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squadron 发音

英:['skwɒdrən]  美:['skwɑdrən]

英:  美:

squadron 中文意思翻译




squadron 网络释义

n. 空军中队;一群;骑兵中队;分遣队;小舰队vt. 把…编成中队n. (Squadron)人名;(英)斯夸德伦

squadron 短语词组

1、Aerodrome Squadron ─── 机场中队

2、squadron leader n. ( ─── 英国)皇家空军中队长, 空军少校

3、Weather Squadron Detachment ─── 气象中队支队

4、Cadet Practice Squadron ─── 学员实习中队

5、Helicopter Support Squadron ─── 直升机支援中队

6、US Navy Patrol Squadron ─── 美国海军巡逻中队

7、Civil Engineer Squadron ─── 土木工程师中队

8、AFSOC Special Operations Squadron AFSOC ─── 特种作战中队

9、Air Postal Squadron ─── 空中邮政中队

10、Special Activities Squadron ─── 特别活动中队

11、Helicopter Rescue Squadron ─── 直升机救援中队

12、Carrier Based Air Early Warning Reconnaissance Squadron ─── 舰载航空预警侦察中队

13、Air Early Warning Squadron ─── 空中预警中队

14、medical squadron ─── [医] 医疗队

15、PACAF Civil Engineer Squadron PACAF ─── 土木工程师中队

16、USAFE Civil Engineering Squadron USAFE ─── 土木工程中队

17、Headquarters Squadron Section ─── 总部中队科

18、USAFE Computer Systems Squadron USAFE ─── 计算机系统中队

19、Weather Squadron ─── 天气中队

squadron 词性/词形变化,squadron变形


squadron 特殊用法

1、drone squadron ─── 无人驾驶飞机

squadron 习惯用语

1、White S- ─── 白色舰队(美国第一支近代化舰队)

squadron 相似词语短语

1、quadroons ─── n.四分之一的混血儿

2、squad room ─── 士兵寝室

3、squadding ─── 挤压

4、aquadrome ─── 水上乐园

5、squadronal ─── 中队

6、quadroon ─── n.四分之一的混血儿

7、squarson ─── n.牧师兼地主

8、squadrons ─── n.空军中队;一群;骑兵中队;分遣队;小舰队;vt.把…编成中队;n.(Squadron)人名;(英)斯夸德伦

9、Squadrone ─── 小队

squadron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since May, Terence has spent time with members of 100 Squadron based at RAF Leeming in Basra, Iraq, and at airshows with performing fighter planes. ─── 从五月份开始,泰迪熊特伦斯和驻扎在伊拉克巴士拉英国皇家空军Leeming基地的100空军中队的队员在一起,并且参加了战斗机的空中表演。

2、Both of the dead men were identified as from No 15 squadron. ─── 两名死者都被认出是15中队的。

3、Aurelia Squadron : Missile off target! ─── 奥雷利雅中队:飞弹发射!!

4、His commission was reinstated in January 1941, and he was sent to the Middle East where he took up flying duties in Tomahawks with 250 Squadron RAF. ─── 1941年,他被再次起用,并送往中东服役于澳大利亚皇家空军250中队,驾驶印地安战斧式战斗机。

5、He services in a squadron of US Air Force. ─── 他在一支美国空军部队里服役。

6、As a squadron leader you were sent in countless wars to leave a desolated battlefield for the following infantry. ─── 如一位你被送出数不尽的战争为下列的步兵离开一个被荒凉的战场骑兵营领袖。

7、The Predators -- known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) come from the CIA's squadron of remotecontrol drones. ─── “食肉动物”侦察机是从中央情报局的无人侦察机群中抽调出来的。

8、Yuke Squadron Why are all these veteran fighter pilots stationed out here in the middle of nowhere? ─── 为什么所有这些老练的战斗飞行员都驻扎在边境的基地?

9、The nightmares appeared to him with celestial punctuality every single night he spent in the squadron. ─── 他睡在中队里的每个晚上,恶梦总象日月星辰运转那样准时地找上他来。

10、The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission. ─── 这支空军中队执行一项侦察任务。

11、They face surface-to-air threats as well as Red Air threats, which are provided by the Aggressors of the 18th Fighter Squadron from Eielson. ─── 他们要面对地对空武器和红军空军的威胁,红军空军则由来自埃尔森空军基地第18战斗机中队的“入侵者”们扮演。

12、Osean Squadron You've gotta fly faster! We're gonna get slaughtered! ─── 你再飞快一点!要不就被敌人屠杀了!

13、As a squadron leader you were sent in countless wars to leave a desolated battlefield for the following infantry. ─── 如一位你被送出数不尽的战争为下列的步兵离开一个被荒凉的战场骑兵营领袖。

14、Yuke Squadron They're easier to deal with on the ground. ─── 在地面上和他们作战的话就拿手多了。

15、Rogue Squadron engaged Isard in a conflict that became known as the Bacta War, and she was eventually defeated. ─── 侠盗中队在一次被称为“巴克塔战争”的军事冲突中与伊萨德交战,最终战胜了她。

16、Three fire squadron also will be put into use this year, the city will have a total of 57 fire squadron. ─── 另有三个消防中队也将于今年投入使用,本市的消防中队总数将达到57个。

17、One squadron color=# cc0066> peeled off to attack enemy bombers. ─── 一中队战机脱离编队攻击敌轰炸机群。

18、Rogue Squadron agreed to help Isard if they could secure the release of the prisoners to New Republic custody. ─── 侠盗中队答应帮助伊萨德,前提是他们能顺利地把囚犯救回新共和国,而不受到伊萨德的阻挠。

19、He commands a destroyer squadron. ─── 他指挥一个驱逐舰分队。

20、Yuke Squadron Their ships are just siting at anchor. This is like target practice. ─── 他们的船全都停泊在港内,这简直就是打靶训练。

21、Yuke Squadron There's too many! We can't protect them all! ─── 太多敌人了!我们不能都将它们保护!!

22、Rogue Squadron was restructured around several different starfighter designs to allow for greater flexibility in combat. ─── 同时侠盗中队也进行调整,他们采用数种不同星际战机的设计以求在战斗中拥有最大的弹性。

23、In order to deal with a Battlecruiser squadron of this size, we'll need to bring in our Warp Rays. ─── 为了分割"战役巡洋舰"战斗群,我们将需要我们的"曲线激光".

24、They were the elite flight squadron, chosen to protect the cannon. ─── 他们是精锐的飞行中队,被选中保护着大炮.

25、In the months that followed, Arthur's squadron replaced its older American Hawk fighters with newer British Gloster Gladiators. ─── 在以后的几个月里,亚瑟领导的中队以新的英国格洛斯特格斗者代替了年老的美国鹰派战斗机。

26、Yuku Squadron Attack successful. The enemy's confused and disoriented. ─── 奇袭成功。敌人已经陷入混乱状态。

27、All the cadets in his squadron were sworn to secrecy and rehearsed in the dead of night on the auxiliary paradeground. ─── 他中队里的全体学生都宣誓保密,在夜深人静时到辅助练场上演习。

28、Rogue Squadron engaged Isard in a conflict that became known as the Bacta War, and she was eventually defeated. ─── 侠盗中队在一次被称为“巴克塔战争”的军事冲突中与伊萨德交战,最终战胜了她。

29、Promoted directly from sergeant to 1stLieutenant, he was assigned to the fledging 75th Fighter Squadron as the unit's communications officer. ─── 他直接从下士提升为中尉,他被分配到刚形成的75战斗中队担任通讯官员。

30、Later in 2005 aChinese naval squadron appeared near the Chunxiao gasfield (known in Japaneseas Shirakaba). ─── 2005年底,中方舰队现身春晓油气田(亦即日方所称的”白桦油气田”)。

31、Pulcher Amandio/a says to you,"They came upon our squadron fast, closing in first on the Silver Barracuda. ─── "他们很快的来到我们舰队附近,先向银色梭鱼号靠近。

32、But none as daring as the Spitfire squadron. ─── 但是没有一个中队有喷火中队那样勇敢无畏的。

33、The crowd looked up as a squadron of jet - fighters flew past. ─── 一队喷气式战斗机编队从头顶上方飞过,公众仰首观看。

34、The best squadron in each wing won a yellow pennant on a pole that was utterly worthless. ─── 各联队名列第一的中队都获得一面挂在旗杆上的黄色三角旗,这玩意一点价值也没有。

35、Rogue Squadron is an intense third-person action game and a new generation of covert operations for the hybrid. ─── 侠盗中队是一款激烈的第三人称动作游戏和新一代秘密行动的混合之作。

36、"Air Wing Fallon is the best operational training that a squadron ever receives," Storrs continues. ─── “在法隆的飞行联队训练是一个中队所能接受到的最好的作战训练,”斯托丝继续说。

37、All the cadets in his squadron were sworn to secrecy and rehearsed in the dead of night on the auxiliary parade ground. ─── 他中队里的全体学生都宣誓保密,在夜深人静时到辅助练场上演习。

38、Discretion was the indispensible tool for survival in Ghost Squadron. ─── 保持距离是在幽灵中队混下去的明智办法。

39、Yuke Squadron Do not allow them to get any more planes airborne. ─── 不要让他们再有飞机起飞了。

40、All right, Skull Squadron, jettison Synchro Cannon modules immediately. ─── 好吧,骷髅中队,立刻抛弃同步炮模块。

41、Yuke Squadron The tank force is under attack! ─── 坦克部队正在遭受攻击!

42、Primary users: Red Flag, U.S. Air Force Weapons School, 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron. ─── 主要用户:红旗,美国空军武器学校,第422试飞中队。

43、The Squadron operates a fleet of 12 helicopters, having up to 7 units ready to be operated at all time. ─── 该中队的12架直升机设有队最多可有7个单位随时可以在任何时候运行。

44、A squadron of F-15 fighters is on its way home. ─── 一个F-15战斗机中队正在返程途中。

45、Yuke Squadron I thought there weren't going to be any escorts? ─── 不是原本应该没有护航飞机的吗?

46、Yuke Squadron Don't think, react. Just shoot them. ─── 别想太多。向敌人射击就行了。

47、Also nominated in the awards were Sergeant Gareth Smith, aged 37, from the RAF Catering Training Squadron at RAF Halton, near Aylesbury, Bucks. ─── 同样得到该奖项提名的是37岁的盖雷斯.斯密斯中士,来自位于艾斯伯雷附近的皇家空军餐饮培训班。

48、Yuke Squadron Small number of enemy escort planes. They should not disrupt our attack. ─── 几架敌军护卫机。攻击本不该被他们中断的。

49、Oslash; The Aerospace Extermination Squadron decimates Cybertron. ─── 太空灭绝者军团横扫塞伯坦。

50、Yuke Squadron You mean that was their real target? ─── 你觉得那是他们的真正目标吗?

51、He and the other pilots of the Ninety-Ninth Pursuit Squadron had come a long way from Tuskegee, Alabama, to fight that battle. ─── 他和其他第九十九追击飞行中队的飞行员从亚拉巴马的塔斯克基走了漫长的一段路来参加战斗。

52、I didn't have anyone to turn to, so I found myself living as if I was a member of the Yellow Squadron. ─── 从那时起我变得无依无靠,所以我决定像一名黄色中队的成员那样自己坚强地活下去。

53、They will also train the initial group of pilots that form the first training F/A-22 squadron at Tyndall AFB, Florida. ─── 之所以将初期试飞安排在这里是因为爱德华兹空军基地拥有维护F/A-22所需要的基础设施。

54、Colonel Korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in Major Tom's squadron. ─── 科恩中校认为这是梅杰少校的中队里开始出现的一种不健康的倾向。为了防微杜渐,他果断地采取了行动。

55、Yuke Squadron Hey, I see escort fighters. ─── 喂,我看到有护航的飞机。

56、Between the squadron and the enemy there was no one now but a few scouting parties. ─── 在骑兵连和敌军之间,除了小股的侦察兵而外,已经没有人影了。

57、Aurelia Squadron : Enemy plane shot down! ─── 奥雷利亚中队:敌机被击落确认!!

58、Yuke Squadron Okay, I've got him on my radar. ─── 好样的,从雷达上捕捉到他了。

59、Lintong Fire Rescue Squadron received orders to the scene immediately after. ─── 临潼区消防中队接到救援指令后立即赶赴现场。

60、I didn't have anyone to turn to, so I found myself living as if I was a member of the Yellow Squadron. ─── 从那时起我变得无依无靠,所以我决定像一名黄色中队的成员那样自己坚强地活下去。

61、He was a man who prided himself not on his kill record, but on his record of never losing a squadron member. ─── 他是个不以自己击毁敌机记录为荣耀的人,而在飞行记录中也从未失去过一个战友。

62、The Resistance blew up the Squadron's runway. ─── 反抗组织者破坏了中队的跑道。

63、None of the officers in the squadron had ever eaten so well as they ate regularly in Milo's mess hall. ─── 中队里的军官们在哪里也没有象在迈洛主办的食堂里吃得那样惬意。

64、Several dozen of them will gather together in a squadron. ─── 他们几十个人一组归拢在一起,组成一个中队。

65、Cassidy will be your squadron leader. ─── 卡西迪将担任你们中队队长。

66、One pilot from my squadron who went back to be with his wife and child was imprisoned on trumped-up charges and then executed. ─── 我们中队有位飞行员回波兰与妻小团聚后,以“莫须有”的罪名锒铛入狱,后被处死。

67、Some of you listening today remember those days, remember when our General Jimmy Doolittle and his squadron came halfway round the world to help. ─── 在座的有些人会记得那时的情况,会记得美国的杜立德将军率领轰炸机队,飞越半个地球前来助战的事迹。

68、Yuke Squadron They're moving in a straight line. Just shoot and you'll hit them. ─── 他们在直线航行。你们可以很容易击中他们。

69、Yuke Squadron Watch your altitude while executing your mission. ─── 作战期间,时刻注意你的高度。

70、What is a little brush between a guerilla band and a squadron of cavalry? ─── 一支游击队和一支骑兵之间的一场小小遭遇战,算得了什么?

71、"If the squadron deploys, you are right there with them,filling USAF billets and jobs. ─── “如果中队执行作战部署,你会跟这帮美国人一起去执行,跟美国空军空勤人员做一样的工作。”

72、Yuke Squadron Your target is the enemy aircraft carrier and the large surface combatants surrounding it. ─── 你的目标是敌军航母,以及随行的大型水面舰只。

73、He was posted to Hong Kong as second-in-command of C Squadron. ─── 他被派到香港任C中队的副队长。

74、Yuke Squadron Don't worry about battle damage. Stay on course and stick with the mission. ─── 不用担心战斗损害。保持前进路线,并坚守自己的任务。

75、At Creech, a 432nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Predator crew chief (top) launches a Predator for a training mission. ─── 在克里奇空军基地,一名第432空军维修中队的“捕食者”空勤人员长官(最顶上的照片)启动了一架捕食者无人飞机,去执行一项训练任务。

76、Captain Samantha Weeks 12th Fighter Squadron, Elmendorf, Alaska. ─── 埃尔门多夫,阿拉斯加。第12战斗机中队队长"萨曼莎".

77、He understood at once that he was the logical man to succeed Duluth as squadron commander. ─── 他立即意识到,由自己来接替杜鲁斯担任中队长是合乎逻辑的。

78、The disabled cruiser fell behind the rest of the squadron. ─── 失去战斗力的巡洋舰落在中队其他舰只的后面了。

79、I Ashtar, the commander of the Grand cosmic squadron, am sincerely greeting you. ─── 主要宇宙舰队指挥官,真诚地问候你。

80、Initial Operational Capability of one operational squadron is slated for December2005. ─── 初始作战能力的一种业务中队,预定2005年12月.

81、As soon as enemy bomber formation was sighted, the squadron leader gave the order to peel off. ─── 发现敌人的轰炸机群,中队长立即命令自己的飞机散开。

82、In the Empire, a standard Dreadnaught carried a squadron of TIE fighters. ─── 在帝国,一艘标准的无畏级携带一个中队的钛战斗机。

83、In1896 Admiral von Tirpitz, at that time commander of the East Asian Squadron, examined the area personally. ─── 一八九六年,冯·尔皮茨上将在担任远东舰队司令期间,亲自调查了这个地区。

84、They also received their squadron and dormitory room assignments. ─── 他们还将被分配至各自的中队、宿舍。

85、At the same time, other members of the squadron become familiar with the area, the local targets, and the range boundaries. ─── 与此同时,中队的其它人员将熟悉相关区域、标以及训练场边界。

86、A bishop is almost always surrounded by a full squadron of little abbes, just as a general is by a covey of young officers. ─── 在将军的周围,常有成群的青年军官,在主教的周围,几乎也常有成批的小教士。

87、The squadron was assigned to the Headquarters Frigate, Home One. ─── 侠盗中队被派遣到总部护卫舰“家园一号”上。

88、With a little ingenuity and vision, he had made it but impossible for anyone in the squadron to talk to him. ─── 凭着一点独创性和想象力,他使得中队里几乎没有一个人可以同他讲话了。

89、Guo Ming squadron leader that these may be expensive Teinopalpus aureus Mell. ─── 中队长郭金明认定这些可能就是名贵的金斑喙凤蝶。

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