jetsam 发音
英:[ˈdʒetsəm] 美:[ˈdʒetsəm]
英: 美:
jetsam 中文意思翻译
jetsam 词性/词形变化,jetsam变形
动词第三人称单数: jets |动词过去式: jetted |名词: jetful |动词现在分词: jetting |动词过去分词: jetted |
jetsam 短语词组
1、jetsam gta ─── 捷盛gta
2、jetsam ios ─── 酵母蛋黄
3、jetsam and flotsam ─── 废渣
4、flotsam and jetsam ─── 失事船只残骸, 零碎杂物, ─── 失业者, 无固定工作者, 流浪者, 无价值物
5、jetsam day ─── 同一天
6、flotsam and jetsam definition ─── 废料和 ─── 废料的定义
7、jetsam eq jetsam ─── 设备
8、jetsam define jetsam ─── 定义
9、jetsam definition jetsam ─── 定义
jetsam 相似词语短语
1、jetlag ─── n.时差综合症(跨时区高速飞行后生理节奏的破坏)
2、jetsom ─── 捷萨姆
3、jet stream ─── [气象]急流,射流;喷射气流
4、jessamy ─── 杰西米
5、jetstreams ─── 一款圆珠笔
6、jetstream ─── 一款圆珠笔
7、petsai ─── n.大白菜
8、jetway ─── n.登机道
9、Petsamo ─── n.佩琴加
jetsam 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、After the tsunami occurred, there was much flotsam and jetsam. ─── 地震海啸发生后,就有许多飘浮在水面或冲到岸上的残骸和杂物。
2、flotsam and jetsam ─── n. 零碎物品(失事船只的残骸)
3、As we walk along the shore with the author, we find beach glass, flotsam, a little jetsam, pelican feathers, black skate egg pouches, and other shore-side marvels. ─── 拿著这本书陪著你的孩子一起去海边走一趟吧,相信这个是相当好的生活教材。
4、1. Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war. ─── 贫病交迫的难民都是在战争中流离失所的。
5、Jetsam: Poor, sweet child. ─── 渍:可怜的,可爱的孩子。
6、The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam. ─── 海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎杂物。
7、There have been typhoons and currents washing in flotsam and jetsam and Michael Jones says animals attacked last year. ─── 曾经有过台风,海流带来了船只碎片和漂流物,迈克尔。琼斯说,去年还有动物攻击了这里。”
8、The smallest bits of jetsam, like the most transient incidents in a life, can be the most evocative. ─── 这最小的一块废弃物,正如生命中最容易转瞬即逝的事情一样,应该是最能唤起记忆的东西。
9、Jetsam: Someone who could make all your dreams come true. ─── 渍:我们可以使你梦想成真。
10、jetsam that had Been thrown up onto the shore. ─── 丢弃物被冲到岸上
11、The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam. ─── 海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎什物。
12、Jetsam: If only there were something we could do. ─── 渍:要是我们能帮助她就好了。
13、The difficulty, rather, is spotting signs of it in the jetsam of subatomic debris these machines produce. ─── 而其实困难在于,如何从这些机器制造的亚原子碎片的下沉颗粒中,发现辨别出玻色子的踪迹。
14、jetsam | lagan | ligan ─── 船舶遇险时投弃的货物
15、Jetsam: Someone who could make all your dreams come true. ─── 渍:我们可以使你梦想成真。
16、You know the difference between flotsam and jetsam ? ─── 你知道流浪者和难民的不同之处吗?。
17、Threw themselves on the food; jetsam that had been thrown up onto the shore. ─── 他们扑到了食物上;丢弃物被冲到岸上
18、The flotsam and jetsam of war hoping for a miracle. ─── 战争的弃儿们渴望奇迹能够发生。
19、Jetsam: If only there were something we could do. ─── 渍:要是我们能帮助她就好了。
20、Flotsam &Jetsam: This way. ─── 浮&渍:这边走。
21、Keywords Flotsam;Jetsam;Mixing;Segregation;Bubble;Mathematica1 model; ─── 浮升组分;沉积组分;混合;分离;气泡;数学模型;
22、Without a good leader an organization will go where the tide takes it, and as is so predictable with tides, they will be cast on the shoreline like the flotsam and jetsam of our society. ─── 一个组织如果没有个好领导,组织这条大船就走进了暴风雨中,并且如预料的那样,这条船被遗弃在海岸边,就像我们社会的残骸和遗弃物。
23、Flotsam &Jetsam: Yes? ─── 浮&渍:什么事?
24、When my daughter moves, she will give her flotsam and jetsam to the Salvation Army. ─── 我女儿搬家时,她将把不要的东西送给救世军。
25、The average particle velocity and concentration for the flotsam and the jetsam were unequal in the radial and axial directions. ─── 随着表观气速的增大,颗粒浓度沿径向和床高分布趋于均匀。
26、Jetsam that had been thrown up onto the shore ─── 货物被摔抛在海边
27、Not to be simply dragged along as a sort of piece of flotsam or jetsam. ─── 无论是对大人还是对孩子,谁都不应该被忽略。
28、Jetsam: It was only a suggestion. ─── 渍:这只是个建议而已。
29、There is nothing real in what he says; it's all flotsam and jetsam. ─── 他讲的全不是真的,尽是些废话。
30、Jetsam: Ursula has great powers. ─── 渍:乌苏拉法力无边。
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