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09-11 投稿



eloping 发音

英:[ɪˈloʊpɪŋ]  美:[ɪˈləʊpɪŋ]

英:  美:

eloping 中文意思翻译



eloping 词性/词形变化,eloping变形

动词过去式: eloped |名词: elopement |动词第三人称单数: elopes |动词过去分词: eloped |动词现在分词: eloping |

eloping 相似词语短语

1、slopping ─── n.喷溅(slop进行式)

2、plopping ─── n.(物体落入水的)扑通声;掉下的声音;v.扑通落下;扑通一声把……放入(尤指液体);重重地坐下,躺下;adv.扑通一声地;n.(Plop)(罗马尼亚、摩尔多瓦、俄)普洛普(人名)

3、deloping ─── 删除

4、blooping ─── v.发低沉噪音;出错;击出高飞乌龙球;n.啸声,杂音;错误,纰漏

5、flopping ─── n.假摔;贬调;v.笨重地摔;猛然坐下;彻底失败(flop的ing形式)

6、loping ─── v.轻松地大步跑(lope的现在分词);adj.大踏步的

7、clopping ─── n.马蹄声;vi.发出得得声

8、eloining ─── 私奔

9、sloping ─── adj.倾斜的;有坡度的;成斜坡的;v.溢出;使溅洒;随意放置;用食物残渣喂(动物);过分情绪化地说(或写)(slop的现在分词形式)

eloping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At present, malt crusher is de eloping from high-power multiple rollers crusher to humidifying hammer mill. ─── 目前麦芽粉碎机正向大功率多辊式和湿式精细锤式粉碎机发展。

2、Seeking "The Noah Ark" --eloping's philosophical signification in Cao Yu's early scripts ─── 寻找诺亚方舟--从"出走"看曹禺早期剧作的哲学意蕴

3、There's no need for her to scribble me a note and slip away as if she were eloping! ─── 何必留一个字条空身走,好像私逃!

4、reasons of eloping ─── 出走原因

5、Her first major rebellion was refusing to go to church.She then went through a string of lovers, eloping with the married George Henry Lewes. ─── 她第一个主要的反抗行为拒绝上教堂,她接著经历一连串的恋情及与已婚的乔治亨利路易斯私奔;

6、The contraindication of laparoscopy become decreasing along with the de eloping of new technique and apparatus. ─── 结论随着新技术、新器械的不断发展,腹腔镜手术的禁忌证逐渐减少。

7、Qiao's friend and confidant Sun chased after Qiao when he and Jiang were in the process of eloping and put a stop to the elopment. ─── 孙茂才半路追回要和江雪瑛一起远走高飞的乔致庸。

8、But I've never heard of a VC getting up, giving up everything and impulsively eloping with his mistress. ─── 但我从未听说过一个风险资本家放弃一切,冲动地去私奔。

9、[5] “I’d have trouble with her dropping out of school and eloping with anybody,” she admitted, “but it’s like she picked a person she knew I’d have the most difficulty accepting. ─── [5] “她的退学和与别人私奔使我大伤脑筋,”她补充说:“就像是她选样了一个她了解但我很难接受的人。

10、When they import new technology, des eloping countries must make sure it can be matched their social capital. ─── 发展中国家在引进技术时,要考虑与本国社会资本的匹配性。

11、Girls should be banned from owning mobile phones to stop them eloping, an Indian MP has said. ─── 印度一位国会议员说,女孩不应该使用手机,以免她们私奔。

12、From this,it can be seen that the failure of Emma and her lover's eloping plan mainly lies in the vulnerabilty of her foam-like love affairs,Deceiveness was all that she got. ─── 因此可以说,艾玛与情人远走高飞的梦想的破灭,最直接的原因在于她得到的只是一颗虚假的心,一场经不起考验的泡沫爱情。

13、Wang was an upright man.Now that he was being forced out because of his principles, he liked having a little excitement attendant on his leaving to lessen the dreariness of his departure and didn't want to slip off alone as though eloping. ─── 王先生是个正人,这次为正义被逼而走,喜欢走得热闹点,减少去职的凄黯,不肯私奔似的孑身溜掉。

14、It have modern high-technology into exercise to incessantly crate, It is committed to researching, dev- eloping and designing air conditioning purificarory system at all times. ─── 为中国电子学会洁净技术分会会员,是国内一家技术力量雄厚,配套全面的空气净化、 彩钢结构专业生产厂家,近年来销售在3000万以上,是苏州净化行业的标杆企业。

15、my friends and relatives, to all colleagues: I am giving up on everything and eloping with Wang Qin. ─── 亲友,各位同事,我放弃一切,和王琴私奔了。

16、Julie: How could you say something so crazy, like, we're eloping? ─── 朱莉:你怎么竟会说出私奔这种疯话来呢?

17、Green powe r price get application with the opening of power sales market, which gives cons umers opportunities to support power companies in enlarging renewable energy dev eloping fund. ─── 随着电力零售市场的开放,美国在绿色电力推广过程中应用绿色电力价格,为用户提供了机会去支持电力公司加大可再生能源发展的基金。

18、Why didn't you tell me you were eloping? ─── |你们决定私订终身怎么没跟我说?

19、As a result, youngsters began eloping over the border to Gretna Green, where they could get married as long as they were at least 16. ─── 因此,年轻人们开始越过边界,私奔到格雷特纳格林。在那里,他们只需年满16岁就可以结婚。

20、Such sentiments have long motivated eloping young couples as they seek to be together, despite parental objections. ─── 长久以来,年轻情侣们常被这种观点所驱使,为了能在一起,不顾家人反对,选择私奔。

21、she fantasized romantically about eloping wiht her boyfriend. ─── 她浪漫地幻想着与她的男友一起私奔。

22、Other than war related topics, issues such as rebelling against traditional and conservative values, eloping, marriage out of convenience etc are also featured in this series. ─── 跌宕起伏的故事从两个家庭数个成员的身上开展,他们经历战争的洗礼后,在亲情、爱情、友情各方面都产生巨大的冲击,反映出战争如何改变人们的命运。

23、8.Taliban kill teen girl, man for eloping. ─── 一对青年男女因“私奔罪”被塔利班处死。

24、"I feel as if we were eloping," she said with a laugh. ─── “我觉得咱们象在私奔,”她笑声朗朗地说。

25、"I feel as if we were eloping, " she said with a laugh. ─── “我觉得咱们象在私奔,”她笑声朗朗地说。

26、Given the high cost of a wedding, and the prominence of celebrities eloping, this might be an option worth considering. ─── 考虑到婚礼的代价太高,社会名流私奔很扎眼,这可能是值得商榷的一种选择。

27、He is suspected of eloping with the public fund. ─── 2他被怀疑拿了公款并潜逃在外。

28、The dev eloping pattern of the international society about political multipolar world an d economic whole sets higher demands on management. ─── 政治多极化、经济一体化的国际社会发展格局,对管理将提出更高的要求。

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