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08-29 投稿


demagogic 发音

英:[ˌdeməˈɡɑːɡɪk]  美:[ˌdeməˈɡɒɡɪk]

英:  美:

demagogic 中文意思翻译



demagogic 网络释义

adj. 蛊惑人心的;煽动性的

demagogic 词性/词形变化,demagogic变形

副词: demagogically |异体字: demagogical |

demagogic 短语词组

1、demagogic means ─── 煽动手段

2、demagogic defined ─── 蛊惑人心的

3、demagogic speech ─── 煽动性言论

4、demagogic leader ─── 蛊惑领袖

5、demagogic gambit ─── 蛊惑人心的策略

6、demagogic def ─── 蛊惑人心的定义

demagogic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There is much to dislike about the demagogic, authoritarian style of the billionaire businessman turned politician. ─── 人们有很多理由不喜欢这个由亿万富翁商人转变成的政客那种具有煽动性的威权风格。

2、The second, demagogic deception for the purpose of gaining time while clinging to fascist dictatorship and actively conducting secret preparations for civil war, likewise offers no salvation for Mr. Chiang and the Kuomintang. ─── 第二个,以空言骗人,把时间拖下去,而暗中念念不忘法西斯独裁和积极准备内战的方向,对蒋先生和国民党也不是生路。

3、You have to tear the elderly demagogic network. ─── 你得撕破老年的蛊惑人心的网。

4、demagogic slogans ─── 蛊惑人心的口号

5、The cooperation between literature and commerce produced a great deal of demagogic prospects. ─── 文学与商业媒体合谋,制造出一幕幕蛊惑人心的当代浮世绘。

6、The demagogic witchery of Yunnan ethnic groups and their world of desire ─── 云南少数民族的巫蛊信仰与情欲世界

7、With a demagogic flair that his more austere father could not have equaled, young Chiang appealed to the people of Shanghai for what he called a program of "social revolution. ─── 小蒋善于蛊惑人心的那一套,是他那位比较刻板的父亲所望尘莫及的。他呼吁上海人民实行所谓“社会革命”纲领。

8、But the demagogic instincts of western leaders pale in comparison to the negligence of their eastern counterparts. ─── 但是,欧洲领导人们的蛊惑人心与他们那些东边同仁们的疏忽放任相比,实在是相形见绌。

9、He abandoned the progress, compassion, charity, morality and all other things, he was only wilderness gloom silent demagogic, to be awakened to the brutal instincts and a strong desire rattled out. ─── 他抛弃了进步、同情、慈善、道德等所有东西,他身上只有荒野沉沉无声的蛊惑力,被唤醒的野蛮本能和魔鬼般的强烈愿望。

10、Two years ago, when a company from Dubai tried to take over the operation of some U.S. ports, both Democratic and Republican politicians erupted in a demagogic frenzy. ─── 两年以前,一个来自迪拜的公司想要接管美国一些港口的运作,民主党和共和党都大发雷霆,大出蛊惑之词,强烈反对。

11、Demagogic Witchery of Primitive Religion of Achang People in Lianghe, Yunnan ─── 云南梁河阿昌族原始宗教中的巫蛊信仰

12、These days Alyaksandr Lukashenka, the demagogic and authoritarian president of Belarus, cannot stand it. ─── 可是这几天亚历山大•卢卡申科,白俄罗斯这位蛊惑人心的独裁者总统,却对此无法忍受。

13、Instead, Geithner makes a demagogic attack on China, playing to a domestic audience that, as in Europe, is becoming increasingly protectionist-minded. ─── 可盖特纳反而对中国做出别有用心的恶毒攻讦,只是愚弄美国民众而已,正如欧洲,贸易保护主义倾向愈益明显。

14、Democrats have gone into demagogic overdrive calling premium support ideas "privatization" or "the end of Medicare. " ─── 民主党则以蛊惑人心的活动将保险费资助称为“私有化”和“医疗保健的终结。”

15、That moment of giddy, such as snake posture, demagogic. ─── 那一瞬的昏眩,如蛇的姿态,蛊惑人心。

16、He thought I had abused his hospitality to make a demagogic pitch to white voters. ─── 他觉得我滥用了他的盛情,对白人选民做煽动性的自我推销。

17、A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. ─── 一个愤世嫉俗、惟利是图、蛊惑人心的媒体则迟早会制造出一个同样卑劣的民族。

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