impunity 发音
英:[ɪmˈpjuːnəti] 美:[ɪmˈpjuːnəti]
英: 美:
impunity 中文意思翻译
impunity 词性/词形变化,impunity变形
名词复数: impunities |
impunity 短语词组
with impunity
1. 不受惩罚地; 无恙地
You will not escape with impunity.
1、impunity define ─── 有罪不罚的定义
2、with impunity ─── 不受惩罚地,泰然地
3、impunity definition ─── 有罪不罚的定义
4、impunity means ─── 有罪不罚意味着
5、impunity synonym ─── 有罪不罚同义词
6、impunity defined ─── 有罪不罚的定义
7、impunity kh ─── 有罪不罚kh
8、impunity in chinese ─── 汉语中的有罪不罚现象
9、impunity meaning ─── 有罪不罚的含义
impunity 常用词组
with impunity ─── 不受惩罚地,无恙地
impunity 习惯用语
1、with impunity ─── 不受惩罚地; 无妨地
impunity 相似词语短语
1、impudicity ─── n.无耻;放肆;猥亵
2、importunity ─── n.强求;硬要
3、impunities ─── n.不受惩罚;无患;[法]免罚
4、improbity ─── n.邪恶;不正直,不道德
5、impurity ─── n.杂质;不纯;不洁
6、community ─── n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体
7、imparity ─── n.不平等;不同;不配合
8、immunity ─── n.免疫力;豁免权;免除
9、implicity ─── n.不怀疑;隐晦,含蓄
impunity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Flaws in the goods, Invalidity of impunity clauses. ─── 产品质量存瑕疵免责条款判无效。
2、We do not seek to intimidate, but it is clear that a world, which others can dominate with impunity, would be inhospitable to decency and a threat to the well - being of all people. ─── 我们不想进行恫吓,但是显然,一个别人可以不受惩罚地统治的世界将会是无礼的,对人类的福利是一种威胁。
3、Even militarily weak and small natioms have defied U.N. Decisions with impunity. ─── 即使是军事力量簿弱的小国,也可平安无事地反抗联合国的决定。
4、The middle sacral artery can be sacrificed with impunity, but it is often encountered unexpectedly during dissection and may produce troublesome bleeding before ligation. ─── 可以把骶正中动脉去掉而不会有什么害处,但是经常在切除的过程中,如果还没有来得及结扎血管,那就会出乎意料的遇到出血的现象,这是很棘手的。
5、They have allowed America to finance its massive current-account deficit with apparent impunity. ─── 它们对美国利用财政支出填补其庞大的经常项目赤字采取姑息放任的态度。
6、Only the state, on a collective basis, violates these rules with impunity. ─── 只有国家,在集体的意义上,不受惩罚地亵渎这些规则。
7、If laws are not enforced, crimes are committed with impunity. ─── 如果法律不能实施,人们就会犯罪而不受惩罚。
8、People who confuse right and wrong, who turn black into white, and who start rumours and spread slanders can't be allowed to go around with impunity stirring the masses up to make trouble. ─── 不能让那些颠倒是非、混淆黑白、造谣诬蔑的人畅行无阻,煽动群众。
9、Landlords were simply ignoring the law, and with impunity. ─── 地主们完全无视法律,且不受惩罚。
10、Even militarily weak and small nations have defied U. N. Decisions with impunity. ─── 即使是军事力量薄弱的小国,也可平安无事地反抗联合国的决定。
11、"Naturally, intimate as he was with them, he was not going to let anyone bully Qin Zhong with impunity! " ─── "他既和贾蓉最好,今见有人欺负秦钟,如何肯依?"
12、In a country where organized crime operates with fantastic impunity, this sort of ground-level defiance was unusual, if not unique. ─── 在一个有组织犯罪横行霸道而又不可思议地不受惩罚的国家里,这种对毒贩赤裸裸的蔑视,即使不是独一无二的,也至少是非同寻常的。
13、But campaigners believe that if the SCSL convicts a former president for these sorts of crimes too, it would be an even bigger step towards ending impunity. ─── “如果泰勒被判有罪,那么民众会对公正有了期望,即领导人们也会被指控(受到惩罚)。”
14、In the capital, Arsenal only scored one point. In the first 64 minutes when striker Bangura涓婚槦impunity into the controversial penalty to Arsenal 0-1. ─── 在首都,阿森纳只拿到了1分。在第64分钟时,主队前锋班古拉罚进了具有争议性的点球,使阿森纳0-1落后。
15、double trader - seconde player was locked out of trading, but the trading house emptied, so he just traded the next round with impunity. ─── 双重商人,后面的玩家被阻止交易,但是交易所清空,因此他在下一轮可以不受伤害的交易。
16、My UNiTE to End Violence Against Women campaign, along with its Network of Men Leaders, is working to end impunity and change mindsets. ─── 我倡导的联合起来制止暴力侵害妇女行为,与它的男性领导人网络一起,正在致力于终止有罪不罚的现象和改变人们的观念。
17、He is also unnaturally quick and agile.Some say he can even transform into a giant wolf, giving him more durability and the speed to gouge and maim with near impunity. ─── 他拥有不凡的迅敏与灵活,而据说他还可变形成一头巨狼,以更强大的速度与耐力将猎物打至残废、掏抓粉碎,无所赦免。
18、You know that I am not a man who can be ill-used with impunity. ─── 你知道,我可不是个可以随便欺侮的人。
19、A ten-thousand-year fit of bad temper, the island ignores with impunity. ─── 小岛在这种暴戾中安然无恙,它习惯了,完全不加以理睬。
20、Once the work was out there, it could be copied with impunity - with no payment to the author for subsequent users' drawing on, or simply enjoying, his or her creativity. ─── 一旦作品被投向市场,公众就可以免费使用该作品、享受作者的创造力,而不需要向作者支付费用。
21、"I mean that if there were, it would be impossible to draw up with impunity two such deeds as these. ─── “因为编造这一类文件是要吃官司的。
22、His Attorney General refuses to prosecute some of the worst war crimes committed in modern history and continues to give legal cover to criminals who tortured with impunity. ─── 他的首席检察官一边不愿对现代历史上最可恶的战争犯提起诉讼,一边又肆无忌惮地折磨犯人,并用合理合法这个托词来掩盖事实。
23、An English ship had roamed the Indian Ocean, preying with impunity upon Portuguese commerce ─── 一艘英国船已经漫游了印度洋,肆无忌惮地劫掠了葡萄牙人的商业。
24、” It also epitomised the atmosphere of lawlessness and impunity that has flourished in Russia in recent years. ─── 同时还也反映出了近年来俄罗斯一股目无法纪,犯罪分子逍遥法外的浊流汹涌。
25、But with determination, every nation can make it difficult for the guilty ones to profit by their ill-gotten gains, and to get away from the legal punishment with impunity. ─── 但是,只要有决心,每一个国家都能够让贪污者难以享用不义之财,并且无法躲避法律的制裁。
26、4.The impunity what compulsory insurance sets does not include escapement. ─── 交强险规定的免责范围不包括逃逸。
27、People do not fall headlong on stump of underwood with impunity ─── 任何人也不可能头朝下摔在灌木丛的根茬上而不受伤的。
28、But it is not unthinkable, as we have seen many times, in Armenia, in Cambodia, in Germany, in Bosnia, in Darfur: genocide continues to take place often with impunity. ─── 但是我们多次目睹,在美国,柬埔寨,德国,波斯尼亚,达尔福尔这些国家里的大屠杀持续发生,却不用受到任何惩罚。
29、These gangs operate with apparent impunity. ─── 这些犯罪团伙明火执仗,却没有受到惩罚。
30、All would pay deference to an officer like you, with a fierce mustache and a long sabre, but they think they may crush a poor weeping girl with impunity." ─── 人们对象你这么一位挂着一把长长的指挥刀、蓄着一脸威猛小胡子的军官总是很尊敬的,但认为欺负我这样一个只会哭泣可怜的姑娘是没什么了不起的。”
31、Subjectively, it relates to both the expanding expectation of impunity and the understanding to informed consent.Thus, the justified self-protection medical treatments depe... ─── 因而,正当的自我保护性医疗既取决于医方合理的免责期待,以及改变对知情同意的误读,更依赖于自身的医学伦理综合素质的打造和完善。
32、They beat her, saying,'You are poor and impotent,' so you can be beaten and plundered with impunity. ─── 他们一面捶它一面说“你又穷又弱”,于是你挨揍,被掠夺,他们却逍遥法外。
33、The days of impunity seem to be over. ─── 免受惩罚的日子似乎已经完结。
34、You will not escape with impunity. ─── 你不可能逃脱惩罚。
35、Courts may be slow, politicians meddlesome and bribery a problem.But nobody can count on impunity. ─── 司法程序可能很冗长,政治家们关注闲事过多,腐败也是个问题,但没人会不受法律管辖。
36、impunity from market risks ─── 不承担市场风险
37、Moreover, the money to be convicted of bribery, bribery is not the property of any impunity and failures of the criminal justice principles. ─── 而且,对以钱财贿赂可定罪,而非财物贿赂则任其逍遥法外,也有失刑法公正的原则。
38、Typhoons weaved over the battlefield, strafing German tanks and gun positions with impunity. ─── 台风战斗机飞越战场,扫射德军坦克和炮兵阵地。
39、He behaved badly with impunity since he knew the teacher was weak. ─── 他行为不检但不受惩罚,因为他知道老师很软弱。
40、with impunity ─── 不受伤害或惩罚
41、I am disillusioned by the institutions of China that let a man of such recklessness get away with impunity. ─── 大失所望是因为中国的机构让一个如此粗心鲁莽的人逃过了惩罚。
42、As a result of stricter enforcement, speeders are no longer able to break the law with impunity. ─── 由于更为严格的执法力度,超速者再也不可能违法而不受罚了。
43、They rarely demand public action.A result is a lack of accountability, even impunity, that lets corruption fester, solvable problems mount and disasters repeat. ─── 他们鲜少要求公开行动,结果出事没人扛起责任,甚至肇事不必受罚,造成贪腐积久如毒疮溃烂,本来可以解决的问题堆积如山,灾难一再发生。
44、If the months tick by with Iran demonstrating to all the world just how easy it is to break the treaty's rules with impunity, the NPT will finally be done for. ─── 如果过去的几个月是为着伊朗向全世界展示它如何能轻易地不受惩罚地违反条款,那么不扩散核武器条约将最终归于无用。
45、Cannot be beaten with impunity ─── 惩罚不得
46、He behaved badly with impunity as he knew the teacher was weak. ─── 他表现不好,却没有受到惩罚,因为他知道老师软弱可欺。
47、That they can completely, not guilty or to suppress the impulse to express their desire and, with impunity anyone at any time to understand their feelings, thoughts or desires. ─── 他们能完全地,没有压抑或内疚地表达自己冲动和渴望,毫无顾忌地让任何人了解他们在任何时候的情感、思想或欲望。
48、Xiangzi exploited this residual reputation of integrity to borrow with impunity, and spent every penny right away. ─── 他利用着这点人格的残余到处去借,借着如白捡,借到手便顺手儿花去。
49、As it begins functioning, it is hoped that the Court will help to end impunity and deter potential war criminals. ─── 希望法院开始运作后将有助于结束有罪不罚现象, 防止潜在的战争犯罪。
50、This is a culture of impunity. ─── 这是一种有罪不罚的文化。
51、You're burning the candle at both ends. A man can not work night and day with impunity. ─── 你过分消耗精力了,一个人不可能夜以继日地工作而不生病的。
52、No one can flout the law with impunity . ─── 任何人都不能不受惩罚地藐视法律。
53、They can be republished anywhere with impunity. ─── 他们不受惩罚可在任何地方重新出版。
54、But nobody can count on impunity. ─── 但是,没有罪犯能指望逃脱惩罚。
55、If laws are not enforced,crime is committed with impunity. ─── 如果法律不能实施,人们就会犯罪而不受惩罚。
56、Many would flout the laws if they think they can do so with impunity. ─── 只要有机可乘,他们便不把条例当一回事。
57、If laws are not enforced, crime is committed with impunity ─── 如果法律不能实施,人们就会犯罪而不受惩罚
58、Because they showed such great promise for the mystic arts, they were taught how to walk among the tribes of men and within the deep wilderness with equal impunity. ─── 对神秘技艺有如此的付出,使得他们可以自如地在人类部族和自然荒野之间穿行。
59、China bulldozed neighborhoods to make way for the Games and throttled factories and driving in a scramble to clean up Beijing's polluted air, but British officials enjoy no such impunity . ─── 中国为了奥运会动迁了周围社区、关闭了工厂、迅速推进北京空气污染的清洁工作,但是英国的官员却很庆幸没有这样的烦忧。
60、"Implementation is inadequate," said Sandler."Impunity for perpetrators is still the rulerather than the exception. ─── "执行是不够的",桑德勒说: "对于犯罪分子免受惩罚仍然是一种法规而不是例外。
61、Jim did not have legal immunity from prosecution, but because of his connections he was able to commit crimes with impunity. ─── 在法律上,吉姆并没有逃脱被起诉的豁免权。但是由于有各种关系,他能够犯了罪而又不受任何惩罚。
62、In future, as newspapers fade and change, will politicians therefore burgle their opponents' offices with impunity, and corporate villains whoop as they trample over their victims? ─── 将来,随着报纸的消失和改变,政治家们是否要不受惩罚地闯入对手的办公室,公司流氓在践踏公众利益的时候要肆无忌惮地欢呼呢?
63、reasons of impunity ─── 免责理由
64、Special Rapporteur on the question of impunity of perpetrators of violations of human rights (economic, social and cultural rights) ─── 侵犯人权者不受惩罚问题特别报告员(经济、社会和文化权利);
65、Always with impunity and the students drink, and recently it seems to always be there is a ray of taste. ─── 总是肆无忌惮地和同学们畅饮着,最近却似乎总能尝到有一丝的酸苦。
66、He suffered his subjects to neglect the laws with impunity. ─── 人们要是犯了法,他也不去惩办。
67、while the Internet already crosses most borders with impunity, ─── 尽管因特网已安然无恙地跨越了大多数国界进入其他国家,
68、Colombian authorities must act decisively to end the impunity which protects the vast majority of those responsible for the threats and attacks. ─── 哥伦比亚当局必须立即采取行动,终结对这些应该为威胁及攻击事件负责的人的包庇行为。
69、A diet that is harmful to one person may be consumed with impunity by another. ─── 一份对某人无害的食谱,也许会对另一个人产生不良影响。”
70、Was he the sort of man to be allowed to play her false with impunity? ─── 可以允许他这种人欺骗了她而消遥法外吗?
71、You cannot do this with impunity. ─── 你不可能做这事而不受罚。
72、Why toil away in the office like a chump when today's technology means you can bunk off with impunity ?Melissa Harrison doesn't rate your chances of successful skiving. ─── 尽管你可以在家通过一个虚拟的私人网络形式来进行你的工作,不要忘记你的公司将警惕地关注你的生产效率水平。
73、One cannot commit crimes with impunity. ─── 一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。
74、The weather growing cold, cold rain tucked bluster with impunity, a gust of wind rolling and hit the glass on the classroom windows, crackling straight ring. ─── 天气越来越冷,冷风夹着雨滴肆无忌惮地狂吼着,一阵风卷来,打得教室窗户上的玻璃噼里啪啦直响。
75、Human-rights campaigners said the plan did not go far enough to end impunity for the army. ─── 人权组织指出,总统的这一议案,对于终结军人犯罪逍遥法外的现象,是永远不够的。
76、In view of a regime thatunscrupulously mistreats its citizens and spurns with impunity all standards ofcivility, Beijing clearly lacks a sense of urgency. ─── 在最近于苏丹发表的关于达尔福尔的声明收到相反效果之后,北京再一次发现自己与一个制造人权危机的腐败政府联系在一起。
77、When Slobodan Milosevic was put on trial for war crimes at a special tribunal at The Hague, one motive was to show that heads of state could not shelter behind claims of impunity. ─── 当斯洛博丹?米洛舍维奇以战争罪被送往海牙接受审判时,人们还希望借此宣布,国家元首(犯了战争罪)也没有豁免权。
78、in future, as newspaper fade and change, will politicians therefore burgle their opponents' offices with impunity, and corporate villains whoop as they trample over their victims? ─── 将来,随着报纸的消失和变化,政客们会撬窃对手的办公室而不受惩罚吗?公司恶棍会欢呼着践踏受害者的权益吗?
79、And yet, torture is still practised or tolerated by many States. Impunity persists for the perpetrators. The victims continue to suffer. ─── 然而,在许多国家,酷刑依然存在或得到容忍。施加酷刑者依然不受惩罚。受害者继续忍受痛苦。
80、He relied greatly on the sagacity of the eldest, and the known impunity with which the younger passed among the savages ─── 他完全依赖大女儿的机智以及小女儿在蛮干中的那种泰然自若的神态。
81、"But surely," said she, "I may enter his county with impunity, and rob it of a few petrified spars without his perceiving me. ─── 她说:“我一定可以大摇大摆地走进他的故乡,趁他不知不觉的时候,攫取几块透明的晶石。”
82、Yet the sense of impunity long enjoyed by Russia's far right has been dented by the arrest of a man and a woman for the murders. ─── 但俄罗斯极端保守主义者长久以来享有的不受惩罚的心理这次要受打击了,因为一男一女已经因这起谋杀被拘捕了。
83、Whenever he went dodging about the village, he was surrounded by a troop of them, hanging on his skirts, clambering on his back, and playing a thousand tricks on him with impunity; ─── 不管他去到哪儿,他身边总是围着一群小孩,扯着他的裙子,爬上他的后背,肆无忌惮地耍弄他。
84、Controllingthe sale of contraceptive pills will not be necessary, and fishermen will onceagain be able to use their rods and tackle with impunity. ─── 但结果是一样的:鲑鱼数量减少了,并且更加确定雌激素对鱼类有害,哪怕只是微量。
85、"It is not acceptable for Pakistan or for us to have folks who, with impunity, will kill innocent men, women and children," he said. ─── “对于巴基斯坦或对我们来说,无法接受无罪的人,却将要去杀害无辜的人,小孩。“他表示。
86、Even militarily weak and small nations have defied UN decisions with impunity. ─── 就连军事较弱的小国违抗了联合国的决定也没有受到惩罚。
87、But it was utter hubris for Hizbullah to believe that, with its rockets in reserve, its fighters could keep crossing into Israel with impunity. ─── 但是真主党自恃手中握有火箭便以为能在以色列进出自如不受惩罚的想法也未免太过于狂妄自大了。
88、Any nose may ravage with impunity a rise. ─── 任何一个鼻子都可以夺走蔷薇的芳香而不受惩罚。
89、They beat her because to do so was profitable and could be done with impunity. ─── 他们打它是因为这样做对他们有利而且不会为他们带来任何惩罚。
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