subdivide 发音
英:[ˌsʌbˈdɪvaɪd] 美:[ˈsʌbdɪvaɪd]
英: 美:
subdivide 中文意思翻译
subdivide 短语词组
1、subdivide lot ─── 细分地段
2、subdivide blender ─── 细分搅拌机
3、subdivide 12 ─── 细分12
4、subdivide maya ─── 细分maya
5、subdivide into ─── 再分成
subdivide 词性/词形变化,subdivide变形
subdivide 相似词语短语
1、subdivides ─── vi.细分,再分;vt.把……再分,把……细分
2、sub-divide ─── vi.细分,再分;vt.把……再分,把……细分
3、subdividable ─── adj.可再分的;可细分的
4、to subdivide ─── 细分
5、subdividing ─── vt.细分(subdivide的现在分词);分小块;分割
6、subdivider ─── 地块划分商;分路器
7、subdivided ─── 细分
8、divide ─── v.(使)分开,分成;分配,分担;分隔;(道路)分叉;使产生分歧;(数)除,除以;n.分歧,差异;分水岭;界限
9、subdivisive ─── 细分
subdivide 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A client program must subdivide the work to be done and pass the pieces to the grid middleware for processing. ─── 客户机程序必须对工作进行划分,并将工作单元传递给网格中间件供其处理。
2、Subdivide the fringe section with a diagonal-left parting. ─── 以对角线-左边分别细分边缘区段。
3、Chapter three, subdivide buyer's colony of open-ended fund market through different indexes , then study how to subdivide the choice and localization of the market. ─── 第三章,通过不同的指标对开放式基金市场购买者群体进行细分,然后研究如何进行细分市场的选择和定位。
4、For instance, you can subdivide one ASP.NET application into multiple Visual Studio projects by referencing files in different project files. ─── 例如,通过在几个不同的项目文件中引用文件,可以将一个ASP.NET应用程序分为多个Visual Studio项目。
5、Each item group is long to assign after complete the step subdivide item to each group member, making power further clear in meaning. ─── 每个项目小组长把项目的完成步骤细分后分配给每一个小组成员,使权责进一步明晰。
6、Study of displacement sensor using CCD to subdivide grating directly ─── CCD直接细分光栅位移传感器的研究
7、You can use sales organizations to subdivide markets into regions. ─── 用销售组织将市场细分为区域。
8、Basing on the regular polyhedra,we can subdivide it by the doubling and the division procedures and form the spherical geodesic triangulated grids. ─── 以正多面体为基本多面体,利用重复法和分割法再分,构成球形的短程线三角形网格.
9、subdivide with distinguished and count ─── 细分辨向与计数
10、market subdivide ─── 市场细分
11、After comparing the traditional division of the Fu, I subdivide the Objectchanting Fu to three types on which the research is based.They are Fu on Animals, Fu on Plants and Fu on Objects. ─── 第一章“六朝咏物赋创作概况”,在比较了赋的传统分类方法后,笔者将六朝咏物赋分为动物、植物、器物三大类,确定了本文的研究范围,并对六朝咏物小赋的特征进行了归纳。
12、The fashion industry should subdivide the market based on the dressing requirement of the consumer. ─── 服装行业应依据消费者着装需要上的差异,对服装市场进行细分。
13、A kind of subdivision algorithm based on the way of bisection is put forward.This algorithm can subdivide curve evenly,and can get to approach better result by less subdividing. ─── 提出一种基于对分方式的细分算法,能均匀地细分曲线,并用较少的细分次数得到对曲线较好的逼近效果。
14、The actual practice is to divide accounting unit step by step until individual wells and then to subdivide them. ─── 研究了油田生产中成本控制问题,将成本的核算单位详细划分到单井,并将其细化分解。
15、to subdivide a cake into 5 ─── 把一块蛋糕分成五块
16、On their turn subdivide each children into eight smaller cubes, and you will notice we are creating a tree where each node has eight children. ─── 处理每个‘孩子’的时候,再为更小的八个立方体,你会发现我们在创建一个每个节点有八个子节点(孩子)的树。
17、SIN subdivide driving system with microprocessor controlled for three-phase hybrid stepping motor ─── 单片机控制的正弦波细分三相混合式步进电动机驱动系统
18、Comprehension and mastery over scripting and animation techniques applied to Polygonal Mesh, NURBS and Subdivide Surface models. ─── 理解并掌握应用在多边形网格,NURBS和细分表面模型的脚本编写和动画技术。
19、Comprehension and mastery over scripting and animation techniques applied to Polygonal Mesh, NURBS and Subdivide Surface models. ─── 理解并掌握应用在多边形网格,NURBS和细分表面模型的脚本编写和动画技术。
20、Discussion About Subdivide of Guifeng Group and Sedimentary System and Character of Facical Model in Late Cretaceous in Xijiang Basin ─── 信江盆地晚白垩世沉积体系特征与圭峰群地层划分的讨论
21、subdivide with differentiation toward ─── 细分与辨向
22、Small and medium organizations may have only one administrator; larger organizations may subdivide the administrator role into multiple job titles. ─── 中小型组织可能只有一个管理员;较大型的组织可能将管理员角色细分为多个职务。
23、Subdivide - Each selected edge is split in two , new vertices are created at middle points, and faces are split too, if necessary . ─── 每个选择的边一分为二,新的顶点将创建在边的中心;面也是一分为二。
24、Post-Processing to Simplify and Subdivide Three-Dimensional Image ─── 三维数字图像简化和细分的后处理
25、Wuhan Evening make a way to adversely subdivide the market so as to re-orientate its marketing position, to focus forward the family readers and last define its paper-buyers. ─── 文章指出,《武汉晚报》通过逆向细分读者市场,进行重新定位,锁定家庭读者,为发行和广告营销确定了目标受众。
26、Three angular unconformities found in the field work in the previous Baishan Formation of the Carboniferous in Poziquan area help to subdivide Baishan Formation into four formations. ─── 摘要通过野外工作,在前人所划的坡子泉地区石炭系白山组内新发现三个角度不整合,而将白山组解体成四个组。
27、Searching on the broadband market in Chengdu and with the 4PS theory from Curlers, it argue about the promotion tragedy in the subdivide from the market, the choice of the target market. ─── 在对成都市宽带网络市场进行调研的基础上,根据科特勒的市场营销4PS理论,从市场细分、目标市场的选择、到市场的定位对成都宽带网的经营战略作以简单探讨。
28、Keywords hydrothermal sedimentary deposit;subdivide type;minerogenic mechanism; ─── 热水沉积矿床;类型划分;成矿机制;
29、Subdivide Patch ─── 细分面片
30、It is, therefore, necessary to break down or subdivide the journal into a number of special journals, each being used to record transactions of certain kind. ─── 因此,有必要将日记账再分成特种日记账,每个特种日记账用来记录某类经济业务。
31、Subdivide with a horizontal parting below the occipital. ─── 在后头骨下面以水平线分别细分。
32、This is useful when a method is too big and you want to subdivide blocks of it into different methods. ─── 如果一个方法太大并且您想要把此方法再细分为不同的方法,这个重构将很有用。
33、5 Excellence performance: ABBA high-precision, backlash ball screws, high-power subdivide drive, can fast precision engraving. ─── 2性能卓越双螺母消隙丝杠,大功率驱动器,可快速高精度雕刻。
34、For example, pressing {{K|W}} and then {{K|1}} will subdivide the selected edges without you having to touch the mouse at all. ─── 例如:按下{{K|W}}然后按{{K|1}}将细分选择边,这样就不需要用鼠标单击选择细分菜单命名了。
35、Subdivide Multi Fractal - As above, but new vertices are randomly displaced within a user-defined range. ─── 不规则多次细分-与上一样,但它是在用户定制的范围内随机置换细分。
36、Step 5. Subdivide the cylinder horizontally to add some vertices to work with. ─── 第5步。细分圆柱体在横向添加一些顶点。
37、Areas allow you to subdivide a project into smaller, more manageable sections. ─── 区域使你可以将项目分成多个更小的、更容易管理的部分。
38、Guided by theory and method of unit-superunit mapping in the granite area, study the lithology, lithochemistry, trace elements, and rare earth elements, er. of the Wuzengsu gabbro body, and subdivide the body into four units. ─── 摘要借鉴花岗岩区单元-超单元填图理论方法,通过对乌增苏辉长岩体岩石学、岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素等特征的研究,将岩体划分为四个单元。
39、An alternative decomposition would divide the polygon class into convex-polygon and non-convex-polygon, then subdivide the latter class into simple-polygon and self-intersecting-polygon. ─── 例如,这种控制印刷机和其它外围设备的软件的程序创始者会接受一种装置的类语法描述并生产一个适合专门化的程序。
40、Date Excavate in Consumer Living Shape Subdivide Application Study ─── 数据挖掘在消费者生活形态细分中的应用研究
41、Along with the formalization of the social stratum in China today, the media ecology had corresponding change, the media market started to subdivide. ─── 摘要随着中国社会阶层结构的定型,大众传媒生态也发生了相应变迁,媒介市场开始细分。
42、Track : One of a series of concentric circles around which data are stored on disk or drum. Tracks are often subdivide into sectors . ─── 磁道:一组同心圆中的一个环,在磁盘或磁鼓上,数据就环绕着它存放,磁道通常又分成扇区。
43、The interpolation is equal to subdivide those control rules,so the quantization error can be eliminated thoroughly,and the system can get better steady-state performance. ─── 使用插值算法相当于细分了控制规则,从根本上消除了量化误差,改善了系统的稳态性能。
44、A efficient intersection method is presented to subdivide surfaces with convex hull.Consequently,the method can be used with any subdivision schemethat has the strongconvex hull property. ─── 主要针对具有凸包特征的细分曲面提出了一种有效的求交的方法,该方法适用于任意具有凸包特征的细分曲面中。
45、to subdivide; to mince ─── 细分
46、Track: One of a series of concentric circles around which data are stored on disk or drum. Tracks are often subdivide into sectors. ─── 磁道:一组同心圆中的一个环,在磁盘或磁鼓上,数据就环绕着它存放,磁道通常又分成扇区。
47、One reason for such a large address space is to subdivide the available addresses into a hierarchy of routing domains that reflect the Internet's topology. ─── 地址空间如此大的一个原因是将可用地址细分为反映Internet的拓扑的路由域的层次结构。
48、Implementing internal rating approach in The New Basel Capital Accord brings forward the least demands, the objective of these demands is commercial banks should subdivide efficiently and work out credit risk . ─── 《巴塞尔新资本协议》内部评级法的实施对商业银行信用风险内部评级体系提出了最低要求,其目的是要求商业银行对信用风险进行有效细分和精确测算。
49、To subdivide(land, for example) into minute parts. ─── 细分把(如,土地)分成小块
50、It reviews marketing the basic theories of strategy and then subdivide strategy to markets among them, marketing strategy of the brands have and expound the fact strategy market orientation. ─── 紧接着回顾了营销战略的基本理论,对其中的市场细分战略、市场定位战略、品牌营销战略都有论述。
51、For example, pressing WKEY and then 1KEY will subdivide the selected edges without you having to touch the mouse at all. ─── 例如:按下WKEY然后按1KEY将细分选择边,这样就不需要用鼠标单击选择细分菜单命名了。
52、A valid verifying method of error of indication is introduced for subdivide multi-tooth table in this paper.The evaluation of uncertainty of measurement is given. ─── 介绍了一种对多齿细分分度台综合示值误差进行检定的简便方法,并进行了测量不确定度评定。
53、Subdivide the diagonal section at the back-left side of the triangle with one diagonal-back parting. ─── 在和对角线的-背面的三角形的背面留下的边细分对角线的区段离别的。
54、Subdivide - Each selected edge is split in two, new vertices are created at middle points, and faces are split too, if necessary. ─── 细分-每个选择的边一分为二,新的顶点将创建在边的中心;面也是一分为二。
55、But no new and effectual methods were put forward on how we can subdivide the reservoir in a more small-scale according to the definition of flow unit. ─── 但是怎样利用测井等资料进行流动单元意义上的储层自动细分,目前还没有统一的认识,文献中多局限于一些传统的测井自动分层方法。
56、Subdivide the section with a diagonal-back parting. ─── 以对角线-背面分别细分区段。
57、(c)subdivide its shares or any of them into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the memorandum; ─── 将全部或部分股份划分成数额小于通知所规定的股份;
58、Product is divided into the high technique, the excellent service and the low price.They constituted the subdivide market of group of XJ. ─── 按用户的细分利益把产品分为技术高、服务优、价格低三种细分利益来细分XJ集团的产品市场。
59、Comprehension and mastery over animation techniques to manipulate Polygonal Mesh, NURBS and Subdivide Surface models. ─── 全面理解并掌握各种动画技术制作多边形网格,NURBS和细分表面模型。
60、The values on the khipu appear to sum upward and subdivide downward, suggesting the addition or subtraction of values as the khipu moved up and down the ranks of the Inka bureaucracy. ─── 乌尔顿说:“可以充分相信“奇谱”是印加人的三维书写系统。如果它们只是为了帮助主人记住数字,是不必要那么复杂的。”
61、We hoped to subdivide the property and sell it at a profit to retirees who had begun moving to the Ozarks in large numbers in the sixties and seventies. ─── 我们打算把这片土地分成小块,卖给六七十年代开始搬到欧扎克山区居住的为数众多的退休人员。
62、Secondly, by AABBs of every object in the assured spaces last step, we subdivide its potential intersection area. ─── 然后,对确定的区域内的每个对象通过AABB树的层次遍历逐步细分潜在的相交区域;
63、Loop to subdivide law ─── Loop细分法
64、Subdivide Element ─── 细分元素
65、Study on the Optimum Estimation of the Disorder and Repeated any Subdivide Number of Positive Integer Set ─── 关于正整数无序允许重复的任意剖分数最优估计的探讨
66、You must do, subdivides leader who the market and becomes this to subdivide in the market. ─── 你所要做的是,细分市场并成为这细分市场上的领袖。
67、To subdivide (land, for example) into minute parts. ─── 细分:把(如,土地)分成小块
68、The goal is for the XML parser to offer the individual pieces of information to the client application rather than force the client program to further subdivide the content. ─── XML解析器的目的是为客户机应用程序提供单独的信息片段,而不是要求客户机程序再进一步分解内容。
69、Subdivide the diagonal section at the back-left side of the triangle with one diagonal-back parting. ─── 在和对角线的-背面的三角形的背面留下的边细分对角线的区段离别的。
70、In urban study, there are many redistricting problems (RP), which subdivide spaces based on various activity intensities. ─── 在都市研究中,有许多依据活动强度而划设的分区问题。
71、Subdivide three vertical partings and sculpt alternately short, long and short lengths using 90 degree projection and a vertical finger position. ─── 细分三垂直的分别而且雕刻交替短,长的和短长度使用90度发射和一个垂直的手指位置。
72、Method: Survey on clinical nursing in some military hospital, re-divide and subdivide working time, explore nursing manpower distribution microcosmically by linear programming model. ─── 方法:对部分军队医院临床护理工作进行调研,采用了重新划分时段并细分时段利用线性规划模型配置临床护理人力资源,探索微观医院护理人力资源配置。
73、We created interactive software to morph, twist, and subdivide each design, transforming a simple mesh to a complex patterned structure. ─── 我们创造了互动软体,变形,扭曲,并对每个设计进行细分,改造为从简单到复杂的网格图案的结构。
74、Subdivide the African population, as some taxonomists propose, and perceptions of scarcity may shift. ─── 如果把非洲象细分下去,就像物种分类学家所做的那样,人们对稀缺的敏感度也随之降低了。
75、Abstract : Bilinear quadrilateral method was used to subdivide the spirally water wall and rectangular fin. ─── 摘要 : 采用双线性四边形法对螺旋管圈水冷壁和鳍片进行了剖分。
76、The southeast Hunan can subdivide into the east upwarping region and west downwarping region along Wangxianlin-Pinshi, in which occur two types and genesis of the Indosinian folds. ─── 摘要湘东南地区以王仙岭-坪石-线为界,分为东部隆起区和西部坳陷区,分别发育两种不同类型和成因的印支期褶皱。
77、Implementing CRM should innovate the theory of managing, reconstruct the organization and operation procedure, truss CRM unified platform, establish customer service center and subdivide the customer and market . ─── 实施 CRM,要创新管理理念 ,再造组织结构和业务流程 ,构架 CRM统一平台 ,创建客户服务中心并细分客户与市场。
78、In order to reduce the data amount of geological block model, and improve the speed and accuracy of modeling, a block model was uses to subdivide the target area based on octree. ─── 摘要为了有效地减少地质块段模型的数据量,提高建模过程中运算速度及准确性,采用八叉树结构表达块段模型,对三维目标空间进行块段细分;
79、The knowledge management model may subdivide for the knowledge classification model,the intelligence capital model and the social structure model. ─── 知识管理模型可分为知识分类模型、智力资本模型和社会结构模型等三种类型。
80、Small and medium organizations may have only one administrator; larger organizations may subdivide the administrator role into multiple jobs. ─── 中小型单位可能只有一个管理员;较大的单位可能将管理员角色再细分为多个职务。
81、Then, Prince and his colleagues subdivide approximators and shields: approximators can be subdivided into two types, that is, adaptors and rounders; ─── 两类模糊限制语的存在以是否改变原话语真值条件的不同为基础。
82、The medium must subdivide the market of the audiences, dividing the line, provide the basis for the different column. ─── 媒体必须细分受众市场,划分受众群,为媒体的不同栏目内容选取、风格确定提供依据。
83、flux linkage section subdivide control ─── 磁链区间细分控制
84、To model the snail body I start with a cube which I subdivide several times and stretch to make it an elongated rectangle which I put into a HyperNURBS. ─── 模型蜗牛的身体我开始与立方体细分,我多次和伸展,使一长矩形,我放进hypernurbs。
85、The control points are projected onto NURBS curve, and the projection points subdivide NURBS curve into a set of curve segments. ─── 将控制顶点投影到平面NURBS曲线上,投影点将平面NURBS曲线分割成若干曲线段;
86、Keywords deep low permeability reservoir;waterflood development;recovering layer by layer;infill pattern;subdivide strata;fracturing;block Wen 33; ─── 关键词深层低渗透油藏;注水开发;逐层开采;加密井网;细分层系;压裂;文33块;
87、seepage over subdivide ─── 分水岭渗漏
88、Methods about how to subdivide current equably are discussed and the winding current picture is analyzed. ─── 本文提出了直线步进电动机如何实现均匀细分的两种方法,并对细分时的绕组电流进行了理论分析;
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