herpes 发音
英:[ˈhɜːrpiːz] 美:[ˈhɜːpiːz]
英: 美:
herpes 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 疱疹
herpes 网络释义
n. [皮肤] 疱疹
herpes 词性/词形变化,herpes变形
形容词: herpetic |
herpes 常用词组
herpes simplex ─── [医]单纯性疱疹
herpes zoster ─── [医]带状疱疹
herpes simplex virus ─── 单纯性疱疹病毒
herpes 短语词组
1、genital herpes ─── 生殖器疱疹
2、herpes gestationis ─── [医] 妊娠疱疹
3、herpes encephalitis ─── [医]疱疹脑炎,单纯性疱疹脑炎,疱疹性脑炎
4、herpes farinosus ─── [医] 迭瓦癣
5、herpes facialis ─── [医] 面疱疹
6、herpes exedens ─── [医] 侵蚀性疱疹
7、herpes circinatus ─── [医] 环状疱疹, 圆癣
8、herpes corneae ─── [医] 角膜疱疹
9、herpes circinatis bullosus ─── [医] 疱疹样皮炎
10、herpes menstrualis ─── [医] 经期疱疹
11、herpes febrilis ─── [医] 发热性疱疹
12、herpes catarrhalis ─── [医] 单纯性疱疹
13、Bateman's herpes ─── [医] 贝特曼氏疱疹(环形红斑)
14、herpes iris ─── [医] 环状疱疹
15、herpes desquamans ─── [医] 迭瓦癣
16、herpes digitalis ─── [医] 指 ─── [单纯]疱疹
17、herpes genitalis ─── [医] 生殖器疱疹
18、herpes labialis ─── [医] 唇疱疹, 感冒疮
19、herpes generalisatus ─── [医] 全身性疱疹
herpes 相似词语短语
1、herdess ─── 遗产
2、herses ─── 赫塞斯
3、herders ─── n.牧人;(美俚)监狱看守
4、heroes ─── n.英雄(hero的复数形式)
5、herpet. ─── abbr.爬虫学(herpetology)
6、heres ─── n.继承者
7、herries ─── n.(Herries)人名;(英)赫里斯
8、heries ─── 海利斯
9、heredes ─── n.继承者(heres的复数)
herpes 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Duo-xi-kang in treating herpes zoster is effective with little adverse reaction. ─── 多烯康治疗带状疱疹有效,毒副作用少。
2、The herpes virus is often a silent virus and many carriers oftentimes never know they have it. ─── 疱疹病毒是一种不易被发现的病毒,很多携带者都不知道他们已经得了疱疹。
3、But, since the herpes virus does not always show its symptoms, prevention is not fool proof. ─── 但是,由于疱疹病毒并不总是表现出症状,预防不是笨蛋证明。
4、Herpes simplex keratitis is common in department of ophthalmology. ─── 单纯疱疹性角膜炎是眼科常见病,多发病。
5、Vrabee MP.Recurrence of herpes simplex after excimer laser keratectomy[J].Am J Ophthalmol,1992,114:96-99. ─── 刘祖国.诱导单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎复发的研究进展[J].国外医学:眼科学分册,:.
6、Many obstetricians now prescribe acyclovir to pregnant women with herpes during the last month before delivery. ─── 对于患有疱疹的孕妇,很多产科医生在她们分娩前一个月让她们服用阿昔洛维。
7、There is one important exception: babies born to infected mothers can catch neonatal herpes, a very dangerous infection that sometimes is fatal. ─── 但有一个很重要的例外情况:感染病毒的母亲生出的婴儿会被感染先天性疱疹,先天性疱疹是非常危险的一种感染,甚至会致命。
8、A number of topical antivirals are effective for herpes labialis, including acyclovir, penciclovir, and docosanol. ─── 许多局部抗病毒药可有效治疗唇疱疹,包括阿昔洛韦,喷昔洛韦和二十二烷醇。
9、In the ast majority of the population this will only result in a one-time, non-lethal infection such as chickenpox, herpes or mononucleosis. ─── 大多数人只有一过性非致死的感染,如水痘、疱疹或单核细胞增多症。
10、If you are okay with HIV, herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, and other STDs, by all means fuck your brains out. ─── 如果你觉得艾滋、疱疹、淋病、梅毒都无所谓的话,那就尽管去吧。
11、If an infant does contract herpes during delivery, the symptoms tend to show within two to three weeks after birth. ─── 如果婴儿在分娩期间被感染,症状将在2-3周内出现.
12、Contrary to some misinformation and misconceptions, herpes rarely affects pregnancy. ─── 与许多错误信息和观念不同的是,疱疹很少会影响怀孕。
13、Again, they do not cure the herpes infection or rid the virus from your body. ─── 再次,他们不治本疱疹病毒感染或从你身上消除。
14、Today's parents must go Beyond the Birds and Bees to aIDS, herpes and teenage pregnancy. ─── 对于现代的父母来说,只限于以鸟类和蜜蜂为例向子女解释两性关系是不够的。他们还必须让子女了解艾滋
15、Differentiation, diagnosis and cautions of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption. ─── 带状疱疹、风疹的鉴别诊断、注意事项。
16、Still, if a woman has genital herpes, it is important that she discuss this with her health care provider. ─── 尽管如此,如果一个妇女患有生殖器疱疹,她需要同医生讨论这个问题,这非常重要。
17、Most Acute herpes zoster(AHZ)can be cured,but still 15% of AHZ develop to PHN due to improper treatment or malpractice. ─── 多数急性带状疱疹(AHZ)疼痛可治愈,然而约有15%的患者由于治疗不及时或治疗不当而最终发展成为带状疱疹后神经痛(PHN)。
18、On admission the clinical findings were confined, and she was found to have herpes labialis and conjunctival infection. ─── 住入该院时临床所见被进一步证实,并发现她有唇疱疹和结膜炎。
19、A thorough visual exam will need to be done at the onset of labor to ensure that there are no herpes lesions. ─── 在产前可以进行一个彻底的检查,确认是否有疱疹皮损。
20、You may not know you have herpes because the signs are not there. ─── 你可能不知道你有没有疱疹,因为有迹象。
21、If you have symptoms of genital herpes but swab tests have always been negative. ─── 在出现症状的3天内进行检查是最好的时机。
22、You need not worry about catching genital herpes by sharing the bathroom, toilet, shower, etc with an infected person. ─── 从一般常识性的角度来说,避免立即使用你所知道的生殖器疱疹患者刚使用过的湿毛巾是明智的做法,但即使这样做了风险也是极端之低。
23、But consider a disease like herpes, or malaria, or AIDS. ─── 但是,请考虑一种疾病,像疱疹、疟疾、艾滋。
24、Women who acquire genital herpes before becoming pregnant have a low risk of passing the virus to their baby. ─── 妇女在怀孕前感染PZ只有很低的风险通过病毒感染给婴儿.
25、Not all people infected with the herpes simplex viruses will develop symptoms. ─── 不是所有的人感染了疱疹病毒便会产生症状。
26、"We also need to do more in defining a real path of success for a genital herpes vaccine," he added. ─── 他补充说:“我们同样需要更加努力,以找到一种真正有效的方法研制出生殖器疱疹疫苗。
27、Both strands of herpes can be transmitted even if there are no clear signs of an outbreak. ─── 两股疱疹可传染,即使有爆发的迹象并不明显。
28、It is rare for complications to arise during pregnancy because of herpes. ─── 在怀孕时由于疱疹引发的并发症很少见。
29、Interferon may be effective in treating some herpes virus infections of the eye. ─── 干扰素对治疗某些眼部疱疹病毒感染可能有效。
30、Nearly all humans become infected with multiple herpes virus family members during childhood. ─── 几乎所有的人在儿童时期就已经感染了复杂的疱疹病毒类的几种。
31、Here are two more sharply demarcated "punched out" ulcerations of the mid esophagus in an immunocompromised patient with herpes simplex infection. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒感染的免疫抑制病人,食管中部有两个边界明显的穿孔性溃疡。
32、The objective was to observe the clinical effect of Penciclovir cream for treating herpes labialis. ─── 目的是观察喷昔洛韦对唇疱疹的临床疗效。
33、Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) encephalitis has its own neuroanatomy. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒脑炎有特有的神经解剖学特征。
34、Herpes is different; the virus persists for life and is transmissible to partners (on and off) for many years. ─── 任何患有生殖器疱疹的孕妇,或者其伴侣患有生殖器或口腔疱疹,应该告诉医生及为怀孕提供照理的医疗机构。
35、Also, herpes is not present in the blood, so it is not usually transmitted from mother to child across the placenta. ─── 同时,疱疹不在血液中存在,所以通常不会由母体通过胎盘传给胎儿。
36、Once a person is infected with primary herpes, the virus stays in the body and causes occasional attacks. ─── 人一旦第一感染了疱疹,病毒就停留在身体里并且偶尔的攻击身体。
37、Genital infection with the herpes simplex viruses (HSV) 1 or 2 is not just an inconvenience, doctors note. ─── 医生们称单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)1或2的生殖器感染带来的不仅仅是不便。
38、After primary infection,VZV remains latent in dorsal route ganglia and is reactivated later in life, leading to herpes zoster. ─── VZV初次感染后可在体内建立潜伏感染,以后可被激活引起带状疱疹。
39、A 12-Year Prospective Study of Childhood Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: Is There a Broader Spectrum of Disease? ─── 一项12年单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎前瞻性研究:是否存在更广的疾病谱?
40、Herpes simplex keratitis (HSK) is one of the most important causes of blindness. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎(HSK)是目前存在的主要致盲病之一。
41、The clinic and EEG,brain CT,MRI in patients with herpes simplex virus encephalitis. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎的临床与脑电图、头颅CT及MRI
42、Women who are pregnant and are infected with the herpes simplex virus should also be very careful to receive tests as the delivery date approaches. ─── 孕妇及疱疹病毒的感染也应慎重接受考验由于交付日期的办法。
43、Spinal MRI may be helpful in the diagnosis of relapsed herpes encephalomyelitis. ─── 于复发性单纯型疱疹病毒脑脊髓炎的病例,脊髓磁振造影对于诊断上,可能有所助益。
44、Genital infection with the herpes simplex iruses (HS) 1 or 2 is not just an inconenience, doctors note. ─── 医生们称单纯疱疹病毒(HS)1或2的生殖器感染带来的不仅仅是不便。
45、Herpes zoster is a common skin disease.One of its clinical features is neuralgia pain. ─── 带状疱疹是临床常见皮肤病,神经疼痛是该病的一大临床特征。
46、Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a rare cause ofhepatitis in adults. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒是成人肝炎的罕见病因。
47、Dr Kublin said genital herpes and tuberculosis were also suspected of increasing the likelihood of infection. ─── 库柏恩医生说,生殖的泡疹,而且肺结核也被怀疑增加传染的可能。
48、We confirmed by postnatal examination that the infant suffered from both CMV and HSV (herpes simplex virus) infections. ─── 婴儿在出生后证实有巨细胞病毒及单纯疱疹病毒感染。
49、Herpes simplex: Infection caused by herpes simplex virus. ─── 单纯疹:亦称感冒疮或发热性疹。由单纯疹病毒引起的感染疾病。
50、The viruses that are commonly used for this purpose are adenovirus, adeno-associated virus (AAV), retrovirus, lentivirus and herpes virus. ─── 使用的病毒可以是腺病毒、AAV、反转录病毒、疱疹病毒。
51、Fenistil Cold Sore Cream is for the treatment of cold sores (herpes labialis). ─── 芬尼地尔唇疱疹霜用于治疗唇疱疹(唇疱疹)。
52、An ADCC-51Cr release assay mediated by monoclonal antibodies against herpes simplex virus ( HSV ) was established. ─── 建立了单克隆抗体(McAb)介导细胞毒作用(ADCC)~(51)Cr释放试验的测定力法。
53、Understand the differentiation and diagnosis of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption and other therapies. ─── 了解带状疱疹、风疹的鉴别诊断,其他治疗方法。
54、The different therapy was used for deferent parts of herpes zoster. ─── 不同部位的带状疱疹应用不同疗法。
55、If an outbreak is occurring, a c-section is typically performed; however, most women with genital herpes are able to deliver vaginally. ─── 如果出现了复发,通常情况下会选择剖腹产;不过,许多患有生殖器疱疹的妇女都可以通过产道生产。
56、After a week,there appeared herpes zoster on either side of the back. ─── 一个星期后,背部的两边都出现了带状疱疹。
57、After a week, there appeared herpes zoster on either side of the back. ─── 一个星期后, 背部的两边都出现了带状疱疹。
58、The different nerve block therapy was used for deferent parts of herpes zoster. ─── 不同部位的带状疱疹应用不同的神经阻滞治疗方法。
59、The most common sites for Herpes simplex virus infections (either primary or reactivation) are skin and mucus membranes. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒感染最常见的部位(原发或继发)是皮肤和粘膜。
60、Herpes simplex virus (HSV) gains entry through abraded skin or mucosal tissue. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒通过破损皮肤或粘膜组织进入人体。
61、Acupuncture treatments of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption. ─── 带状疱疹、风疹的针灸辨证治疗。
62、Stanberry LR Glycoprotein-D-adjuvant vaccine to prevent genital herpes[J].N Engl J Med,2002,347:1652. ─── 孟祥俊.单纯疱疹病毒糖蛋白的特性及其l临床意义[J].国外医学:病毒学分册,2002,9(6):184.
63、Diffuse lesions, herpes zoster, oral and pharyngeal mucosa inflammation and ulceration. ─── 弥漫性丘疹、带状疱疹、口腔和咽部粘膜炎症及溃烂。
64、Later, she claims he sexually exploited her, gave her herpes and impregnated her. ─── 后来,她起诉称他对她的性侵犯使她患了疱疹并怀孕。
65、We have identified conserved domains of the thymidine kinase proteins of the alpha herpes viruses:-R*Y*DG**G*GK*T-and-FDRHP*A***C*P*AR-. ─── 在氨基酸序列中发现有疱疹病毒TK基因的保守序列R*Y*DG**G*GK*T-和-FDRHP*A***C*P*AR-。
66、However, research shows that the initial oral herpes infection is present during childhood. ─── 不过,研究显示,口腔疱疹的初次感染在场的童年。
67、Cold sores caused by herpes virus type 1 are very contagious. ─── 一型疱疹病毒造成的唇疱疹是非常易传染性的。
68、The good news is that all of these STDs (except herpes) are curable with modern medicine. ─── 好消息是,只许这些性病(除疱疹) ,是可以治愈的,与现代医学。
69、Nikkels AF,Nikkels-Tassoudji N,Pierard GE.Revisiting childhood herpes zoster.Pediatr Dermatol 2004;21(1):18-23. ─── 俞蕙,朱启.水痘-带状疱疹病毒感染的研究现状.中国计划免疫2001;7(2):121.
70、Herpes simplex virus glycoprotien D gene was amplified from HSV 2 Sav strain. The D gene fragment was cloned into M13mp18 and M13mp19 and sequenced. ─── 从单纯疱疹病毒2型(HSV?2)Sav株中扩增糖蛋白D(gD)基因646bp片段,克隆入M13mp18、M13mp19测序载体。
71、This is typical for Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. ─── 为典型的单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)感染。
72、Immediately following that, you then frolic to the hospital with herpes! ─── 他说他想要买一只猫,说想买一只纯种的,说这样会比较好。
73、Two types of herpes simplex virus strains exist: herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). ─── 两种单纯疱疹病毒株存在:1型单纯疱疹病毒(单纯疱疹病毒1)和2型单纯疱疹病毒(单纯疱疹2)。
74、The herpes simplex virus can be dormant for a long time, or what is called a period of latency. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒可以休眠了很久,什么叫做一段潜伏期。
75、Cold sores on the mouth are also caused by the herpes virus. ─── 冷疮的嘴也疱疹病毒所致。
76、It is just as important that you and your partner are routinely checked for herpes or any STD for that matter. ─── 这一点非常重要,和你们在固定时间去医院检察有没有得疱疹或其他性传染疾病是一样的。
77、The hemorrhages seen here in the temporal lobe are due to Herpes simplex virus infection. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒感染致颞叶出血。
78、Recurring herpes lesions look like multiple tiny fluid-filled blisters( cold sores) that most commonly appear around the edge of the lips. ─── 复发的疱疹通常在嘴唇的边缘附近出现多个微小的充满液体的水泡(唇疱疹)。
79、Herpes zoster ophthalmicus presents with an erythematous, macular rash around the eye of the affected dermatome and does not cross midline. ─── 带状疱疹性眼病表现为眼周受累皮肤的红色斑疹,且病灶不跨过正中线。
80、None had HIV, genital herpes or HPV at the start of the study.The men were split into two groups. ─── 在研究的开始,任何一位都没有HIV,生殖器疱疹或者人乳头状瘤。
81、But, since the herpes virus does not always show its symptoms, prevention is not fool proof. ─── 但是,由于疱疹病毒并不总是表现出症状,预防不是笨蛋证明。
82、Women can also develop vaginal discharge during a herpes outbreak or painful urination. ─── 女性阴道分泌物也制定了带状爆发期间排尿或痛苦。
83、Vesicles of herpes simplex occur around the lips. ─── 唇部可发生单纯疱疹。
84、After two days, there appeared herpes zoster on my back. ─── 两天后,我的背部出现了带状疱疹。
85、Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a major source of morbidity and mortality for newborns infected with HSV. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒是新生儿单纯疱疹患者患病和死亡的主要原因。
86、Genital infection with the herpes simplex viruses( HSV)1 or2 is not just an inconvenience, doctors note. ─── 医生们称单纯疱疹病毒(sv)或2的生殖器感染带来的不仅仅是不便。
87、Herpes simplex:Infection caused by herpes simplex virus. ─── 单纯疹: 亦称感冒疮或发热性疹。由单纯疹病毒引起的感染疾
88、The mouse turned out to be vulnerable to a range of infections, but its susceptibility to herpes simplex had not been tested. ─── 结果这小鼠对许多感染性疾病敏感,但仍未检测出其对单纯疱疹的易感性。
89、Results: Herpes zoster was one of the most common complications of senile inpatients with genitourinary disorders. ─── 结果:带状疱疹是老年肾科住院病人最常见并发症。
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