careworn 发音
英:[ˈkerwɔːrn] 美:[ˈkeəwɔːn]
英: 美:
careworn 中文意思翻译
careworn 网络释义
adj. 忧心忡忡的;饱经忧患的;疲倦的
careworn 短语词组
1、careworn syn ─── 磨损综合征
2、careworn define ─── 忧心忡忡的定义
3、careworn means ─── 惯用手段
4、careworn crossword ─── 忧心忡忡的纵横字谜
5、careworn synonym ─── 忧心忡忡的同义词
6、careworn meaning ─── 忧心忡忡的意思
careworn 相似词语短语
1、reworn ─── 重新装饰
2、preworn ─── 预先磨损的
3、foreworn ─── 磨损;极疲倦的
4、capework ─── 斗篷
5、casework ─── n.社会福利机构的调查;生活环境调查
6、caseworm ─── n.在身体周围筑巢的幼虫
7、canework ─── n.藤品
8、careware ─── 爱心软件
9、cagework ─── 笼架
careworn 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Her kindly, careworn face expressed nothing but anxiety and alarm. ─── 她佩戴花字奖章,身穿舞会的艳装。
2、j . j . o molloy s white careworn face was told that mr lambert was in the warehouse with a visitor. ─── 从杰杰奥莫洛伊那张苍白愁苦的脸可以知道,兰伯特先生正在库房里接见来客。
3、He was calm; but the agitation of the night was legible in his pale and careworn visage ─── 他很平静,但在他那苍白和忧伤的脸上,显然可看出那一夜的焦虑。
4、and as the old man slowly pronounced those words, an air of profound resignation spread itself over his careworn countenance. ─── 当老人慢慢地吐出这些字的时候,一种听天由命的神情渐渐显示在他阴云密布的脸上。
5、looking careworn as she bent over her mending; her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness; that raddled but still noble face; shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face- Charles Dickens. ─── 屈从于修补工作而看起来疲倦的她;由于失眠她的脸憔悴而枯槁;疲惫但高贵的脸;震惊地看到他英俊年轻的脸庞露出疲倦的神情-查尔斯.狄更斯。
6、As she watches, his face loses some of its sharpness, and his expression is tired, careworn, making him look older than she's ever seen him, like a century of wear imprinted over a child's features. ─── 她盯着他时,他脸上的表情似乎稍柔和了些,但那疲累的,忧心忡忡的神情令他看上去比她记忆里要成熟些,就好像一个身上有着百年时光流淌痕迹的孩子。
7、the parent's careworn face.See Synonyms at haggard ─── 家长愁云密布的脸参见
8、The flames flared up again, and lighted up the delighted and careworn faces of the crowd around it. ─── 火焰又突然升起来,照亮了站在大场周围的人们兴奋、欢快而又精疲力尽的脸。
9、As for her, naive,lovely and pretty, crystal eyes blinking and peony lips moving,carefree girl will make a dainty to her careworn mama.That is SO GOOD!Wonderful! ─── 她---天真,可爱,美丽,闪着水晶般的双眸,动着牡丹般的双唇,无忧无虑的孩子将为她辛苦操劳的母亲做一顿可口的饭菜,这样多好啊!
10、2.The old woman has a careworn look on her face. ─── 老妇脸上露出忧心忡忡的神色。
11、Careworn man has, in all ages, ─── 被忧虑折磨的人,一直以来,
12、Taken by Alexander Gardner in 1865, the picture reveals a contemplative Lincoln, evidently exhausted and careworn. ─── 这幅照片是由加德纳(AlexanderGardner)在1865年拍摄的,照片中的林肯目光沉思,显得疲惫不堪、忧心忡忡。
13、Look at the older faces around you, see how sad most of them are, how careworn and rather ill, how withdrawn, aloof and sometimes neurotic, without a smile. ─── 观察你周围年长的脸,留意他们大多数是多么的忧愁,是多么的疲倦而有点病态,多么的退缩与冷漠,不时的神经质,没有一丝微笑。
14、Kutuzov's face grew more and more careworn and gloomy. ─── 库图佐夫的面容越来越焦虑消沉。
15、He looked now more careworn and emaciated than as we described him at the scene of Hester's public ignominy; ─── 他此时的样子,比起上次海丝特示众时我们所描绘的,还要疲惫和憔悴;
16、the parent's careworn face. ─── 家长愁云密布的脸。
17、Her countenance looked careworn as she bent over her pile of mending. ─── 当她低头修补一堆东西时,脸上一副忧心忡忡的神色
18、But this careworn congregation of ─── 但在这汇聚着忧心的风烛残年
19、He looked now more careworn and emaciated than as we described him at the scene of Hester's public ignominy ─── 他此时的样子,比起上次海丝特示众时我们所描绘的,还要疲惫和憔悴
20、looking careworn as she bent over her mending; her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness; that raddled but still noble face; shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face- Charles Dickens ─── 屈从于修补工作而看起来疲倦的她;由于失眠她的脸憔悴而枯槁;疲惫但高贵的脸;震惊地看到他英俊年轻的脸庞露出疲倦的神情-查尔斯·狄更斯
21、Her face was careworn with anxiety. ─── 她因焦虑而面露忧心之色。
22、4.It’s sad to see the careworn face of the mother of a large poor family. ─── 看到那贫穷的一大家子的母亲忧劳憔悴的脸庞心里真是难受。
23、and as the old man slowly pronounced those words, an air of profound resignation spread itself over his careworn countenance ─── 当老人慢慢地吐出这些字的时候,一种听天由命的神情渐渐显示在他阴云密布的脸上。
24、The Nordic detective is often careworn and rumpled. ─── 北欧的侦探经常疲惫而不修边幅。
25、Parents are careworn and that is mostly because of kids. ─── 父母们却不是那么自在,绝大多数是因为孩子。
26、On this paved yard are to be seen,--pacing to and fro from morning till night, pale, careworn , and haggard, like so many shadows,--the men whom justice holds beneath the steel she is sharpening. ─── 在铺着石板的院子里,从早到晚踱着一群脸色苍白、忧虑满面、外貌凶残正在遭受法律惩罚的人,象是许多憧憬未来的幽灵一样。
27、The old woman has a careworn look on her face ─── 老妇脸上露出忧心忡忡的神色
28、her kindly , careworn face expressed nothing but anxiety and alarm. ─── 她那仁慈的痛哭流涕的面孔只露出惶恐不安的神色。
29、Overworked and undertaught, weary and careworn, without quiet and without leisure, they have no chance of making the best of their mental faculties. ─── 超强度工作,低程度教育,疲惫、焦虑,缺少宁静与闲暇,他们无法充分发展和获得精神享受。
30、By the end, he misses his old careworn , well-loved robe, as well as everything that went along with it. ─── 最终,他失去了原来那件精心呵护的旧浴袍,以及所有伴随它一同而来的一切。
31、The flames flared up again, and lighted up the delighted and careworn faces of the crowd around it. ─── 火焰又突然升起来,照亮了站在大场周围的人们兴奋、欢快而又精疲力尽的脸。
32、Careworn Irish taxpayers are asking how a small, flexible, and pro-business economy failed to anticipate the impending disaster. ─── 忧心忡忡的纳税人在问,一个小型、灵活、对企业友好的经济体,怎么会预见不到即将来临的灾难?
33、By the end, he misses his old careworn, well-loved robe, as well as everything that went along with it. ─── 最终,他失去了原来那件精心呵护的旧浴袍,以及所有伴随它一同而来的一切。
34、Yet the weary and careworn faces that we meet by thousands, even among the affluent classes of civilization, testify only too clearly how seldom this mastery is obtained. ─── 但是这种疲倦、饱受折磨的脸,我们见过的又何止千张,哪怕他们还是文明社会中的高层人士,这只能证明那些人根本没有掌握驱赶想法的方法。
35、He is careworn ─── 他忧心忡忡。
36、Parents are careworn and that is mostly because of kids. ─── 父母们却不是那么自在,绝大多数是因为孩子。
37、The school is also good, the expert is also good, does not need too careworn to take the trouble, university student, when the child looked. ─── 学校也好,专家也好,不必太劳神费心,把大学生当小孩看。
38、3.looking careworn as she bent over her mending; ─── 屈从于修补工作而看起来疲倦的她;
39、They are the features of a resigned, slightly careworn 57-year-old woman who has been asked to pose for an official photograph, knowing the camera will not be kind. ─── 尽管知道摄像机对自己并不友善,这位略显憔悴的57岁女性还是顺从地接受了记者的拍照要求。
40、When his toplofty and thin lips closed firmly,two careworn wrinkles were cutting through two sides of his cheek deeply,stretching from his shallow dimples at the corners of the mouth to his chin. ─── 那高傲的薄薄的嘴唇紧紧抿着,从嘴角的微涡起,两条疲倦的皱纹深深地切过两腮,一直延长到下颔。
41、Kutuzov, looking careworn and weary, was sitting on a bench near the bridge, and playing with a whip on the sand, when a carriage rattled noisily up to him. ─── 阴沉忧郁的库图佐夫坐在桥边一条凳子上,用鞭子玩弄沙土,这时有一辆马车隆隆向他驶来。
42、a careworn face ─── 一张忧心忡忡的脸
43、With human and divine pity Jesus looked into her sorrowful, careworn face. ─── 耶稣以人的同情和上帝的慈怜望著马大忧愁憔悴的脸。
44、the parent's careworn face ─── 家长愁云密布的脸
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