verbosity 发音
英:[vɜːrˈbɑːsəti] 美:[vɜːˈbɒsəti]
英: 美:
verbosity 中文意思翻译
verbosity 网络释义
n. 冗长;赘言;唠叨
verbosity 反义词
verbosity 短语词组
1、verbosity define ─── 详细定义
2、verbosity uvm ─── 冗长uvm
3、verbosity definition ─── 详细定义
4、verbosity asc ─── 详细asc
5、verbosity it ─── 罗嗦一下
verbosity 词性/词形变化,verbosity变形
名词: verboseness |副词: verbosely |
verbosity 同义词
verbosity 相似词语短语
1、verrucosity ─── 疣状
2、verbosely ─── adv.冗长地;啰嗦地
3、venosity ─── 静脉血性充血
4、serosity ─── n.浆液;如水液体;浆液一般的性质
5、nervosity ─── n.神经过敏;神经质
6、virtuosity ─── n.精湛技巧;对艺术品的爱好;艺术爱好者
7、verbality ─── n.赘语;动词性
8、varicosity ─── n.[内科]静脉曲张;静脉瘤
9、ventosity ─── 腹胀
verbosity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Sets the verbosity level for the dblsn log and console. ─── 设置dblsn日志和控制台的详细级别。
2、- Commands that allow changing of important settings on the fly, such as keyboard echo, punctuation level, verbosity level, speech rate and volume. ─── -命令,让变化的重要设置的飞行,如键盘回声,标点符号一级,赘言一级,语速和音量。
3、Sets the verbosity of logged messages. ─── 20设置日志信息的冗长.
4、The VERBOSE constant can be replaced by any other method to control verbosity on your server. ─── VERBOSE常量可用任何其他方法代替,以控制服务器的详细记录。
5、He used the longest words and, getting entangled in his own verbosity, was obliged to leave his sentence unfinished ─── 他使用最冗长的词句,罗罗嗦嗦地纠缠不清,动不动就丢下一个没完成的句子。
6、Keywords rapid prototype manufacturing subtractive/additive forming STL file solid object slicing data verbosity; ─── 快速成形制造;离散/堆积成形;STL文件;实体分层;
7、These are the speech that commenter door should deliver, beardless we these person verbosity that write impression to write down. ─── 这些都是批评家门该发的言论,无须我们这些写印象记的人赘言。
8、You're almost guaranteeing that your mail won't be fully read, or that you'll get a half-a**ed reply, because the reader didn't feel like wading through your verbosity to get to the goods. ─── 你几乎可以确保你的邮件将不能充分阅读,或者是你将得到一个半一**署回答的,因为读者不喜欢趟水你长篇大论去的货物.
9、But here this paper instead of filling its contents with intentional verbosity, our approach is quite goal-oriented. ─── 对此,本文内容之铺陈将舍此目的性之赘述,完全采行目标取向之途径。
10、Those who need verbosity is, have the reaction that disgusting sickness produces easily after a lot of patients use drug. ─── 需要赘言的是,有许多患者用药以后易于产生恶心呕吐的反应。
11、Sets the verbosity level for the build output. ─── 设置生成输出的详细等级。
12、We became bored with his verbosity. ─── 他说话啰唆, 叫我们烦厌。
13、Set verbosity level - 4 and above prints information on headers, 3 and above prints response codes (404, 200, etc.), 2 and above prints warnings and info. ─── 设置显示信息的详细程度-4或更大值会显示头信息,3或更大值可以显示响应代码(404,200等),2或更大值可以显示警告和其他信息。
14、Specifies the verbosity of the compilers output. ─── 指定编译器输出的详细级别。
15、Mr Saakashvili's exasperating habits were similarly damaging: disorganisation, self-indulgence, verbosity, favouritism and vindictiveness are just a few. ─── 这些习惯对格鲁吉亚的破坏作用不亚于对反对者的镇压。
16、Individual loggers choose what events to show at a particular verbosity level. ─── 各个记录器选择要在特定的详细级别显示的事件。
17、goal in verbosity is to appear intelligent, not pretentious. ─── n表示详细级别,可以是0、1、2或3;缺省值是0。
18、Maybe I often act on My own and think myself clever,regarding your words as verbosity. ─── 吔浒偶总爱自作主张,自作聪明,把祢啲话当啰嗦。
19、3. Do not use narrative style ; as much as possible use bullet point that are easily scannable so you could convey more with less verbosity。 ─── 不要叙述故事,尽可能多的使用清晰可见点句,用较少的词语陈述更多的内容。
20、He used the longest words and, getting entangled in his own verbosity, was obliged to leave his sentence unfinished. ─── 他使用最冗长的词句,罗罗嗦嗦地纠缠不清,动不动就丢下一个没完成的句子。
21、Characterized by verbosity; wordy. ─── 罗嗦的;唠叨的
22、A bit like Hermione Granger, but without the verbosity. ─── 但后者没有那么冗长。
23、Need not verbosity, what we face currently, it is an economy that chasing gradual change flavour actually, and almost everybody believes, the footstep that consumes expenditure will heal hard. ─── 毋庸赘言,我们当前所面对的,其实是一个正在逐渐变味的经济,而且几乎所有人都相信,消费开支的脚步将会愈走愈艰难。
24、Shortcuts can help you work around the verbosity of the DOM and create code that is self-explanatory and elegant. ─── 快捷方式可以帮助您处理冗长的DOM,并创建自解释的、优雅的代码。
25、Here the translator is alerted to the fact that verbosity is not allowed. ─── 这里告诫翻译人员不允许冗长这一事实。
26、NoItemAndPropertyList: Hides the list of items and properties displayed at the beginning of each project build in diagnostic verbosity. ─── NoItemAndPropertyList:在diagnostic详细级别下,隐藏在每次开始生成项目时显示的项和属性的列表。
28、NoItemAndPropertyList: Hides the list of items and properties displayed at the beginning of each project build in diagnostic verbosity. ─── NoItemAndPropertyList:在diagnostic详细级别下,隐藏在每次开始生成项目时显示的项和属性的列表。
29、Offering the best way to obliterate meaningless verbosity, Beer said: "Thinking before you write is the main thing and then re-reading what you have written." ─── 针对这个问题,比尔提出,最好的解决办法就是“提笔前慎重思考,写完后再三通读”。
30、* Provides several verbosity levels for a better user experience. ─── * 提供一些赘言水平给一个较好的使用者经历。
31、1. His speeches were always marred by verbosity . ─── 他的演讲总是脱不了冗长的毛病。
32、Additionally, developers involved with operating system messaging strategies tend to be suspicious of XML's verbosity. ─── 除此之外,负责操作系统消息传送策略的开发人员倾向于对XML的复杂性持怀疑态度。
33、styles of the official documents in the Ming Dynasty were writing official documents in the style of articles in imperial examinations,lacking suggesting strategies, and stubborn verbosity. ─── 公文的制义化、缺乏巧妙的进言策略以及屡禁不止的繁冗现象等,则代表了明代公文区别于其他时期公文的主要风格特征。
34、To amplify the unfairness, senators have the power (not to mention the verbosity) to talk a bill to death. ─── 更不公平的是,参议员则有着让一项法案流产的权利(更不用说唠唠叨叨了)。
35、He wished to strip his own use of language of inessentials, ridding it of all traces of verbosity, embellishment, and sentimentality. ─── 他希望削去自己文章里一切不必要的字句,彻底去除累赘、装饰,以及滥情的词语。
36、Offering the best way to obliterate meaningless verbosity, Beer said: "Thinking before you write is the main thing and then re-reading what you have written. ─── 麦克拉伦对球星韦恩?鲁尼的评价是最为经典的例子,令人“赞叹”。他说:“鲁尼经验不足,不过他对自己做过的事情还是很有经验的。”
37、To change the verbosity setting, leave the prop_set_name blank ─── 要更改verbosity设置,请将prop_set_name保留为空白
38、Good enough, it seems like an obvious choice to save the extra verbosity of a subelement and create a ─── 好极了,这似乎是一个明显的选择,省去额外冗长的子元素,并为
39、5 If you appoint him as the ministry, his would carp at you all day and his verbosity would make you uneasy and annoyed. ─── 如果你将宰相的位子交给他,那今后你的日子就难过了。他会天天挑你的毛病,唠唠叨叨地念个不停;
40、Disraeli3 once described the verbal gymnast as a man “intoxicated with the exuberance of his own verbosity. ─── 细致准备讲话。过段时间你会发现说话是件愉快而非痛苦的事。
41、While a logger is free to choose the events it logs, following the verbosity guidelines creates a consistent user experience. ─── 尽管记录器可以随意选择它所记录的事件,但遵循详细级别原则有助于保持用户体验的一致性。
42、In mixed-sex interactions, men"s verbosity and their frequent interruption of female speakers are signs of social dominance. ─── 在男女混合交谈中,男性一般比女性说的更多;
43、2.As expressions get more complicated the need to reduce the verbosity of type specification gets more compelling. ─── 当表达式变得更加复杂,减轻类型说明的冗长的要求变得更加迫切。
44、But it does seem clear that verbosity is not biologically hard-wired, at least not in a way that correlates with gender. ─── 但有一点看起来是明确的:唠叨不是天生就有的,至少与性别一点也不相关。
45、An optional parameter that overrides the global verbosity setting for this file logger only. ─── 一个可选的参数,仅为此文件记录器重写全局详细级别设置。
46、Do not use narrative style; as much as possible use bullet point that are easily scannable so you could convey more with less verbosity . ─── 不要叙述故事,尽可能多的使用清晰可见点句,用较少的词语陈述更多的内容。
47、The verbosity property applies to all Notifiers and gateways, and so you cannot specify a particular prop_set_name. ─── verbosity属性将应用到所有的通告程序和网关上,因此无法指定特定的prop_set_name。
48、goal in verbosity is to appear intelligent,not pretentious. ─── 冗长”的目的是使自己变得聪明,而不是自命不凡。
49、You can establish a restrictive logging policy to reduce verbosity and improve performance. ─── 您可以建立严格的日志记录策略来降低日志的累赘性并改进性能。
50、Perhaps this has something to do with their insufferable verbosity. ─── 截稿日期:本月23日,方式、要求如故。
51、And yet I'm virtually guaranteed to encounter developers who will fight me, almost literally to the death, because they're absolutely convinced that the verbosity of String. ─── 说到这里,我敢保证一定有开发者对我的说法持反对意见,更甚者会和我争论到底。
52、On the "Verbosity" of Legal English and the Corresponding Chinese Rendering Strategy ─── 英文法律语言的"冗余"性表征及其汉译对策
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