə'tɪlə]  美:[flo'tɪlə]

英:  美:

flotilla 中文意思翻译



flotilla 网络释义

n. 小型船队;小舰队

flotilla 词性/词形变化,flotilla变形


flotilla 短语词组

1、Flotilla or Squadron Commander ─── 船队或中队长

2、flotilla definition ─── 船队定义

3、flotilla definition reading ─── 船队定义解读

4、Landing Ships Flotilla ─── 登陆船队

5、flotilla means ─── 船队意味着

6、flotilla wrightsville wrightsville ─── 船队

7、flotilla wrightsville beach ─── 莱特斯维尔海滩船队

8、flotilla meaning ─── 船队含义

9、flotilla define ─── 船队

10、Republic of Korea Naval Special Warfare Flotilla ─── 大韩民国海军特种作战船队

11、Scouting Craft Flotilla ─── 童子军船队

12、Flotilla Staff Officer ─── 船队参谋

13、Mine Sweeper Flotilla ─── 扫雷船队

14、flotilla 1 1 ─── 号船队

flotilla 相似词语短语

1、zapotilla ─── 扎普蒂拉

2、florula ─── 小植物区系

3、codilla ─── n.亚麻下脚纤维;粗线

4、flotillas ─── n.小型船队;小舰队

5、Clotilda ─── 克洛蒂尔达

6、Castilla ─── n.卡斯蒂利亚(西班牙中部和北部一地区)

7、latilla ─── 拉蒂拉

8、bletilla ─── 白芨;白芨属

9、fibrilla ─── n.小纤维(等于fibril)

flotilla 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fleet Sweeping Flotilla ─── 舰队扫雷艇纵队

2、Patrol Craft Flotilla ─── 巡逻艇队

3、Commander Landing Ship Flotilla ─── 登陆舰纵队司令

4、At one corner of the inn, beside a pool in which a flotilla of ducks was navigating, a badly paved path plunged into the bushes. ─── 在那客店的墙角外面,有一群鸭子在浅沼里游行,一条路面铺得很坏的小道沿着那浅沼伸入丛莽。

5、flotilla linkage arrangement ─── 船队联结装置

6、Having graduated the General Staff Academy of the Armed Forces of the RF, he continued service in the Northern Fleet as chief of staff and first deputy CO of a flotilla. ─── 译文:俄罗斯武装力量总参军事学院毕业后,马索林继续留任北方舰队第7特别中队的参谋长兼第一副司令。

7、The first deployment of Australian Naval Ships occurred in October 1939 when the Royal Australian Naval Flotilla left Sydney for the Mediterranean to join a British naval force. ─── 澳大利亚海军军舰的第一次部署是在1939年10月,当时皇家澳大利亚海军小舰队离开悉尼去地中海加入英国海军。

8、First Canadian Destroyer Flotilla ─── 加拿大第一逐驱舰纵队

9、Flotilla or Squadron Commander ─── 海军纵队司令

10、It's surrounded by a flotilla of cruisers and destroyers, surrounding aircraft carriers in formation and leaving rippling white wakes in the blue sea. ─── 它被一队的巡洋舰和驱逐舰所环绕,编队周围的航母在蓝色的海洋里留下了白色的波涛。

11、a flotilla of glossy limousines swept past. ─── 一队锃亮的豪华轿车飞驰而过。

12、On March 11, 1803, Napoleon decided to start building a flotilla of barges to invade Britain. ─── 1803年3月11日,拿破仑决定开始建立一支驳船舰队以入侵大不列颠。

13、The escort flotilla had fallen in around the Sentinels' flagship now, ready to guard it until it went superluminal. ─── 小型护航舰队已经下降,围绕在哨兵的旗舰周围,护卫将一直持续到旗舰进入超光速阶段。

14、68.Junk Flotilla on the Pei-ho River - transporting U.S.Army stores from Tienstin to Peking,China . ─── 从天津到北京,白河上的帆船队,运送美军的物资。

15、The challenge now is to forge operational cohesion in a motley multinational flotilla. ─── 如今的挑战在于把五花八门的多国舰队打造成行动聚合体。

16、Ma Luping, director of China's naval operations, said the flotilla was facing up to 30 organised groups made up of as many as 1,000 pirates. ─── 他说,中国将很乐意为在大陆注册的台湾船只提供援助。

17、"It's awesome to be back." Sunderland, of Thousand Oaks, California, said after he was welcomed home by a flotilla of well-wishers. ─── 桑德兰回到老家加利福尼亚千橡市时受到许多祝福者的欢迎,他说:“能回来真是太好了。”

18、There was also the Balloon Flotilla, which consisted of 3 battalions, each with 10 companies. ─── 同样还有3个防空气球营,每个营下属10个作战单位。

19、Now [ the limousine service ] has a flotilla of about 150 cars,more than 200 uniformed chauffeurs(People) ─── 现在[高级轿车服务]拥有近150辆轿车,200多名穿制服的司机民族)

20、And Ankara, which had publicly backed the flotilla, withdrew its ambassador to Israel. ─── 曾公开支持这一小型船队的土耳其政府召回了该国驻以色列大使。

21、Landing Ships Flotilla ─── 登陆舰纵队

22、According to a Xinhua report, a flotilla of vessels of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy will go to the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters to carry out escort duties. ─── 据新华社电中国人民解放军海军舰艇编队将赴亚丁湾、索马里海域执行护航任务。

23、Landing Craft Flotilla Leader ─── 登陆艇纵队指挥官

24、Epstein had planned to be aboard the flotilla and Peck was. ─── 爱波斯坦计划过要登上那支船队,而佩克上了船。

25、with the competition over, the flotilla departs the shore for the island, where people are already setting up deckchairs and grills for the evening barbecue. ─── 比赛结束,浩浩荡荡的船队驶向小岛,那里晚间的烧烤集会即将拉开帷幕。

26、But very soon the water was churned by an ad hoc flotilla of boats and ferries flying the flags of almost every city, state and federal agency that works the waters around New York City. ─── 但是很快平静的水面就被特别的救援船队和在纽约周边从事水上作业的渡船搅动起来,这些船只上悬挂着来自几乎各个城市、州以及联邦机构的旗帜。

27、Flotilla: a fleet of small craft ─── 小型船队

28、In time, the micro AUVs could be launched individually or in a flotilla to form a moving sensor array. ─── 不久之后,这种迷你AUV就可单独出发,或可成群结队以阵列队型执行感测工作。

29、The United Nations is to distribute the aid seized by the Israeli navy from a flotilla of ships that tried to break the Gaza blockade. ─── 联合国将分发以色列海军从企图冲破加沙封锁线的舰队缴获的救援物资。

30、Flotilla Staff Officer ─── 纵队参谋

31、Scouting Craft Flotilla ─── 侦察舰艇纵队

32、River Flotilla One ─── 第一江河纵队

33、With military helicopters hovering above and a flotilla of escort ships alongside, the USS San Francisco returned to Guam on Monday. ─── 星期一,美国海军旧金山号核潜艇在空中盘旋的直升机和一支水面舰队的护航下回到关岛。

34、Greenpeace managed to assemble a small flotilla of inflatable boats to waylay the ship at sea. ─── 绿色和平组织设法聚集了一支充气艇小舰队去拦截海上的那艘船。

35、The glacier that produced this flotilla has receded some four miles (six kilometers) since the year 2000. ─── 冰川产生这个冰河已消退,自2000年以来大约退缩4英里(6公里)。

36、destroyer flotilla ─── 驱逐舰队

37、Command Destroyer Flotilla West Pacific ─── 西太平洋驱逐舰纵队司令部

38、The speed of a flotilla is not determined by the fastest ship, but the slowest one.Unless the well-being of the disadvantaged groups is improved, the well-being of the whole society won't be improved. ─── 民生问题涉及人们的衣食住行,但当前最重要的是促进教育机会的均等,继续实施积极的就业政策,逐步缩小收入分配的差距,建立覆盖城乡的社会保障体系。

39、A flotilla of low craft chuff from left to right, man and wife hunched at the stern. ─── 一小队乡下船队从左开到右,男人和他们的妻子举着枪。

40、We paddled down Maine's Saco River that September afternoon, five couples in canoes, basking in the summer's last golden sunlight.Grazing deer, fluttering their white tails, watched our flotilla pass. ─── 那一年,九月的下午,我们五对夫妇各自慢悠悠地划着独木舟,沿着缅因州的萨科河顺流而下,沐浴在夏末的金色阳光之中,无比惬意。

41、After the floods return, the Lozi gather in a boisterous flotilla for the festival of Kuomboka. ─── 等到洪水来袭,洛齐人就会聚集在喧闹的船队上,庆祝朗姆伯卡节。

42、The country is America's fourth largest investor.It is participating in many of the festivities, including a big flotilla last month. ─── 荷兰已是美国第四大投资国,并参加了许多庆典活动,包括上个月来的一支舰队。

43、Speedboat flotilla intensifies joint operation training of multi-type vessels ─── 东海舰队某快艇支队加强多舰种联合作战训练

44、An American battleship rest at anchor amid the usual flotilla of junks on the Hwang Poo River. ─── 1949年。一艘美国战舰停靠在黄浦江上的垃圾船队之中。

45、Students at Luchu High School in Taipei County fill the sky with a flotilla of frisbees. ─── 北县芦竹国小的同学撒出一片片飞盘,把蓝空点缀的更多彩。

46、In September when the ice comes, pleasure craft are hauled ashore, fishermen move north into the warmer Barents Sea, and another flotilla steams under the opaque ice. ─── 待到九月冰层回归,游艇都被拖上了岸,渔船纷纷驶往北面更温暖一些的巴伦支海,另一支船队则开始了在浊冰下游弋的日子。

47、We go flotilla cruise in the aegean. ─── 我们随小船队漫游了爱琴海。

48、From 2001, he was chief of staff of the 3rd submarine flotilla. ─── 从2001年起,他担任第3潜艇编队的指挥官。

49、Mine Sweeper Flotilla ─── 扫雷艇纵队

50、Indeed, Israel says it had repeatedly offered to transfer the flotilla's cargo once it docked in the Israeli port of Ashdod. ─── 的确,以色列表示它已反复提出一旦这支船队停靠阿什杜德港,就转交运载的货物。

51、After this patrol he was appointed to the U-boat Flotilla in Pillau, and this and other training appointments curtailed his operational career. ─── 在此之后,他接受委托到了皮尔拉的小潜艇队,这个任务及其他培训任务结束了他带队出巡的经历。

52、River Patrol Flotilla ─── 江河巡逻纵队

53、Commander River Flotilla One ─── 第一江河纵队司令

54、It sailed from Greece six weeks after Israeli commandos intercepted an aid flotilla trying to break the Gaza blockade. ─── 6个星期前,以色列部队拦截了一支试图冲破加沙封锁线的援助船队。

55、The 2nd group of Chinese navy escort ships will set sail for the Gulf of Aden Thursday from Zhanjiang to replace a flotilla sent earlier to guard against pirates. ─── 4月2日,中国海军第二批护航编队将从湛江出发,赴亚丁湾、索马里海域接替首批护航编队,执行护航任务。

56、The flotilla seemed to scatter. ─── 这只小小舰队似乎给打散了。

57、The speed of a flotilla is not determined by the fastest ship, but the slowest one. ─── 因为在中国城乡,生活困难群体占有相当大的比重,特别是农民。

58、Landing-Craft Flotilla Flagship ─── 登陆艇纵队旗舰

59、Landing Craft Flotilla ─── 登陆艇纵队

60、Command Destroyer Flotilla ─── 驱逐舰纵队司令部

61、The accompanying flotilla of dorados schools (up to 50 now) can be seen more easily, their astonishing blueness picked up by torchlight. ─── 伴随我们筏子的剑鱼群能看得更清楚了(到现在为止差不多有50群了),在手电光的照射下,鱼身的蓝色让人惊叹。

62、Well, the accompanying flotilla of dorados (up to 50 now) can be seen more easily, their astonishing blueness picked up by torchlight. ─── 伴随我们筏子的剑鱼群能看得更清楚了,(到现在为止差不多有50群了)在手电光的照射下,鱼身的蓝色让人惊叹。

63、In 2005, by executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed CO of the Caspian Flotilla. ─── 译文:2004年,根据俄罗斯联邦总统行政命令,克拉夫丘克被授予海军少将军衔。

64、Commissioning ceremony of the 2nd u-boat flotilla Saltzwedel, Bremen 1936. With the fall of france in June 1940, this flotilla was moved to Lorient, France. ─── 1936年在不来梅,第2萨尔茨威德尔舰队的交付仪式。随着1940年法国的战败,这支舰队前往了法国洛里昂。

65、Aircraft Scouting Flotilla ─── 海军侦察机支队

66、a destroyer flotilla ─── 驱逐舰的舰队.

67、It is a reality that could be felt in the North Sea, where years of high oil prices have prompted a flotilla of niche companies to sail in to save small oilfields. ─── 在北海地区就可以感受到这种趋势,油价多年居高不下,促使一批利基公司出手挽救小型油田。

68、The Chinese ships will be joining an international flotilla, which includes vessels from the United States, Russia, Denmark and Italy. ─── 中国船只将参加国际舰队,该国际舰队包括来自美国、俄罗斯、丹麦和意大利的船只。

69、Hundreds of onlookers watched as the $800 million vessel arrived, dwarfing a flotilla of small boats that sprayed jets of water into the air to greet the ship into Southampton's docks. ─── 这艘价值8亿美元的豪华邮轮在几百名围观者的注视下抵达南安普敦港口,它的到达使那些溅起水花的小型欢迎船队相形见绌。

70、In 2003-2005, he was chief of staff and first deputy CO of the Caspian Flotilla. ─── 2003年至2005年,他担任里海分舰队的参谋长兼第一副司令。

71、An international flotilla including US warships has been patrolling the area.The flotilla has stopped many attacks, but the area is too vast to keep all ships safe. ─── 一个包括美国军舰在内的国际舰队一直以来都在巡逻此海域,这艘舰队已经阻止了不少海盗袭击,但是亚丁湾太大,他们不能保证每艘船只的安全。

72、Regional tensions have been running high since Israeli commandos intercepted an aid flotilla trying to break the blockade six weeks ago. ─── 六个星期前,以色列突击队拦截一个试图冲破以色列封锁的援助船队,致使这一地区的紧张局势升级。

73、Aerial view of the Allied flotilla. ─── 鸟瞰盟军舰队。

74、The British admiral in charge of the EU flotilla carrying out anti-piracy patrols off Somalia is considering extending the area which they patrol. ─── 由英国海军上将主管、在索马里海岸巡逻的欧盟反海盗舰队正在考虑扩大巡航海域。

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