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09-11 投稿


scruples 发音

英:[ˈskruːplz]  美:[ˈskruːplz]

英:  美:

scruples 中文意思翻译



scruples 短语词组

1、scruples definition ─── 顾忌定义

2、scruples youtube ─── 顾忌youtube

3、scruples dvd ─── 顾忌dvd

4、of no scruples ─── 毫无顾忌,肆无忌惮,不择手段的

5、scruples of conscience ─── 良心的责备

6、stand on scruples ─── 客气,拘泥

7、have scruples about doing sth ─── 做某事有所顾忌

8、scruples jewelry ─── 顾忌珠宝

9、scruples enfield ─── 顾忌恩菲尔德

10、scruples hair products ─── 顾忌护发产品

11、scruples enforce sculpting glaze ─── 顾忌强化雕釉

scruples 词性/词形变化,scruples变形

动词过去分词: scrupled |动词现在分词: scrupling |动词第三人称单数: scruples |动词过去式: scrupled |

scruples 反义词


scruples 同义词

hesitation | compunction | suspicion | misgiving |reservation | regret | doubt | second thought | qualm

scruples 相似词语短语

1、couples ─── n.夫妻;一对,一双;[数][力]力偶(couple的复数);v.连接;交配(couple的第三人称单数形式)

2、scruple ─── n.微量;顾虑;踌躇;vi.有顾忌;踌躇;vt.对…有顾虑

3、scripless ─── 无纸

4、scrumpled ─── 擦伤的

5、scrupled ─── n.微量;顾虑;踌躇;vi.有顾忌;踌躇;vt.对…有顾虑

6、crumples ─── vt.弄皱;使一蹶不振;vi.起皱;倒坍;一蹶不振;n.皱纹;褶皱

7、scrumples ─── 擦伤

8、scrupler ─── n.微量;顾虑;踌躇(scruple的变形)

9、scruplers ─── 洗漱者

scruples 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Do you know, Watson," said Holmes as we sat together in the gathering darkness, "I have really some scruples as to taking you to-night. ─── “你知道吗,华生,”当我们在夜幕降临坐在一起的时候,福尔摩斯说,“我真有点犹豫今晚要不要带你去。

2、He has absolutely no scruples; he'll do anything to get what he wants. ─── 他没有一点点顾忌,为了得到自己想要的东西,他什么事都做得出来。

3、have scruples about doing something ─── 对做某事感到良心不安

4、Had not your pride been hurt by my scruples about our relationship. ─── 伤害到你的自尊而造成我们之间的不快,这些罪过可能都是可以忽视。

5、If the men and women mix Ban, the male teacher in charge to go to the female student bedroom inconveniently, the female teacher in charge enters the male student bedroom also to have the scruples. ─── 如果男女混合班,男班主任不便去女生寝室,女班主任进男生寝室也有所顾忌。

6、The mention of the dinner dispelled Miss Stepney's last scruples. ─── 一提这次宴会,斯狄尼小姐就消释了一切顾忌。

7、Have you no scruples about buying stolen goods? ─── 你买赃物就毫无顾忌吗?

8、The only baggage he carries is stuffed into a rucksack with no room left for moral scruples, tactical considerations or accountability. ─── 他肩上扛的袋子里没有道德顾虑,战术思考,或者责任之类东西的容身之地。

9、She forgot her scruples, and as he rose to say good-bye, her eyes were shining. ─── 她打消了顾虑,在他站起来告别的时候,她激动得两眼闪闪发光。

10、She had no scruples; she would do whatever she wanted to. ─── 她是一个毫无顾忌的人; 她想要做什么就做什么。

11、How could I dream that he would have made scruples about a few years' youth or age, when the advantages of the match were so evident? ─── 我怎么想得到,他硬要考虑年纪轻,年纪大,那么几岁的区别,而不顾这个婚姻带来的明显好处呢?

12、Many British schools cannot afford the same scruples . ─── 很多英国学校无法做到同样挑剔。

13、do not stick at scruples ─── 不迟疑

14、She forgot her scruples, and as he rose to say good-bye, her eyes were shining. ─── 她打消了顾虑,在他站起来告别的时候,她激动得两眼闪闪发光。

15、You resigned the place from conscientious scruples. ─── 您辞去那个职位是出于良心上的不安。

16、"Well, I must confess, these are scruples." ─── “嗯,我已经必须承认,这些都是造孽钱。”

17、Her Orthodox Jewish upbringing and my own Catholic scruples imposed a celibate grace that made even kissing a distant prospect, however fervently desired. ─── 她那犹太正教的教养和我自己天主教徒的种种顾虑使我们表现出一种未婚者的羞涩,连亲吻也是可望而不可即的事,尽管我十分渴望。

18、"Why, indeed, he does seem to have had some filial scruples on that head, as you will hear." ─── “哦,真的,他对这个问题,好象也有些为了顾全孝道,犹豫不决,且让我把信读给你们听吧:

19、I don't care to do what you ask. I have scruples about interfering in his affairs. ─── 我不愿做你所要求的事。要干预他的事我是有所顾忌的。

20、Angel Clare had sadly disappointed his father, first by nonconformist views and then by sincere scruples against taking orders. ─── 安吉尔·克莱使他的父亲十分失望,先是他不信奉国教的观点,后来又顾虑重重,不愿意当牧师。

21、Young has not had scruples. ─── 年轻就是没有顾忌。

22、We'll respect Catherine's filial scruples. ─── 凯瑟琳由于出于孝心而有所顾虑,这我们应当尊重。

23、I very am also young, do not have the burden, sometimes can be unscrupulous, has not had scruples. ─── 我还很年轻,没有负担,有时会肆无忌惮,没有顾忌。

24、From scruples, the mother proceeded to uneasiness: "But what if the police were to annoy us? ─── 可是大娘由心虚转到了心慌,她说:“万一警察来找我们的麻烦呢?

25、Between a no scruples, suffered outside venting of gas to come home. ─── 一家人之间没有顾忌,在外面所受的气就回家来发泄。

26、George may be poor and in desperate need of money, now that he and his twin plan on expanding their business (Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes), but his pride and sense of scruples preside over his wants. ─── 乔治也许贫穷并急需钱,因为他和他的兄弟正计划着扩展他们的业务(韦斯莱魔法把戏),但他的自尊和顾虑战胜了渴望。

27、She has no scruples; she will do whatever she wants to. ─── 她是一个毫无顾忌的人;她想要做什么就做什么。

28、had scruples about ─── v. 顾忌

29、I was for it, but I encountered many conscientious scruples. ─── 我赞成那点,可是我受到许多良心上的责备。

30、To say the truth, I had conceived a few scruples with relation to the distributive justice of princes upon these occasions. ─── 说老实话,对君主们在这种情况下分得领地的正义性我颇有怀疑。

31、I overcame my moral scruples. ─── 我抛开了道德方面的顾虑。

32、Her hard face presented a shade which was not habitual with it,-- timidity and scruples. ─── 她那张横蛮的脸上隐隐带有一种平日很少见的神情,胆怯和狐疑的神情。

33、6.Actually i as soon as put out a hand may hug you,but i have too much scruples. ─── 事实上我一伸出手就可以揽住你,但系我有太多顾忌。

34、R&A: Certain religious Jews do not seem to have too many scruples, one might say . . . ─── 有人会说,某些有宗教信仰的犹太人似乎并没有太多顾忌…

35、I have no principled objection to it, ie no objection based on moral scruples. ─── 从道德上来说, 我并不反对此事.

36、She fell a laughing at my scruples about remarrying, and told me the other was no marriage, but a cheat on both sides. ─── 她大笑起来,笑我对于再嫁的问题还这么顾虑,还告诉我另一对并不算结婚,只是双方凑成的一个骗局。

37、Diana openly dwelled on her extramarital relationships with such gusto that she evidently had no scruples whatever about washing her dirty her dirty linen in public. ─── 戴安娜公开详谈自己的私情,谈得那么津津有味,显然是完全不怕家丑外扬了。

38、She has no scruples; she will do whatever she wants to ─── 她是一个毫无顾忌的人;她想要做什麽就做什麽

39、He had scruples, he was very good at business, and he had the brains, bossiness, and bull-headedness to take charge of anything he was involved with. ─── 并非肆无忌惮。他也有所顾虑,他在生意方面十分精明,他有头脑,有威严,还有一股蛮劲,将自己经手的所有事都管理得面面俱到。

40、To deaden, as to feelings or moral scruples;callous. ─── 使麻木不仁如使感情或道德良知麻木;无情

41、'Yes, ' I replied, trying to silence the scruples which this kind of life a wakened from time to time. ─── “合适,”我回答说,我对这样的生活安排总觉得不是滋味,但我忍住不说出来。

42、Home visits but because its inspiration girlfriend XuZiShan (lathan) YangHua sad father close and style, want to hire scruples HuoFu tempt a valentine's home. ─── 启发回家过年但因为其女友(徐子珊饰)作风洋化难过父亲关而顾虑重重,便想雇个情人回家试探霍父。

43、King: Power does not waste time in courtships.Lack of scruples and interest by one of the parties. Each benefits with little fatigue and risk. ─── 力量在求爱中不浪费时间。在任何一个宴会期间缺乏顾虑和兴趣。每一个利益带来一点疲劳和危险。

44、Very simple, because the good man cares about the moral and responsible, too many scruples. ─── 很简单,因为好男人在乎道德与负责任,顾忌太多。

45、Well, I have not intercepted your confidence, and yet I know all that as well as you, and I have no conscientious scruples. ─── 嗯,我不曾窃听到任何秘密谈话,可是我心里象你一样清楚,我并不感到良心上有什么不安。

46、If you hide in your own space but also the shackles of secular scruples can not choose, there is no freedom of thought, this is the case, mail Writing What does this mean? ─── 如果躲进属于自己的空间还要顾忌世俗的束缚,不能自主选择,没有思想自由,这样的话,邮文写作还有什么意思?

47、I have no principled objection to it,ie no objection based on moral scruples. ─── 从道德上来说,我并不反对此事。

48、To deaden,as to feelings or moral scruples;callous. ─── 使麻木不仁如使感情或道德良知麻木;无情

49、To hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples ─── 因为怀疑,恐惧而犹豫

50、a man of no scruples ─── 不择手段的人,肆无忌惮的人

51、But your father stands in the way because of certain unrealistic scruples. ─── 但是你爸爸因为一些不切实际的清规戒律就踟蹰不前,阻碍了生意的前进。

52、We'll respect Catherine's filial scruples. ─── 凯瑟琳由于出于孝心而有所顾虑,这我们应当尊重。

53、It is only by imagining ourselves into the world of the early 19th century that we can begin to empathise with Fanny's scruples. ─── 只有想象自己生活在19世纪早期,我们才能理解范妮的踌躇。

54、But if I am concerned only with my own material welfare, and have no humanitarian scruples, I want the output of all other wheat growers to be as low as possible; ─── 倘若我仅仅考虑自己物质上的福利,而没有任何良心不安的话,我一定希望其他所有麦农的产量越低越好;

55、Human rights activists are appalled at the way Beijing has ignored scruples that have made many western investors wary of dealing with regimes like those of Zimbabwe and Sudan. ─── 人权活动分子对于北京政府的做法感到震惊,因为后者与像津巴布韦和苏丹这些令西方投资商敬而远之的军政府合作毫无顾虑。

56、But many have noted that the paper ban Up persons scruples have to withdraw. ─── 但这纸禁令让许多已交钱的炒房者有所顾忌,纷纷退出。

57、24. Given the violent realities of Iraq, however, outsiders are deluding themselves if they expect scruples such as these to have much impact in Baghdad. ─── 不过,以伊拉克目前的乱局而论,局外人若真以为绞刑与否会对伊拉克产生多大的影响,那可就看走眼了。

58、Harriet had no scruples which could stand many minutes against the earnest pressing of both the others. ─── 哈里特即使不愿意,也难却两人的盛意。

59、He was not a man who inherently was troubled with conscientious scruples. ─── 他天生就不是一个顾忌良心责备的人。

60、At worst his scruples must have been quixotic, not malicious(Louis Auchincloss) ─── 从最坏的角度来说,他的疑虑肯定是出于一时冲动,而不含恶意(路易斯 奥金克洛斯)

61、"You must attribute it only to natural scruples under similar circumstances." ─── “您只能把这点归罪于在某种情况下的非常自然的清规戒律。”

62、In this Don Tommasino was at odds with the new breed of Mafia leaders springing up in big cities like Palermo, new men who, influenced by American gangsters deported to Italy, had no such scruples. ─── 在这方面,托马辛诺老头子同巴勒莫这类大城市刚刚冒出来的新型黑帮领袖之间,是有心病的:那些深受从美国遣返意大利的流氓阿飞影响的新型人物,在这方面是无所顾忌的。

63、He had no scruples about spying on her. ─── 他肆无忌惮地暗中盯着她。

64、He had to deal with scruples of an unknown species. ─── 他得和一种不熟悉的顾虑打交道。

65、Harriet had no scruples which could stand many minutes against the earnest pressing of both the others ─── 哈里特即使不愿意,也难却两人的盛意。

66、But this was a triumph in which the willpower of the state knew no scruples. ─── 但是,在这次胜利中,政府的意志力并不意识到它酿下的恶果。

67、She was afraid she'd wound my pride and my scruples if she mentioned it. ─── 她怕在向我谈这件事时会伤了我的自尊心,损害我的感情。

68、The cachinnation that we wanton, have no the madness for having scruples about. ─── 我们放肆的大笑,毫无顾忌的疯狂。

69、have scruples about ─── 对, 踌躇

70、To deaden, as to feelings or moral scruples; callous. ─── 使麻木不仁如使感情或道德良知麻木;无情。

71、for my own part, I respect your scruples and admire your sentiments; ─── 我尊敬您处事的谨慎态度,这件事就算了吧。

72、From within the ranks of the Confederacy came General Grievous, a brilliant strategist unhindered by compassion or scruples. ─── 从同盟的高阶中走出了格雷沃斯将军,一个不受怜悯心和踌躇左右的战略奇才。

73、made no scruples to do ─── v. 没有顾忌做(毫不迟疑地做)

74、She fell a laughing at my scruples about remarrying, and told me the other was no marriage, but a cheat on both sides. ─── 她大笑起来,笑我对于再嫁的问题还这么顾虑,还告诉我另一对并不算结婚,只是双方凑成的一个骗局。

75、But because on season finals Sampson rejects the matter which enters the stage, he thought that returns to Team Liaoning some scruples, therefore has not complied temporarily. ─── 但由于上赛季总决赛桑普森拒绝出场的事情,他本人觉得回到辽宁队有些顾忌,所以暂时没有答应。

76、have no scruples; be temerarious; be unreflecting ─── 不顾前后

77、When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocations, in addition to the ordinary fears of a lower. ─── 当他可以大胆行动的时候,他发现自己除了一个情人所具有的那种普通的害怕之外,心里还充满怀疑、顾虑和踌躇。

78、make no scruples to do ─── vt. 没有顾忌做(毫不迟疑地做)

79、The elder Autem lacked scruples yet had a firmer grip on the Republic's fate than his idealistic brother. ─── 大奥特姆没有道德准则,与理想主义的弟弟相比,他更善于利用共和国的发展趋势。

80、"At worst his scruples must have been quixotic, not malicious" (Louis Auchincloss) ─── “从最坏的角度来说,他的疑虑肯定是出于一时冲动,而不含恶意”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

81、If you have no scruples of free to use the skills, your focus will reach negative values. ─── 如果你毫无顾忌的随意使用技能,你的集中值将会达到负值。

82、I have no scruples about the matter. ─── 我对那事毫无顾忌。

83、He had no scruples about spying on her. ─── 他肆无忌惮地暗中盯着她。

84、I have scruples touching the matter you know. ─── 对于你所知道的那件事,我是顾虑重重,不敢去碰的。

85、She have no scruples; she will do whatever she want to. ─── 她是一个毫无顾忌的人;她想要做什麽就做什麽。

86、She forgot her scruples, and as he rose to say good-Bye, hex eyes were shining. ─── 她打消了顾虑,在他站起来告别的时候,她激动得两眼闪闪发光。

87、At worst his scruples must have been quixotic,not malicious(Louis Auchincloss) ─── 从最坏的角度来说,他的疑虑肯定是出于一时冲动,而不含恶意(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

88、I have scruples touching the matter you know. ─── 对于你所知道的那件事,我是顾虑重重,不敢去碰的。

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