causality 发音
英:[kɔːˈzæləti] 美:[kɔːˈzæləti]
英: 美:
causality 中文意思翻译
causality 短语词组
1、principle of causality ─── 因果律
2、causality condition ─── 因果条件
3、noumenal causality ─── 本体因果关系
4、causality of automaton ─── [计] 自动机的因果律
5、causality bias ─── 因果偏差
6、causality in statistics ─── 统计学中的因果关系
7、automata causality ─── [计] 自动机因果律
8、law of causality ─── [计] 因果律
9、causality definition ─── 因果关系定义
10、automaton causality ─── [计] 自动机因果律
11、causality games ─── 因果博弈
12、causality of crime ─── [法] 犯罪的因果关系
13、causality inc ─── 因果关系公司
14、causality 2 ─── 因果关系2
15、causality 8 ─── 因果关系8
16、granger causality ─── 格兰杰因果
causality 词性/词形变化,causality变形
causality 相似词语短语
1、acausality ─── 非实用性
2、aurality ─── 听觉
3、causticity ─── n.腐蚀性,苛性度;刻薄
4、causally ─── adv.有原因地
5、causalities ─── n.因果关系
6、carnality ─── n.肉欲;淫荡
7、cruciality ─── 关键性
8、nasality ─── n.鼻音性;鼻声
9、causability ─── 因果性
causality 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、If applicable, arrange the branches in the causal order in which they contribute to the system. ─── 如果可用的话,用它们在系统中的通常顺序排列分支。
2、A lot of researcher explored the relation a nd mechanism between counterfactual and causal reasoning. ─── 国外许多研究者对他们的关系以及影响因素和机制进行了研究。
3、Then, the paper analyzes the connotation of uncertainty, certainty and relations between them and causality. ─── 不确定性则是对确定性的否定,它又可以分为主观不确定性和客观不确定性。
4、Our country should express regulations causality presumption and establishes special critieria of for environmental incidents. ─── 在适用上,因果关系推定应扩大至特殊侵权领域,并辅之以规范设计。
5、People anchor to the information they were given, even though there's kind of no causality or no sort of reason why it should make any difference. ─── 人们总是会对他们所得到的信息产生依赖,即使没有因果关系或没有任何理由表明这种信息会有任何影响。
6、Because' is a causal conjunction. ─── because一词是表示原因的连接词.
7、Electrical engineers get paid well to outfox the lateral causality inherent in all circuits. ─── 人们付给电子工程师们高额的工资,就是让他们去解决存在于所有线路中的固有属性:因果不一致性。
8、In the proceedings of our country's environmental tort lawsuits, the conclusion of causality is an important problem demanding prompt solution. ─── 在我国环境侵权纠纷处理过程中,因果关系的鉴定始终是一个亟待解决的难题。
9、It has already had a history of two hundreds years since the criminal causality came out formally. ─── 刑法因果关系自正式问世至今已有二百年的历史。
10、Is the world a realm of pure causality, or is there the possibility of uncaused acts? ─── 世界是由纯粹因果律支配的还是存在没有原因的行为的可能性?
11、This does not prove causality. ─── 这并不能证明因果关系。
12、In this stage, the child mainly saw through oneself some phenomena explain between the thing causal relation. ─── 在这个阶段,孩子主要通过自己看到的一些现象来解释事物之间的因果关系。
13、Transfers create a causal relationship between activities within endpoints. ─── 传输在终结点内的活动之间创建因果关系。
14、Today, we understand precisely the conditions under which causal relationships can be inferred from data. ─── 如今,我们准确地理解了从数据中可以推出因果联系的条件。
15、It emphasizes the critical role of the causer among the semantic components, which form the causal relation. ─── 在构造致使关系的各种语义因素中,致事起着关键作用。
16、Implement the selected action proposals that were developed in causal analysis. ─── 实施在原因分析阶段所开发的行动建议。
17、Common existence is hit by causality in all nature and investigation is neither exception. ─── 因果联系普遍存在于万事万物之中,侦查活动也不例外。
18、So the author wants to establish an administrative conclusion system of environmental tort's causality, as the supplement of the present legal system. ─── 为此,笔者设想建立一套环境侵权因果关系的行政鉴定制度,作为对现有法律制度的补充和完善。
19、Using the theory of relative causality for reference and intruding it into our theory will have positive significance on the judicatory practice. ─── 借鉴相当因果关系理论,并将其引入到我国的刑法理论中,将对司法实践中因果关系的认定有积极的意义。
20、Causal correlation method was one of the most representative methods for instruction detection alert correla-tion. ─── 众多的入侵检测告警关联方法中,因果关联是最具代表性的方法之一。
21、Some basic philosophical teaching would be rather useful to enable economists to think about causality with more of an open mind. ─── 一些基本的哲学教学对于这些经济学派是有极大用途的,能够让他们更为开阔的思考事物的因果关系。
22、It points out the complementarity between causality and randomness in regard to the study subject of social science. ─── 在社会科学的研究对象上 ,提出了因果性与随机性的互补 ;
23、Don't overuse a causal connective like 'because'. ─── 不要过多地使用像 because 这样表示原因的连接词。
24、We cannot oppose the law of causality; good and evil will have their karmic retribution when their time comes. ─── 因果不可昧:善有善报,恶有恶报;不是不报,时辰未到。
25、Therefore, no physical process that obeys causality can explain the structure's origin. ─── 因此,没有任何遵循因果律的物理程序可以解释宇宙结构的起源。
26、Karmic retribution is the visible law. Conscience is the inner law. Custom is the common law. Causality is the ultimate law. ─── 善恶报应是显露的法律,本心是非是内在的法律,世事伦常是共遵的法律,天理因果是最高的法律。
27、Causal explanation, the historicist maintains, must also be attempted by social sciences. ─── 历史决定论者认为,社会科学也必须进行因果解释。
28、He said the study had been prompted by the causal link between risky sex and alcohol consumption. ─── 他还说,这项研究的动因是饮酒与危险性关系之间的因果关系。
29、In this world that has been stripped of its causality and presented as absurd, the smallest incident has weight. ─── 在这个被剥去偶然性和呈现着荒谬性的世界中,最微小的事件也有其重。
30、In the duration, there is no juxtaposition of events;therefore there is no causality. ─── 在绵延中,没有事件的并列,因此我们因果关系。
31、The world is governed by causality. ─── 世界受因果统治。
32、Q: To what extent is desire a causal factor? ─── 什麽程度的欲望是决定的因素?
33、From the point of view of causality he was, so to speak, excommunicated from you. ─── 从因果关系的角度看,可以说,你和他失去了联系。”
34、The strict causality exists in the different scales of gradient watershed segmentation under the multi-scale geodesy reconstructing filtering. ─── 在多尺度测地重建滤波下,不同尺度的梯度流域分割线存在严格的因果关系。
35、But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision, probably as the first one. ─── 但是有限的因果完全没有因果牵涉,卓越的斯宾诺莎对此已有认识仗恃他的分析,何况他很可能是第一人。
36、But through maya, Its inscrutable Power, time, space, and causality are created and the One appears to break into the many. ─── 但是通过摩耶(幻像)和它难以了解的力量,时间、空间和因果关系被创立了,“太一”看上去分裂成很多碎片。
37、There is a unidirectional causality from industrialization to environment. ─── 存在从工业化到环境的单向因果关系。
38、But how can these causal oncoantigens be identified? ─── 但这些常规癌抗原如何被识别?
39、Learning causal attributions may influence learners’ desire and affection, thus influencing learners’ achievement. ─── 学习归因会影响到学生期望和情感方面的变化,因而影响学生的成就行为。
40、A ganger of a construction company was responsible for the supervision of the work of the causal labourers. ─── 一间建筑公司的工头,负责监督散工的工作。
41、But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision, probably as the first one. ─── 但是有限的因果完全没有因果关系,伟大的斯宾诺莎对此已有认识依靠他的分析,而且他很可能是第一人。
42、This paper uses Granger causality tests verify above conclusions. ─── 利用格兰杰因果关系检验证实了以上结论。
43、Counterfactual thinking is a way of thinking in our everyday life, which influen ce causal reasoning and attribution. ─── 反事实思维是人们日常生活中经常产生的一种思维方式,这种思维常常影响因果推理和归因。
44、Dynamic Causality Diagram (DCD) is an uncertainty reasoning method proposed by professor Zhang Qin in 1994. ─── 因果图具有正向和反向及混合推理能力,由专家建立因果图,可以对复杂系统进行故障诊断。
45、Could you tell me the main causal agents of plant diseases? ─── 你给我讲讲植物病害的主要病原,好吗?
46、LDL cholesterol is unlikely the sole or direct causal factor. ─── LDL胆固醇不是唯一或者说是直接的病因。”
47、When you think about -- you know, creativity has a lot to do with causality too. ─── 如果你仔细想想,你知道,创意也经常涉及到因果关系。
48、From the definition of culture-gap words, the auther seeks for translating strategies based on the causal analysis. ─── 从文化空缺词汇的定义着手,在分析探讨造成文化空缺词汇现象的原因上,寻找其翻译策略。
49、For multiple stationary time series Granger causality tests and vector autoregressive models are presented. ─── 多平稳时间序列,"格兰其"成员因果律测试和自回归模式给的矢量。
50、Investigation begins with the effect, step-by-step traces its cause, reveals out its complicated causality. ─── 侦查过程一般是从结果开始,一步步地追溯原因,最终揭示出其复杂的因果关系。
51、"Clausal Pivot" is the basic background of theory and contrast Korean with Chinesein the aspect of "causal" expression. ─── 以“小句中枢”说为基本理论背景,将韩汉两种语言“原因”表达进行对比。
52、This paper, based on Granger causality test in a vector autoregressive process, empirically analyzed the money supply in China. ─── 在向量自回归模型基础上,通过格兰杰因果检验对我国货币供给的内生性或外生性作了实证检验。
53、The links below are online references for additional resources in the fields of probability and causality in human cognitive science. ─── 下面的连结是有关人类认知科学中机率论和因果关系领域的额外线上参考资料。
54、Causal factors that fall into the DO NOT KNOW class represent a failure in the training and selection of employees. ─── 因果关系要素落在不知道等级,显示训练和选择员工上的错误。
55、The causality in criminal law is the relation between the malefaction and result. ─── 刑法上的因果关系是指危害行为与危害结果之间引起与被引起的关系。
56、First, my hygienist presented me with a causal chain that was hard to dispute.Bad brushing leads to loss of teeth. ─── 为了寻找更多建议,以便自己学会如何接受批评,我浏览了很多网站。
57、Causal relationships may also be affected by relatively imprecise measurements. ─── 因果关系也许会受到不精确的测量法所影响。
58、Carnap tried to define causality from the angle of semantics. ─── 卡尔纳普试图从语义学角度来定义因果必然性。
59、They denied that there was any causal connection between unemployment and crime. ─── 他们否认失业和犯罪之间有任何的因果关联。
60、He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay. ─── 他把几段有关因果的概念穿插在一篇引人入胜的文章中。
61、However, in a series of incidents in the causality, Hamlet lives to meditate on this predilection Character development and the lack of time to mature. ─── 但是,在一系列事件的因果性中,哈姆雷特这种喜爱对生命沉思的心性气质缺少发展与成熟的时间。
62、It might seem that an easy way to determine the direction of causality is to examine which variable moves first. ─── 可能有一种简单的方法可以判断因果关系的方向,那就是看哪个变量先变化。
63、As a man you claim, so to speak, a dispensation from causality otherwise accepted, as a Jew the privilege of monotheism. ─── 作为人,是因果关系的必然,而作为犹太人,是一神论的特权产物。
64、Other people can violate causality, other people can harm us, beat us, slander us. ─── 别人可以违背因果,别人可以害我们,打我们,毁谤我们。
65、However, they add that "our findings of an association between nightmares and suicidality does not imply causality. ─── 他们补充说:“然而我们关于恶梦与自杀行为之间的关系的发现并不意味着因果关系。”
66、He has also shown that the primary danger in the defilements is their causal role in sustaining the round of rebirths. ─── 他还说明,杂染最主要的危险在于,它们是导致轮回继续转动之因。
67、In It there is no time, no space, no causality, no multiplicity. ─── 它里面没有时间,没有空间,没有因果关系,没有多样性。
68、Causality takes up a very important role in every country's tort law as an element of tort liability. ─── 因果关系作为侵权责任的一个构成要件,在各国的侵权法律制度中都有着非常重要的地位。
69、Glymour, C. "Learning Causes: Psychological Explanations of Causal Explanation." Minds and Machines 8 (1998): 39-60. ─── 原因的学习:因果解释的心理解释〉,《心智与机器》第8期(1998年)39-60页。
70、M: Causality, even as a concept, does not apply to chaos. ─── 因果关系,即使概念上的,并不适用于混沌。
71、Causal analysis may also be performed on problems unrelated to defects. ─── 原因分析也可以运用在与缺陷无关的问题上。
72、But for us to discriminate true causal inferences from false, real science trumps folk science. ─── 但若要区分正确与虚假的因果推论,真正的科学还是胜过民俗科学。
73、Causality is present in negative crime. ─── 不作为犯罪也存在因果关系。
74、Soviet Red Army in Kiev and Crimea could attack German Army Group South's both flanks, and Army Group South would suffer tremendously causality. ─── 在基辅和克里米亚的苏军可以攻击南方集团军群的两个侧翼,这将使南方集团军群面临可怕的后果。
75、M: Once you create for yourself a world in time and space, governed by causality, you are bound to search for and find causes for everything. ─── 一但你为自己于时空制造一个世界,由因果所统治,你难免要为每件事寻找因由。
76、The theory of relative causality is reasonable and influential among the theories of causality in criminal law. ─── 在刑法因果关系的理论中,相当因果关系理论较有影响,也具有相当合理性的特点。
77、I call this lateral or horizontal causality. ─── 我把这称为横向因果关系。
78、Crown rust is the common name both of a serious leaf-rust disease of oats and of the causal agent. ─── 冠锈病是燕麦的一种严重的叶锈病和病原菌。
79、Causality is the ultimate law. ─── 天理因果是最高的法律。
80、So far in civil law system, the equivalent causality theory has been the most popular among all the other causality theories. ─── 大陆法系关于侵权责任因果关系的通说为相当因果关系理论。
81、In fact, the available evidence satisfies most standard epidemiological criteria for establishing a causal relation. ─── 事实上,现有的证据可以满足流行病学上成立因果关系的大多数标准。
82、The general composing important documents include: damage reality, causality, fault and suddenness. ─── 一般构成要件为损害事实、因果关系、过错和意外。
83、Hence, Hume" s analysis of causal reasoning and uniformity of nautre leads to psychologism and subjectivism. ─── 从而使得他对因果推理的本性及自然齐一性的分析最终完全导向了心理主义及主观主义。
84、There are, in fact, two levels of causality to consider: proximate (immediate historical events) and ultimate (deeper evolutionary motives). ─── 事实上,有两个层面的因果关系需要考虑,一个是表层的因果关系(直接有关的历史事件),另一个是终极的因果关系(更深层次的进化动机)。
85、In fact, the causality is often reversed, as temperamentally-easy children enable their parents to feel competent. ─── 事实上,因果关系常常颠倒,性格好的孩子使他们的父母感到能干。
86、Once again, the media has run away with spurious causality, while the scientists in this case seem more level-headed. ─── 媒体再一次竭尽所能捏造出整个事件的前因后果,然而在此事件中,科学家都显得异常冷静。
87、If fortuitous causality in criminal law is not tenable, necessary causality in criminal law itself is an issue. ─── 如果刑法偶然因果关系难以成立,则刑法必然因果关系本身也是有问题的。
88、The causal mechanisms and temporal sequence of this association hae not been clearly delineated. ─── 但是对两者的发病机制及相关影响因素还有待进一步的研究。
89、M: One of the many. For everything there are innumerable causal factors. ─── 任何一个。每一事件的起因有如恒河沙数。
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