summarize 发音
英:[ 'sʌməraɪz] 美:[ˈsʌməraɪz]
英: 美:
summarize 中文意思翻译
summarize 网络释义
vt. 总结;概述vi. 作总结;作概括
summarize 词性/词形变化,summarize变形
动词第三人称单数: summarizes |名词: summarization |动词过去分词: summarized |动词过去式: summarized |动词现在分词: summarizing |
summarize 短语词组
1、summarize the whole passage ─── 总结整篇文章
2、summarize this ─── 总结一下
3、Summarize by ─── 摘要方式
4、summarize the structure ─── 总结结构
5、summarize an article ─── 总结一篇文章
6、summarize the functions ─── 总结功能
7、r summarize r ─── 总结
8、summarize marigolds ─── 总结万寿菊
9、summarize synonym ─── 摘要同义词
10、summarize the feedback ─── 总结反馈
11、summarize the previous paragraph ─── 总结上一段
12、summarize up ─── 向上总结
13、summarize the story ─── 总结故事
14、summarize machine ─── 汇总机
15、summarize generator ─── 汇总生成器
summarize 相似词语短语
1、summerize ─── vt.使……防暑
2、summarise ─── vt.概括(等于summarize);相加
3、summarised ─── 概述的;总结的
4、summarises ─── vt.概括(等于summarize);相加
5、summarized ─── v.总结,概括;概述(summarize的过去式及过去分词形式)
6、summariser ─── 总结者
7、summaries ─── n.总结(summary的复数)
8、summarizer ─── 摘录者,文摘员;节选者
9、summarizes ─── v.概述;简而说明;摘要而言(summarize的第三人称单数)
summarize 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Objective To summarize features of children orbital meningioma. ─── 摘要目的总结分析儿童脑膜瘤的特点。
2、To summarize, Teresa Heinz Kerry: Inspirational, amazing! ─── 一句话:特里萨-海因茨-克里,鼓舞人心、极了!
3、We think we should try to let students themselves summarize the language rule. ─── 我认为我们应该让学生自己学着去总结语言规律。
4、Summarize statistical the passrate per amount is reasonable. ─── 总的来说,按量统计合格率也是可行的。
5、We mag summarize our arguments as follows. ─── 我们可以把上述讨论小结如下。
6、I co ider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience in learning English. ─── 我认为总结一下学习英语的经验是值得一试的。
7、Shall we summarize what I'd like you to dov in Europe? ─── 我们是不是该总结一下你在欧洲要做的事情?
8、They need to find information quickly and be able to summarize it in clear language. ─── 他们需要快速找到信息并能用清晰的语言概述。
9、Summarize the types and processes of blessings described in this lesson. ─── 总结在本课中描述的祝福的类型和过程。
10、Objective To Summarize the practical experience in painless gastroscopy. ─── 摘要目的总结无痛胃镜实施的经验、教训。
11、We should try to summarize ponderable experience lesson from our failure. ─── 我们应该试着从我们的失败中总结有价值的经验教训。
12、Summarize the point of this session. ─── 总结此次课程要点。
13、Summarize sevelar issues of work in club since the new term. ─── 对俱乐部开学以来几项工作进行总结。
14、I will summarize what I have done. ─── 我将概述我所做的事情。
15、Summarize and report monthly production situation. ─── 总结并汇报每月生产情况。
16、These handouts accompany and summarize the physical electrodynamics demonstrations shown during class. ─── 以下讲义简介本课程会接触到之电动力学物理实验摘要。
17、Summarize the history for the patient. ─── 为病人总结病史。
18、I say to summarize such a wonderful life: the children play, chasing butterflies, elderly crane from hoe, childlike, all fun. ─── 我用一句话来概括这样的美好生活,就是:“孩童嬉戏,追逐黄蝶,老人鹤发童颜,童心未泯,你来我往,普天同乐。”
19、Summarize the chemical element of momordica charantia. ─── 对苦瓜的化学成分进行了概述。
20、Can we summarize the problem from my point of view? ─── 可以从我的角度来总结一下这个问题吗?
21、"He is an Ossi," she said, and she kept thinking how to summarize him. ─── 当我询问她对巴拉克的看法时她想了很久。
22、Memo#3: In a one-page memo, summarize the basic guidelines for effective abstracts and introductions. ─── 便笺之三:在一页的便笺中,摘写简洁有力的摘要和引言的基本指南。
23、We should summarize from both the subjective and objective aspect. ─── 我们应该从主客观两方面进行总结。
24、It is quite easy to summarize the main idea of this passage. ─── 总结一下这段文章的大意很容易。
25、To summarize, simplicity is the best art. ─── 总之,简洁是最好的艺术。
26、Summarize recommendation and report back to large group with a group presentation. ─── 总结建议,并向大家汇报。
27、Professor:Dr Ding, can you summarize the history of the patient? ─── 主任医师:丁医生你能总结一下这个患者的病史吗?
28、Could you summarize the plot so far because I haven't seen any of it? ─── 我一点也没看,你能把情节跟我大致说一下吗?
29、I would like to summarize the discussion. ─── 我想小结一下讨论。
30、To summarize 46 cases of severe neonatal asphyxia recovery and nursing. ─── 总结46例新生儿重度窒息的复苏与护理。
31、I will try to summarize both terms and explain the differences between them in a way that almost all economists could agree with. ─── 我将设法来给大家总结一下这两个术语,并以几乎所有经济学家都能认同的方式来解释它们之间的区别。
32、The expressions in the following table use SQL (Structured Query Language) functions that aggregate or summarize data. ─── 下表中的表达式使用SQL(结构化查询语言)函数来聚合或汇总数据。
33、I want to summarize the important scriptures. ─── 我要把重要的经文摘录下来。
34、To summarize its historic achievement is the very classification and sort of poetic heritage from the foundation of New China. ─── 总结它的历史成绩,也是对中国新时期以来诗歌遗产的基本梳理。
35、Summarize the research, and point out the research contents in the future. ─── 总结全文,提出未来的研究方向。
36、I will summarize what I have done and want to do. ─── 我来简要介绍一下我已经做的和想要做的事情。
37、Now, I'd like to summarize the main points. ─── 接下来,我想总结一下要点。
38、Periodically summarize and issue quality trend data. ─── 定期总结并公布质量趋向数据。
39、Summarize all the requirements and classify them with regard to importance. ─── 各种要求进行归纳,分出其主次程度.
40、Have strong ability to do it by yourself and logical thinking, be good at find out and summarize problem. ─── 具有很强的动手能力和逻辑思维能力,善于发现及总结问题。
41、We may summarize the situation then as follows. ─── 于是我们可将上述情况归结如下。
42、Summarize key points toward the end of the conversation. ─── 愉快地交谈,但不要令人觉得你不诚恳。
43、Summarize customer's feedbacks and FAQ. ─── 总结技术问题,并反馈给相关部门;
44、To summarize the trial-manufacture process of MS3120 steeliness module forging. ─── 对MS-3120钢制模块锻件的试制过程进行了总结。
45、I 'd like to ask Mr. Kettening to summarize the situation . ─── 我想请凯特林先生概括一下形势。
46、Summarize critique the method to get information. ─── 总结评估收集信息的不同方法。
47、I'll just summarize the main points if I may. ─── 如果可以的话我只概括要点。
48、I can orally summarize information from a talk I have listened to in English. ─── 我能用口语总结我在英语阅读中读到的内容。要求考生对文字材料有简单的总结能力。
49、At the end of the paper we summarize the design of the new wide-range vacuum gauge. ─── 在论文的结尾部分对整个新型宽量程真空计的设计进行了总结。
50、The results of transfers at this price can summarize as follows. ─── 在此价格下的转移结果汇总如表2 0-5所示。
51、When you summarize, you condense an extended idea or argument into a sentence or more in your own words. ─── 总结的时候,用自己的话把拓展了的观念或论据简缩成一句或几句话。
52、Reports provide a flexible way for you to display and summarize your data in a printed document. ─── 报表提供了一种在打印文档中显示和汇总数据的灵活方式。
53、Use a series of Stat. analyses, summarize tool to achieve the expected effect. ─── 3通过运用一系列的数据统计、分析、总结、制定相应的改进流程,并达到预期的效果。
54、I'd like to ask Mr. Kettering to summarize the situation. ─── 我想请凯特林先生概括一下形势.
55、In some cases, you can summarize or distill additional information, such as averages. ─── 在某些情况下,可以汇总或提炼其他信息,例如平均值。
56、To summarize: when you type a pre-defined word at the terminal, it gets interpreted and then executed. ─── 总结:当你打入一个已经定义的字的时候,它首先被解释,然后执行。
57、The tables in the summary summarize the key results of the two surveys. ─── 摘要的附表列载这两项统计调查的主要结果摘要。
58、Summarize the universal rules with Individuating of the Chinese Culture in Figure Design of Animation Film. ─── 总结和归纳出具有中国个性造型设计的普遍规律。
59、I can orally summarize the information I have read in English. ─── 对一个问题,我能回答大约一分钟。考察考生对话题的讲述能力。如何让自己的讲话持续一分钟并恰到好处是考生需要进一步去提高的部分。
60、Objective To summarize the status of tumor stem cells study in solid tumors. ─── 摘要目的介绍肿瘤干细胞在实体肿瘤中的研究进展。
61、Summarize and analyze the process of project on schedule. Submit scientific research report. ─── 定期总结和分析项目的进展情况,编写研发项目报告。
62、I'll just summarize the main points of the argument in a few words. ─── 我将仅用几句话来概括辩论的核心要点。
63、I will write a summarize about this on-site soon. ─── 一会我会写一个关于这次行程的总结。
64、Analyze and summarize ISE expenses on monthly basis. ─── 分析并汇总每月国际服务支持人员的费用。
65、Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics of myotonic dystrophy (DM). ─── 摘要目的总结强直性肌营养不良症(DM)的临床特点。
66、I'd like to summarize the main points again. ─── 我想把今天讲的要点再总结一下。
67、Summarize your essential points on one page. ─── 把你的要点总结在一张纸上。
68、Please summarize the information by selecting key features and making comparison where is relevant. ─── 请通过选择关键特征并比较相关的地方来总结信息。
69、Your final paragraph should summarize the main points of your essay. ─── 你论文的最后一段应该总结一下你的观点。
70、She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis. ─── 她写了一些东西来概述她的假设。
71、Make analysis report for the test failures and summarize the analysis report. ─── 对测试不过产品进行失效分析,总结分析报告。
72、One of your duties will be to summarize the company's income and expenditure records on a monthly basis. ─── 你的一项职责是以月为单位汇总公司的收支情况。
73、To summarize, this is the complete instantiation scheme. ─── 作为总结,以下是完整的实例化方案。
74、The provincial CWC affairs authorities may also directly summarize and verify the submitted data. ─── 或直接由省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门汇总、实所有填报数据。
75、So, I'll try to summarize some key things. ─── 我总结了一些关键的东西,如下。
76、The last chapter is a conclusion, which summarize and finish up the thesis and point out insufficient and the place still to be improved. ─── 对论文进行总结收尾,提出论题研究成果,指出不足和有待改进之处。
77、Summarize the two solutions the boy gave the girl. Which one do you prefer, and why? ─── 口语问题;总结刚刚男生给女生的两个解决方案,然后选择,你喜欢的一种,说明为什么?
78、The list below summarize the options offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences. ─── 下面列举一些由本学院提供的学科
79、Summarize the passage in not more than 100 words. ─── 写出这一节的大意,不要超过100字。
80、Develop the students'ability to observe, conclude and summarize. ─── 培养学生的观察、归纳、概括等能力。
81、Before we go further, I ll summarize the deployment steps I ve covered so far. ─── 在我们深入前,我要概括一下到目前为止我所讲到的部署的步骤。
82、To summarize, messages are an important and a critical part of SOA. ─── 总之,消息是非常重要的,而且是SOA的主要部分。
83、The prompt told us to summarize the story and tell what the story was trying to say about war. ─── 我们被要求去总结、讨论这个故事的关于战争的观点。
84、She summarize the aim of the new party in a couple of sentence. ─── 她用几句话概括了新党的目标。
85、Summarize empirical equation to make the nonprofessional people understand and be able to calculate. ─── 总结经验公式,让非专业人员能易懂、会推算。
86、Summary tasks summarize the data of their subtasks, which are the tasks that are grouped beneath them. ─── 摘要任务汇总其子任务的数据,子任务则是分组在摘要任务之下的任务。
87、Summarize and file the lesson learnt for each project including NPI &EOL. ─── 总结每个项目在新品导入和老项目终结各阶段的经验教训并归档保存。
88、Some officers of the art of war are trying to summarize the le o learned. ─── 一些致力于战争艺术的军官正试图总结应吸取的经验教训。
89、Before we close, let me summarize the main points. ─── 在结束之前,让我再小结一下重点。
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