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08-27 投稿


stipule 发音

英:['stɪpjuːl]  美:['stɪpjʊl]

英:  美:

stipule 中文意思翻译



stipule 短语词组

1、stipule shape ─── 托叶形状

2、stipule def ─── 托叶定义

3、stipule meaning ─── 托叶意义

4、stipule types ─── 托叶类型

5、stipule plants ─── 托叶植物

6、deciduous stipule ─── 凋落托叶

stipule 词性/词形变化,stipule变形

形容词: stipuled |

stipule 相似词语短语

1、stipple ─── v.(绘画、雕刻术语)点画,点刻,点彩;n.点画,点刻法(或效果)

2、stipules ─── n.[植]托叶

3、stippled ─── adj.点画的,点彩的;带斑点的,带小圆点的;v.点画,点彩画出,点描,点刻(stipple的过去式和过去分词)

4、stipulate ─── vi.规定;保证;vt.规定;保证;adj.有托叶的

5、stifle ─── vt.扼杀;使窒息;藏匿;vi.窒息;被扼杀;n.(马等的)后膝关节;(马等的)[动]后膝关节病

6、stickle ─── v.(为小事)争吵;犹豫,顾忌;提出异议,反对;坚持己见;n.(Stickle)(美)斯蒂克尔(人名)

7、stipular ─── adj.有托叶的;托叶的;生在托叶上的

8、stippler ─── 点滴器

9、stipples ─── v.(绘画、雕刻术语)点画,点刻,点彩;n.点画,点刻法(或效果)

stipule 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、deciduous stipule ─── 凋落托叶

2、Trees deciduous.Leaves alternate;stipule caducous; ─── 落叶乔木叶互生托叶早落;

3、Foliaceous back provides fluff, vein is thicker, stipule is damask. ─── 叶背具柔毛,叶脉较粗,托叶淡红色。

4、Stipule silklike, 1-1.5 cm, densely hirsute; ─── 托叶似丝的,1-1.5厘米,密被长硬毛;

5、Stipule pointed linear, ca. 5 mm; ─── 托叶尖的线形,约5毫米;

6、true stipules absent, sometimes a stipule-like sheath present at base of petiole. ─── 托叶无,有时在叶柄的基部有一个托叶状的鞘。

7、lateral stipule ─── 侧生托叶

8、Terminal bud at first enclosed by stipule, later free. ─── 顶芽最初被托叶包围,后来分离。

9、Stipule filiform, lanceolate, 5-7 mm; ─── 托叶丝状,披针形,5-7毫米;

10、Configuration feature: Erect or twine a cane this, do not have stipule or stipular and alar as accrete as Xie Bing. ─── 形态特征: 竖立或缠绕藤本,无托叶或托叶翅状并与叶柄合生。

11、stipule small, deciduous. ─── 托叶小,脱落;

12、of petiole, blade and stipule. ─── 由叶柄、叶片和托叶组成。

13、Stipule and the rachis base gather live, the edge bamboo splint dentate fission, has the glandular hair . ─── 托叶与叶轴基部合生,边缘篾齿状分裂,有腺毛。

14、Stipule filiform, 3-4 mm; ─── 托叶丝状,3-4毫米;

15、Foliaceous each other is unripe, odd a shape compound leaf, without stipule, provide long power; ─── 叶互生,奇数羽状复叶,无托叶,具长柄;

16、Foliaceous opposite or verticillate, rare each other is unripe, unifoliate, without stipule. ─── 叶对生或轮生,稀互生,单叶,无托叶。

17、Lack of any one or two parts of petiole, blade and stipule. ─── 缺乏叶柄、叶片和托叶中的任何一部分或二部分。

18、stipule absent.Flowers bisexual, 5-merous, in axillary cymes, rarely solitary; ─── 无托叶花两性,5瓣,在腋生的聚伞花序,很少单生里;

19、axillary stipule ─── 腋生托叶

20、extra-foliaceous stipule ─── 叶外托叶

21、Stipule A modified leaf found as an outgrowth from the petiole or leaf base. ─── 托叶:由叶柄或叶基部生长出的变态的叶,为发育产生的外部结构。

22、Leaves simple, alternate, elliptical, ca. 25 cm long, margin entire, leathery and glabrous, leaf bud covered by a reddish stipule; ─── 单叶互生,椭圆形,可至25公分长,全缘,革质光亮,新叶芽外覆淡红色托叶;

23、Foliaceous each other is unripe, unifoliate, change is simple, without stipule; ─── 叶互生,单叶,革质,无托叶;

24、Stipule getting form. ─── 托叶钻形。

25、Stipule adnate to petiole. ─── 托叶贴生到叶柄。

26、Stipule is between Xie Bing, unripe or sheet is didymous, often fall off; ─── 托叶在叶柄间,单生或成对,常脱落;

27、stipule filiform, caducous. ─── 托叶丝状,早落。

28、Yeh Chang-long round or oval-shaped round, stipule lanceolate, dry off. ─── 叶长圆形或椭圆状长圆形,托叶披针形,旱落。

29、Stipule and the rachis base gather live, the edge bamboo splint dentate fission, has the glandular hair. ─── 托叶与叶轴基部合生,边缘篾齿状分裂,有腺毛。

30、stipule linear, ca. 1 cm, glabrous; ─── 线的托叶,约1厘米,无毛;

31、Petiole with stipule ─── 叶柄外植体

32、Stipule filiform, 5-7 mm; ─── 托叶丝状,5-7毫米;

33、Stipule filiform, 3-7 mm, pilose; ─── 托叶丝状,3-7毫米,具柔毛;

34、Complete leaf composed of petiole, blade and stipule. ─── 完全叶由叶柄、叶片和托叶组成。

35、stipule lanceolate, Cimao; ─── 托叶披针形,有刺毛;

36、Complete leaf composed of petiole , blade and stipule . ─── 缺乏叶柄、叶片和托叶中的任何一部分或二部分。

37、Leaves alternate;stipule minute, caducous; ─── 叶互生托叶分钟,早落;

38、Stipule ovate-lanceolate, ca. 1 cm; ─── 托叶卵形披针形,约1厘米;

39、amplexicaul stipule ─── 抱茎托叶

40、Stipule A modified leaf found as an outgrowth from the petiole or leaf base. ─── 由叶柄或叶基部生长出的变态的叶,为发育产生的外部结构。

41、stipule united with petiole, obsolete. ─── 托叶与叶柄合生,废退。

42、The all-important task of the lift equipment is that it is to stipule the jointed work pieces after they have been jointed.It makes the work pieces leave the jig and convenient to move away from jigs. ─── 摘 要举升装置的首要任务是在工件焊接完毕后将焊接后的工件托起,使其离开夹具,以便将工件移走。

43、Stipule filiform, ca. 4 mm, usually caducous; ─── 托叶丝状,约4毫米,通常早落;

44、Stipule A modified leaf found as an outgrowth from the petiole or leaf base. ─── 叶柄或叶基部生长出的变态的叶,为发育产生的外部结构。

45、stipule united with petiole, obsolete. ─── 托叶与叶柄合生,废退。

46、Leaves basal, dense, petiolate, circinately 2-folded toward stipule when young; ─── 叶基生,紧密,,环状2折叠朝幼时托叶;

47、Stipule filiform, ca. 5 mm; ─── 托叶丝状,约5毫米;

48、stipule, when present, caducous or persistent. ─── 托叶,当存在时,早落或宿存。

49、Small lamina 3, egg shape wraps around needle form, stipule falls early, foliaceous each other is unripe, flocculus brim has toothed, vimineous softness. ─── 小叶片3,卵状披针形,托叶早落,叶互生,小叶边缘有锯齿,枝条柔软。

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